Freshman English Syllabus 课程名称 Title of Course 大一英文 Freshman English 授课教师 Instructor 陈俐文 Liwen, Lynn Chen 开课班级Class, 时间 Time & 教室 Classroom (勿任意更换班级上课) 1. A1113 Freshman (Level B) Tuesday (3,4) 10:10-12:00 R & Thursday (2) 9:10-10:00 单周星期二&每周星期四?: 唯农大楼7313; 双周星期二: 修齐大楼1楼Lab 26105 2. A1114 Freshman (Level B) Tuesday (5,6) 13:10- 15:00 & Friday (8) 16:10-17:00 单周星期二&每周星期五: 环工系馆47111; 双周星期二: 修齐大楼1楼Lab 26105 3. A1134 Freshman (Level B) Tuesday (1) 8:10-9?:00 & Thursday (3,4) 10:10-12:00 单周星期四&每周星期二: 唯农大楼7307; 双周星期四: 修齐大楼1楼: Lab 26105 必 (选) 修Required/Elective 必修 (免修期限至10月5日截止) Required 学分数 No. of Credits 1学分 1 credit 先修科目 Prerequisite Course(s) 无None 教学内容 Course Description This is a fundamental one-year English course for freshmen whose majors are not English. It aims to help students reach the high-intermediate level of GEPT (B2 in CEFR) with a specific focus on building up students' spoken and written skills for academic as well as daily use. For the above training, class participation is highly valued and will be graded. The textbook, Viewpoint 1, is thus carefully selected for the purpose. It's informed by extensive research on the Cambridge English Corpus. The corpus informed design of activities helps students to speak and write clearly, naturally and precisely. It also highlights social communication skills of speaking and listening in order to make more effective communicators. Additionally, reading, supported by the recording of the texts, provides comprehensive reading skills under the structure of pre-, while- and post-guiding questions. 教学方式 Approaches Lectures and Discussion 成绩考核 Grading Criteria 1. The General Proficiency Exam: 12月3 日 (一) 大一英文综合能力测验: 30% 2. Self-study: (5%) 3. 老师自订 On Teacher's Decision 65% a. Participation : 20% (any in-class activities, incl. vocabulary quiz) b. Presentation: 15 % (5-8 minutes; pair (2) or group(3-4) work) c. 2 Review Tests: 30% (including grammar, reading, listening and speaking tests) * Extra Work: at most 10% (Journal Writing: 2 from the e-journals & 3 from Nelson's Dream) 教材课本 Textbooks Viewpoint 1. (2012) Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten & Helen Sandiford. CambridgeUniversity Press. ISBN: 9780521131865 学术性字汇表: Academic Word list (see page 4) 参考资料Reference AWL : ( Word Exercise) 成鹰计画网站: TOEIC多益英语测验: 教师联络方式 Contact (来信请标注班级姓名)?; (请定期查看学生信箱) 2012 Autumn Weekly Syllabus Week (Tuesday) Unit Title Field1 Skills2 Assessment Others 1.9/18 Course Introduction 2. 9/25 Unit 1 Social Networks ab abc 3. 10/2 Unit 1 Social Networks ab abc 4. 10/9 Unit 2 The Media ab abc Quiz 1 5. 10/16 Unit 2 The Media ab abc 6. 10/23 Unit 3 Stories ab abc Quiz 2 7. 10/30 Unit 3 Stories ab abc 8. 11/6 Review Quiz 3 9. 11/13 Review Test 10.11/20 Unit 7 Getting Along ab abc 11. 11/27 Unit 7 Getting Along ab abc 12. 12/4 Unit 8 Food Sciences cd abc Quiz 4 13. 12/11 Unit 8 Food Sciences cd abc 14. 12/18 Unit 9 Success and Happiness abd abc Quiz 5 15. 