• giftedplayer > handOperformance
  • handOperformance

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    文档作者:Peter Manning
    You can call us direct at the shop and speak to a Product Specialist that will help you get the most from your amp and define a sound that is uniquely yours. Our dedicated Dealer Reps perform like Deacons as they roam the nation and the world, ensuring our retail outlets are knowledgeable and up to speed with the latest tonal developments. All of these musicians have hands on experience here at the Home of Tone and are well aware of each step's importance in the process of building your amp. Like you, they rely on their own Mesa every time they gig, which gives them the ultimate understanding of your needs and the skills to ensure your lasting satisfaction.
    Michael Taylor works his mojo on
    customer's needs every day, leading them to Tone in mysterious but effective ways. Before finding his niche in Customer Service, Michael put his magic to work testing finished amplifiers in Final Assembly and later, assisted our huge list of touring stars in Artist Relations. His experience with our products is greatly embellished by his crafty skills as a songwriter, guitarist and drummer.
    Marcus Daniel brings his vast
    experience with our products to bear on your questions as he joins Customer Service after 6 years of scrutinizing finished amps in our Final Testing Booth. His hands-on knowledge and troubleshooting expertise are complimented by his fiery playing ability on both guitar and bass. Marcus can relate firsthand to your needs as a fellow gigging and recording musician.
    Kris Dilbeck joins Customer Service
    as a true Specialist. He has tested every amp shipped over the last few years and knows Mesa Tone from the inside out. His vast experience here in Final Assembly has produced a troubleshooting Jedi, and should you ever need help, he will get you flying again fast. Before life at Mesa, Kris earned a degree in the Recording Arts at Berklee Music College in Boston and continues to hone his mighty skills as both Engineer and Producer.


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