• youbemylove > jesusonlyway@junocom
  • jesusonlyway@junocom

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    Our Method:
    Through a class and workshop format, we open the Scriptures to inmates using an interactive study method comprised of observation, interpretation, and application. As we guide prisoners through the process, we are not only exposing them to the saving power of the Word, but equipping them to continue life transformation by their own study. Our method is simply to allow the truth to set prisoners free.
    God's Harvest:
    Through this ministry, we have been privileged to witness many changed lives. Some have met Jesus for the first time. Others have testified that God's Word has become exciting, and that they have seen the Holy Spirit work in their lives. Many prisoners have become faithful men who have been able to teach others through their own interactive Bible studies.
    Mission: "To affect an everlasting change in the lives of inmates and their families
    through Biblical counseling and the interactive study of Scripture."
    Jesus said…."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
    Ministry Beliefs
    Our ministry goal is linked closely with Ezra 7:10, "For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel." Ezra was a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses and he was determined to do three things. 1. Study the Law of the Lord 2. Practice it 3. Teach God's statutes and ordinances We believe this order is extremely important for a ministry to be successful, and we exist for this purpose. We use the interactive Bible study method to teach people; focusing primarily on the incarcerated within the state of Florida. This method allows people to discover God's truth for themselves. There are three components that are used for interactive Bible study: 1. Observation – What does the passage say 2. Interpretation – What does the passage mean 3. Application – What changes should I make in my life since I know the truth When Tim, the president and cofounder of JesusOnlyWay Ministries, was drawn to God by God (John 6:44), he was given a great hunger for the Word of God. This created a huge dilemma for Tim because while the word was being taught from the pulpit, he had difficulty understanding and applying the meaning of the passage for himself. By God's providence, Tim was led to the interactive Bible study method, where he learned to study the Bible for himself.


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