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      文档预览: MEN’S BASKETBALL – STOCK 68 436634 v HYPER ELITE JERSEY $ 50.00* SIZES: S, M, L, XL, 2XL OFFER DATE: 09/01/11 *15% upcharge for 3XL END DATE: 09/01/13 System of dress game uniform. Double knit fabrication. V-neck ... 点击下载
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      PowerPoint幻灯片 Basketball Official's Clinic
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      文档预览: www. basketball-practice-plans. com www. basketball-practice-plans. com Basketball Tryout Secrets Anyone who has coached a competitive team will understand the inherent pressure of tryouts. Regardless of sport, age, grade, or skill level ... 点击下载
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    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2012-03-09
      PDF文档 Oakleigh Warriors Representative Basketball Boys & Girls Tryouts
      文档预览: Oakleigh Warriors Representative Basketball Boys & Girls Tryouts Season 2009/10 Sunday the 20th of September, Sunday the 4th of October, Sunday the 11th of October, & Sunday the 18th of October. Tryout times and Age Groups Age Group Y ... 点击下载
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