private spending on health care; per capita spending on health care; growth of per capita spending on health care; number of participating physicians; per capita sick days; fairness of care in terms of age, race, gender, socio-economic class; and many more. Adding to the complications are healthrelated factors such as personal exercise, food availability, climate, occupations of citizens, and smoking habits. The World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations, is a source of data on health factors. The annual World Health Report (http://www.who.int/whr/en/index.html) assesses global health factors and World Health Statistics. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Health_Organisation) provides health statistics for the countries in the UN. The production and dissemination of health statistics is a major function of WHO. To many people, these data and the associated analyses are considered unbiased and very valuable to the world community. There are many other sources of reliable health data available. Part I: Describe several different outcomes (metrics) that could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a country's health care system, such as average life expectancy of its residents. What metric would you use to make comparisons between existing and potential systems Can you combine your metrics to make them even more useful in measuring quality Part II: Identify current sources of data that provide the raw data needed to compute the metrics you have identified above. You may need to modify your list of metrics based on the availability of data. Explain why you have selected those data and demonstrate how they can be used to assess and compare the relative effectiveness of health care systems as they exist in different countries. Part III: Choose at least three of the most important and viable metrics for comparing health care systems. Justify why these are the most useful for this purpose. Can any of these help measure the historical change in an existing health care system Are they measurable and can the data be easily collected Part IV: Use your three (or more) metrics to compare the United States health care system with one other country that is considered to have good health care using the most recent year for which you have data. Which country has the better health care system Is your answer definitive Part V: Using your metrics, compare the United States and one other country which is considered to have poor health care using the most recent year for which you have data. Which country has the better health care system Part VI: Pick a country's (US or other) health care system and restructure it to improve the system based on your metrics. Build predictive models to test various changes to determine if the changes will improve the overall quality of the system. Suggest major change(s) that can improve the system. C 题:发现好的医疗保健服务(医保)系统 各国都有为其居民提供医疗保健服务的系统.人们经常关心而且频繁出现在新闻报道中的问题 包括哪个系统更好一点以及是否可以改进当前的服务系统.这些系统的某些方面在不同的国家差别 很大:它们是怎么得到资助的;服务是否是通过政府的,私人的或非赢利的机构来提供的;是否政 府的保险适用于所有的居民;什么人有资格得到帮助;包括那些医疗服务;是否有最新的医疗方法; 要求的用户付费是多少.在确定医保质量时经常争论的其他因素包括:覆盖哪些补充医保服务项目 假肢, 处方药等); 在影响总体健康中那些疾病是最重要的; 医保费用占 GDP(国 (眼镜, 牙齿的治疗, 内生产总值)的百分比;劳动/行政/治疗失当保险各占医保费用的百分比;政府和私人用于医保的费 用之比;人均医保消费;人均医保消费的增长;参与医保的医生的数目;人均生病天数;就年龄,
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