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    Available at http://csrc.nist.gov/keyrecovery/
    The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Series of the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology (NIST) is the official publication relating to standards and guidelines 
    adopted and promulgated under the provisions of Section 5131 of the Information Technology 
    Management Reform Act of 1996, and the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 104-106. 
    Under these mandates, the Secretary of Commerce promulgates standards and guidance 
    pertaining to the efficiency, security and privacy of Federal computer systems. The National 
    Institute of Standards and Technology, through its Information Technology Laboratory, has the 
    mission of developing standards, guidelines and associated methods and techniques for computer 
    systems, and providing technical assistance to industry and government  in the implementation 
    of standards.
    Comments concerning Federal Information Processing Standards Publications are welcomed and 
    should be addressed to the Director, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
    	Shukri Wakid, Director
    	Information Technology Laboratory 
    This standard specifies requirements to be met by government Key Recovery Systems. Such 
    systems provide for the decryption of stored or communicated data when access to the data is 
    properly authorized.
    ALTERNATIVE TO THE ABOVE: This standard specifies requirements to be met by key 
    recovery products used by Federal government agencies. These products provide for the recovery 
    of keys which will be used for the decryption of stored or communicated data when access to the 
    data is properly authorized.
    Key words: ADP security, computer security, Key Recovery, Federal Information Processing 
    	Federal Information
    	Processing Standards Publication XXX
    	Announcing the 
    Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National 
    Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) after approval by the Secretary of Commerce 
    pursuant to Section 5131 of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, and 
    the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 104-106.
    1.	Name of Standard. Requirements for Key Recovery Products.
    2.	Category of Standard. Computer Security, Cryptography.
    3.	Explanation. This Standard specifies requirements for key recovery products. These 
    products provide for the recovery of keys to be used for the decryption of stored or 
    communicated ciphertext when the decryption keys are not otherwise available.  Key recovery is 
    motivated by three primary scenarios:
    1. recovery of stored data on behalf of an organization (or individual) e.g., in response to the 
    accidental loss of keys;
    2. recovery of stored or communicated data on behalf of an organization (e.g., for the purposes 
    of monitoring or auditing activities); and
    3. recovery of communicated or stored data by authorized authorities.
    The first scenario supports the ability to regain access to data that would otherwise be lost.  The 
    second scenario encompasses internal investigation authorized by an organization. The final 
    scenario encompasses data acquired under the authorization of court orders for wiretaps, search 
    and seizure orders, civil suit subpoenas, etc
    A Key Recovery System (KRS) manages cryptographic keys in support of data recovery when 
    normal key access mechanisms fail.  These systems must be carefully designed so that plaintext 
    may be recovered in a timely manner, and so that only authorized recoveries are permitted.  
    Therefore, security is a critical factor in any KRS design.
    The purpose of this standard is to specify requirements for key recovery products, and to enable 
    the validation of products claiming conformance.  The standard encompasses the functional, 
    security, assurance and interoperability of key recovery products.
    4.	Approving Authority. Secretary of Commerce.
    5.	Maintenance Agency. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and 
    Technology (NIST), Information Technology Laboratory.
    6.	Cross Index.
    a.	FIPS PUB 46-2, Data Encryption Standard.
    b.	FIPS PUB 81, DES Modes of Operation.
    c.	FIPS PUB 140-1, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, January 1994.
    d.	DOD 5200.28-STD, Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation 
    Criteria (TCSEC) (“The Orange Book”), National Computer Security Center, December 
    e.	SC 27 N1953, Evaluation Criteria for IT Security, Part 3 – Security Assurance 
    f.	ISO 7498-2, Information Processing Systems - Open System Interconnection -Basic 
    Reference Model - Part 2: Security Architecture; February 1989.
    Other NIST publications may be applicable to the implementation and use of this standard. A list 
    (NIST Publications List 91) of currently available computer security publications, including 
    ordering information, can be obtained from NIST.
    7.	Applicability.  To be supplied by the Federal Government.
    8.	Applications. This standard is appropriate for use in a variety of applications, including:
    1. When computer files are encrypted for secure storage or transmission;
    2. When electronic mail is encrypted before transmission among communicating entities; and
    3. When electronic voice communications are encrypted for privacy.
    9.	Specifications. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS xyz) Requirements for Key 
    Recovery Products (affixed).
    10.	Implementations. Implementations of this standard may be in software, firmware, hardware, 
    or any combination thereof. All cryptographic modules employed in such implementations shall 
    comply with FIPS 140-1.  FIPS approved encryption algorithms (e.g., DES) shall be used in 
    Federal applications of systems conforming to this standard.  The use of new encryption 
    algorithms which are FIPS approved after the date of the standard is also permitted.
    Information about the validation of implementations conforming to this standard may be 
    obtained from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Information Technology 
    Laboratory, Attn: Key Recovery Validation, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
    11.	Export Control. To be supplied by the Federal Government.
    12.	Patents. Implementations of this standard may be covered by U.S. and foreign patents.
    13.	Implementation Schedule. To be supplied by the Federal Government. 
    14.	Glossary. The following terms are used as defined below in this standard: [NOTE: THE 
    Abstract Machine
    The underlying hardware or firmware abstraction to which the software 
    is written.
    The property that ensures that the actions of an entity may be traced 
    uniquely to the entity.
    (1) Confidence that an entity meets its security objectives. (2) The degree 
    of confidence that a product correctly implements the security policy.
    Auditable Events
    Events within a key recovery product which may appear in an audit log 
    (see Section 4).
    Authentication Data
    Information used to authenticate an entity, e.g., a password, PIN, 
    biometric, or response to a challenge.
    See “Authentication Data”.
    A technique used to authenticate an entity, e.g., user ID and password, 
    token, biometric or challenge-response.
    Authentic Public 
    Key Source
    Used to provide a certificate infrastructure to support the use of public 
    key cryptography within the Key Recovery System.
    Authorized key 
    Key recovery either with the permission of the owner of the data or as 
    otherwise permitted by law.
    Authorized Request
    A request based on a legal and lawful right for access by a data owner or 
    other authorized entity.
    Authorized User
    A user who is authorized to access a system to perform one or more 
    Common Criteria 
    An international standard for security in information security products.
    Common Criteria 
    Assurance Level 
    A predefined set of assurance products that represents a point on the CC 
    assurance scale.
    Common Criteria 
    Protection Profile
    An implementation-independent set of security requirements for a 
    category of products which meet specific consumer needs.
    (1) Assurance that the information is not disclosed to unauthorized 
    entities or processes. (2) The property that sensitive information is not 
    disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes. (3) The 
    property that information is not made available or disclosed to an 
    unauthorized user, process or object.
    A capability feature that is available but need not be selected for use.
    Configuration Item
    Items (e.g., documents, software, hardware) which are under 
    configuration control.
    Management (CM)
    The management of security features and assurances through the control 
    of changes made to a system’s hardware, software, firmware, 
    documentation set, test, test fixtures and test documentation throughout 
    the development and operational life of the system.
    Cryptographic End 
    A system containing encryption and decryption mechanisms. 
    Incorporates a KRI Generation, KRI Delivery or KRI Validation 
    The set of hardware, firmware, software or some combination thereof 
    that implements cryptographic logic, cryptographic processes or both.
    Voice, facsimile, computer files, electronic mail, and other stored or 
    communicated information. 
    Data Key 
    A symmetric key used to encrypt data.
    Data origin 
    The ability to authenticate the identity of the source of information. See 
    ISO 7498-2.
    Data Recovery 
    The system/subsystem used to recover encrypted data using a recovered 
    target key obtained by the Key Recovery Requestor System.
    (1) Transformation of ciphertext form of data to plaintext form. (2) The 
    process of changing ciphertext into plaintext.
    (1) Transformation of plaintext form of data to ciphertext form. (2) A 
    process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext for the purpose of 
    security or privacy. (3) Transforming text into code in order to conceal 
    its meaning.  The process of transforming data to an unintelligible form 
    in such a way that the original data either cannot be obtained (one-way 
    encryption), or cannot be obtained without using the inverse decryption 
    process. (3) Conversion of plaintext to ciphertext through the use of a 
    cryptographic algorithm.
    Evidence of Origin
    (1) A proof of the origin of information that cannot be refuted by the 
    originator, e.g., by using a digital signature. (2) Non-repudiation.
    Evidence of Receipt
    A proof of the receipt of information so that the recipient cannot deny 
    having received the information, e.g., using a digital signature by the 
    recipient on the received message.
    FIPS 140-1 Level 1
    Specify basic security requirements for a cryptomodule. No physical 
    security mechanisms are required in the module beyond the requirement 
    for production-grade equipment. Software cryptographic functions may 
    be performed in a general purpose personal computer.
    FIPS 140-1 Level 2 
    Improves upon the physical security of a Level 1 cryptomodule by (1) 
    requiring tamper evident coatings or seals, or for pick-resistant locks, (2) 
    requiring role-based authentication and (3) allowing software 
    cryptography in multi-user timeshared systems when used in conjunction 
    with a C2  or equivalent operating system.
    FIPS 140-1 Level 3 
    Improves upon the Level 1 and 2 requirements for cryptomodules by (1) 
    requiring tamper detection mechanisms, (2) requiring identity-based 
    authentication, (3) specifying stronger requirements for entering and 
    outputting critical security parameters, and (4) allowing software 
    cryptography in multi-user timeshared systems when a B1 or equivalent 
    trusted operating system is employed along with a trusted path for the 
    entry and output of critical security parameters.
    FIPS Compliant
    Meeting all requirements of a specified level of this standard.
    Flaw Remediation
    The correction of discovered security flaws in a product or system.
    A high level description of the requirements for a system.
    High level description of the user-visible interface and behavior of a 
    A description of the implementation (e.g., source code when the 
    implementation is software or firmware; or drawings and schematics, if 
    the system is hardware).
    Testing performed by persons other than the developers.
    Informal Security 
    Policy Model
    An accurate and concise statement of system security policy expressed 
    informally (i.e., in natural language; e.g., English).
    (1) Expressed in natural language. (2) Written as prose in natural 
    Written in normal language, e.g., English.
    The property that sensitive data has not been modified or deleted in an 
    unauthorized and undetected manner.
    Two-way communication between end users.
    The ability of products or systems to communicate with one another.
    Key Escrow
    (1) The processes of managing (e.g., generating, storing, transferring, 
    auditing) the cryptographic keys or key products by one or more entities. 
    (2) A key recovery technique that employs one or more Key Recovery 
    Agents who hold (i.e., cache) keys or key products for their subscribers. 
    (3) A method of key recovery where the secret or private keys, key parts 
    or key related information to be recovered is stored by one or more Key 
    Recovery Agents. Other Key Recovery Information may be available 
    Key Recovery
    Access to information sufficient to recover encrypted data.
    Key Recovery 
    Agent (KRA) 
    A key recovery system that performs a recovery service in response to an 
    authorized request by a requestor system on behalf of a requestor.
    Key Recovery 
    Agent Function
    Performs  a key recovery service in response to an authorized request.
    Key Recovery 
    Capable System
    A cryptographic end system with either a KRI Generation Function or a 
    Key Recovery Validation Function or both.
    Key Recovery 
    A product that performs one or more key recovery functions.
    Key Recovery Field
    A field, output by the key recovery mechanism of a product, that 
    identifies key recovery agents and enables key recovery agents to identify 
    the key(s) required to decrypt corresponding ciphertext output by the 
    Key Recovery 
    Information (KRI)
    All or part of the required information that is used in the recovery of a 
    key. The KRI does not include a plaintext key.
    Key Recovery 
    Information Field 
    Key recovery information which is specific to a single key recovery 
    Key Recovery 
    Block (KRB)
    A stream of bytes that serves as a container for a single key recovery 
    scheme-specific KRIF and associates the KRIF with a set of standard 
    fields in a predefined format.
    Key Recovery 
    A policy which specifies the conditions under which key recovery 
    information must be created and conditions under which and to whom 
    the key recovery information may be released; may also indicate the 
    allowable Key Recovery Agent(s) and how or where key recovery 
    information must be maintained.
    Key Recovery 
    Requestor Function
    The system/subsystem used by the requestor to request keys.
    Key Recovery 
    An authorized key recovery as performed by a Key Recovery Agent.
    Key Recovery 
    System (KRS)
    Consists of the KRI Generation Function, the KRI Management Function 
    and the Key Recovery Function. Includes software, hardware, procedures 
    and infrastructure.
    Key Recovery Agent
    Key Recovery Block
    KRI Delivery 
    Assembles and formats the key recovery information (KRI) and makes 
    the KRI available.
    KRI Encapsulation
    A method of key recovery in which keys, key parts or key related 
    information is maintained outside a Key Recovery Agent.
    KRI Generation 
    Generates all or part of the key recovery information (KRI) needed to 
    recover the target key and provides the KRI to the KRI Delivery 
    KRI Providers
    Those entities provide Key Recovery Information (KRI) using a KRI 
    Generation Function.
    KRI Validation 
    Checks, authenticates, validates or verifies the available key recovery 
    Key Recovery Requestor System.
    Key Recovery System
    Layered Product
    A product in which security functions are layered. For example, a secure 
    application which is implemented on top of a secure operating system is 
    a layered product.
    Least Abstract 
    (1) The most concrete representation of an implementation (e.g., source 
    code). (2) The representation that is closest to the implementation, e.g., 
    source code.
    Licensing Agent
    Authorizes Key Recovery Agents after an evaluation against the FIPS.
    An attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user.
    Message Security 
    Protocol (MSP)
    A data format that cryptographically binds data sensitivity and provides 
    public key cryptography based security services for the data, including 
    confidentiality, integrity, etc.
    Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension as defined in RFC 2045.
    Monolithic Product
    A product in which security functions are not layered. See “Layered 
    Non-Key Recovery 
    An encryption product whose encryption output is not recoverable 
    through key recovery.
    Presentation of 
    Providing the information necessary to carrying out the assurance 
    Private Key
    (1) In an asymmetric (public) key cryptosystem, that key of an entity’s 
    key pair which is known only by that entity. (2) A cryptographic key used 
    with a public key cryptographic algorithm, uniquely associated with an 
    entity, and not made public.
    Public Key
    (1) In an asymmetric key system, that key of an entity’s key pair which is 
    publicly known. (2) A cryptographic key used with a public key 
    cryptographic algorithm, uniquely associated with an entity, and which 
    may be made public.
    Registration (at a 
    Deposit of target key information and other relevant information which 
    will allow key recovery using the KRA.
    Registration Agent
    Archives vendor-specific information in order to find, acquire and parse 
    recovery information.
    An accurate and complete mapping from a higher level representation to 
    a lower level representation (e.g., from functional requirements to a 
    functional specification, from a functional specification to a high level 
    design, from a high level design to a low level design, from a low level 
    design to source code, etc.).
    An entity that is authorized to request a key recovery.
    Interacts with one or more Key Recovery Agents using Key Recovery 
    Information to recover a data encrypting key.
    Secret Key
    A cryptographic key used with a secret key [symmetric] cryptographic 
    algorithm, uniquely associated with one or more entities, and which shall 
    not be made public.
    Security Domain
    (1) A set of objects , a security policy , a security authority and a set of 
    relevant activities inwhich the set of elements are subject to the security 
    policy , administered by the security authority , for the specified 
    activities. (2) A set of security-related services, mechanisms, and 
    Security Policy
    (1) A precise specification of the security rules under which a 
    cryptographic module may operate, including the security rules derived 
    from the requirements of this standard and the additional security rules 
    imposed by the manufacturer. (2) A set of rules and procedures 
    regulating the use of information including its processing, storage, 
    distribution and presentation.
    Security Policy 
    A formal representation of the security policy enforced by the product.
    Security Target
    A set of security requirements ad specifications to be
    used as the basis for evaluation of an identified product.
    Interactive communications.
    Session Key
    A key that is used to encrypt and/or decrypt data for a single 
    communications session.
    Session Key 
    Recovery of the Data Encryption Key.
    Secure MIME as defined by RFC XXX.
    Any communication protocol adopted by a generally recognized 
    standards organization.
    One way communications (i.e., from a sender to a receiver) without the 
    involvement of the receiver. The receiver may acquire the 
    communication at a time which is significantly later than the time the 
    communication is sent. 
    Includes software, hardware, procedures.
    Target key
    The key recovered by a Key Recovery System.
