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  • coordinated 1996 hst and irtf imaging of neptune and tritonii...

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    文档作者:Natale Zappia
    Icarus 149, 435–458 (2001) doi:10.1006/icar.2000.6563, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on
    Coordinated 1996 HST and IRTF Imaging of Neptune and Triton
    II. Implications of Disk-Integrated Photometry1
    L. A. Sromovsky2 and P. M. Fry
    Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 E-mail: larry.sromovsky@ssec.wisc.edu
    K. H. Baines2
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109
    and T. E. Dowling
    Comparative Planetology Laboratory, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292 Received July 15, 1999; revised October 17, 2000
    Near-IR groundbased observations coordinated with Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) HST observations (Sromovsky et al. Icarus 149, 416–434, 459–488) provide new insights into the variations of Neptune and Triton over a variety of time scales. From 1996 WFPC2 imaging we nd that a broad circumpolar nonaxisymmetric dark band dominates Neptune's lightcurve at 0.467 m, while three discrete bright features dominate the lightcurve at longer wavelengths, with amplitudes of 0.5% at 0.467 m and 22% at 0.89 m, but of opposite phases. The 0.89-m modulation in 1994, estimated at 39%, is close to the 50% modulation observed during the 1986 "outburst" documented by Hammel et al. (1992, Icarus 99, 363–367), suggesting that the unusual 1994 cloud morphology might also have been present in 1986. Lightcurve amplitudes in J–K bands, from August 1996 IRTF observations, are comparable to those observed in 1977 (D. P. Cruikshank 1978, Astrophys. J. Lett. 220, 57–59) but signicantly larger than the 1981 amplitudes of M. J. S. Belton et al. (1981, Icarus 45, 263–273). The 1996 disk-integrated albedos of Neptune at H–K wavelengths are 2–7 times smaller than the 1977 values of U. Fink and S. Larson (1979, Astrophys. J. 233, 1021–1040), which can be explained with about 1/2–1/4 of the upper level cloud opacity being present in 1996. A simplied three-layer model of cloud structure applied to CCD wavelengths implies 7% reectivity at 1.3 bars (at λ = 0.55 m,


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