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文档预览: 1/5/09Page 1 1986 – 1995Assistant, Associate and Professor in Finance (tenured) College of Business and Administration University of Maryland (College ... 点击下载
文档预览: 4 使用说明 . 7- 2 - DirPrintingMing-Chang Lee1. 下载说明 直接到以下网站 http://www.majusoft.de/setups/index.htm 下载 DirPrinting 最新版本是 0.8.... 点击下载
文档预览: in reduced BaTiO3:Rh," Topical meeting, Photorefractive materials, effect and devices, Denmark, June, 1999. 2000 16. J. Y. Chang, C... 点击下载
文档预览: All the patients underwent laparoscopy for the evaluation of ascites afterappropriate clinical and laboratory examinations, including ultrasonography or CT, had ... 点击下载
文档预览: (1) "A characterization of Douglas subalgebras," Acta Math. 137 (1976) pp. 81-89. (2) "On the structure and characterization of some Douglas ... 点击下载
文档预览: 32. "Measurement of the top-quark mass in all-hadronic decays in p p collisions at CDF Collab., T.~Aaltonen+33. "Measurement of the B production ... 点击下载
文档预览: 研究生(中):姜旭冈 研究生(英):Chang , Shu-Kang 论文名称(中):中英教育优先区政策比较研究 论文名称(英):A Comparative Study on the Educational Priority ... 点击下载
文档预览: 13. 498200020 498200109 498200135 498200240 498200305 498200329 498200393 498200408 498200537 498200551 498200563 498200587 498200654 姓名 叶芷涵 Abby 潘允文 Andy ... 点击下载
文档预览: Writing An Autobiography 东吴大学教学资源中心 张琼惠 Joan Chang, 2007What is an autobiography Definition Format–––––––––––... 点击下载
文档预览: 1Data & Graph2009年月1 日星五期 9 1编:邱畅统 :彭玉琼 组 :孙华平 辑计版C7E m ai: uchang@ zqsbs. lqi com电话:0755-83509073... 点击下载
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