    Target key 
    (1) Information held by a KRA which is used to reconstruct a target key, 
    e.g., the target key may be reconstructed by performing a mathematical 
    calculation using one or more “pieces” of target key information.
    Testing laboratory
    A laboratory which has been accredited by NIST to test systems, 
    subsystems, key recovery agents, or products for conformance to this 
    Store-and-forward communications.
    Trusted Path
    A mechanism by which a person or process can communicate directly 
    with a cryptographic module and which can only be activated by the 
    person, process or module, and cannot be imitated by untrusted software 
    within the module.
    Trusted Third Party
    An entity which is trusted by the parties performing the encryption or 
    decryption processes, but are not identical with those parties.
    Trusted Time 
    A date and time that is reliable, accurate, and is
    affixed in such a way that it can not be modified by parties other than
    the time stamping source without detection.
    Decryption of an encrypted key by another key.
    The determination of the vulnerabilities of a product or system.
    Encryption of a cryptographic key by another key.
    15.	Qualifications. The security requirements specified in this standard are based upon 
    information provided by many sources within the Federal government and private industry. The 
    requirements are designed to protect against adversaries mounting cost-effective attacks on 
    unclassified government or commercial data. The primary goal in defining effective security for 
    a system is to make the cost of any attack greater than the possible payoff.
    While the security requirements specified in this standard are intended to maintain the security 
    of a key recovery component, conformance to this standard does not guarantee that a particular 
    component is secure. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of a key recovery component to 
    build the component in a secure manner.
    Similarly, the use of a key recovery component that conforms to this standard in an overall 
    system does not guarantee the security of the overall system. It is the responsibility of an 
    organization operating a key recovery system to ensure that an overall system provides an 
    acceptable level of security.
    Since a standard of this nature must be flexible enough to adapt to advancements and 
    innovations in key recovery technology, this standard will be initially reviewed in two years in 
    order to consider new or revised requirements that may be needed to meet technological 
    16. Waiver Procedure. To be supplied by the Federal Government.
    17.	Where to Obtain Copies of the Standard. To be supplied by the Federal Government.
    Federal Information
    	Processing Standards Publication XXX
    	Specifications for the 
    1 	OVERVIEW	1
    1.1 	Scope of the Standard	1
    1.2 	Road Map for the Standard	2
    2.1 	Key Recovery Information (KRI) Generation Function	7
    2.2 	KRI Delivery Function	8
    2.3 	KRI Validation Function	9
    2.4 	Key Recovery Requestor Function	10
    2.5 	Key Recovery Agent Function(s)	11
    2.6 	Cryptographic End Systems	12
    2.7 	Interoperability	12
    3.1	Key Recovery Agent Function Requirements	16
    3.1.1	Level  1 – Medium Assurance	16	Cryptographic Functions	16	Cryptographic Algorithms	16	Confidentiality	17	Integrity	17	Audit	18	Identification and Authentication	20	Access Control	22	Authentication of Received Transactions	23	Non-Repudiation	24	Protection of Trusted Security Functions	24
    3.1.2	Level 2 – High Assurance	25	Cryptographic Functions	25	Cryptographic Algorithms	25	Confidentiality	25	Integrity	25	Audit	25	Identification and Authentication	26	Access Control	26	Authentication of Received Transactions	27	Non Repudiation	27	Protection of Trusted Security Functions	27
    3.2	Key Recovery Information Generation Function	28
    3.2.1	Level 1 – Medium Assurance Key Recovery Information Generator	28	Cryptographic Functions	28	Cryptographic Algorithms	28	Confidentiality	28	Integrity	29	Identification and Authentication	29	Access Control	29
    3.2.2	Level 2 – High Assurance Key Recovery Information Generator	30	Cryptographic Functions	30	Cryptographic Algorithms	30	Confidentiality	30	Integrity	30	Identification and Authentication	30	Access Control	30
    3.3	Key Recovery Information Delivery Function	31
    3.4	Key Recovery Information Validation Function	31
    3.4.1	Level 1 – Medium Assurance Key Recovery Information Validation Function	31	Cryptographic Functions	31	Cryptographic Algorithms	31	Integrity	31
    3.4.2	Level 2 – High Assurance Key Recovery Information Validator	32	Cryptographic Functions	32	Cryptographic Algorithms	32	Integrity	32
    3.5	Key Recovery Requestor Function	33
    3.5.1	Level  1 – Medium Assurance	33	Cryptographic Functions	33	Cryptographic Algorithms	33	Confidentiality	34	Integrity	34	Audit	35	Identification and Authentication	37	Access Control	38	Authentication of Received Transactions	40	Non-Repudiation	40	Protection of Trusted Security Functions	40
    3.5.2	Level 2 – High Assurance	41	Cryptographic Functions	41	Cryptographic Algorithms	41	Confidentiality	41	Integrity	41	Audit	41	Identification and Authentication	42	Access Control	42	Authentication of Received Transactions	43	Non Repudiation	43	Protection of Trusted Security Functions	43
    KRA Availability	45
    The KRA facility should be required to have the capability to securely replicate any KRI stored 
    in order to support continued on-line access in case of a facility failure.	45
    4.1	Configuration Management	50
    4.1.1	Configuration Management ACM_CAP – CM Capabilities	50	ACM_CAP.1 Minimal Support	50
    4.1.2	Configuration Management ACM_SCP - CM Scope	51	ACM_SCP.2 Problem Tracking CM Coverage	52
    4.2	Delivery and Operation	52
    4.2.1	Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL – Delivery	52	ADO_DEL.1 Delivery Procedures	53	ADO_DEL.2 Detection of Modification	53
    4.2.2	Delivery and Operation ADO_IGS - Installation, Generation, and Start-up	54	ADO_IGS.1 Installation, Generation, and Start-up Procedures	55
    4.3	Development	55
    4.3.1	Development ADV_FSP - Functional Specification	55	ADV_FSP.1 Functional Specification and Security Policy	56	ADV_FSP.2 Functional Specification, Security Policy and Informal Security Policy 
    Model		57
    4.3.2	Development ADV_HLD - High-Level Design	58	ADV_HLD.1 Descriptive High-Level Design	60	ADV_HLD.2 Security Enforcing High-Level Design	60
    4.3.3	Development ADV_IMP - Implementation Representation	61	ADV_IMP.1 Subset of the Implementation	62
    4.3.4	Development ADV_LLD - Low-Level Design	63	ADV_LLD.1 Descriptive Low-Level Design	64
    4.3.5	Development ADV_RCR - Representation Correspondence	65	ADV_RCR.1 Informal Correspondence Demonstration	66
    4.4	Guidance Documents	66
    4.4.1	Guidance Documents AGD_ADM Administrator Guidance	66	AGD_ADM.1 Administrator Guidance	67
    4.4.2	Guidance Documents AGD_USR - User Guidance	68	AGD_USR.1 User Guidance	69
    4.5	Life Cycle Support	70
    4.5.1	Life Cycle Support ALC_FLR - Flaw Remediation	70	ALC_FLR.1 Basic Flaw Remediation	70	ALC_FLR.2 Flaw Reporting Procedures	71
    4.6	Tests	72
    4.6.1	Tests ATE_COV - Coverage	72	ATE_COV.1 Complete Coverage - Informal	72
    4.6.2	Tests ATE_DPT - Depth	73	ATE_DPT.1 Testing - Functional Specification	73
    4.6.3	Tests ATE_FUN - Functional Tests	74	ATE_FUN.1 Functional Testing	74
    4.6.4	Tests ATE_IND - Independent Testing	75	ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing - Sample	76	ATE_IND.3 Independent Testing - Complete	77
    4.7	Vulnerability Assessment	78
    4.7.1	Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VLA - Vulnerability Analysis	78	AVA_VLA.1 Developer Vulnerability Analysis	78
    4.8	Excluded Assurance Requirements	79
    5.1	Key Recovery Request	81
    5.2	Key Recovery Response	81
    1 	Overview
    Federal Agencies have a right and a responsibility to protect the information and data contained 
    in, processed by, and transmitted between their IT systems. Ownership of the information is 
    often shared with individuals, companies, and organizations and therefore requires that the 
    government protect that information on its own behalf and on behalf of those  co-owners. That 
    protection must meet or exceed Federal Government standards and the standards of those co-
    Encryption is an important tool for protecting the confidentiality of communicated or stored 
    data. When suitably strong encryption algorithms are employed and implemented with 
    appropriate assurance, encryption can prevent the disclosure of communicated or stored data to 
    unauthorized parties. However, the unavailability, loss, or corruption of the keys needed to 
    decrypt encrypted data may prevent disclosure to authorized parties. To facilitate authorized 
    access to encrypted data in the face of such failures, this Standard establishes requirements for 
    key recovery products.
    1.1 	Scope of the Standard
    This Standard neither requires nor endorses any specific technology for use in a Key Recovery 
    System (KRS).  It endeavors to be technology independent, so as not to unduly impede 
    innovation in this new area. However, it is not the case that every conceivable key recovery 
    technology will be amenable to successful evaluation under this Standard, e.g., intrinsically 
    insecure KRS technologies may not be able to be evaluated.
    This Standard presents a general model for a KRS. The model identifies functions that are 
    intrinsic to any KRS: the generation of Key Recovery Information (KRI), the management of 
    KRI, requests for key recovery, and the satisfaction of such requests by one or more Key 
    Recovery Agents (KRAs).  The Standard establishes functional, security, security assurance and 
    interoperability requirements that apply to an implementation of each KRS function.
    A product submitted for evaluation under this Standard must embody one or more of the KRS  
    functions defined in this Standard. There is no requirement that a product offered for evaluation 
    embody all of the defined functions; a compliant product may not constitute a complete KRS.  
    There is no requirement that a single product or a suite of products from a single vendor embody 
    all of the functions needed to provide a complete KRS. Thus, the Standard permits the modular 
    implementation of a KRS, based on the assembly of products from one or more sources. Since 
    an organization employing key recovery will require a complete KRS, additional guidance 
    should be provided via other documents to assist in evaluating the security of a system 
    assembled from products (from one or more vendors) that have been evaluated against this 
    The security of a KRS is dependent on a mix of security disciplines, including computer, 
    communication, procedural, physical, and personnel security.  This Standard addresses only the 
    computer and communication aspects of KRS security.  Other critical aspects of KRS operation 
    are outside the scope of this Standard. For example, a KRS must be available and survivable if it 
    is to ensure authorized access to encrypted data, but this Standard does not address such 
    concerns.  Thus, compliance with this standard represents a set of necessary but not sufficient 
    conditions for overall KRS security and utility.
    If key recovery is offered as a service by a trusted third party, that party could employ products 
    (e.g., a KRA) that comply with this Standard.  However, the use of compliant products does not 
    ensure the security for a KRS as a whole, nor does it ensure available or survivable KRS 
    operations, as noted above. Hence, a KRS service cannot be said to comply with this Standard.
    1.2 	Road Map for the Standard
    Section 2 of this Standard defines the abstract model for a KRS and defines the functions 
    essential to KRS operation.  Any product claiming compliance must identify which KRS 
    functions are embodied in the product.  Section 2 establishes functional and interoperability 
    requirements for identified KRS functions. A product submitted for certification relative to this 
    FIPS will be evaluated against the functional and interoperability requirements applicable to the 
    functions that a vendor asserts are embodied in the product.
    Section 3 defines the security requirements for KRS functions.  Two levels of compliance are 
    defined: Level 1 and Level 2. An implementation of a function at Level 1 provides basic security 
    functionality, whereas Level 2 offers a higher level of security functionality.  The choice of level 
    for an application or environment is context sensitive, a function of many factors, and this 
    Standard provides no guidance to prospective users in this regard. .  However, any product 
    claiming compliance with this Standard must declare the level at which each function of the 
    product is asserted to comply (i.e., the level of compliance claimed by the developer).  Because 
    of the mapping between security levels and security assurance levels, it is not necessary to 
    separately assert assurance level compliance.
    Section 4 defines security assurance requirements for the implementation of KRS functions.  
    These requirements are derived from the Common Criteria , and represent a profile of that 
    security assurance evaluation criteria for use in this context.  Three levels of (increasing) security 
    assurance are defined: A, B and C.  For each KRS function defined in Section 2, and each 
    security functionality level defined in Section 3, one of these three assurance levels apply.  Thus, 
    there is a one-to-one correspondence between security functionality and assurance levels, on a 
    per-function basis.
    Appendix A contains illustrative examples of how to map the functions defined in the model in 
    Section 2 to sample KRS products in the context of common applications.  It also includes 
    examples of how to map several existing key recovery system technologies to these functions.  
    These examples are provided to assist vendors and evaluators in understanding the KRS 
    functional model, but are not normative.
    Appendix B describes a Key Recovery Block (KRB) format based on work (in progress) by the 
    Key Recovery Alliance.  The adoption of this format would facilitate the encapsulation of KRI 
    from different key recovery schemes and allow validation of the integrity of KRI in a KRS in 
    support of requirements specified in Section 2. However, the use of the KRB specification in this 
    appendix is not a requirement of the Standard.
    Appendix C defines an extension for X.509 v3 certificates and a profile for other extensions 
    employed in such certificates. Many KRS designs make use of public key certificates.  The 
    extension defined here provides a standard means of representing certain data supportive of 
    several KRS requirements. This appendix provides guidance for KRS designers and standards 
    bodies who choose to make use of X.509 v3 certificates in support of key recovery, but this 
    Standard does mandates neither the use of X.509 certificates nor these extensions.
    Appendix D contains illustrative examples of how key recovery enabled systems can be designed 
    to maximize interoperability, both with systems that do not implement key recovery, and with 
    systems that implement different key recovery schemes.
    Appendix E provides an explanation of the two key recovery schemes currently in use – 
    encapsulation and escrow. Examples are provided for communication between two 
    encapsulation schemes, between two escrow schemes, between an encapsulation and an escrow 
    scheme, and between each of these schemes and a system with no key recovery.
    2 	Key Recovery Model
    A Key Recovery System (KRS) enables authorized persons to recover plaintext from encrypted 
    data when the decryption key is not otherwise available. Key Recovery is a broad term that 
    applies to many different key recovery techniques. Each technique will result in the recovery of a 
    key – herein called the target key. The target key may be either:
    ? the data key that can be used to decrypt the data, or
    ? a key that can be used to decrypt the encrypted data key. 
    The information required to recover the target key  may be different for each technique. The 
    term “key recovery information” (KRI) will be used to refer to the aggregate of information 
    needed by a key recovery technique to recover the target key. The key recovery information can 
    be managed in a variety of ways.  It may exist for only a brief time during electronic 
    transmission, or it may exist for a relatively long time in storage. The KRI may be distributed 
    among multiple location(s) (e.g., at one or more Key Recovery Agents (KRAs), with a 
    registration authority, associated with or attached to a message or file, in end user systems, in 
    third party systems, at a CA, in a certificate, or in a requestor facility).
    Figure 1 presents a generalized model for a Key Recovery System, consisting of a KRI 
    Generation, KRI Management and  Key Recovery. The model addresses the creation of KRI for 
    the recovery of the target key, the management of the KRI, and the recovery of the target key 
    from that KRI.
    KRI generation is performed by a KRI Generation Function. KRI Management is performed by a 
    KRI Delivery Function and a KRI Validation Function. Key Recovery is performed by a Key 
    Recovery Requestor Function and a KRA Function. The resulting five functions are shown in 
    Figure 2.
    The key recovery model addresses multiple key recovery techniques (see Section 2.8) and 
    supports a wide variety of data applications, including:
    ? Interactive communication sessions
    ? Store-and-forward communications
    ? Data storage
    A Key Recovery System (KRS) may exist over multiple “locations” (e.g.,  cryptographic end 
    systems, KRA systems, requestor system, and storage or transmission media). The normal key 
    used by a target application exchange mechanism need not be affected by the use of key 
    recovery mechanisms. However, key exchange mechanisms may be used to support the creation 
    and distribution of key recovery information (e.g., the integration of KRI into existing key 
    exchange mechanisms is not precluded). In the future, key exchange protocol designers may find 
    it beneficial to integrate key recovery into the base design of the protocol.
    Appendix A provides examples of the distribution of functions of the model within products 
    implementing a Key Recovery System.
