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  • responsibilities

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    OSHC_Eng.indd 1
    2009/4/29 下午 05:34:10
    Established under the Occupational Safety Health Council Ordinance in 1988, the Council is a statutory body for promoting safety and health at work and sustaining the valuable workforce of Hong Kong by ensuring all individuals would operate in working conditions that are free of risk and hazards. The Council's services include promoting Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the community; education and training; consultancy services; research and strategies development, information dissemination and facilitating exchanges between the government, employers, employees, professionals and academics. In recent years, the Council has launched a number of sponsorship schemes for helping small and medium size enterprises to further improve their OSH standards. The Council has produced a large volume of informative materials on a wide range of OSH issues over the years. These materials or tools would assist the employees, employers and professionals to obtain the latest OSH knowledge and information. These materials include books, leaflets, pamphlets, posters, exhibition panels, newsletters from industry-based OSH committees, guidebooks to explain new or amended OSH legislation, bi-monthly journal Green Cross, training kits, and videos in video tape, VCD and DVD format, etc. This Safety Guidebook for Property Management is specially produced for the property management industry. To know more about other OSH informative materials, please refer to the Occupational Safety and Health Information Products Catalogue or the OSH Bookshelf website: (http://www.oshc.org.hk/others/bookshelf/advance.asp).
    OSHC_Eng.indd 2
    2009/4/29 下午 05:34:10
    Introduction Safety for Working at Height Safety for Working in Conned Spaces Manual Handling Operations Safety for Using Chemicals Safety for Using Hand Tools and Electric Tools Biological Hazards Heat Stroke Prevention Workplace Violence and Work Alone Use of Display Screen Equipment Selection, Evaluation and Control of Sub-Contractors Vehicle Control and Road Safety Fire Safety and Facility Safety Property Management Safety Inspection Software and Video P.1 P.2-8 P.9-10 P.11 P.12 P.13 P.14 P.15 P.16 P.17 P.18


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