12/25 Unit 9 Success and Happiness abd abc Deadline of Journal Writing 16. 1/1 Unit 9 Success and Happiness abd abc Quiz 6 17. 1/8 Review 18. 1/15 Review Test 注1:根據2008年7月21日第十六次成鹰计画會议进度报告决议,大一、二英文任课教师应将学生参与自学活动情形,纳入学期成绩计算, 以占总分5%为准.并自101学年度(2012年8月1日) 起,成鹰计画自学分数集点项目与方式修正如下: 凡修大一、大二或补强英文的学生,每学期集满10点自学点数即可获得学期成绩5%. 学生所累计之自学成绩可至成鹰计画网站首页输入学号即可查询,分数由成鹰办公室每两周 进行一次统计. 每学期自学点数累计的前40名可获得成大图书礼券奖励. 活动集点方式英语角 (English Corner) 1. 每参加一场可获得1点 多媒体影音自学 (Videos) 至图书馆B1多媒体中心或修齐大楼2F外语中心阅聽学习杂志光碟等每自学满1小时可获得1点 线上自学平台 (Online Self-learning Resource) 使用图书馆语言学习平台等每自学满1小时可获得1点,每学期最高给5点 图书馆线上自学系统的部份目前只限定EasyTest线上测验平台 英语学习讲座 每场讲座约两小时,参加者可获得2点 英语写作谘商 预约并进行一场英文写作谘询者可获得1点 电子报 1.每期成鹰电子报投稿1篇可获得1点,每学期最高采计5篇. 2.获刊登於电子报者另可获得2点,将於入选名单公告后采计. 其他 1.成鹰计画每学期所办理之各式活动.学生可获得之点数将随同活动宣传一并公告. 2.由各系所或学生社团自行申请,需自行向成鹰计画说明并协调参加者所能采计之点数. 成鹰计画例行性活动项目如下: 英语角: 周一至周五中午12:00-13:00,由英语母语人士带领进行各种内容的讨论与分享,全程以英语进行,供学生经由实际对话练习口说与聽力. 英语写作谘商: 每周二、四下午由专业外籍老师担任英语写作的谘询,一对一教学,请先预约. 每周预约状况可上网查询 (3) 电子报投稿: 每学期收稿一次,投稿相关规定请见 (4) 英语学习暨留游学资讯校园讲座: 所有讲座皆采现场签到报名,座位可容纳120人,请准时入场. 大一、大二英文修课者,参加每场讲座可获得2点自学点数. 日期 时间 讲座题目 讲师 地点 101.9.26 (三) 15:00-17:00 那一年我们一起用英文追的女孩-如何快乐且有效地学习英文 林至人 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.10.3 (三) 15:00-17:00 认识英国-英国历史文化与留学指南 Tim Greenwood 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.10.18 (四) 15:00-17:00 破解各大航空公司应试技巧 于耀堃 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.10.24 (三) 15:00-17:00 打开视野,成就格局-从文学殿堂到商业职场 张家源 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.11.1 (四) 15:00-17:00 有实力最神气A级人生的成功秘诀 戴晨志 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.11.15 (四) 15:00-17:00 多益国际认证-让你求职、升迁畅行无阻 范景喻 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.11.21 (三) 15:00-17:00 海外渡假打工去英国,毕业生最酷的选择! 林慧雅 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.11.27 (二) 15:00-17:00 托福.多益.雅思.全民英检的重要性 任绍维 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.11.29 (四) 15:00-17:00 一辈子一次的壮游-澳洲打工游学指南 汪传雯 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 101.12.5 (三) 14:00-16:00 留学美国,暑期游学打工趣 薛又玮 修齐大楼B1 修齐讲堂 注2:课程符合四大领域教学目标: 人文艺术 b. 社會关怀 c. 科技发展 d. 环境生态 e. 其他 注3:课程根據英文分级,有效培养学生三大技能: a. 批判性思考 (Critical thinking skills) b. 简报技巧 (Presentation skills) :教师应安排学生一学期至少上台简报一次(含以上). c. 提问及回答技巧 (Q&A skills) :学生能够以英文提问问题,也能够以英文确切的表达意见并回答问题. 注4:a. 大一會考的题目會涵盖课外读物的内容,因此凡修习大一英文的学生皆须购买大一英文课外读物.请於每学期开学后至成大图书部(统一於此代理销售)购买当学期之课外读本. 使用学期 书?????名 作者 出版书局 101-1 Nelson's Dream J.M.Newsome??? 华泰 101-2 Number the Stars Lois Lowry 书林 b. 学术性字汇占所有考题之百分比:文法10%,字汇20%.上学期: sub list1-6; 下学期: sub list7-10. AWL分级请参考网页: 英文课程重要事项 1. 选课问题:自98学年度开始,大一英文、大二英文、补强英文皆不受理教师加签,若同学要求老师帮忙加签,请务必一律拒绝,并请同学至修齐大楼5楼成鹰计画办公室办理,成鹰办公室會视同学状况是否为特殊因素而协助选课. 2. 英文毕业门槛: 学校订有英文毕业门槛,所有大学部学生均须通过四种英文检定测验(GEPT、TOEFL、IELTS、TOEIC)门槛之一方可毕业.100学年度起入学学生,未通过门槛者,得以检附修毕两次英文检定测验未达毕业门槛之成绩单(若为99学年及以前入学学生,则检附一次成绩单即可),报名修习一学期之补强英文线上课程,成绩及格方可毕业.详细最新资料请参考成鹰计画( 不同学年度入学之「英语能力及成就监别测验实施办法」. 3. 英文课评分标准既已在课堂讨论通过,将不再因个人因素,於期末额外加分.若有课程学习,特别是个人成绩相关问题,请尽早於学期第12周前和老师讨论学习内容. 