    The functions of the Key Recovery Model specified in this standard must be implemented in 
    products which, when used together with a key recovery policy and procedures, form a Key 
    Recovery System. A key recovery policy  specifies the conditions under which key recovery 
    information must be created and the conditions under which key recovery information may be 
    released. The policy identifies the authorized key requestors and specifies the conditions under 
    which each requestor is authorized to access data. The policy may also indicate the allowable 
    Key Recovery Agent(s), how or where key recovery information must be maintained, and 
    whether or not the received encrypted information should be processed when key recovery 
    information is not available. The key recovery policy could be “hardwired” (e.g., implemented in 
    a manner which does not allow key recovery to be bypassed), selectable by a user, or 
    implemented in policy management tables or modules.
    The remainder of this section identifies functional and interoperability requirements for key 
    recovery products which are designed to be conformant with this standard. Requirements are 
    designated by “Req” numbers, and the requirement and its number are presented in a bold font. 
    Explanatory text is provided in subsequent paragraphs.
    (Req. 1) There shall be a well-defined mapping from the key recovery functions 
    of a product to the functions of the key recovery model. A vendor shall 
    provide a document describing the complete KRS scheme in which 
    the product(s) submitted for evaluation are intended to operate. It shall 
    be possible to test the described interfaces between the product(s) 
    and the functions needed to provide a complete KRS scheme. [ADD 
    A product claiming compliance with the Standard must be mappable to one or more of the KRS  
    functions defined in this Standard. There is no requirement that a product offered for evaluation 
    embody all of the defined functions, nor is there a requirement that a single vendor provide a 
    complete KRS. The modular implementation of a KRS, based on the assembly of components 
    from one or more sources, is allowed. However, a vendor submitting a product for evaluation 
    must provide a thorough description of how the KRS functions in the product fit into a complete 
    KRS.  The description must include all interfaces between the KRS functions embodied in the 
    submitted product and any KRS functions with which these functions interact. For product 
    evaluation, it must be possible to test these interactions, either  by assembling a complete KRS, 
    or through the use of simulation, test fixtures, or through analytic means.
    (Req. 2) A product submitted for evaluation shall be configurable so that it 
    would be possible to interoperate with some product(s) (extant or not) 
    to form a complete KRS composed only from compliant KRS 
    functions.  Each KRS function in the selected subset shall be capable 
    of operating independently of the functions outside of the selected 
    A product may be submitted for the evaluation of a subset of the KRS functions it provides. This 
    allows a product to offer both compliant and non-compliant KRS functions, and receive 
    certification only for the compliant functions.
    (Req. 3) If a function in a product submitted for evaluation may operate in both 
    compliant and non-compliant modes,  the product shall be 
    configurable so that one can determine unambiguously whether the 
    compliant or non-compliant mode of the function will be invoked.
    2.1 	Key Recovery Information (KRI) Generation Function
    (Req. 4) Each instance of the KRI Generation Function shall generate all or part 
    of the KRI. If KRI is generated by more than one instance of this 
    function, the set of all KRI generating functions shall yield KRI 
    sufficient for key recovery.
    The KRI Generation Function consists of one or more KRI-generating entities, also called KRI 
    providers. A KRI provider could, for example, be the sender or receiver of a communication, a 
    Certification Authority (CA), a Key Distribution Center, a Registration Authority, or a 
    component vendor. The KRI may include the identity of a KRA, the identity of a key, a date and 
    time, authorization information, an indication of the key recovery type and manufacturer, an 
    algorithm identifier, an encrypted key, or pointer information (e.g., information that points to the 
    location or holder of a key). The method in which this function is implemented often differs 
    among key recovery schemes, hence no detailed requirements are expressed for this function.
    The KRI Generation Function may be distributed over multiple locations (e.g., systems, or 
    hardware or software products) - all KRI required to recover a given data key/ciphertext set need 
    not be created by the same generating entity. For example, the entity generating an encryption 
    key pair may be different than the entity using that key pair to secure the data key which was 
    used to encrypt the ciphertext data. See Appendix A for further examples.
    During an initialization or configuration stage, and at times of periodic updates, the KRI-
    generating entities obtain initialization information and cryptographic parameters, or otherwise 
    are configured to establish shared information as necessary with the KRA(s) to allow key 
    recovery.  For example, for KRI encapsulation systems (see Appendix E), initialization may 
    involve obtaining authentic copies of the KRA public key(s) for subsequent use in encapsulating 
    the KRI by the cryptographic end system. For key escrow systems (see Appendix E), 
    initialization and configuration may involve setting parameters that will allow a secure 
    communication channel to be established between a cryptographic end system and a KRA for the 
    escrowing of private keys. These are critical aspects of the overall Key Recovery System, but 
    their definition is beyond the scope of this document.
    (Req. 5) An instance of the KRI Generation Function assembles and formats all 
    or part of the KRI for use by other key recovery functions.
    The KRI Generation Function generates, assembles and formats the KRI, as appropriate, for 
    consumption by the KRI Validation Function, the Key Recovery Requestor Function and the 
    KRA Function. The format of the KRI and its delivery method is generally specific to a key 
    recovery technique. Information may be acquired from multiple sources (e.g., one or more CA 
    certificates, a key generation device or a time stamping device) in order to generate the required 
    KRI necessary for a given key recovery technique.
    A method is required for associating encrypted data with the KRI that can be used to recover that 
    data. This may be accomplished in a product by (1) providing plaintext information pointing to 
    the KRI within a structure containing the encrypted data, (2) providing plaintext information 
    pointing to the encrypted data within a structure containing the KRI, (3) by a well-defined 
    placement of the KRI and the encrypted data (e.g., within the same message), (4) by acquiring 
    information from another source associated with the encrypted data (e.g., by examining a 
    certificate to determine that a key is escrowed), or (5) by a combination of such techniques. 
    (Req. 6) The KRI Generation Function is responsible for ensuring the validity 
    of  its output. 
    This includes all information generated by the function itself, as well as information generated 
    by other sources (e.g., another KRI Generation Function, a CA, time stamping authority, etc.) 
    which are used in the assembly and format process. In some instances this requirement may be 
    met by authenticating the sources of inputs to KRI generation, as opposed to validating the 
    inputs themselves.
    (Req. 7) The KRI Generation Function shall provide the generated KRI to the 
    KRI Delivery Function.
    (Req. 8) A Level 2 product shall not provide a facility to deactivate KRI 
    For a Level 1 product, KRI generation may be configurable. In a Level 2 product, there must be 
    no facility to deactivate KRI generation.
     2.2 	KRI Delivery Function
    The KRI Delivery Function makes the generated KRI available for validation and recovery (e.g., 
    by storing or transmitting the KRI). The KRI Delivery Function may be distributed over multiple 
    locations (e.g., systems, or hardware or software products).
    (Req. 9) When KRI is delivered in conjunction with a standard communication 
    protocol, the transmission format shall be determined by that protocol 
    There are a number of standard communication protocols that allow the use of encryption to 
    protect the data carried by that protocol. When KRI is introduced into one of these 
    communication protocols, it must be done in a manner that preserves the ability to communicate 
    (see Section 2.7, Interoperability).
    (Req. 10) The KRI Delivery Function shall store KRI with persistence and 
    availability commensurate with that of the corresponding stored 
    KRI for a given data key/ciphertext pair must be available for the duration of time that the given 
    ciphertext exists. If the ciphertext is decrypted and subsequently not available in its original 
    ciphertext form (e.g., stored in plaintext or re-encrypted with a different data key), then the 
    original KRI is no longer required. The KRI Delivery Function is expected to call upon normally 
    available storage system resources to effect appropriate persistence and availability, but no 
    extraordinary measures need be employed.
    (Req. 11) The KRI Delivery Function shall make the KRI available to the Key 
    Recovery Requestor Function or the KRA Function or both.
    The KRI Delivery Function shall make the KRI available to the Key Recovery Requestor 
    Function or the KRA Function(s) or a combination thereof. The term “make available” is system 
    dependent and includes sending the KRI to the Key Recovery Requestor directly, or depositing 
    the KRI in one or more locations known to and accessible by the Key Recovery Requestor (i.e., 
    the requestor(s)).
    (Req. 12) The KRI Delivery Function (for level 2 compliance) shall make the KRI 
    available to the KRI Validation Function.
    The KRI Delivery Function must provide the KRI produced by the KRI Generation Function to 
    the KRI Validation Function. The method of delivery may be via a communication channel, 
    storage device or directly between modules within the same system.
    2.3 	KRI Validation Function
    (Req. 13) For level 2 compliance, if KRI Validation fails, access to plaintext at the 
    cryptographic end system shall be denied.
    The KRI Validation Function ensures that KRI is valid and usable for key recovery. The intent of 
    this function is to provide assurance that a key requestor can use KRI to successfully recover a 
    target key in order to recover encrypted data. Several methods  of validation may be performed, 
    ? Checking certificates for the presence of KRI (e.g., KRA identities, key recovery 
    ? Checking that KRI is available for a KRA (e.g., in a recipient list or a key recovery 
    ? Authenticating the source of the KRI,
    ? Validating the integrity of KRI associated with the encrypted data (e.g., received in 
    the same message), and
    ? Verifying that the KRI can actually be used to recover the data key needed to decrypt 
    the encrypted data (e.g., the correct target key can be produced).
    ? Creating KRI, either when no KRI is received or in lieu of accepting and verifying 
    KRI that is received, or if validation of received KRI is not successful. (In the last 
    example, failure of the received validation is “overridden” by the receiver’s 
    generation of KRI.) In this case, a KRI Generation Function must be available.
    2.4 	Key Recovery Requestor Function
    The Key Recovery Requestor Function authenticates the entity making the request to the Key 
    Recovery Agent. The Key Recovery Requestor Function consists of the requestor and a 
    Requestor Subsystem (see Figure 3). The requestor is an entity who seeks to recover information 
    that will allow the decryption of encrypted data. A request for a key recovery service, made by a 
    requestor using a Requestor Subsystem to interact with one or more Key Recovery Agents, must 
    be an authorized request -- the requestor and the Requestor Subsystem that issues a request for a 
    key recovery service must be authorized under system policy to access the data that can be 
    decrypted using the recovered target key.  Furthermore, the requestor and the Requestor 
    Subsystem must establish their right to access that data. The authentication and authorization 
    process is beyond the scope of this standard.
    (Req. 14) For given KRI, the Key Recovery Requestor Function shall have the 
    ability to recover a target key by interacting with one or more Key 
    Recovery Agents.
    The requestor provides key recovery information to the Requestor Subsystem. The Requestor 
    Subsystem interacts with one or more KRAs to obtain either the target key, or multiple key parts 
    or key related information which will allow the reconstruction of the target key. The target key 
    may then be used to recover the data using a Data Recovery System. The Data Recovery System 
    is not specified in this standard.
    KRI may be designed so that one KRA may not be able to provide all the information necessary 
    to recover a target key. For example, each KRA may be able to provide key products which are 
    then combined to reconstruct the target key.
    2.5 	Key Recovery Agent Function(s)
    A Key Recovery Agent (KRA) Function, is a trusted function that performs a key recovery 
    service in response to an authorized request made by a Requestor Subsystem on behalf of a 
    (Req. 15) The KRA shall store keys, key components or any other information 
    required to satisfy the recovery of a target key . 
    (Req. 16) A Key Recovery Agent Function shall have the ability to process the 
    KRI provided by the Key Recovery Requestor Function. Processing by 
    the Key Recovery Agent Function shall yield some or all of the 
    information required to decrypt data acquired by a Requestor.
    The key recovery service performed by a KRA consists of processing all or part of the KRI 
    provided to the KRA by the Requestor Subsystem, and returning an output value to the 
    Requestor Subsystem. The output value may be either the target key, or multiple key parts or key 
    related information which will allow the reconstruction of the target key.
    2.6 	Cryptographic End Systems
    The functions of the Key Recovery Model specified in this standard must be implemented in 
    products which, when used together with a key recovery policy and procedures, form a Key 
    Recovery System. The key recovery functions within the model may be distributed across these 
    products as appropriate for the specific key recovery technique and the key recovery policy 
    adopted for an organization.  This section defines the concept of a cryptographic end system, as 
    needed to support validation of interoperability requirements. 
    (Req. 17) A vendor submitting a product for evaluation under this Standard shall 
    declare the product as a cryptographic end system if it encrypts or 
    decrypts application data using a target key and incorporates a KRI 
    Generation, KRI Delivery, or KRI Validation Function.
    In order to recover encrypted data, the key recovery information must be generated in order to 
    allow the recovery of data keys used by that system. The KRI may be made available in various 
    ways, e.g., as encapsulated information which may be stored or communicated with the 
    encrypted data, or as escrowed data, or both.
    The model does not specify which system or systems generate the KRI. When KRI is generated 
    by cryptographic end systems, the KRI could be generated by the entity that encrypts data (e.g., 
    the sender) or the entity that decrypts data (e.g., the receiver). A cryptographic end system 
    generates and processes KRI in accordance with a specified key recovery policy.
    Note that cryptographic end system products need not contain a specific set of key recovery 
    functions (see Appendix A). The use of the functions within a cryptographic end system can 
    depend on which key recovery technique is being used and whether the system is acting as a 
    sender or receiver system. When a key encapsulation application is acting as a sender, it would 
    typically perform the KRI Generate and Delivery Functions, whereas when acting as a receiver, 
    it would often perform the KRI Validation Function.  In a key escrow-based application, 
    however, the sender may perform the KRI Validation Function, rather than the receiver.
    2.7 	Interoperability 
    This standard establishes interoperability requirements for several types of key recovery system 
    products: cryptographic end systems, Key Recovery Agents and Key Recovery Requestors. No 
    interoperability requirements are imposed on communication between a cryptographic end 
    system and a Key Recovery Agent (KRA). In this latter case, the imposition of interoperability 
    requirements is viewed as potentially too restrictive in light of the wide range of key recovery 
    technologies that this Standard attempts to embrace.
    This standard will define a syntax for communication between a Key Recovery Requestor (KRR) 
    and a KRA. This syntax applies only to electronic key recovery transactions effected via a 
    communication medium (e.g., telephone, LAN or Internet). Key recovery transactions effected 
    via storage media (e.g., diskette or tape) or via direct interaction (e.g., self recovery on a PC) are 
    not covered by these requirements. These syntactic requirements have been established to reduce 
    life cycle costs for users of key recovery systems and because it appears to be feasible to do so 
    without introducing undue constraints on technology options. Section 5 defines the syntax for 
    this communication. No interoperability requirements are imposed on communication among 
    KRAs from different vendors. 
    Interoperability requirements for cryptographic end systems apply only to the use of key 
    recovery for communicated data, not for data storage. With regard to such systems, 
    interoperability requirements apply only in the context of systems that communicate in an 
    interoperable, encrypted fashion, exclusive of the use of key recovery technology. Such systems 
    fall into two categories: those that make use of “standard” communication protocols and those 
    that make use of “proprietary” protocols. For this standard, the phrase “standard communication 
    protocol” encompasses any communication protocol that has been adopted by a generally-
    recognized protocol standards organization, including the International Telecommunication 
    Union (ITU), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American National 
    Standards Institute (ANSI), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the 
    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Forum and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
    No interoperability requirements are established for cryptographic end systems that engage in 
    encrypted communications using proprietary communication protocols. Such systems typically 
    exhibit limited interoperability (except within individual vendor product lines) due to the use of 
    non-standard protocols. Still, vendors who choose to incorporate key recovery technology in 
    their products are encouraged to do so in a fashion that minimizes disruption to the installed 
    product base in order to facilitate communication between key recovery products and non-key 
    recovery products.
    (Req. 18) The cryptographic end system shall be configurable so that 
    interoperability is preserved when communicating with key recovery 
    capable or non-key recovery capable end systems.
    When key recovery is introduced into a system using a standard (encrypted) communication 
    protocol, it must be done in a fashion that preserves interoperability, i.e., if two systems were 
    able to communicate securely prior to the introduction of key recovery technology, then they 
    must be able to do so after the introduction of the technology. Some key recovery capable 
    systems may be configured so that they will refuse to communicate with other systems unless it 
    can be determined that the other systems are employing key recovery. If this feature is activated, 
    it may prevent interoperability between otherwise interoperable systems. However, the presence 
    of this configurable feature does not exempt a system from meeting the interoperability 
    requirements detailed below. There are two general approaches to meeting this requirement.
