• giftedplayer > handOperformance
  • handOperformance

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    文档作者:Peter Manning
    Tim Mckee has been using Mesa
    products for years and knows the importance of great tone at the gig or in the studio. He can help you find that sound you hear in your head, patch up your favorite outboard gear or troubleshoot a tube problem with the confidence that comes directly from his first hand experience. He joins Tien Lawrence in Artist Relations to assist our ever expanding family of Artists-in-Tone around the world.
    Richard Duvall reviews Warranty Claims
    and coordinates our nationwide Authorized Warranty Stations as well as Service Returns coming to the shop. His experience and expertise is invaluable and gives him the direct line to tech support, cutting through "tape" and getting your concerns handled promptly. His talents as a keyboardist and producer are equally impressive.
    Steve Mueller defies the
    John Rinkor
    laws of physics and most certainly a title. As our Ambassador at Large, he orchestrates a worldwide symphony that reaches every point on the compass. His experience is vast and his talents are diverse and we rely on them to keep us continually on the higher road when it comes to our representation in the marketplace. His musical talents are no less valuable and are put to use frequently in the many stages of product development.
    Director of Sales: USA & Canada As our US & Canadian Sales Director, John is the embodiment of Mesa/Boogie's commitment to excellence in everything we do. He has the honorable distinction of several years of successful, hands-on experience at our factory in Customer Service, as well as an illustrious five-year record as one of our most successful Divisional Sales Managers prior to being promoted to Director of Sales. His vast experience has garnered him with a phenomenal range of product, service and sales knowledge that is only outdone by his accomplished talents as a guitarist and songwriter.
    Tien Lawrence
    is our Front Line Guru and truly a man for all seasons. His years spent working through every aspect of the shop with an infectious up-tempo style all his own eventually landed him the gig as our Customer Service Manager. There he crafted our dream team that continues to impress. Still in that loop, he now takes on Artist Relations and the immense task of making sure our incredible roster of Artists is in tune and taken care of around the world.


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