1 aid 31 acknowledge 61 consequently 91 environmentalist 2 achieved 32 acquire 62 constantly 92 equipment 3 affect 33 affected 63 consumer 93 ethical 4 appreciate 34 analyze 64 contact 94 ethics 5 clauses 35 appreciate 65 Contrasting 95 eventually 6 comments 36 approximate 66 contribute 96 evidence 7 constructive 37 approximately 67 conventional 97 evident 8 contributes 38 area 68 couple 98 expert 9 decline 39 areas 69 create 99 export 10 evidence 40 assessment 70 creation 100 exposure 11 factor 41 attitude 71 credit 101 factor 12 focus 42 awareness 72 culture 102 final 13 found 43 benefit 73 debate 103 finally 14 implies 44 capable 74 decades 104 focus 15 inevitably 45 capacity 75 decline 105 founder 16 instance 46 challenge 76 define 106 furthermore 17 intelligence 47 challenging 77 definitely 107 generated 18 intelligent 48 chemical 78 deny 108 generations 19 job 49 civil 79 depressing 109 global 20 majority 50 colleague 80 depression 110 globalization 21 network 51 Commenting 81 despite 111 globally 22 rejected 52 comments 82 display 112 goal 23 research 53 communication 83 distribution 113 grade 24 respond. 54 community 84 economic 114 highlight 25 stress 55 complex 85 economist 115 identify 26 topic 56 computer 86 economy 116 ignore 27 ultimately 57 concentrate 87 emphasize 117 image 28 vision. 58 conclude 88 enable 118 impact 29 whereas 59 conclusion 89 environment 119 imply 30 achieve 60 conference 90 environmental 120 imprecise 121 inadequate 151 obviously 181 somewhat 122 inappropriate 152 occupy 182 stress 123 income 153 occurred 183 submit 124 inevitable 154 odd 184 subsidize 125 inevitably 155 participate 185 summary 126 initiative 156 percent 186 survey 127 instance 157 persistence 187 survival 128 instruct 158 physically 188 symbolize 129 intelligent 159 positively 189 team 130 invest 160 priority 190 technically 131 investigate 161 proceed 191 technology 132 investment 162 project 192 text 133 invisible 163 promote 193 thesis 134 involve 164 prospect 194 topic 135 issue 165 reject 195 traditionally 136 job 166 relax 196 tradition 137 label 167 relaxed 197 trend 138 labels 168 relevant 198 vary 139 lecture 169 research 199 vision 140 link 170 researchers 141 logical 171 respond 142 Media 172 response 143 methods 173 revenues 144 migration 174 scenario 145 negative 175 seek 146 network 176 sequence 147 networking 177 sites 148 nevertheless 178 somewhat 149 normally 179 specify 150 obtain 180 site 国立成功大学成鹰计画101学年度第一学期行事历 年月周次 日一二三四五六办理事项 一0一年八月暑假 1 2 3 4 (1)本学年度开始,第一学期开始. (15-24)第2阶段网路选课(暂订). (20-24)新生上网选课(暂订). (26)祖父母节. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 九月1(17)开始上课.注册日,复学生、当学年度转学(系)生注册选课. (24)100学年度第2学期成绩更正截止. (24)101学年度第1学期期初「全校语文教学會议」. (24-28)第3阶段上网选课. (30)中秋节. 预计9月份举办一次「英语课程设计及评量工作坊」. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 一16 17 18 19 20 21 22 二23 24 25 26 27 28 29 三30 十月123456(1-2)特殊因素选课. (10)国庆日(放假). (15-19)英语教案竞赛教案缴交期限. (11-25)MyET英语口说竞赛初赛. 四78910 11 12 13 五14 15 16 17 18 19 20 六21 22 23 24 25 26 27 七28 29 30 31 十 一月 1 2 3 (11)校庆运动會.