Michael N. Styllas for the degree of Master of Science in Oceanography presented on October 29, 2001. Title: Sediment Accumulation and Human Impacts in Tillamook Bay, Oregon.
Abstract approved:____________________________________________________ Paul D. Komar
Tillamook Bay is the second largest estuary on the Oregon coast, and concerns have been raised whether human induced impacts have been responsible for the perceived increase in sedimentation rates during the past century. Major land-use practices within the five watersheds of the Bay include logging, forest fires, the construction of forest roads, the placement of dikes along the channels of the main rivers and in the estuary, the removal of riparian vegetation, and the construction of jetties at the tidal inlet. Each of these practices has led to impacts on the entire ecosystem of the watersheds and the Bay, but this study focuses on the effects of human disturbances on the Bay's sediment accumulation. This study examines in detail the land-use practices that have occurred in the watersheds, on the beaches, and in the estuary, focusing on those that have had a direct impact on the sedimentation regime of the Bay. One goal of the study is to assess the relative roles of natural processes versus human impacts on the sedimentation.
A general description of the physical characteristics of Tillamook Bay and its surroundings is included, and a brief discussion is provided about the tectonic setting of the Northwest Coast, including its history of subduction earthquakes and the associate sea-level changes. Also provided is a summary of the existing information concerning the arrival of Indians and their environmental impacts, followed by a more detailed account of the major impacts that have resulted from the settlement of the Euro-Americans in the Tillamook area, in the 1850's. The study then focuses on the description of the watersheds from a geomorphologic point of view, and the important land-use practices that may have affected sediment yields during the past century. Analyses of the hydrology of the Tillamook Bay watersheds are included, and the relations between annual water yields and total precipitation are examined in distinct time intervals, each corresponding to a different period with different amounts of land uses. The results of these hydrology analyses suggest that the Tillamook watershed gradually recovered from a period of major disturbances (from 1933 to 1955) to more normal conditions (from 1977 to 1998). In addition, this part of the study attempts to quantify the sediment transport regime of the rivers draining the watershed by using a hydraulic model that is based on the principle of stream power, and on considerations of availability of transported material. Application of this model during the 19331955 period for the major rivers suggests an average sediment yield on the order of 410,540 tons/year, but most important are the relative changes of the delivered sediment through time. The results of the model suggest a 1.6-factor decrease of the
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