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  • what is new in w3c land?

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    关键词:semantic web
    备注:Presentation given at the SemTech conference, in San Jose, California, on the 15th of June, 2009.
    What is new in W3C land
    2009 Semantic Technology Conference
    San Jose, California, USA
    June 15, 2009
    Ivan Herman, W3C
    2 Oct 2007
    Lots of things are happening at W3C:
    technology work
    POWDER, OWL 2, RIF, SPARQL, RDFa, SKOS, media (primarily video) annotations, Linked Open Data community
    thematic Interest Groups (acting or planned)
    Health Care and Life Sciences, XBRL, eGovernment
    incubator groups
    Semantic Sensor Webs, Social Spaces, Product Modelling
    What I will do…
    Highlight some technologies that have been under development
    … and may not have received all the attention they deserve (yet!)
    Unfortunately, there is no time to go into the details of what the thematic groups do
    Some of the topics are part of the conference program directly:
    RDFa (Tuesday morning, Mark Birbeck)
    Linked Data (Tuesday morning, Paul Miller et al)
    OWL 2 (Tuesday afternoon panel, Mike Smith et al.)
    XBRL (Tuesday afternoon, Dianne Mueller and Dave Raggett)
    RDF Redux (Tuesday afternoon, Pat Hayes)
    OWL 2 RL Reasoning (Thursday afternoon, Chris Matheus)
    Many of the technologies will be addressed, some way or other, in most of the talks, too
    But first: do you remember this image from last year
    The Semantic Web has many facets, many different communities, many possible emphasis
    I will take a particular route to link things together
    But this is not a "canonical" one, there might be many different ways of looking at the family of technologies
    A thread that binds lots of of the issues together…
    Linking Open Data Project
    I am cheating here a bit…
    W3C was, sort of, a midwife assisting at the birth of the LOD project
    it was initiated as a "Community Project" by the SWEO IG
    but the child has grown since, became successful, and is running fairly independently of W3C
    That being said…


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