(102年4月3日补假) (17)MyET英语口说竞赛决赛. (26)於夜间举办「英语教案绩优发表會」. (30)大学部及研究生(含专班)退选截止. 八45678910 九11 12 13 14 15 16 17 十18 19 20 21 22 23 24 十一 25 26 27 28 29 30 十二月1(3)大一英文综合能力测验. (22)补行上班. (31)调整放假,授课教师自行补课. 十二 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 十三 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 十四 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 十五 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 十六 30 31 一0二年一月12345(1)开国纪念日(放假). (2-18)期末教学评监问卷. (7) 101学年度第1学期期末「全校语文教学會议」. (14-18)在校生期末考试、补强英文综合能力测验. (16-23)第1阶段上网选课(暂订). (31)第一学期结束. 十七 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 十八 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 寒假20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 <<大一會考题型>> Listening聽力部分 I. 聽力测试所检测的能力应平均分配. A. 检测能力有以下五项: Appropriateness Example 1: A: Would you like bread or potatoes with your meal? B: ____ (A) I'll have the salad, please. (B) Bread, please. (C ) I'm full, thank you. (D) I'd like the rice. Example 2: W: Oh, no! It's going to rain. M: Yeah. The weatherman said a typhoon is coming. W: In this case, we cannot play baseball tomorrow. Man: _____ I don't believe what you said! I'm afraid so. That's a bad idea. It's all your fault. Example 3: W: We missed you at John's party. What happened? M: I caught a cold and didn't feel like going out. Woman: ______ (A) Oh, I am sorry to hear that. (B) You missed a lot of fun. (C ) That's not possible. (D) I feel ashame for you. key words/key information Example 1: A: Why aren't there any persimmons? B: _____ They are grown in tropical areas. I like persimmons. They're out of season. We should produce it. Example 2: M: What time did yesterday's basketball game start? W: It was supposed to star at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed for an hour. Q: When did the game start? A) 6:45 B) 7:45 C) 7:15 D) 6:15 Exmaple 3: W: Ray, are you going straight home after school? M: No. I have a computer class from 1 to 3, and after that I will play basketball with Pete and Mike. Q: What is Ray going to do in the afternoon? He will play baseball games. He will learn computer and do some sports. He will visit his friends, Pete and Mike. He will go straight home after school. Example 4: W: Dad, can I go to see a movie with Lisa? M: Sure. When will you come back? W: Around 10. M: OK. Remember to carry the house key. Q: What does the man want his daughter to do? (A) Come back home before 10. (B) Go to visit Lisa. (C ) Open the door by herself. (D) Stay home to watch a movie. Context and Relationship Example 1: W: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me how to get to the National Bank? M: Yes, go straight on for a few minutes and turn left at the intersection. You will see it at the end of the street. Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers? A) Manager and secretary. B) Teacher and student. C) Police officer and passer-by. D) Waiter and customer. Syntax and Semantics Example 1- Semantics: W: Jack, would you mind driving me to the station? M: Sure, why not? Q: How does Jack respond to the question? A) He refused to drive her. B) He was glad to drive her. C) He forgot his driver's license. He had a new car. Example 2- Syntax: This morning Sally couldn't find the classroom until after the class had begun. (A) Sally did not go to school today. (B) Sally was late for class. (C) Sally did not like the class. Sally's class was canceled. Example 3-Semantics: W: Do you want to go to the concert with me tonight? M: I cannot. I promised to baby-sit for my neighbors while they go to a dinner party. Q: What will the man do tonight? (A) He will go to the concert. (B) He will go to his neighbors' party. (C) He will go out for dinner. (D) He will look after the neighbor's kids. B. 片语限定範围 會考参考网站「」: II. 聽力Part A 题型区分:原聽力Part A 含两种题型如下例,但混杂在一起出现,为使考生清晰分辨应回应的方式现将两种题型分开,每型各出五题. (题型1). After you hear a sentence, read the four choices in your test book marked (A),(B),(C), and (D). Decide which one is closest in meaning Example: You hear: Mary swam out to the island with her friends. You read: (A) Mary outswam the others. (B) Mary ought to swim with them. (C) Mary and her friends swam to the island. (D) Mary's friends owned the island. (题型2). After you hear a sentence, choose the best response to that sentence. Example: You hear: Would you like bread or potatoes with your meal? You read: (A) I'll have the salad, please. (B) Bread, please. (C) I'm full, thank you. (D) I'd like the rice. III. 题型不变,仍为简短问答. IV. 聽力 Part C 改变题型. 原音辨题型改为聽长篇对话或3至4行长篇段落,检测学生掌握主旨的能力. Reading阅读部分 I. 学术字汇-单字 上学期: sub list1-6 下学期: sub list7-10 II. 学术性字汇-文法 题型设定範围,经讨论暂定下列五项: (1) 分词 Example 1 The club's monthly expenses,the cost of stationary, amounted to $400. (A) excluded (B) excluding (C) exclusive (D) exclude (2) 假设 Example 1 If I _____ you, I would help him. (A) am (B) was (C) were (D) had been (3) 搭配字 Example 1 The transition _______ adolescence to adulthood can be difficult. (A) from (B) to (C) between (D) at Example 2 The green building project does not only display the desire of Kaoshiung people for more greenery, but also ______ the birth of a green revolution of this industrial city. (A) give (B) bring (C) mark (D) deliver (4) 时态 Example 1 I am a freelance writer. I to a local newspaper for many years. (A) contribute (B) contributed have been contributing (D) had been contributing to Example 2 A: Where is the cake on the table? I saw it five minutes ago. B: Well, when I entered the room, the cat it. (A) ate (B) eats (C ) has eaten (D) was eating (5) 子句结构 Example 1 The art dealers are middlemen who inform the artists of consumers' expectations in turn, modify the artists' understandings of art (A) which (B) when (C)who (D) that Example 2 In 2004, the epidemic struck Arizona and the Los Angeles basin, _____ nearly 800 were made ill. there (B) that (C ) where (D) which