    If a key escrow scheme (see Appendix E) is employed, the (extant) secure communication 
    protocol employed by the cryptographic end systems need not be modified to carry any key 
    recovery information, and thus, interoperability is inherently preserved. Note that in this case, 
    interoperability is preserved both among key recovery capable systems, and between key 
    recovery capable and non-key recovery capable systems. If no changes are made to the secure 
    communication protocol, including any supporting key and/or certificate management protocols, 
    then it may or may not be possible for communicating systems to determine if key recovery is 
    being employed. If a key escrow scheme elects to transmit some information in a secure 
    communication protocol to indicate that key recovery is enabled, then it must do so in a fashion 
    that does not impair interoperability. For example, if X.509 public key certificates are employed 
    to support secure communication, an extension can be added to each certificate specifying the 
    KRA(s) for the subject. If such an extension is employed and not marked “critical”, this 
    approach complies with the interoperability requirement established here. However, if such an 
    extension were employed and marked “critical”, this would not be compliant, as it would inhibit 
    interoperability with non-key recovery aware systems. See Appendix C for a proposed X.509 
    certificate extension.
    If a KRI encapsulation scheme (see Appendix E) is employed, the key recovery information will 
    be carried in the secure communication protocol. In some standard, secure communication 
    protocols, it is possible to carry this information in a fashion that preserves interoperability 
    without modifying the protocol. For example, in a secure e-mail protocol (e.g., MSP , PGP , 
    S/MIME , or X.411  an additional recipient, representing a KRA, could be added to the per-
    recipient token list to provide key recovery on a per message basis. 
    In a session key management protocol, one party may transmit per-session KRI. For example, the 
    IEEE  802.10c Key Management protocol  incorporates an optional field in the Pick-SA-Attrs 
    exchange to carry KRI. In ISAKMP , one party can transmit a (yet to be defined) NOTIFY 
    message with a payload containing per-session KRI. A compliant ISAKMP implementation will 
    silently discard an unrecognized payload, thus preserving interoperability.  These approaches to 
    key recovery are compliant with the interoperability requirements established in this Standard.
    If it is necessary to transport KRI, and there is no provision in a standard communication 
    protocol for doing so in an interoperable fashion, then it will be necessary to modify/extend the 
    protocol to carry such information. It is outside the scope of this standard to specify how key 
    recovery information should be transported in the context of such protocols. The definition of an 
    interoperable means of carrying such information is solely the purview of the cognizant 
    standards body for each affected protocol. 
    (Req. 19) A vendor of a cryptographic end system shall provide documentation 
    demonstrating that the product transports KRI in a fashion consistent 
    with the specification developed and adopted by the cognizant 
    standards body for the protocol in question. 
    3 	Security Requirements
    This section defines security requirements for all of the functions defined in the KRS model 
    established in Section 2. The security requirements have been defined to allow a variety of 
    product architectures.  These include using a monolithic product on which no other 
    software/firmware can be loaded, using a monolithic product on which other software/firmware 
    can be loaded, or using a layered product that has a distinct operating system, application, and 
    cryptographic module.
    The requirements for the KRA and the Key Recovery Requestor Functions have been defined so 
    that all of these architectures can be evaluated.  This is especially true of the requirements in the 
    following areas: Audit, Identification and Authentication, Access Control, and Protection of 
    Trusted Security Functions.
    Furthermore, a product architecture may imply that some of the requirements do not apply, e.g., 
    a requirement  intended to mitigate a threat that does not arise in a particular implementation 
    model.  For example, if the product is a monolithic product on which no other software/firmware 
    can be loaded, the domain separation, trusted path, and reference validation mechanism 
    requirements do not apply since the untrusted software threat does not exist.
    3.1	Key Recovery Agent Function Requirements
    3.1.1	Level  1 – Medium Assurance	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 20) All cryptographic modules shall be compliant with FIPS 140-1, Level 2 
    or higher. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    (Req. 21) A KRA function submitted for evaluation shall be able to be configured 
    to use only FIPS approved algorithms (where applicable).
    If a cryptographic function can be effected using a FIPS approved algorithm, it must be possible 
    to configure the KRA to make use of this algorithm.  However, if a key recovery scheme requires 
    a cryptographic function not supported by any FIPS approved algorithms, there is no requirement 
    to make use of such algorithm, e.g., use of RSA for key encapsulation.	Confidentiality
    These requirements are intended to protect against both outsider and insider threats.  The only 
    insider threat addressed is the unauthorized user.  The authorized insider threat is handled 
    elsewhere using audit, role separation, and multi-person control. 
    (Req. 22) The KRA Function shall protect all stored KRI against disclosure to 
    unauthorized individuals.
    (Req. 23) The KRA Function shall protect target key information transmitted  - 
    electronically or physically communicated - against disclosure to 
    unauthorized individuals.
    (Req. 24) The strength of the encryption algorithm used to protect target key 
    information shall be greater than or equal to the strength of the 
    encryption and key management algorithms employed for data 
    encryption or for the generation of the keys being recovered.
    (Evaluation guidance documents will provide details on how to compare encryption algorithms 
    in support of this requirement.) 
    (Req. 25) The product shall apply confidentiality services to all outgoing 
    transactions. The strength of the algorithm used for confidentiality 
    shall be greater than or equal to the strength of the encryption and key 
    management algorithms employed for data encryption or for 
    generation of the keys being recovered.	Integrity
    (Req. 26) The product shall protect all stored KRI against modification. 
    (Req. 27) The product shall apply data origin authentication to all outgoing 
    transactions (i.e., requests and responses). The strength of the 
    algorithm used for authentication shall be greater than or equal to the 
    strength of the encryption and key management algorithms employed 
    for data encryption and for generation of the keys being recovered. 
    (Req. 28) The product shall apply data integrity services to all outgoing 
    transactions. The strength of the algorithm used for integrity shall be 
    greater than or equal to the strength of the encryption and key 
    management algorithms employed for data encryption or for 
    generation of the keys being recovered. 	Audit
    These requirements are used to create a log of information to allow oversight by a security 
    officer to detect unauthorized operations by a Key Recovery Agent.  The recording of events 
    defined as “auditable” may be enabled under configuration control. 
    (Req. 29) The KRA shall cease operation if it is unable to effect audit operations.
    (Req. 30) The product shall generate an alarm to the authorized administrator if 
    the size of the audit data in the audit trail exceeds a pre-defined limit. 
    (Req. 31) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the ability 
    to manage the audit trail at any time during the operation of the 
    (Req. 32) Keys shall not be included in audit trails.
    (Req. 33) The following events shall be auditable:
    (a) Any specific operation performed to process audit data stored in 
    the audit trail (Note: This includes emptying, backup and deletion 
    of audit trail);
    (b) Any attempt to read, modify or destroy the audit trail;
    (c) All requests to use authentication data management mechanisms;
    (d) All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the 
    audit collection functions are operating;
    (e) All requests to access user authentication data;
    (f) Any use of an authentication mechanism. (e.g. login); 
    (g) All attempts to use the user identification mechanism, including 
    the user identity provided; 
    (h) Use of a security-relevant administrative function;
    (i) Explicit requests to assume the security administrative role;
    (j) The allocation of a function to a security administrative role; 
    (k) The addition or deletion of a user to/from a security 
    administrative role; 
    (l) The association of a security-relevant administrative function with 
    a role;
    (m) The invocation of the non-repudiation service.  The audit event 
    shall include the identification of the information, the destination, 
    and a copy of the evidence provided.  The event shall exclude all 
    private and secret keys in encrypted or unencrypted form.
    (n) All attempted uses of the trusted path functions; and
    (o) Identification of the initiator and target of the trusted path.
    (Req. 34) The recording of an event defined as “always audited” shall not be 
    (Req. 35) The following events shall always be audited.  
    (a) Requests, responses, and other transactions received by the 
    product, including key recovery requests;
    (b) Requests, responses, and other transactions generated by the 
    product, including key recovery responses; 
    (c) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions.
    (Req. 36) The product shall record at least the following information within each 
    audit record: 
    (a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject (user) identity, 
    and success or failure of the event;  
    (b) Other audit event type information as follows:
    (1) For changes to the configuration file event, changes shall 
    also be recorded in the audit record.
    (2) When attempting a function using the security administrative 
    role, the function attempted, the role and all applicable 
    inputs shall be recorded in the audit record.
    (3) When allocating a function to a security administrative role, 
    the role and the function shall be included in the audit 
    (4) When adding or deleting users to/from the security 
    administrative role, the role, user identity and the 
    addition/deletion action shall be included in the audit record.
    (5) For all KRA transactions, the entire transaction shall be 
    included in the audit record as sent or received.
    (Req. 37) The product shall be able to generate a human understandable 
    presentation of any audit data. 
    (Req. 38) The audit trail shall not store old or new authentication information 
    (e.g., password).
    (Req. 39) The product shall be able to associate each auditable event with the 
    identity of the user that caused the event. 
    (Req. 40) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the ability 
    to empty the audit trail.
    Note: emptying the audit trail means backup and delete.
    (Req. 41) The product shall be able to include or exclude auditable events from 
    the set of audited events based on the following attributes: User 
    identity, and/or Event Type.  
    (Req. 42) The product shall restrict access to the audit trail to the authorized 
    administrator. 	Identification and Authentication
    These requirements support the unique identification of KRA personnel.  This facilitates 
    individual accountability via audit functions and access controls.  Requirements are levied on the 
    strength of the authentication mechanism against attacks by rogue KRA personnel.    
    These requirements do not apply to electronic transactions (requests and responses).  The 
    electronic transactions may be identified and authenticated (if the scheme permits) using the 
    access control policy.
    Note: If the crypto officer is invoking a KRA cryptographic module function, authentication may 
    be effected directly to the module and is exempt from the following newly added requirement. In 
    this case, the FIPS 140-1 level 2 module I&A requirements apply.
    (Req. 43) The product shall provide functions for initializing and modifying KRA 
    personnel authentication data.
    (Req. 44) The product shall restrict the use of initialization and modification of 
    the KRA personnel authentication data to a security administrator. 
    (Req. 45) The product shall allow authorized KRA personnel to modify their own 
    authentication data. 
    (Req. 46) The product shall protect authentication data that is stored in the 
    product from unauthorized observation, modification, and destruction. 
    (Req. 47) The product shall protect authentication information from 
    unauthorized reuse, including replay.
    Note:  This requirement and the previous requirement provide a capability for secure remote 
    (Req. 48) The product shall be able to terminate the KRA personnel session 
    establishment process after at most five consecutive unsuccessful 
    authentication attempts. 
    (Req. 49) After the termination of a KRA user session establishment process, 
    the product shall be able to disable the user account until the account 
    is enabled by a security administrator .
    (Req. 50) The product shall authenticate any KRA operator’s claimed identity 
    prior to performing any functions on that operator’s behalf. 
    (Req. 51) The product shall authenticate each KRA operator before performing 
    any actions requested by that operator. 
    (Req. 52) The product  shall require a user authentication technology that 
    protects authentication information capture (this requirement is met 
    by a trusted path or the use of a one time password). The strength of 
    the mechanism in terms of space shall meet the requirement of 1 in 
    Techniques that meet this requirement are defined in FIPS PUB 112 based passwords entered via 
    a trusted path, RFC 1938 (One Time Password), hardware tokens connected via trusted 
    channels/paths, and biometric tokens connected via trusted channels/paths. 
    (Req. 53) If the product makes use of a “trusted path” mechanism to meet the 
    preceding I&A requirement, that trusted path between itself and local 
    human users shall be logically distinct from other communication 
    paths and shall provide an assured identification of its endpoints. The 
    local human user shall have the ability to initiate communication via 
    this trusted path.	Access Control
    These requirements provide countermeasures against an entity masquerading as an authorized 
    requestor or KRI generator.  The requirements in this section address the security of electronic 
    communication between the KRA and the Requestor Subsystem or KRI Generation Function.   If 
    these interactions are not electronic, then physical and procedural means must be used to secure 
    the transactions.  These procedural and physical measures are beyond the scope the Standard. 
    (Req. 54) The product shall unambiguously associate a received response to an 
    outstanding request. The strength of the algorithm used for the 
    association shall be greater than or equal to the strength of the 
    encryption and key management algorithms employed for the 
    encryption of user traffic or for the generation of the keys being 
    (Req. 55) The product shall release target key information only to authorized 
    (Req. 56) The product shall release target key information only if the requestor 
    is authorized to receive the data associated with the KRI and for the 
    validity period (time interval) specified in the request, and only if any 
    additional conditions for release (specified in the KRS policy) have 
    been satisfied .
    KRA products are not required to support additional conditions for release as a prerequisite for 
    (Req. 57) The product shall ensure that security features are always invoked and 
    cannot be bypassed. 
    (Req. 58) The product shall maintain a security domain for its own execution 
    that protects it from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects. 
    (Req. 59) The product shall enforce separation between the security domains of 
    subjects in the system. 
    (Req. 60) The product shall restrict the ability to perform security-relevant 
    administrative functions to a security administrative role that has a 
    specific set of authorized functions and responsibilities. 
    Note: The term “security administrative role” refers to generic trusted administrative roles.  The 
    system administrator role is one, but not the only one, of these security administrative roles. 
    Additional security administrative roles are defined later in Requirement (Req. 81).
    In order to meet the preceding requirements, the product must distinguish security-relevant 
    administrative functions from other administrative functions. The set of security-relevant 
    administrative functions must include all functions necessary to install, configure, and manage 
    the product; minimally, this set must include:
    ? the assignment/deletion of authorized users from security administrative roles,
    ? the association of security-relevant administrative commands with security 
    administrative roles,
    ? the assignment/deletion of subjects whose keys are held,
    ? the assignment/deletion of parties who may be provided the keys,
    ? product cryptographic key management,
    ? actions on the audit log, audit profile management, and
    ? changes to the system configuration.
    (Req. 61) The product shall be capable of distinguishing the set of KRA 
    personnel authorized for administrative functions from the set of all 
    other users. 
    (Req. 62) The product shall allow only specifically authorized KRA personnel to 
    assume the security administrative role.
    (Req. 63) The product shall require an explicit request to be made in order for an 
    authorized KRA operator to assume the security administrative role.	Authentication of Received Transactions
    (Req. 64) The product shall verify the source of received transactions. 
    (Req. 65) The product shall verify the integrity of received transactions. 	Non-Repudiation
    These capabilities facilitate the use of a trusted time source to further support accountability. 
    (Req. 66) The product shall provide trusted time stamps for use in transactions 
    with requestors. 
    (Req. 67) The product shall generate evidence of origin for transmitted key 
    recovery responses.
    (Req. 68) The product shall generate evidence of receipt for the registration of 
    target key information.
    (Req. 69) The product shall verify evidence of origin for key recovery requests 
    and for target key information registration transactions.	Protection of Trusted Security Functions
    (Req. 70) Before establishing a session with a KRA administrator, the product 
    shall display an advisory warning message regarding unauthorized 
    use of the product. 
    (Req. 71) The default advisory warning message displayed by the product shall 
    be as follows: “This system shall be used only by authorized 
    personnel and only for authorized key recovery purposes.  Violation 
    may result in criminal prosecution and civil penalties”. 
    (Req. 72) The product shall restrict the capability to modify the warning 
    message to the authorized administrator. 
    (Req. 73) Upon successful session establishment, the product shall display the 
    date, time, method, and source of the last successful session 
    establishment to the KRA operator. 
    (Req. 74) Upon successful session establishment, if there have been any 
    unsuccessful session establishment attempts since the last 
    successful session establishment, the product shall display the date, 
    time, method, and location of the most recent unsuccessful attempt to 
    establish a session as well as the number of unsuccessful attempts 
    since the last successful session establishment. 
    (Req. 75) The data specified above shall not be removed without KRA operator 
    3.1.2	Level 2 – High Assurance	Cryptographic Functions
    (Req. 76) KRA cryptographic modules shall be compliant with FIPS 140-1, Level 
    3 or higher. 
    Note: This requirement does not apply to cryptographic modules used for KRA administrator 
    I&A.	Cryptographic Algorithms
    Same as Level 1.	Confidentiality
    Level 2 requires additional protection against the insider threat of a rogue Key Recovery Agent 
    by requiring multi-party control on access to the KRI. 
