• 威尼斯电影节意 > 年7 月至
  • 年7 月至

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    AnnuAl RepoRt
    July 2007 to June 2008
    年 报
    2007 年 7 月 至 2008 年 6 月
    President The Chief Executive the Honourable Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
    校监 行政长官曾荫权先生
    Published by The Council of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演艺学院校董会出版
    All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without the permission of the Academy. 版 权 所 有 , 非 经 同 意 , 不 得 转 载.
    Page Chairman's Message Director's Message School of Dance School of Drama School of Film and Television School of Music School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts Chinese Traditional Theatre Graduate Education Centre EXCEL Performing Arts Education Centre Development Department Library Venue Management Finance 4 8 14 28 38 48 58 66 72 82 72 86 88 90 92
    Appendices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Council The Academic Board Statement of Accounts Library Statistics Student Enrolment Statistics Academic Awards Scholarships and Prizes Sponsorships and Donations Awards and Competition Winners Director's Graduation Day Speech The Society of the Academy for Performing Arts Academy Public Performances 97 98 99 105 106 108 109 121 122 124 128 129
    Cover: Academy pianists with Director Professor Kevin Thompson (middle), Dean of Music Benedict Cruft (right) and Head of Keyboard Gabriel Kwok (left) (photo by Cheung Chi-wai)
    目 录
    页数 主 校 舞 戏 电 音 舞 中 研 演 表 拓 图 场 财 席 长 蹈 剧 影 乐 台 国 究 艺 演 展 书 地 务 献 献 学 学 电 学 及 戏 生 进 艺 部 馆 管 辞 辞 院 院 视 院 制 曲 课 修 术 5 9 15 29 39 49 59 67 73 81 83 87 89 91 93
    学院 作艺术学院 程中心 学院 教育中心

    附录 一、校董会 二、教务委员会 三、财务报告 四、图书馆统计资料 五、学生入学统计资料 六、学术成就 七、奖学金及奖项 八、赞助及捐款 九、比赛获奖者 十、校长毕业典礼讲辞 十一 、 演 艺 学 院 友 谊 社 十二 、 演 艺 学 院 主 办 节 目 97 98 99 105 106 108 109 121 122 126 128 129
    封面:演艺钢琴精英与校长汤柏燊教授 (中)、音乐院长顾品德 (右) 和键盘系主任郭嘉特 (左)
    ChAiRmAn'S meSSAge
    This was the year of the Olympics for China. Hong Kong shared the challenge and the success of the games by co-hosting the equestrian events. It was a time of great honour and pride. On this, the eve of the Academy's 25th anniversary, I have drawn much inspiration from the Olympics in writing up my annual message. The interlocking Olympic rings symbolise the unity of humankind in pursuit of common ideals. Each of the five colours represents one continent with its own mixture of cultures and ethnic groups. By sheer coincidence, the Academy has five Schools, each, in the specific context of its discipline, seeking the pursuit of academic and professional excellence while displaying interdisciplinary collaborations. Five is also a number of prosperity and growth in Chinese culture. As such, I shall use a pentagram -- a series of five letters: ABCDE -- to highlight the Academy's major advances in the past year.


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