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      文档预览: CAD 电脑辅助制图(drafting)心得分享—以 CATIA 为文/黄宋儒FORMOTO 捷能一号燃电池机(http://formosun.pixnet.net/blog/post/22557805) CAD 的全名是 Computer ... 点击下载
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      Word文档 Attachment: NOTES-PAGE.doc - COE
      文档预览: To update an older drawing to a newer standard, have a Catia drawing open, go to FILE-PAGE SETUP-Standard-pick the new drawing standard-UPDATE ... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 3153P IB 32 p. CATIA_PORT.
      文档预览: Drafters get the intended advantages of this product when used with CATIADrafting for drawing layout and 2D Wireframe & Annotation for creating 2D elements. The product can help move 2D legacy data to 3D. (5626-DRS) Drafting The CATIADrafting ... 点击下载
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      Word文档 Top 10 Tips ContestVoting Page
      文档预览: Having a problem converting your 2D CATIA V4 drawing to V5? There are several things that should be done. The first is to CATCLN the 2D drawing in V4 using ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:doc 更新日期:2011-09-11
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      文档预览: Substitute your own CATIA model for the one shown in Fig_1. Fig_1. Open the ' Drafting' workbench. The 'New Drawing Creation' dialogue appears. Select the ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:doc 更新日期:2011-09-11
      Word文档 Cirriculam Vitae
      文档预览: 4) Two Dimensional drawing dimensioning in Catia V4. 5) Modeling, Drafting and Assembly in Catia V4 from EDS Technologies. 6) Modeling , Drafting and ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:doc 更新日期:2011-09-11
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      Word文档 Ely Kumli
      文档预览: CATIA v5 solids, surfaces, parametrics and generative drafting (2000hrs). · CATIA v4 surfacing, solids and drafting (6000hrs). ... 点击下载
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