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    • 文档格式:ppt 更新日期:2012-03-28
      PowerPoint幻灯片 Policies for Addressing PM2.5 Precursor Emissions
      文档预览: 2 Overview Sources of direct PM2.5 and SO2 must be evaluated for control measures in all nonattainment areas For a specific area, the presumptive policy for NOx, VOC, or ammonia can be reversed if the State and/or EPA provide a robust ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-11-19
      PDF文档 全国通缉,灰霾元凶——PM2.5与燃煤污染
      文档预览: 背景材料全国通缉,灰霾元凶——PM2.5与燃煤污染引:随着北方地区进入供暖季节,煤炭消耗的增加会使污染排放增加,灰霾天气污染也将加重。绿色和平综合近期有关灰霾与大... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2012-03-28
      PDF文档 PM2.5 Implementation Program
      文档预览: PM2.5 Designation and Implementation Schedule ?December 17, 2004: EPA issued final PM2.5 designations (based on 2001-3 data)-EPA also issued a 4/5/05 supplemental notice: based on 2002-2004 data, certain areas were changed to ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:doc 更新日期:2012-03-28
      Word文档 Methodology to Calculate Particulate Matter (PM) 2
      文档预览: Step 5: Compare PM2.5 emissions to the appropriate significance threshold. Example: A project is estimated to generate 8 pounds per day of PM10 from one piece of construction equipment. The PM2.5 emissions are as follows: PM2.5 ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2012-03-08
      PDF文档 PM2.5:概念向业绩转化的步伐加快
      文档预览: 境问题,将从“十二五”开始,将城市大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)防治工作逐步提到议 事日程。 当日印发了《国家环境保护“十二五”规划》解读素材。 二、 分析与判断 我国城... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 微小粒子状物质(PM25)东京都取组
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    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2012-03-28
      文档预览: CONNECTING YOUR SEEP POINT MOTOR If connecting to a Gaugemaster PCU1 or PCU2 refer to the instructions supplied with that unit. Terminal 'C' of this point motor is common to both point motor windings and in multiple point systems is ... 点击下载
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