     All level 1 requirements apply in addition to the following:
    (Req. 77) The system shall be designed for multiple KRAs.  Two or more KRAs 
    shall be required for a requestor to obtain the target key. 	Integrity
    Same as Level 1.	Audit
    Level 2 adds a real time alarm to the security officer in the event that the audit trail becomes full 
    in order to prevent audit data from being lost.
    Includes all the requirements of Level 1 and the following:
    (Req. 78) The following actions shall be auditable:
    (a) Execution of the tests of the underlying machine and the results 
    of the tests; and
    (b) Attempts to provide invalid inputs for administrative functions.	Identification and Authentication
    Level 2 enhances assurance by requiring the use of a hardware token for user authentication.  
    This provides an additional countermeasure to the threat of an attack on the authentication 
    mechanism and the subsequent unauthorized access to KRI or critical functions. (Note: If the 
    crypto officer is invoking a KRA cryptographic module function, authentication may be effected 
    directly to the module and is exempt from the following newly added requirement. In this case, 
    the FIPS 140-1 level 3 module I&A requirements apply.) 
    All Level 1 requirements except that (Req. 52) is replaced by the following: 
    (Req. 79) The product shall support a hardware token-based authentication.  
    The token shall meet FIPS 140-1 Level 2 requirements.	Access Control
    Level 2 requires multi-party access controls for the release of KRI, and establishes roles and 
    responsibilities for key recovery facility personnel as additional countermeasures to the threat of 
    a single rogue Key Recovery Agent.  
    All Level 1 requirements apply as well as the following:
    (Req. 80) The KRA Function shall be capable of requiring multi-party  (at least 2) 
    authorization in support of the release of target key information.
    Note that although the KRA must support multi-party authorization for the release of target key 
    information, a product that may be configured to operate with single-party authorization would 
    also be compliant.
    The following requirements are intended to provide for strict role separation.
    (Req. 81) The product shall define a set of security administrative roles that 
    minimally includes a system administrator, a system operator, a crypto 
    officer and an audit administrator. 
    (Req. 82) The  system administrator shall perform the following functions:
    (a) the assignment/deletion of authorized users from  system 
    administrative roles,
    (b) the association of security-relevant administrative commands 
    with security administrative roles,
    (c) the assignment/deletion of subjects whose keys are held, and
    (d) the  assignment/deletion of parties who may be provided the 
    (Req. 83) The system operator shall change the system configuration and 
    operate the system.
    (Req. 84) The crypto officer shall manage the cryptographic keys.
    (Req. 85) The audit administrator shall manage the audit log and audit profiles.
    (Req. 86) The product shall associate each security-relevant administrative 
    function with at least one security administrative role. 
    (Req. 87) The product shall enforce checks for valid input values for security-
    relevant administrative functions as described in the Administrative 
    Note that the “Administrative guidance” document is a vendor-supplied document.	Authentication of Received Transactions
    Same as Level 1.	Non Repudiation
    Same as Level 1.	Protection of Trusted Security Functions
    All Level 1 requirements apply as well as the following:
    (Req. 88) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the 
    capability to demonstrate the correct operation of the security-relevant 
    functions provided by the underlying abstract machine. 
    (Req. 89) The product shall preserve a secure state when the abstract machine 
    tests fail. 
    These two requirements ensure that the particular hardware system on which KRA software is 
    operating is operating correctly. (Req. 88) can be met by providing comprehensive integrity or 
    diagnostic tests on the hardware. (Req. 89) can be met by terminating the KRA operations in 
    case of hardware integrity or diagnostic test failure.
    3.2	Key Recovery Information Generation Function
    3.2.1	Level 1 – Medium Assurance Key Recovery Information Generator
    Note that these requirements are applicable to cryptographic end system products.	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 90) All cryptographic modules shall be FIPS 140-1, Level 1 compliant. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    (Req. 91) A KRI Generation Function submitted for evaluation shall be able to be 
    configured to use only FIPS approved algorithms (where applicable).
    See (Req. 21) for additional clarifying details.	Confidentiality
    This requirement is intended to minimize the vulnerability created by the key recovery 
    mechanism.  The key recovery mechanism should not be weaker and thus easier to attack than 
    the original encryption mechanism. 
    (Req. 92) Transmitted target key information must be protected via encryption. 
    The strength of the algorithm used to protect the target key 
    information shall be greater than or equal to the strength of the 
    encryption and key management algorithms employed for data 
    encryption or for generation of the keys being recovered.	Integrity
    These requirements counter the threat of an outsider corrupting the KRI.
    (Req. 93) The KRI Generation Function shall generate an integrity value for the 
    (Req. 94) The KRI Generation Function shall associate the KRI with the 
    encrypted data.
    (Req. 95) The KRI Generation Function shall generate an integrity value for the 
    association of the KRI to the data.
    As an example, a key recovery scheme that includes a keyed message digest computed on the 
    KRI using the data key meets all of the above three requirements. (Req. 93) is met since the 
    keyed message digest provides integrity. (Req. 94) is met by the unambiguous placement of KRI 
    and encrypted data as defined by the protocol (e.g., fixed location, pointer, tagged information, 
    etc.). (Req. 95) is met since the same key is used to calculate or verify the keyed message digest 
    and to decrypt the data, which ensures the integrity of the association between the KRI and the 
    encrypted data.	Identification and Authentication
    (Req. 96) All cryptographic modules shall implement role-based authentication.
    (Req. 97) One of the roles shall be the system administrator role.	Access Control
    (Req. 98) The KRI Generation Function shall allow only the system administrator 
    to configure this function.
    (Req. 99)  At a minimum, the configurations shall include activation and 
    deactivation of this function. 
    Note that a product in which KRI generation is always active need not meet the requirements of 
    this section nor of Section
    3.2.2	Level 2 – High Assurance Key Recovery Information Generator	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 100) All cryptographic modules shall be FIPS 140-1, Level 2 compliant. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    Same as Level 1.	Confidentiality
    Same as Level 1.	Integrity
    All of Level 1 requirements apply as well as the following:
    (Req. 101) The product shall generate KRI to allow the KRI Validation Function to 
    verify that the KRI can be successfully used to recover the target key. 
    Note that an instance of a KRI Generation Function may not provide all of the data required for 
    the KRI Validation Function.	Identification and Authentication
    No requirements at this level.	Access Control
    No requirements at this level.
    3.3	Key Recovery Information Delivery Function
    No Security requirements. 
    3.4	Key Recovery Information Validation Function
    Note that a KRS composed from Level 1 products need not include a KRI Validation Function.
    3.4.1	Level 1 – Medium Assurance Key Recovery Information Validation Function	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 102) All cryptographic modules shall be FIPS 140-1, Level 1 compliant. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    (Req. 103) A KRI Validation Function which is submitted for evaluation shall be 
    able to be configured to use only FIPS approved algorithms (where 
    applicable).	Integrity
    The purpose of the integrity requirements is to ensure that the KRI can be used to successfully 
    decrypt the communication when the receiver can successfully decrypt the communication.  
    Level 1 requirements counter the threat of an outsider corrupting the KRI.  Level 2 requirements 
    counter the threat of the sender corrupting the KRI.
    __________  END OF INITIAL REVIEW OF THE TEXT BY THE TAC _________
    (Req. 104) The KRI Validation Function shall be configurable.
    In order to facilitate interoperability due to differences in key recovery schemes, levels of 
    functionality, and/or configuration (e.g., whether or not key recovery is enabled), this function 
    needs be configurable. If integrity validation is enabled (i.e., turned on), it may prevent 
    interoperation between two cryptographic end systems.
    (Req. 105) Prior to decrypting the data, the KRI Validation Function shall verify 
    that the KRI acquired was that intended by the KRI Generation 
    (Req. 106) Prior to decrypting the data, the KRI validation Function shall verify 
    that the association of the KRI with the encrypted data was that 
    intended by the KRI Generation Function.  
    (Req. 107)  Prior to decrypting the data, the KRI Validation Function shall verify 
    the integrity of the association of the KRI to the encrypted data.
    See Section “Key Recovery Information Generation Function – Integrity” for an example 
    of how the above integrity requirements can be satisfied.
    3.4.2	Level 2 – High Assurance Key Recovery Information Validator	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 108) All cryptographic modules shall be FIPS 140-1, Level 2 compliant. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    Same as Level 1.	Integrity
    The product shall meet at least one of the following (i.e., is required to meet only one of the 
    following, but may meet more than one) integrity requirements:
    (Req. 109) The KRI Validation Function shall ensure that the KRI received is 
    accurate, i.e., the information can be used to perform key recovery 
    successfully.   The KRI Validation Function only needs to meet the 
    Level 1 integrity requirements when interoperating with a product 
    supporting a different scheme.
    (Req. 110) A KRI Generation Function in the receiving cryptographic end system 
    shall generate accurate key recovery information for received 
    encrypted data.
    (Req. 111) The receiving cryptographic end system shall not be able to obtain the 
    correct data decryption key if the received key recovery information is 
    not accurate.
    3.5	Key Recovery Requestor Function
    The security requirements for the Key Recovery Requestor Functions have been defined to allow 
    a variety of product architectures.  These include using a monolithic product on which no other 
    software/firmware can be loaded, using a monolithic product on which other software/firmware 
    can be loaded, or using a layered product that has a distinct operating system, application, and 
    cryptographic module.
    The requirements for the Key Recovery Requestor Functions have been defined so that all of 
    these architectures can be evaluated.  This is especially true of the requirements in the following 
    areas: Audit, Identification and Authentication, Access Control, and Protection of Trusted 
    Security Functions.
    Furthermore, the product architecture may imply that some of the requirements do not apply, 
    e.g., if the threat that a requirement is intended to mitigate does not arise in a particular 
    implementation model.  For example, if the product is a monolithic product on which no other 
    software/firmware can be loaded, the domain separation, trusted path, and reference validation 
    mechanism requirements do not apply since the untrusted software threat does not exist.
    3.5.1	Level  1 – Medium Assurance	Cryptographic Functions 
    (Req. 112) All cryptographic modules shall be compliant with FIPS 140-1, Level 2 
    or higher. 	Cryptographic Algorithms
    (Req. 113) A Key Recovery Requestor function submitted for evaluation shall be 
    be able to be configured to use only FIPS approved algorithms (where 
    If a cryptographic function can be effected using a FIPS approved algorithm, it must be possible 
    to configure the requestor to make use of this algorithm.  However, if a key recovery scheme 
    requires a cryptographic function not supported by any FIPS approved algorithms, there is no 
    requirement to make use of such algorithm, e.g., use of RSA for key encapsulation.	Confidentiality
    (Req. 114) The requestor shall protect received and/or stored KRI against 
    disclosure to unauthorized individuals.
    Note:  Storing the data encrypted and implementing access controls is one way to meet this 
    (Req. 115) The requestor shall protect the key recovery request (specially the 
    identities of subjects and time periods, if applicable) transmitted 
    against disclosure to parties other than the KRA.
    Note: Encryption of the request is one way to meet this requirement.
    (Req. 116) The product shall apply confidentiality services to all requests. The 
    strength of the algorithm used for confidentiality shall be greater than 
    or equal to the strength of the encryption and key management 
    algorithms employed for data encryption or for generation of the keys 
    being recovered. 	Integrity
    (Req. 117) The product shall apply data origin authentication to all requests. The 
    strength of the algorithm used for authentication shall be greater than 
    or equal to the strength of the encryption and key management 
    algorithms employed for data encryption or for generation of the keys 
    being recovered. 
    (Req. 118) The product shall apply integrity services to all requests. The strength 
    of the algorithm used for integrity shall be  greater than or equal to the 
    strength of the encryption and key management algorithms employed 
    for data encryption or for generation of the keys being recovered. 	Audit
    These requirements are used to create a log of information to allow oversight by a security 
    officer to detect unauthorized operations by a Key Recovery Requestor.  The recording of events 
    defined as “auditable” may be enabled under configuration control. 
    (Req. 119) The Key Recovery Requestor (KRR) shall cease operation if it is 
    unable to effect audit operations.
    (Req. 120) The product shall generate an alarm to the authorized administrator if 
    the size of the audit data in the audit trail exceeds a pre-defined limit. 
    (Req. 121) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the ability 
    to manage the audit trail at any time during the operation of the 
    (Req. 122) Keys shall not be included in audit trails.
    (Req. 123) The following actions shall be auditable:
    (a) Any specific operation performed to process audit data stored in 
    the audit trail; (Note: This include backup and deletion of audit 
    (b) Any attempt to read, modify or destroy the audit trail;
    (c) All requests to use authentication data management mechanisms;
    (d) All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the 
    audit collection functions are operating;
    (e) All requests to access user authentication data;
    (f) Any use of an authentication mechanism. (e.g. login);
    (g) All attempts to use the user identification mechanism, including 
    the user identity provided; 
    (h) Use of a security-relevant administrative function;
    (i) Explicit requests to assume the security administrative role;
    (j) The allocation of a function to a security administrative role; 
    (k) The addition or deletion of a user to/from a security 
    administrative role;
    (l) The association of a security-relevant administrative function with 
    a specific security administrative role. 
    (m) The invocation of the non-repudiation service.  The audit event 
    shall include the identification of the information, the destination, 
    and a copy of the evidence provided.  The event shall exclude all 
    private and secret keys in encrypted or unencrypted form.
    (n) All attempted uses of the trusted path functions; and
    (o) Identification of the initiator and target of the trusted path.
    (Req. 124) The recording of an event defined as “always audited” shall not be 
    (Req. 125) The following events shall always be audited:
    (a) Requests, responses, and other transactions generated by the 
    product, including key recovery responses; 
    (b) Requests, responses, and other transactions received by the 
    product, including key recovery requests; and 
    (c) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions.
    (Req. 126) The product shall record at least the following information within each 
    audit record: 
    (a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject (user) identity, 
    and success or failure of the event; and 
    (b) Other audit event type information as follows:
    (1) For changes to the configuration file event, changes shall 
    also be recorded in the audit record.
    (2) When attempting a function using the security administrative 
    role, the function attempted, the role and all applicable 
    inputs shall be recorded in the audit record.
    (3) When allocating a function to a security administrative role, 
    the role and the function shall be included in the audit 
    (4) When adding or deleting users to/from the security 
    administrative role, the role, user identity and the 
    addition/deletion action shall be included in the audit record.
    (5) For all KRA transactions, the entire transaction shall be 
    included in the audit record as sent or received.
    (Req. 127) The product shall be able to generate a human understandable 
    presentation of any audit data stored in the permanent audit trail. 
    (Req. 128) The audit trail shall not store the old or new authentication 
    information (e.g., passwords) 
    (Req. 129) The product shall be able to associate each auditable event with the 
    identity of the user that caused the event. 
    (Req. 130) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the ability 
    to empty the audit trail.
    (Req. 131) The product shall be able to include or exclude auditable events from 
    the set of audited events based on the following attributes: User 
    identity, and/or Event Type.
    (Req. 132)  The product shall restrict access to the audit trail to the authorized 
    administrator. 	Identification and Authentication
    The requirements in this section are for the identification and authentication of the various 
    requestor personnel.  This facilitates individual accountability via audit functions and access 
    controls.  Requirements are levied on the strength of the authentication mechanism against 
    attacks by rogue KRR personnel.
    These requirements do not apply  to electronic transactions (requests and responses).  The 
    electronic transactions may be identified and authenticated (if the scheme permits) using the 
    access control policy.
    Note: If the crypto officer is invoking a KRR cryptographic module function, authentication may 
    be effected directly to the module and is exempt from the following newly added requirement. In 
    this case, the FIPS 140-1 level 2 module I&A requirements apply.
    (Req. 133) The product shall provide functions for initializing and modifying user 
    authentication data.
    (Req. 134) The product shall restrict the use of  initialization and modification of 
    the user authentication data to a administrator. 
    (Req. 135) The product shall allow authorized users to use these functions to 
    modify their own authentication data.
    (Req. 136) The product shall protect authentication data that is stored in the 
    product from unauthorized observation, modification, and destruction. 
    (Req. 137) The product shall protect authentication information from 
    unauthorized reuse, including replay.
    Note:  This requirement and the previous requirement provide a capability for secure remote 
    (Req. 138) The product shall be able to terminate the user session establishment 
    process after at most five unsuccessful authentication attempts..
    (Req. 139) After the termination of a user session establishment process, the 
    product shall be able to disable the user account until the account is 
    enabled by an authorized administrator (i.e., security administrator). 
