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  • 全国大学生数学建模

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    文档作者:Chris Phillips

    CUMCM Newsletter
    全国大学生数学建模 竞赛组织委员会主办
    目 录
    2008 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM) 和交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)赛题………………………………………(1) 我国学生参加 2008 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM) 和交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)情况简介…………………………………(3) "数学建模教学与数学实验课程改革新进展"研讨会举行………(10) 西北工业大学第九届数学建模竞赛通讯……………………………… (11) 西北工业大学学子的一组"心得"……………………………………(12) 2008 年部分地区的数学建模竞赛赛题选登………………………(17) "数学建模教学与数学实验课程改革新进展" 研讨会照片……(封底)
    《全国大学生数学建模竞赛通讯》主要面向全国各赛区组委会,参赛院校教育行政 部门,指导教师和学生.征稿内容为: 赛区组委会在组织报名,培训,竞赛巡视,评阅等方面的经验和具体作法; 参赛院校和指导教师在组织报名,培训等方面的经验和具体作法; 参赛学生的体会; 竞赛在培养创新人才,推动教学改革中的典型事例; 争取社会各界支持竞赛的成功经验和作法,及社会各界对竞赛的理解; 国内外有关信息. 来稿请寄: 100084 北京清华大学数学科学系胡明娅, "数学建模竞赛通讯稿件" 注明 . 欢迎以电子邮件方式投稿:mhu@math.tsinghua.edu.cn
    《全国大学生数学建模竞赛通讯》2008 年第 2 期 (2008 年 6 月, 总第 27 期) 主办:全国大学生数学建模竞赛组织委员会 地址:北京清华大学数学科学系(邮编:100084) 网址:http://mcm.edu.cn 电话:010-62781785 传真:010-62773400 责任编辑:孟大志
    2008 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM) 和交叉学科建模竞赛(ICM)赛题
    PROBLEM A: Take a Bath Consider the effects on land from the melting of the north polar ice cap due to the predicted increase in global temperatures. Specifically, model the effects on the coast of Florida every ten years for the next 50 years due to the melting, with particular attention given to large metropolitan areas. Propose appropriate responses to deal with this. A careful discussion of the data used is an important part of the answer. A 题:可能的严重后果 请通盘考虑由于预测的全球温度的上升而导致的北极冰盖的融化对陆地的影响.特别是,要对 由于冰盖融化在今后 50 年中每 10 年对 Florida 州的海岸,尤其是大的城区的影响进行建模.试提出 适当的应对措施来处理这个问题.对所用到的数据的仔细讨论是回答本问题的重要组成部分. (译注:该题作者为University of South Carolina (南卡罗来纳大学)的Jerry Griggs教授) PROBLEM B: Creating Sudoku Puzzles Develop an algorithm to construct Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulty. Develop metrics to define a difficulty level. The algorithm and metrics should be extensible to a varying number of difficulty levels. You should illustrate the algorithm with at least 4 difficulty levels. Your algorithm should guarantee a unique solution. Analyze the complexity of your algorithm. Your objective should be to minimize the complexity of the algorithm and meet the above requirements. B 题:创建数独智力游戏1 研制构成不同难度的数独智力游戏的算法.试用矩阵来定义难度的级别.算法和矩阵应该可以 推广到不同的难度级别. 你们至少要对 4 个难度级别来说明该算法.你们的算法应该保证有唯一解.分析你们的算法的 复杂性.你们的目标应该是使算法的复杂性最小,并且满足上述的各项要求. (译注:该题作者为 Lucent Technologies (朗讯科技公司)的Veena Mendiratta) PROBLEM C: Finding the Good in Health Care Systems Nations have systems for providing health care for their residents. Issues that are often of concern to people and are often in the news include which systems are better and whether current systems can be improved. Aspects of these systems vary widely between nations: how they are funded; whether services are delivered through public, private, or non-profit organizations; whether public insurance is universal for all residents; who is eligible for assistance; what care is covered; whether the latest medical procedures are available; and how much is required as user fees. Other factors that are often debated in determining the quality of care include: coverage for complementary care (glasses, dental, prostheses, prescription drugs, etc); which diseases are the most critical in affecting overall health; percentage of GDP spent on health care; percentage of health care costs that goes toward labor/administrative/malpractice insurance; ratio of public to Sudoku (日语:数独 すうどく)是一种源自 18 世纪末的瑞士,后在美国发展,并在日本得以发 扬光大的数学智力拼图游戏.拼图是九宫格(即 3 格宽×3 格高)的正方形状,每一格又细分为一个 九宫格.在每一个小九宫格中,分别填上 1 至 9 的数字,让整个大九宫格每一列,每一行的数字都 不重复.― 译注


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