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  • shanghai is a futuristic playgroundfull of excitement and ...

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    Erica – Shanghai is a futuristic playground, full of excitement and learning; you can't go there without being amazed!
    Stud Stud ent to en t G uide
    This guide was created and compiled by the following NYU Study Abroad students Erica Swallow (original guide lead), Cheryl Neoh (guide lead), Patty Lee (guide lead) With submissions by Alice Chen, Anna Tse, Cheryl Neoh, Jasmine Nelson, Jennifer Tai, Jeremy Sperling, Jimmy Zheng, Joyce Ge, Katherine Wang, Kristen Rode, Melissa Boyce, Raena Binn, Yan Jie Hou Creative Director & Editor Marti Grimminck, NYU Graduate Student, Gallatin NYU Global Ambassadors Coordinator Meret Hofer, Office of Global Programs
    Picture by Erica Swallow
    Special Thanks Eric Canny, Rebecca Pisano, Matthew Pucciarelli
    Letter from the Editor
    Welcome to the 2008-2009 student-written Study Abroad Guide on Shanghai. This guide was compiled by the Global Ambassador program – a leadership organization of returnee study abroad students. Through this guide the students discuss their time abroad, including practical information and insider tips on everything from places to visit to things to do. Though we have tried to make this guide as comprehensive as possible and applicable to all of the study abroad populations, please keep in mind that some information may be more or less relevant to your situation. We encourage you to seek out the relevant office running your study abroad program to answer specific questions about housing, health and safety, student life. Our hope is that this guide will not only give you insight into what your time abroad can potentially be, but also provide you with a launching point for exploring your new "home". In addition to the Shanghai Guide, we have created eight city-specific guides on studying abroad at NYU's sites in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Florence, Ghana (Accra), London, Madrid, Paris and Prague, as well as topic-specific guides including tips for European Travel, experiences of Women and LGBT students studying abroad and Students in Transition for Freshman and Transfer students that spend their first year abroad. Finally, our newest guide, Lost in the Translation is a collection of real stories from previous study abroad students that highlight the cross-cultural diversity you will inevitably encounter while abroad. All guides can be found online at: http://www.nyu.edu/studyabroad/studentguides We hope you enjoy this amazing experience – it goes quickly! If you still have unanswered questions or feedback on the guide, please contact us at: global.ambassadors@nyu.edu


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