Lean Hospitals by Mark Graban
The Case for Lean Hospital: Why Do Hospitals Need Lean2)
Overview of Lean for Hospitals: What is Lean3)
Value and Waste: What is Waste4)
Observing the Process and Value Streams: How Do We Find Waste5)
Standardized Work as a Foundation of Lean: The Need for Standardized Work6)
Lean Methods: Visual Management, 5S, and Kanban: Lean is More than Tools but Tools Can Help7)
Proactive Root Cause Problem Solving: Improving Quality and Patient Safety8)
Preventing Errors: Creating Quality at the Source Through Error Proofing9)
Improving Flow: Processes Should Flow Like a River10)
Engaging and Leading Employees: Changing How We Manage11)
Getting Starting with Lean: Where Do We Start12)
A Vision for a Lean Hospital13)
Glossary: Case examples include departments and functions such as laboratory, pharmacy, emergency department, perioperative services,