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  • (morning/afternoon/evening)

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    Local Housing Allowance Final Evaluation:
    The survey evidence of claimants' experience in the nine Pathfinder areas
    Appendix B
    Block A: Introduction and eligibility
    (Ask everyone) Intro Good (morning/afternoon/evening). My name is X and I'm calling from the National Centre for Social Research. Could I please speak to (^respondent's name) 1: Named person available for interview,
    2:Respondent not capable of interview - carrying out PROXY with proxy respondent from previous
    3: Named person temporarily unavailable e.g. gone out (make an appointment),
    4: Named person unknown on telephone number
    (Soft check, if intro=3, 'If the named person is temp. unavailable, make an appointment to ring them or get details of when they're likely to be available') (Hard check, 'If intro=4, 'If the named person is unknown on this telephone number, you should stop the interview and code out') (If carrying out a proxy interview) (IF Intro = 2) PRTit INTERVIEWER: Record title of proxy respondent. PRFNm INTERVIEWER: Record forename of proxy respondent. PRSNm INTERVIEWER: Record surname of proxy respondent. (If speaking to named respondent) (If intro1 = 1) Intro2 You may remember speaking to us in (^last interview month and year), when you very kindly helped us with our research on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions on your experience of claiming (^Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance) in (^area). When you spoke to us before, you said that we could contact you for another interview at a later date. We recently sent you a letter to confirm that we would be phoning you. Have you received this letter INTERVIEWER IF UNSURE, ASK IF ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD MIGHT HAVE SEEN IT IF YOU NEED TO CARRY OUT A PROXY WITH PROXY RESPONDENT FROM PREVIOUS WAVE, RECODE INTRO=2
    Local Housing Allowance Final Evaluation:
    The survey evidence of claimants' experience in the nine Pathfinder areas


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