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    1999 South Dakota Kids Count Factbook
    South Dakota KIDS COUNT Project Business Research Bureau University of South Dakota
    A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation
    Editing, layout, and design by Carole Cochran
    about kids count
    KIDS COUNT is a national and state-by-state effort, sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, to track the status of children in the United States. A major goal of the Casey Foundation KIDS COUNT Initiatives is to foster a nationwide commitment to improving outcomes for vulnerable children and their families. Data indicators measure the education, social, economic, and physical well-being of children. By providing policymakers and citizens with benchmarks of child wellbeing, KIDS COUNT seeks to enrich local, state, and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for children and families. The SD KIDS COUNT project is located at the University of South Dakota, School of Business-Business Research Bureau. Beginning in 1993, the project has published a Factbook each year detailing pertinent facts about children in South Dakota. Much of the data is collected on an annual basis. The South Dakota KIDS COUNT Factbook is available as printed material and electronically.
    Funding to produce and distribute this book came from: The Annie E. Casey Foundation South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs South Dakota Department of Health South Dakota Department of Human Services South Dakota Department of Social Services
    Copyright 1999 University of South Dakota. Permission to reproduce from this Factbook is granted, provided the source is cited as: Cochran, C. (1999) The 1999 South Dakota KIDS COUNT Factbook. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, Business Research Bureau, KIDS COUNT Project.
    Internet Site Address: www.usd.edu/brbinfo/brb/kc
    1999 South Dakota Kids Count Factbook-Business Research Bureau University of South Dakota - www.usd.edu/brbinfo/brb/kc


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