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  • 包装中的平面设计

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    Presumably, certain images will appeal to these different groups and others will not.
    Continuous effort to identify tomorrow's hot trend or an unfulfilled need
    Discover the purchasing preference
    Seek to identify behavioral patterns
    三,The Retail Environment
    Modern retail establishment --- choices
    Typical consumer sees fewer than 100 of these and leaves the
    store with about fourteen.
    Individual products present an equally astonishing number of
    The challenge facing the package designer
    Package---the only medium influence the purchase
    Consumer and package--- final confrontation
    Depending on the information source and the nature of the product
    About 68 and 80% decisions are made the product shelf.
    Consumer rarely has a specific list
    Product must convey messages to motivate decision in 7 seconds
    三,The Retail Environment
    Cluttered graphic designs and contradictory messages
    unseen is unsold.
    Merchandising methods
    self-serve sales clerks pegboard display
    shelf display mail order vending machine
    door to door warehouse outlets department stores
    specialty stores inspection before purchase
    Merchandising change
    From the second-choice economy option to better price.
    Merchandisers--- UPC codes and computers
    Power in the hands of retailers
    tell suppliers what is needed
    四,Fundamental Messages
    the most important first item of understanding that must be delivered in a flash is :
    What is this
    customer needs information to make a purchasing decision. With 100 options clamoring for the customer's attention, the customer will want to know
    What is it going to do for me
    A last factor that may contribute to the purchase decision is the answer to the question;
    Who guarantees that
    company or brand name may influence the purchase decision


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