    (Req. 140) The product shall authenticate every user’s claimed identity prior to 
    performing any functions on the user’s behalf. 
    (Req. 141) The product  shall require a user authentication technology that 
    protects authentication information capture (this requirement is met 
    by a trusted path or the use of a one time password). The strength of 
    the mechanism in terms of space shall meet the requirement of 1 in 
    Techniques that meet this requirement are defined in FIPS PUB 112 based passwords entered via 
    a trusted path, RFC 1938 (One Time Password), hardware tokens connected via trusted 
    channels/paths, and biometric tokens connected via trusted channels/paths. 
    (Req. 142) If the product makes use of a “trusted path” mechanism to meet the 
    preceding I&A requirement, that trusted path between itself and local 
    human users shall be logically distinct from other communication 
    paths and shall provide an assured identification of its endpoints. The 
    local human user shall have the ability to initiate communication via 
    this trusted path.	Access Control
    These requirements provide countermeasures against an entity masquerading as an authorized 
    requestor.  The requirements in this section address the security of electronic communication 
    between the KRA and Key Recovery Requestor Functions.   If these interactions are not 
    electronic, then physical and procedural means may be used to secure the transactions.  These 
    procedural and physical measures are beyond the scope the standard. 
    (Req. 143) The product shall verify the association of the response to an 
    outstanding request. 
    (Req. 144) The product shall ensure that the KRI is destroyed (e.g., by zeroizing) 
    when it is no longer required, when it is no longer valid (e.g., time 
    expiry), when the KRA requires its deletion, or when the legal authority 
    to it expires, whichever occurs first. 
    (Req. 145) The product shall ensure that security features are always invoked and 
    cannot be bypassed. 
    (Req. 146) The product shall maintain a security domain for its own execution 
    that protects it from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects. 
    (Req. 147) The product shall enforce separation between the security domains of 
    subjects in the system. 
    (Req. 148) The product shall restrict the ability to perform security-relevant 
    administrative functions to a security administrative role that has a 
    specific set of authorized functions and responsibilities. 
    Note: The term “security administrative role” refers to generic trusted administrative roles.  The 
    system administrator role is one, but not the only one, of these security administrative roles. 
    Additional security administrative roles are defined in Requirement (Req. 81).
    In order to meet the preceding requirements, the product must distinguish security-relevant 
    administrative functions from other administrative functions. The set of security-relevant 
    administrative functions must include all functions necessary to install, configure, and manage 
    the product; minimally, this set must include:
    ? the assignment/deletion of authorized users from security administrative roles,
    ? the association of security-relevant administrative commands with security 
    administrative roles,
    ? the assignment/deletion of subjects whose keys are held,
    ? the assignment/deletion of parties who may be provided the keys,
    ? product cryptographic key management,
    ? actions on the audit log, audit profile management, and
    ? changes to the system configuration.
    (Req. 149) The product shall be capable of distinguishing the set of users 
    authorized for administrative functions from the set of all other users. 
    (Req. 150) The product shall allow only specifically authorized users to assume 
    the security administrative role.
    (Req. 151) The product shall require an explicit request to be made in order for an 
    authorized users to assume the security administrative role.	Authentication of Received Transactions
    (Req. 152) The product shall verify the source of received transactions. 
    (Req. 153) The product shall verify the integrity of received transactions. 	Non-Repudiation
    (Req. 154) The product shall provide trusted time stamps for use in transactions 
    with the KRA Function. 
    (Req. 155) The product shall verify evidence of origin for key recovery responses.
    (Req. 156) The product shall generate evidence of origin for key recovery 
    requests.	Protection of Trusted Security Functions
    (Req. 157) Before establishing a session with a user, the product shall display an 
    advisory warning message regarding unauthorized use of the product. 
    (Req. 158) The default advisory warning message displayed by the product shall 
    be as follows: “This system shall be used only by authorized 
    personnel and only for authorized key recovery purposes.  Violation 
    may result in criminal prosecution and civil penalties”. 
    (Req. 159) The product shall restrict the capability to modify the warning 
    message to the authorized administrator. 
    (Req. 160) Upon successful session establishment, the product shall display the 
    date, time, method, and location of the last successful session 
    establishment to the user. 
    (Req. 161) Upon successful session establishment, if there have been any 
    unsuccessful session establishment attempts since the last 
    successful session establishment, the product shall display the date, 
    time, method, and location of the most recent unsuccessful attempt to 
    session establishment as well as the number of unsuccessful 
    attempts since the last successful session establishment. 
    (Req. 162) The data specified above shall not be removed without user 
    3.5.2	Level 2 – High Assurance	Cryptographic Functions
    (Req. 163) All cryptographic modules shall be compliant with FIPS 140-1, Level 3 
    or higher. 
	Cryptographic Algorithms
    Same as Level 1.	Confidentiality
    Same as level 1.	Integrity
    Same as level 1.
    Includes all the requirements of Level 1 and the following:
    (Req. 164) The following actions shall be auditable:
    (a) Execution of the tests of the underlying machine and the results 
    of the tests; 
    (b) Attempts to provide invalid inputs for administrative functions. 	Identification and Authentication 
    Level 2 enhances assurance by requiring the use of a hardware token for user authentication.  
    This provides an additional countermeasure to the threat of an attack on the authentication 
    mechanism and the subsequent unauthorized access to KRI or critical functions. (Note: If the 
    crypto officer is invoking a KRA cryptographic module function, authentication may be effected 
    directly to the module and is exempt from the following newly added requirement. In this case, 
    the FIPS 140-1 level 3 module I&A requirements apply.) 
    All Level 1 requirements except that (Req. 141) is replaced by the following:  THE NUMBER 
    (Req. 165) The product shall support a hardware token-based authentication.  
    The token shall meet FIPS 140-1 Level 2 requirements. 	Access Control
    All Level 1 requirements apply as well as the following:
    (Req. 166) Two or more users shall be required to request the recovery 
    information from the KRA Function. 
    (Req. 167) The product shall define a set of security administrative roles that 
    minimally includes a system administrator, a system operator, a crypto 
    officer and an audit administrator. 
    (Req. 168) The  system administrator shall perform the following functions:
    (a) the assignment/deletion of authorized users from  system 
    administrative roles,
    (b) the association of security-relevant administrative commands 
    with security administrative roles,
    (c) the assignment/deletion of subjects whose keys are held, and
    (d) the  assignment/deletion of parties who may be provided the 
    (Req. 169) The system operator shall change the system configuration and 
    operate the system.
    (Req. 170) The crypto officer shall manage the cryptographic keys.
    (Req. 171) The audit administrator shall manage the audit log and audit profiles.
    (Req. 172) The product shall associate each security-relevant administrative 
    function with at least one security administrative role. 
    (Req. 173) The product shall enforce checks for valid input values for security-
    relevant administrative functions as described in the Administrative 
    Note that the “Administrative guidance” document is a vendor-supplied document.	Authentication of Received Transactions
    Same as Level 1.	Non Repudiation
    Same as Level 1 requirements:	Protection of Trusted Security Functions
    All Level 1 requirements apply as well as the following: 
    (Req. 174) The product shall provide the authorized administrator with the 
    capability to demonstrate the correct operation of the security-relevant 
    functions provided by the underlying abstract machine. 
    (Req. 175) The product shall preserve a secure state when abstract machine tests 
    These two requirements ensure that the particular hardware system on which KRA software is 
    operating is operating correctly. (Req. 88) can be met by providing comprehensive integrity or 
    diagnostic tests on the hardware. (Req. 89) can be met by terminating the KRA operations in 
    case of hardware integrity or diagnostic test failure.  Numbers 88 and 89 in this text need to refer 
    to KRR requirements.
    KRA Availability
    These suggestions are intended to provide the capability for a KRA to recover in the event of a 
    system failure or compromise.  They act as a counter to the threat of the unauthorized 
    destruction of the KRI or capabilities at the KRA facility.
    The KRA facility should be required to have the capability to securely replicate any KRI stored 
    in order to support continued on-line access in case of a facility failure.
    The KRA facility should have a secure backup of the KRI stored in order to rebuild the key 
    recovery database in case of KRA system failure.
    Ancillary Products
    Registration Agent
    Registration Agents maintain information on key recovery products and corresponding key 
    recovery protocol (schemes).  The registration agent should be able to ensure the accuracy and 
    maintain the integrity of the product information.
    These features counter the threat of an adversary spoofing as the registration agent and of 
    unauthorized access to the information and critical functions at the registration agent. 
    The Registration Agent should verify authentication and integrity services for the received 
    product information.
    The Registration Agent should apply authentication and integrity services to the product 
    information it transmits.
    The Registration Agent should ensure that the product information it maintains is not modified 
    by unauthorized parties.
    Licensing Agent
    Licensing Agents perform compliance audits of the KRAs to ensure that the KRAs operate in 
    accordance with the KRA’s stated policy.
    Authentic Public Key Source (APKS AKA Public Key Infrastructure (PKI))
    The APKS should carry out transactions in accordance with the Minimum Interoperability 
    Specifications for PKI Products (MISPC)
    Security/Certificate Policy: 
    The security of PKI and the degree to which the binding between an entity (subject or 
    subscriber) and public key can be trusted, is determined by the Certificate Policy.  Certificate 
    Policy is defined and described in Certificate Policy Framework.  Using this Framework, NIST 
    has developed Baseline Security Requirements.   NIST plans to enhance these for up to three 
    more strictly superior policies.  Thus, in order to define the security requirements for the APKS, 
    we only need to select the proper certificate policy.  Please note the certificate policy security 
    requirements are quite comprehensive.  For details, see IETF PKIX Part IV: Certificate Policy 
    For Level 1, the APKS should meet the medium Certificate Policy.  For Level 2, the APKS 
    should meet the high Certificate Policy.
    4	Assurance Requirements
    The assurance in a KRS compliant product can be achieved using the Common Criteria 
    Evaluation Assurance Levels (EAL).  The Common Criteria (CC) defines seven hierarchical 
    assurance levels EAL1 through EAL7.  The Common Criteria assurance levels may be overkill 
    for the KRS compliance validation program. Thus, this section contains a tailored list of 
    assurance requirements.  These requirements are derived from the Common Criteria Part 3 
    (Assurance Requirements).  Specifying assurance requirements in the common criteria language 
    will help in converting the FIPS into a Common Criteria Protection Profile and in validating 
    KRS compliant products under the Common Criteria (CC) Evaluation Methodology.
    For the sake of clarity, it should be noted that the CC structure for assurance requirements is 
    hierarchical as follows.  At the highest level, the requirements are categorized into classes.  The 
    classes are further decomposed into families.  The families are decomposed into products.  Each 
    component has three sets of elements.  The first set of elements is the list of developer (vendor) 
    requirements which must be satisfied for the component.  The second set of elements is a list of 
    contents and presentation requirements for the assurance evidence for that element.  The third 
    and last set of elements is what an independent evaluator should do to assess the contents and 
    presentation items which are provided.
    A later section of this report also explains why the remaining Common Criteria assurance 
    requirements are not recommended.
    Three Assurance Levels (AL) are defined for this standard.  These levels are somewhat related to 
    the Common Criteria assurance levels, but are not derived from the Common Criteria assurance 
    levels.  The assurance levels for the classes, families and products of key recovery products are 
    listed in Table 1. Subsequent sections provide further detail.
    (Req. 176) The KRA and Key Recovery Requestor Functions shall be required to 
    meet the assurance requirements for AL B and AL C for Security 
    Levels 1 and 2, respectively, as defined in Tables 1 and 2.
    (Req. 177) The KRI Generation and Validation Functions shall be required to meet 
    the assurance requirements for AL A and AL B for Security Levels 1 
    and 2, respectively, as defined in Tables 1 and 2.  
    Table 2 provides a summary of assurance level requirements for the various KRS functions.
    It should be noted that the assurance requirements are applied to test the product functionality 
    and security features.
    Assurance Concept
    The assurance concepts and notations in this standard are based on the Common Criteria.  The 
    assurance concept consists of a hierarchical refinement of the requirements.  At the top-level, the 
    assurance requirements are broken down into classes.  The classes include, configuration 
    management, delivery and operation, development, guidance documents, life-cycle support, 
    testing, and vulnerability analysis.  Each class is broken down into families.  For example, the 
    development class contains families such as functional specification, high-level design, low-
    level design, implementation representation, etc.  Each family consists of one or more products.  
    Each component contains three sets of elements.  The first set is the product developer actions.  
    The second set is the requirements for content and presentation of information.  The third and 
    final set contains the evaluator actions.
    Assurance Notations
    The notation used for assurance requirements is based on the Common Criteria.  Each class is 
    defined as three characters; the first character is always “A” for assurance; the remaining two 
    characters are meaningful for the class; e.g., CM for configuration management, DV for 
    development, TE for testing, etc.  The three letter assurance class is followed by an underscore 
    “_” and a three letter meaningful name for the family, e.g., FSP for functional specification.  The 
    family is followed by “.” and a component number.  The component number is followed by a “.” 
    and a two character element indicator. Each component contains three sets of numbered 
    elements. The first character of the element indicator is a sequential number within the set. The 
    second character indicates the set : “D” for a developer action, “C” for content and presentation, 
    and “E” for an evaluator action.
    In Table 1 below, the numbers in the last three columns identify the products of each family that 
    must be satisfied in order to provide the appropriate assurance level. For example, for assurance 
    family ADV_FSP (see Section 4.3.1), assurance level A specifies that component 1 applies. 
    Component 1 is identified as ADV_FSP.1, and the requirements are listed in Section, 
    ADV_FSP.1 Functional Specification and Security Policy. For assurance levels B and C, 
    component 2 applies. Component 2 is identified as ADV_FSP.2, and the requirements are listed 
    in Section, ADV_FSP.2 Informal Security Policy Model.
    Table 1: KRS Assurance Levels
    Assurance Class
    Assurance Family
    AL A
    AL B
    AL C
    CM Capabilities
    CM Scope
    Delivery and 
    Installation, Generation and 
    Functional Specification
    High-Level Design
    Implementation Representation
    Low-Level Design
    Representation Correspondence
    Administrator Guidance
    User Guidance
    Life Cycle 
    Flaw Remediation
    Functional Tests
    Independent Testing
    Vulnerability Analysis
    Table 2: Assurance Levels for KRS Functions
    KRS Function
    Security Level 1
    Security Level 2
    AL B
    AL C
    Key Recovery Requestor
    AL B
    AL C
    KRI Generation
    AL A
    AL B
    KRI Delivery
    AL A
    AL B
    KRI Acquisition
    AL A
    AL B
    KRI Validation
    AL A
    AL B
    4.1	Configuration Management
    Configuration management (CM) is an aspect of establishing that the functional requirements 
    and specifications are realized in the implementation. CM meets these objectives by requiring 
    discipline and control in the processes of refinement and modification of the product. CM 
    systems are put in place to ensure the integrity of the configuration items that they control, by 
    providing a method of tracking these configuration items, and by ensuring that only authorized 
    users are capable of changing the items.
    4.1.1	Configuration Management ACM_CAP – CM Capabilities
    The capabilities of the CM system address the likelihood that accidental or unauthorized 
    modifications of the configuration items will occur. The CM system should ensure the integrity 
    of the product from the early design stages through all subsequent maintenance efforts.  The 
    objectives of this assurance requirement include the following: 
    1. ensuring that the product is correct and complete before it is sent to the consumer; and
    2. ensuring that no configuration items are missed during evaluation.
    Clear identification of the product is required to determine those items under 
    evaluation that are subject to the criteria requirements. 
    Application notes
    There is a requirement that a configuration list be provided. The configuration list contains all 
    configuration items which are maintained by the CM system. 	ACM_CAP.1 Minimal Support 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 178) ACM_CAP.1.1D: The developer shall use a CM system.
    (Req. 179) ACM_CAP.1.2D: The developer shall provide CM documentation.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 180) ACM_CAP.1.1C: The CM documentation shall include a configuration 
    (Req. 181) ACM_CAP.1.2C: The configuration list shall describe the configuration 
    items that comprise the product.
    (Req. 182) ACM_CAP.1.3C: The CM documentation shall describe the method 
    used to uniquely identify the product configuration items.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 183) ACM_CAP.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.1.2	Configuration Management ACM_SCP - CM Scope 
    The objective is to ensure that all necessary configuration items are tracked by the CM system. 
