• aggressiveteen > 2001/Circulation
  • 2001/Circulation

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    Spring 2001/Circulation: 13,000
    An Educational Community Contribution by CFRI
    Published by Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc., Bayside Business Plaza, 2672 Bayshore Parkway, Suite 520, Mountain View, CA 94043, Phone: 650-404-9975, Fax: 650-404-9981, Email: cfri@cfri.org
    Studying the Antibacterial Activity of Protegrin
    Neal Schiller, Ph. D., Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Interim Dean, Graduate Division, University of California at Riverside
    Craig Burleigh Photography
    Dr. Neal Schiller is investigating the action of protegrin PG-1, a cationic antimicrobial peptide, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia. PG-1 is similar to the type of peptide produced by our body' s normal defenses, has broad antibacterial activity against pathogens, and is thought to cause rapid killing activity by changing the permeability of the pathogen's outer membrane. These peptides are small in size, easy to produce and modify , and bacterial resistance to their action is dif ficult to induce in the lab. The study has found that the protegrin PG-1 is ef fective against P. aeruginosa, and has the potential to be developed into an ef fective antibacterial treatment. However , presumably due to structural dif ferences in the bacterial membranes of B. cepacia, protegrin PG-1 binds less ef fectively to these strains and is unable to kill these bacteria. Studies in progress will characterize which structural differences in B. cepacia are responsible for blocking the action of the agent, and whether other cationic peptides might be ef fective against these bacteria. s
    Neal Schiller Ph.D., comparing notes with Peying Fong, Ph.D., another CFRI-funded researcher.
    Craig Burleigh Photography
    Electron Microscopical Studies Made Possible Through CFRI Grant
    Jacob Bastacky, M.D., Associate Research Scientist, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA
    Dr. Jacob Bastacky has made powerful electron microscopes available to local CF researchers thanks to a CFRI research grant. In electron microscope photographs, the investigator can see the "landscape" of the lung lining and is able to observe in great detail the function and interaction of various elements in that landscape. The CFRI grant is currently supporting access to electron microscopes for six projects, and several other studies will soon be supported by this same grant. One project is looking at the structure of the cilia on the lung surface. Another is assessing the composition of the liquid on the surface of the airways. A third is looking at developing new ways to cultivate CF tissues for use in research. Still another is examining transplantable lungs in an ef fort to come up with new methods for storing the lungs for longer periods of time. s


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