• youbemylove > jesusonlyway@junocom
  • jesusonlyway@junocom

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    Our passion is to direct people into God's word in order that their lives will be transformed by God's truth. We focus primarily on the incarcerated and pray that God will use this teaching to make dynamic believers and productive citizens once they are released from prison.
    Tim & Laurie at a missions conference.
    Mission: "To affect an everlasting change in the lives of inmates and their families
    through Biblical counseling and the interactive study of Scripture."
    Jesus said…."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
    Ministries Mission Distinctive
    Key Initiatives JesusOnlyWay is a teaching and discipling ministry that equips inmates to feed themselves.
    Additionally, we offer accountability upon release for those who desire it. We are one of the few ministries in the Florida prison system that teaches interactive Bible studies. Many prison ministries focus primarily upon sharing God's love ONLY, but not proclaiming the WHOLE gospel. They only focus on: Ecumenical events Character building events Practical life skills events Mentoring/encouragement events
    Key Attributes
    Teach them how to "feed" themselves on God's Word by bringing inmates face to face with Jesus Christ through His Word. Make disciples of God, not decisions for God. This equips inmates to: Discern truth Combat errors in other belief systems
    Overcome challenges of life through biblical truth
    Mission: "To affect an everlasting change in the lives of inmates and their families
    through Biblical counseling and the interactive study of Scripture."
    Jesus said…."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
    The Basics of Interactive Bible Study
    Interactive Bible Study shows you how to discover God's Truth for yourself. The concept behind the interactive study method is to get students personally, intimately involved with the subject, observing carefully for themselves. For example, if we were studying frogs using the method, we would begin by taking students to the pond to touch and observe real frogs before taking them to the library to study books about frogs. We use a straightforward investigative approach to open the Bible and build the context for each statement it contains. That's where we find God's precepts—or principles—for life. Interactive study is the tool our students use to collect those precepts to build a God-glorifying, Biblecentered worldview with clear applications to live the abundant, victorious life in Christ. There are three steps to Interactive Bible Study:


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