• 围场二中贴吧 > 长泰二中高二下学期5月月考试卷
  • 长泰二中高二下学期5月月考试卷

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    长泰二中高二下学期5月月考试卷 英语
    I.单项填空 (共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)
    1.They_____me $1,000 for the old house. But I didn't _____their offers.
    A.supplied;take B.provided;receive C.offered;accept D.offered;refuse
    2.His carelessness led him______failure,which has bad effect______him.
    A.in;in B.on;on C.to;to D.to;on
    3.If you want to recover______your illness,I remind you_____eat much sugar.
    A.in;not B.from;not to C.out of;to not D.after;of
    4.Those girls walked out every morning,_____losing weight.
    A.aim at B.aiming at C.aimed at D.to aim at
    5.I suggested_____a taxi,but he_______.
    A.to take;insisted walking B.taking;insisted to walk
    C.taking;insisted on walking D.to take;insisted on walking
    6.Washington,a state in the United States,was named______one of the greatest American presidents.
    A.in honour of B.instead of C.in favour D.by means of
    7.I have_____the new climate here.
    A.adjusted to B.agreed with C.been suited to D.all the above
    8.Jim never thought he would_____the first prize in the competition.
    A.end up in B.be recognized C.make as effect D.end up with
    9.In order to gain a bigger share in the international market,many state-run companies are striving(努力,奋斗)___their products more competitive.(2002 NMET)
    A.to make B.making C.to have made D.having made
    10.Life is limited,_____there is no limit to_____the people.
    A.and;serve B.but;serving C.so;be served D.besides;having served
    11.Creative thinking is a conscious effort to_____old thought patterns.
    A.get away from B.break away from C.get off D.break up with
    12.We must start early,to_____finding their house.
    A.allow B.permit C.allow for D.permit for
    13.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood______to her mother.
    A.close B.closely C.closed D.closing
    14.When the tiger was______the danger,it ran away as quickly as possible.


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