    This helps to ensure that the integrity of these configuration items is protected through the 
    capabilities of the CM system.  The objectives of this assurance requirement include the 
    1. ensuring that the implementation representation (i.e., code) is tracked; and
    2. ensuring that all necessary documentation, including problem reports, are tracked during 
    development and operation.
    A CM system can control changes only to those items that have been placed under 
    CM.  The implementation representation, design, tests, user and administrator documentation, 
    security flaws, and CM documentation should be placed under CM.  The ability to track security 
    flaws under CM ensures that security flaw reports are not lost or forgotten, and allows a 
    developer to track security flaws to their resolution. 
    Application notes
    There is a requirement that the implementation representation be tracked by the CM system.  
    The implementation representation refers to all hardware, software, and firmware that comprise 
    the physical product.  In the case of a software-only product, the implementation representation 
    may consist solely of source and object code, but in other cases, the implementation 
    representation may refer to a combination of software, hardware, and firmware.  There is a 
    requirement that security flaws be tracked by the CM system. This requires that information 
    regarding previous security flaws and their resolution be maintained, as well as details regarding 
    current security flaws.	ACM_SCP.2 Problem Tracking CM Coverage
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 184) ACM_SCP.2.1D: The developer shall provide CM documentation.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 185) ACM_SCP.2.1C: As a minimum, the following shall be tracked by the 
    CM system: the implementation representation, design 
    documentation, test documentation, user documentation, 
    administrator documentation, CM documentation, and security flaws.
    (Req. 186) ACM_SCP.2.2C: The CM documentation shall describe how 
    configuration items are tracked by the CM system.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 187) ACM_SCP.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.2	Delivery and Operation
    4.2.1	Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL – Delivery
    The requirements for delivery call for system control and distribution facilities and procedures 
    that provide assurance that the recipient receives the product that the sender intended to send, 
    without any modifications.  For a valid delivery, what is received must correspond precisely to 
    the master copy, thus avoiding any tampering with the actual version, or substitution of a false 
    Application notes
    This assurance requirement should be applied to sensitive products whose modification can 
    compromise security.	ADO_DEL.1 Delivery Procedures
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 188) ADO_DEL.1.1D: The developer shall provide documentation about the 
    procedures for the delivery of the product or parts of the product to 
    the user.
    (Req. 189) ADO_DEL.1.2D: The developer shall use the delivery procedures. 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 190) ADO_DEL.1.1C: The delivery documentation shall describe the 
    procedures to be employed when distributing versions of the product 
    to a user's site.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 191) ADO_DEL.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    evidence.	ADO_DEL.2 Detection of Modification
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 192) ADO_DEL.2.1D: The developer shall provide documentation about the 
    procedures for the delivery of the product or parts of the product to 
    the user.
    (Req. 193) ADO_DEL.2.2D: The developer shall use the delivery procedures. 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 194) ADO_DEL.2.1C: The delivery documentation shall describe the 
    procedures to be employed when distributing versions of the product 
    to a user's site.
    (Req. 195) ADO_DEL.2.2C: The delivery documentation shall state how the 
    procedures are to be employed to detect modifications.
    (Req. 196) ADO_DEL.2.3C: The delivery documentation shall describe how the 
    various procedures and technical measures provide for the detection 
    of modifications, or any discrepancy between the developer's master 
    copy and the version received at the user site.
    (Req. 197) ADO_DEL.2.4C: The delivery documentation shall describe how the 
    various procedures allow the detection of attempted masquerading 
    even in cases in which the developer has sent nothing to the user's 
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 198) ADO_DEL.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.2.2	Delivery and Operation ADO_IGS - Installation, Generation, and Start-up
    Installation, generation, and start-up procedures are useful for ensuring that the 
    product has been installed, generated, and started in a secure manner as intended by 
    the developer. 
    Application notes 
    The generation requirements are applicable only to the products that provide the ability to 
    generate an operational product from source or object code. 
    The installation, generation, and start-up procedures may exist as a separate document, but 
    would typically be grouped with other administrative guidance. 	ADO_IGS.1 Installation, Generation, and Start-up Procedures 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 199) ADO_IGS.1.1D: The developer shall document procedures to be used 
    for the secure installation, generation, and start-up of the product.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 200) ADO_IGS.1.1C: The documentation shall describe the steps necessary 
    for secure installation, generation, and start-up of the product.
    Evaluator action elements: 
    (Req. 201) ADO_IGS.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.3	Development
    4.3.1	Development ADV_FSP - Functional Specification
    The functional specification is a high-level description of the user-visible interface 
    and behavior of the product.  It is a refinement of the statement of functional requirements for 
    the product.  The functional specification must show that all defined functional requirements are 
    addressed, and that the security policy is enforced by the product. 
    Application notes 
    In addition to the content indicated in the following requirements, the functional 
    specification shall also include any additional specific detail specified by the 
    documentation notes in the related functional products.   For example, the functional 
    specification shall contain the specification of the interaction (protocol) among various product 
    The developer must provide evidence that the product is completely represented by the 
    functional specification. While a functional specification for the entire product would allow an 
    evaluator to determine the product boundary, it is not necessary to require the specification of 
    the boundary when other evidence could be provided to demonstrate the product boundary. 
    The evaluator of the product is expected to make determinations regarding the relevance of the 
    functional specification to the functional requirements. In the course of the functional 
    specification evaluation, there are essentially three types of evaluator determination: specific 
    functional requirements are met and no further work (e.g., with a less abstract representation of 
    the product) is necessary; specific functional requirements are violated and the product fails to 
    meet its requirements; and 
    specific functional requirements have not been addressed and further analysis (of 
    another product representation) is necessary.  Whenever additional analysis is necessary, the 
    evaluator is expected to carry that information forward to the analysis of other product 
    representations.  If requirements are not addressed after the analysis of the last provided product 
    representation, this also represents a failure of the product evaluation. 
    In all cases, it is important that the evaluator evaluate the product as a unit since, in many cases, 
    the security functions must cooperate to meet specific functional requirements, and each security 
    function must not interfere with the operation of any other security function.
    An informal security policy model can be a representation of the security policy in any notation, 
    including a series of statements in the English Language.	ADV_FSP.1 Functional Specification and Security Policy
    Developer action elements: 
    (Req. 202) ADV_FSP.1.1D: The developer shall provide a functional specification. 
    (Req. 203) ADV_FSP.1.2D: The developer shall provide a product security policy. 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 204) ADV_FSP.1.1C: The functional specification shall describe the product 
    using an informal style. 
    (Req. 205) ADV_FSP.1.2C: The functional specification shall include an informal 
    presentation of syntax and semantics of all external product 
    (Req. 206) ADV_FSP.1.3C: The functional specification shall include evidence 
    that demonstrates that the product is completely represented. 
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 207) ADV_FSP.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 208) ADV_FSP.1.2E: The evaluator shall determine that the functional 
    specification is consistent with the product security policy.
    (Req. 209) ADV_FSP.1.3E: The evaluator shall determine if the functional 
    requirements are addressed by the representation of the product, i.e., 
    the functional specification. 	ADV_FSP.2 Functional Specification, Security Policy and Informal Security 
    Policy Model 
    Developer action elements: 
    (Req. 210) ADV_FSP.2.1D: The developer shall provide a functional specification. 
    (Req. 211) ADV_FSP.2.2D: The developer shall provide a product security policy. 
    (Req. 212) ADV_FSP.2.3D: The developer shall provide an informal security policy 
    (Req. 213) ADV_FSP.2.4D: The developer shall provide a demonstration of the 
    correspondence between the informal security policy model and the 
    functional specification.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 214) ADV_FSP.2.1C: The functional specification shall describe the product 
    using an informal style. 
    (Req. 215) ADV_FSP.2.2C: The functional specification shall include an informal 
    presentation of the syntax and semantics of all external product 
    (Req. 216) ADV_FSP.2.3C: The functional specification shall include evidence 
    that demonstrates that the product is completely represented. 
    (Req. 217) ADV_FSP.2.4C: The demonstration of correspondence between the 
    informal security policy model and the functional specification shall 
    describe how the functional specification satisfies the informal 
    security policy model. 
    (Req. 218) ADV_FSP.2.5C: The demonstration of correspondence between the 
    informal security policy model and the functional specification shall 
    show that there are no security functions in the functional 
    specification that conflict with the informal security policy model.
    (Req. 219) ADV_FSP.2.6C: The informal security policy model shall describe the 
    rules and characteristics of all policies of the product that can be 
    (Req. 220) ADV_FSP.2.7C: The informal security policy model shall include a 
    rationale that demonstrates that policies that are modeled are satisfied 
    by the informal security policy model.
    (Req. 221) ADV_FSP.2.8C: The informal security policy model shall justify that all 
    policies that can be modeled are represented in the informal security 
    policy model.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 222) ADV_FSP.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 223) ADV_FSP.2.2E: The evaluator shall determine that the functional 
    specification is consistent with the product security policy.
    (Req. 224) ADV_FSP.2.3E: The evaluator shall determine if the functional 
    requirements are addressed by the representation of the product, i.e., 
    the functional specification. 
    4.3.2	Development ADV_HLD - High-Level Design
    The high-level design of a product provides a description of the product in terms of major 
    structural units (i.e., modules) and relates these units to the functions that they contain. The high-
    level design provides assurance that the product provides an architecture appropriate to 
    implement the claimed functional requirements.
    The high-level design refines the functional specification into modules. For each module of the 
    product, the high-level design describes its purpose and function and identifies the security 
    functions enforced by the module. The interrelationships of all modules are also defined in the 
    high-level design. These interrelationships will be represented as external interfaces for data 
    flow, control flow, etc., as appropriate. 
    Application notes
    In addition to the content indicated in the following requirements, 
    (Req. 225) The high-level design shall also include any additional specific detail 
    specified by the documentation notes in the related functional 
    The developer is expected to describe the design of the product in terms of modules.  The term 
    ``module'' is used here to express the idea of decomposing the product into a relatively small 
    number of parts.  While the developer is not required to actually have ``modules'', the developer 
    is expected to represent a similar level of decomposition.  For example, a design may be 
    similarly decomposed using ``layers'', ``domains'', or ``servers''.
    The evaluator of the product is expected to make determinations regarding the functional 
    requirements in the product relevant to the high-level design. In the course of the high-level 
    design evaluation, there are essentially three types of evaluator determination: specific functional 
    requirements are met and no further work (e.g., with a less abstract representation of the 
    product) is necessary; specific functional requirements are violated and the product fails to meet 
    its requirements; and specific functional requirements have not been addressed and further 
    analysis (of another product representation) is necessary. Whenever more analysis is necessary, 
    the evaluator is expected to carry that information forward to the analysis of other product 
    representations. If requirements are not addressed after the analysis of the last provided product 
    representation, this also represents a failure of the product evaluation.
    In all cases, it is important that the evaluator evaluate the product as a unit since in many cases 
    the security functions must cooperate to meet specific functional requirements and also each 
    security function must not interfere with the operation of any other security function.
    The term ``security functionality'' is used to represent operations that a module 
    performs that have some effect on the security functions implemented by the product. 
    This distinction is made because modules do not necessarily relate to specific security functions. 
    While a given module may correspond directly to a security function, or even multiple security 
    functions, it is also possible that many modules must be combined to implement a single security 
    The term ``security policy enforcing modules'' refers to a module that contributes to the 
    enforcement of the security policy.	ADV_HLD.1 Descriptive High-Level Design 
    Developer action elements :
    (Req. 226) ADV_HLD.1.1D: The developer shall provide the high-level design of 
    the product. 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 227) ADV_HLD.1.1C: The presentation of the high-level design shall be 
    (Req. 228) ADV_HLD.1.2C: The high-level design shall describe the structure of 
    the product in terms of modules.
    (Req. 229) ADV_HLD.1.3C: The high-level design shall describe the security 
    functionality provided by each module of the product.
    (Req. 230) ADV_HLD.1.4C: The high-level design shall identify the interfaces of 
    the modules of the product.
    (Req. 231) ADV_HLD.1.5C: The high-level design shall identify any underlying 
    hardware, firmware, and/or software required by the product with a 
    presentation of the functions provided by the supporting protection 
    mechanisms implemented in that hardware, firmware, or software.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 232) ADV_HLD.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 233) ADV_HLD.1.2E: The evaluator shall determine if the functional 
    requirements in the product are addressed by the design. 	ADV_HLD.2 Security Enforcing High-Level Design 
    Developer action elements :
    (Req. 234) ADV_HLD.2.1D: The developer shall provide the high-level design of 
    the product. 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 235) ADV_HLD.2.1C: The presentation of the high-level design shall be 
    (Req. 236) ADV_HLD.2.2C: The high-level design shall describe the structure of 
    the product in terms of modules.
    (Req. 237) ADV_HLD.2.3C: The high-level design shall describe the security 
    functionality provided by each module of the product.
    (Req. 238) ADV_HLD.2.4C: The high-level design shall identify the interfaces of 
    the modules of the product.
    (Req. 239) ADV_HLD.2.5C: The high-level design shall identify any underlying 
    hardware, firmware, and/or software required by the product with a 
    presentation of the functions provided by the supporting protection 
    mechanisms implemented in that hardware, firmware, or software.
    (Req. 240) ADV_HLD.2.6C: The high-level design shall describe the separation of 
    the product into security policy enforcing modules and other modules.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 241) ADV_HLD.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 242) ADV_HLD.2.2E: The evaluator shall determine if the functional 
    requirements in the product are addressed by the design.
    4.3.3	Development ADV_IMP - Implementation Representation 
    The description of the implementation in the form of source code, firmware, hardware drawings, 
    etc. captures the detailed internal workings of the product in support of analysis. 
    Application notes
    The implementation representation is used to express the notion of the least abstract 
    representation of the product, specifically the one that is used to create the product itself without 
    further design refinement.  Source code which is then compiled or a hardware drawing which is 
    used to build the actual hardware are examples of parts of an implementation representation. 
    The evaluator of the product is expected to make determinations regarding the functional 
    requirements in the security target relevant to the implementation.  In the course of the 
    implementation evaluation, there are essentially three types of evaluator determination: specific 
    functional requirements are met and no further work (e.g., with a more abstract representation of 
    the product) is necessary; specific functional requirements are violated and the product fails to 
    meet its requirements; and specific functional requirements have not been addressed and further 
    analysis is necessary.
    However, since the implementation is the least abstract representation it is likely that further 
    analysis cannot be performed unless the product representations have not been evaluated in the 
    usual order (i.e., most abstract to least abstract).  If requirements are not addressed after the 
    analysis of all product representations, this represents a failure of the product evaluation.  Note 
    that this more comprehensive failure determination requirement is realized in the Representation 
    correspondence (ADV_RCR) family.
    In all cases, it is important that the evaluator evaluates the product as a unit since, in many cases, 
    the security functions must cooperate to meet specific functional requirements and each security 
    function must not interfere with the operation of any other security function.
    It is expected that evaluators will use the implementation to directly support other evaluation 
    activities (e.g., vulnerability analysis, test coverage analysis).	ADV_IMP.1 Subset of the Implementation
    Application notes 
    The implementation representation needs to be provided for the security relevant functions of the 
    product.  Any hardware, software, and/or firmware that does not contribute to the security need 
    not be provided, analyzed, or tested.  However, an explanation must be provided, and the 
    evaluator must agree that the excluded items are not security relevant.
    Developer action elements: 
    (Req. 243) ADV_IMP.1.1D: The developer shall provide the implementation 
    representations for a selected subset of the product.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 244) ADV_IMP.1.1C: The implementation representations shall 
    unambiguously define the product to a level of detail such that it can 
    be generated without further design decisions.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 245) ADV_IMP.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 246) ADV_IMP.1.2E: The evaluator shall determine if the KRS functional 
    requirements are addressed by the representation of the product. 
    4.3.4	Development ADV_LLD - Low-Level Design 
    The low-level design of a product provides a description of the internal workings of the product 
    in terms of modules and their interrelationships and dependencies. The low-level design 
    provides assurance that the modules have been correctly and effectively refined.
    For each module of the product, the low-level design describes its purpose, function, interfaces, 
    dependencies, and the implementation of any security policy enforcing functions.
    Application notes
    In addition to the content indicated in the following requirements, the low-level design shall also 
    include any additional specific detail specified by the documentation notes in the related 
    functional products.
