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    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-11-06
      PDF文档 MicrowaveOven
      文档预览: ECE350 - The Microwave Oven A typical microwave oven is a rectangular wave guide cavity resonator. A microwave tube (usually a magnetron) converts 60 Hz electric power into an electromagnetic wave, with standardized frequency of 2.45 GHz. 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-02-02
      PDF文档 BuildingNevada'sBrainpower
      文档预览: microwaveoven (1953),modem(1958),hand‐held... Alongthoselines,alljobsofthefuturewillrequireabasic... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-11-06
      PDF文档 &30 Microwave Ovens
      文档预览: 2 INSTALLATION 1. Cut hole in cabinet to mount Microwave oven. Cutout in cabinet should be level and straight. NOTE: There are no provisions to level the unit after it is installed. An oven that is not level could cause poor cooking results. 2. Install ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-02-02
      PDF文档 BuildingNevada'sBrainpower
      文档预览: microwaveoven (1953),modem(1958),hand‐held... Alongthoselines,alljobsofthefuturewillrequireabasic... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-11-06
      PDF文档 PRO Boot Warranty Card
      文档预览: All footwear products manufactured and/ordistributedbyPRO-Warringtonoritsauthorizeddistributorsareguaranteedtobefreeofanymanufacturingor material defects fora periodofoneyear. Products considered to bed ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-11-06
      PDF文档 Inventarliste / Inventory list F8
      文档预览: Køkken / Kitchen bordskåner / tablemat 4 brødkniv, kødkniv / breadknife, meatknife 1 brødkurv / breadbasket 4 brødrister / toaster 1 drikke glas ... 点击下载
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