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    文档作者:May man
    National Pesticide Information Center -2005Real answers to real questions from real people in real time!
    Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
    This is the tenth annual report for the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) since it began operation at Oregon State University in April, 1995. NPIC, a service providing a variety of pesticide and pesticide-related information to the general public and professionals across the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, is a cooperative project between Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report, the 2005 Annual Report, covers the period April 1, 2005 - March 31, 2006, corresponding to NPIC's tenth grant year.
    Material presented in this report is based on information as provided to NPIC by individuals who have contacted NPIC for information or to report a pesticide incident. None of the information reported to NPIC has been veried or substantiated by independent investigation by NPIC staff, laboratory analysis, or any other means. Thus, if a person alleges/reports a pesticide incident, it likely will be recorded as an incident by NPIC. Based on the information provided, NPIC qualies the information by assigning a Certainty Index (CI; an indication of the degree of certainty that the purported incident was related to pesticide exposure) ranging from 1 = "denite" to 5 = "unrelated." NPIC makes no claims or guarantees as to the accuracy of the CI or other information presented in its reports, other than that NPIC has done its best to accurately document and report the information provided to NPIC.
    Submitted To: Frank L. Davido NPIC Project Ofcer Pesticide Incident Response Ofcer US EPA Ofce of Pesticide Programs Submitted By:
    Terry L. Miller, Ph.D. Director
    National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) Oregon State University 333 Weniger Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-6502 800-858-7378 http://npic.orst.edu
    NPIC 2005 Annual Report


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