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      文档预览: 十二十二十二十二、、、、《《《《关于与关于与关于与关于与 HIMIN SOLAR S.L.U. 组组组组建上海航天光伏建上海航天光伏建上海航天光伏建上海航天光伏((((西班牙西... 点击下载
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      文档预览: ... di temperatura a Isc +0.1 %/ C Coefficiente di temperatura a Vmp-0.38 %/ C Coefficiente di temperatura a Imp +0.10 %/ C Massima tensione del pannello (V) DC-1000 V Temperatura di esercizio-40~+85 C Efficienza del modulo 14.5 % Efficienza delle celle ... 点击下载
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      文档预览: Himin's StandardsHimin was forced to recall a batch of SWH products which fully complied with the National Standard but did not meet consumer expectations ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2012-04-04
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