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文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2008-09-01mirror/translate文档预览: The time series of state data can later be input to the virtual world. Research is needed to determine how to best (if at all) represent such a ... 点击下载
文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2009-05-03FIRSTVIRTUALCHALLENGE文档预览: engineersatLockheedMartin,asameanstocreateavirtualFRCsimulation.Thefirstversionof...Sincethesimulatoralsohastheabilitytorunasinglerobottoallsixrobotsinanygivenmatch,... 点击下载
文档格式:ppt 更新日期:2009-04-07Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual orgs文档预览: All services require protocolsNot all protocols are used to provide services ...The Virtual Data Concept "[a virtual data grid enables] the definition and... 点击下载
文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2008-01-09stevenmcdowell@amdcom文档预览: Core Pacifica Architecture: Virtual MachineControl Block All CPU state for guest is located in the Virtual Memory Control Block (VMCB )data structure VMRUN... 点击下载
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