• youaremybest > to be the best you can be iii
  • to be the best you can be iii

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    To Be The Best You Can Be III
    College Opportunities Program University of Hawai'i at Manoa
    We dedicate this third edition of the To Be the Best You Can Be to Ms. Lesley Tyson. Lesley, as she is known among staff and students, has provided an invaluable amount of time and service to the College Opportunities Program over the past six years. Ms. Tyson has served as our volunteer Editor-In-Chief and has produced quarterly newsletters and three editions of the To Be The Best You Can Be. For her dedication, commitment and service to COP, we extend our warmest Mahalo for all that she has done for us and for also producing another fine copy of the booklet, which you are about to encounter. With love and gratitude, The COP Staff
    To Be the Best You Can Be III contains reflections from University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM) alumni who gained entry into the university via the College Opportunities Program (COP). The COP, which has been a statefunded program since 1970, has continued to fulfill its mission of recruiting, screening, selecting, and preparing Hawai'i residents for a successful first-year at the UHM. COP believes that given a chance, individuals who are motivated and provided with new learning opportunities and support services can succeed in their first year at the University and eventually earn a baccalaureate degree. This booklet provides a glimpse in the lives of individuals who were given a chance to attend the university and took full advantage of the opportunity. Although To Be the Best You Can Be III highlights the lives of a few, their stories reflect the lives of many other UHM alumni who also experienced COP and succeeded. As you read through the academic and personal successes contained herein, keep in mind that they are written by individuals who were initially refused admission to UHM for a variety of reasons. Had the chance to attend COP not been given to these individuals, we can only imagine how different their lives would have been today. As you go through in life and come across situations where you are faced with offering someone a second chance, remember these stories. You just might change that person's life. Enjoy!


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