    The evaluator of the product is expected to make determinations regarding the functional 
    requirements relevant to the low-level design.  In the course of the low-level design evaluation, 
    there are essentially three types of evaluator determination: specific functional requirements are 
    met and no further work (e.g., with a less abstract representation of the product) is necessary; 
    specific functional requirements are violated and the product fails to meet its requirements; and 
    specific functional requirements have not been addressed and further analysis (of another 
    product representation) is necessary.  Whenever more analysis is necessary, the evaluator is 
    expected to carry that information forward to the analysis of other product representations.  If 
    requirements are not addressed after the analysis of the last provided product representation, this 
    also represents a failure of the product evaluation.  Note that this more comprehensive failure 
    determination requirement is realized in the Representation correspondence (ADV_RCR) 
    In all cases, it is important that the evaluator evaluates the product as a unit since, in many cases, 
    the security functions must cooperate to meet specific functional requirements, and each security 
    function must not interfere with the operation of any other security function.	ADV_LLD.1 Descriptive Low-Level Design 
    Application notes
    Only representations for modules in the product need to be provided.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 247) ADV_LLD.1.1D: The developer shall provide the low-level design of the 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 248) ADV_LLD.1.1C: The presentation of the low-level design shall be 
    (Req. 249) ADV_LLD.1.2C: The low-level design shall describe the product in 
    terms of modules.
    (Req. 250) ADV_LLD.1.3C: The low-level design shall describe the purpose of 
    each module.
    (Req. 251) ADV_LLD.1.4C: The low-level design shall define the interrelationships 
    between the modules in terms of provided functionality and 
    dependencies on other modules.
    (Req. 252) ADV_LLD.1.5C: The low-level design shall describe the implementation 
    of all security policy enforcing functions.
    (Req. 253) ADV_LLD.1.6C: The low-level design shall describe the interfaces of 
    each module in terms of their syntax and semantics.
    (Req. 254) ADV_LLD.1.7C: The low-level design shall provide a demonstration 
    that the product is completely represented.
    (Req. 255) ADV_LLD.1.8C: The low-level design shall identify the interfaces of the 
    modules of the product which are visible at the external interface of 
    the product.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 256) ADV_LLD.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 257) ADV_LLD.1.2E: The evaluator shall determine if the functional 
    requirements in the KRS are addressed by the representation of the 
    4.3.5	Development ADV_RCR - Representation Correspondence 
    The correspondence between the various representations (i.e. functional requirements expressed 
    in the KRS, functional specification, high-level design, low-level design, implementation) 
    addresses the correct and complete instantiation of the requirements to the least abstract 
    representation provided.  This conclusion is achieved by step-wise refinement and the 
    cumulative results of correspondence determinations between all adjacent abstractions of 
    Application notes
    The developer must demonstrate to the evaluator that the most detailed, or least abstract, 
    representation of the product is an accurate, consistent, and complete instantiation of the 
    functions expressed as functional requirements in this standard.  This is accomplished by 
    showing correspondence between adjacent representations at a commensurate level of rigor.
    The evaluator must analyze each demonstration of correspondence between abstractions, as well 
    as the results of the analysis of each product representation, and then make a determination as to 
    whether the functional requirements in this standard have been satisfied.
    This family of requirements is not intended to address correspondence relating to the security 
    policy model.  Rather, it is intended to address correspondence between the requirements in this 
    standard as well as the product, functional specification, high-level design, low-level design, and 
    implementation representation.	ADV_RCR.1 Informal Correspondence Demonstration 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 258) ADV_RCR.1.1D: The developer shall provide evidence that the least 
    abstract product representation provided is an accurate, consistent, 
    and complete instantiation of the functional requirements expressed 
    in this standard.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 259) ADV_RCR.1.1C: For each adjacent pair of product representations, the 
    evidence shall demonstrate that all parts of the more abstract 
    representation are refined in the less abstract representation.
    (Req. 260) ADV_RCR.1.2C: For each adjacent pair of product representations, the 
    demonstration of correspondence between the representations may 
    be informal.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 261) ADV_RCR.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 262) ADV_RCR.1.2E: The evaluator shall analyze the correspondence 
    between the functional requirements expressed in this standard and 
    the least abstract representation provided by the developer in order to 
    ensure accuracy, consistency, and completeness.
    4.4	Guidance Documents
    4.4.1	Guidance Documents AGD_ADM Administrator Guidance 
    Administrator guidance refers to written material that is intended to be used by those persons 
    responsible for configuring, maintaining, and administering the product in a correct manner for 
    maximum security.  Because the secure operation of the product is dependent upon the correct 
    performance of the product, persons responsible for performing these functions are trusted by the 
    product.  Administrator guidance is intended to help administrators understand the security 
    functions provided by the product, including both those functions that require the administrator 
    to perform security-critical actions and those functions that provide security-critical information.
    Application notes
    The requirements AGD_ADM.1.2C and AGD_ADM.1.11C encompass the aspect that any 
    warnings to the users of a product with regard to the product security environment and the 
    security objectives described in this standard are appropriately covered in the administrator 
    Those topics that are relevant to administrator guidance for the understanding and proper 
    application of the security functions should be considered for inclusion in the administrator 
    guidance requirements. An example of an administrator guidance document is a reference 
    manual.	AGD_ADM.1 Administrator Guidance 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 263) AGD_ADM.1.1D: The developer shall provide administrator guidance 
    addressed to system administrative personnel.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 264) AGD_ADM.1.1C: The administrator guidance shall describe how to 
    administer the product in a secure manner.
    (Req. 265) AGD_ADM.1.2C: The administrator guidance shall contain warnings 
    about functions and privileges that should be controlled in a secure 
    processing environment.
    (Req. 266) AGD_ADM.1.3C: The administrator guidance shall contain guidelines 
    on the consistent and effective use of the security functions within the 
    (Req. 267) AGD_ADM.1.4C: The administrator guidance shall describe the 
    difference between two types of functions: those which allow an 
    administrator to control security parameters, and those which allow 
    the administrator to obtain information only.
    (Req. 268) AGD_ADM.1.5C: The administrator guidance shall describe all security 
    parameters under the administrator's control.
    (Req. 269) AGD_ADM.1.6C: The administrator guidance shall describe each type 
    of security-relevant event relative to the administrative functions that 
    need to be performed, including changing the security characteristics 
    of entities under the control of the product.
    (Req. 270) AGD_ADM.1.7C: The administrator guidance shall contain guidelines 
    on how the security functions interact.
    (Req. 271) AGD_ADM.1.8C: The administrator guidance shall contain instructions 
    regarding how to configure the product.
    (Req. 272) AGD_ADM.1.9C: The administrator guidance shall describe all 
    configuration options that may be used during the secure installation 
    of the product.
    (Req. 273) AGD_ADM.1.10C: The administrator guidance shall describe details, 
    sufficient for the use of procedures relevant to the administration of 
    (Req. 274) AGD_ADM.1.11C: The administrator guidance shall be consistent with 
    all other documents supplied for evaluation.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 275) AGD_ADM.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 276) AGD_ADM.1.2E: The evaluator shall confirm that the installation 
    procedures result in a secure configuration.
    4.4.2	Guidance Documents AGD_USR - User Guidance
    User guidance refers to written material that is intended to be used by non-administrative 
    (human) users of the product.  User guidance describes the security functions provided by the 
    product and provides instructions and guidelines, including warnings, for its secure use.
    The user guidance provides a basis for assumptions about the use of the product and a measure 
    of confidence that non-malicious users and application providers will understand the secure 
    operation of the product and will use it as intended.
    Application notes
    The requirement AGD_USR.1.3.C and AGD_USR.1.5C encompass the aspect that any warnings 
    to the users of a product with regard to the product security environment and the security 
    objectives described in this standard are appropriately covered in the user guidance.
    Those topics in this standard that are relevant to user guidance aimed at the understanding and 
    proper use of the security functions should be considered for inclusion in the user guidance 
    requirements.  Examples of user guidance are reference manuals, user guides, and on-line help.	AGD_USR.1 User Guidance 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 277) AGD_USR.1.1D: The developer shall provide user guidance.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 278) AGD_USR.1.1C: The user guidance shall describe the product and 
    interfaces available to the user.
    (Req. 279) AGD_USR.1.2C: The user guidance shall contain guidelines on the use 
    of security functions provided by the product.
    (Req. 280) AGD_USR.1.3C: The user guidance shall contain warnings about 
    functions and privileges that should be controlled in a secure 
    processing environment.
    (Req. 281) AGD_USR.1.4C: The user guidance shall describe the interaction 
    between user-visible security functions.
    (Req. 282) AGD_USR.1.5C: The user guidance shall be consistent with all other 
    documentation delivered for evaluation.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 283) AGD_USR.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.5	Life Cycle Support
    4.5.1	Life Cycle Support ALC_FLR - Flaw Remediation 
    Flaw remediation requires that discovered flaws be tracked and corrected by the developer.  
    Although future compliance with flaw remediation procedures cannot be determined at the time 
    of the product evaluation, it is possible to evaluate the policies and procedures that a developer 
    has in place to track and correct flaws, and to distribute the flaw information and corrections.
    Application notes
    None	ALC_FLR.1 Basic Flaw Remediation 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 284) ALC_FLR.1.1D: The developer shall document the flaw remediation 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 285) ALC_FLR.1.1C: The flaw remediation procedures documentation shall 
    describe the procedures used to track all reported security flaws in 
    each release of the product.
    (Req. 286) ALC_FLR.1.2C: The flaw remediation procedures shall require that a 
    description of the nature and effect of each security flaw be provided, 
    as well as the status of finding a correction to that flaw.
    (Req. 287) ALC_FLR.1.3C: The flaw remediation procedures shall require that 
    corrective actions be identified for each of the security flaws.
    (Req. 288) ALC_FLR.1.4C: The flaw remediation procedures documentation shall 
    describe the methods used to provide flaw information and 
    corrections to product users.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 289) ALC_FLR.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    evidence.	ALC_FLR.2 Flaw Reporting Procedures 
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 290) ALC_FLR.2.1D: The developer shall document the flaw remediation 
    (Req. 291) ALC_FLR.2.2D: The developer shall establish a procedure for 
    accepting and acting upon user reports of security flaws and requests 
    for corrections to those flaws.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 292) ALC_FLR.2.1C: The flaw remediation procedures documentation shall 
    describe the procedures used to track all reported security flaws in 
    each release of the product.
    (Req. 293) ALC_FLR.2.2C: The flaw remediation procedures shall require that a 
    description of the nature and effect of each security flaw be provided, 
    as well as the status of finding a correction to that flaw.
    (Req. 294) ALC_FLR.2.3C: The flaw remediation procedures shall require that 
    corrective actions be identified for each of the security flaws.
    (Req. 295) ALC_FLR.2.4C: The flaw remediation procedures documentation shall 
    describe the methods used to provide flaw information and 
    corrections to product users.
    (Req. 296) ALC_FLR.2.5C: The procedures for processing reported security flaws 
    shall ensure that any reported flaws are corrected and the correction 
    issued to product users.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 297) ALC_FLR.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.6	Tests
    4.6.1	Tests ATE_COV - Coverage 
    This family addresses those aspects of testing that deal with completeness of testing.  That is, it 
    addresses the extent to which the product security functions are tested, whether or not the testing 
    is sufficiently extensive to demonstrate that the product operates as specified, and whether or not 
    the order in which testing proceeds correctly accounts for functional dependencies between the 
    portions of the product being tested.
    Application notes
    The specific documentation required by the coverage products will be determined, in most cases, 
    by the documentation stipulated in the level of ATE_FUN that is specified.	ATE_COV.1 Complete Coverage - Informal 
    In this component, the objective is that testing completely address the security functions.
    Application notes
    While the testing objective is to completely cover the product, there is no more than an informal 
    explanation to support this assertion.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 298) ATE_COV.1.1D: The developer shall provide an analysis of the test 
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 299) ATE_COV.1.1C: The analysis of the test coverage shall demonstrate 
    that the tests identified in the test documentation cover the product. 
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 300) ATE_COV.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.6.2	Tests ATE_DPT - Depth 
    The products in this family deal with the level of detail to which the product is tested.  The 
    testing of security functions is based upon an increasing depth of information derived from the 
    analysis of the representations.
    The objective is to counter the risk of missing an error in the development of the product.  
    Additionally, the products of this family, especially as testing is more concerned with the 
    internals of the product, are more likely to discover any malicious code that has been inserted.
    Application notes
    The specific amount and type of documentation and evidence will, in general, be determined by 
    that required by the level of ATE_FUN selected.	ATE_DPT.1 Testing - Functional Specification
    The functional specification of a product provides a high level description of the external 
    workings of the product.  Testing at the level of the functional specification, in order to 
    demonstrate the presence of any flaws, provides assurance that the product functional 
    specification has been correctly realized.
    Application notes
    The functional specification representation is used to express the notion of the most abstract 
    representation of the product.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 301) ATE_DPT.1.1D: The developer shall provide the analysis of the depth 
    of testing.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 302) ATE_DPT.1.1C: The depth analysis shall demonstrate that the tests 
    identified in the test documentation are sufficient to demonstrate that 
    the product operates in accordance with the functional specification 
    of the product.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 303) ATE_DPT.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.6.3	Tests ATE_FUN - Functional Tests 
    Functional testing establishes that the product exhibits the properties necessary to satisfy the 
    functional requirements of this standard.  Functional testing provides assurance that the product 
    satisfies at least the security functional requirements, although it cannot establish that the 
    product does no more than what was specified.  The ``Functional tests'' family is focused on the 
    type and amount of documentation or support tools required, and what is to be demonstrated 
    through testing.
    This family contributes to providing assurance that the likelihood of undiscovered flaws is 
    relatively small.
    Application notes
    Procedures for performing tests are expected to provide instructions for using test programs and 
    test suites, including the test environment, test conditions, test data parameters and values.  The 
    test procedures should also show how the test results are derived from the test inputs.
    The developer shall eliminate all security relevant flaws discovered during testing.
    The developer shall test the product to determine that no new security relevant flaws have been 
    introduced as a result of eliminating discovered security relevant flaws.
    Tests shall include an examination of procedures and documents that assist in implementing the 
    product security policy.	ATE_FUN.1 Functional Testing
    The objective is for the developer to demonstrate that all security functions perform as specified. 
    The developer is required to perform testing and to provide test documentation.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 304) ATE_FUN.1.1D: The developer shall test the product and document the 
    (Req. 305) ATE_FUN.1.2D: The developer shall provide test documentation.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 306) ATE_FUN.1.1C: The test documentation shall consist of test plans, test 
    procedure descriptions, and test results.
    (Req. 307) ATE_FUN.1.2C: The test plans shall identify the security functions to 
    be tested and describe the goal of the tests to be performed.
    (Req. 308) ATE_FUN.1.3C: The test procedure descriptions shall identify the tests 
    to be performed and describe the scenarios for testing each security 
    (Req. 309) ATE_FUN.1.4C: The test results in the test documentation shall show 
    the expected results of each test.
    (Req. 310) ATE_FUN.1.5C: The test results from the execution of the tests by the 
    developer shall demonstrate that each security function operates as 
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 311) ATE_FUN.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    4.6.4	Tests ATE_IND - Independent Testing
    The objective is to demonstrate that the security functions perform as specified.
    An additional objective is to counter the risk of an incorrect assessment of the test outcomes on 
    the part of the developer which results in the incorrect implementation of the specifications, or 
    overlooks code that is non-compliant with the specifications.
    Application notes
    The testing specified in this family can be performed by a party other than the evaluator (e.g., an 
    independent laboratory, an objective consumer organization).
    This family deals with the degree to which there is independent functional testing of the product. 
    Independent functional testing may take the form of repeating the developer's functional tests in 
    whole or in part.  It may also take the form of the augmentation of the developer's functional 
    tests, either to extend the scope or the depth of the developer's tests.
    Independent testing shall be performed by an independent third party certified and accredited by 
    the Government.
    The Government will supply some tests to validate compliance and conformance.  Examples 
    include: cryptographic algorithms and cryptographic protocols.  The evaluator (which happens to 
    be the independent third party) shall execute these government supplied tests in addition to the 
    tests provided by the developer, and tests developed by the evaluator.	ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing - Sample
    The objective is to demonstrate that the security functions perform as specified.
    In this component, the objective is to select and repeat a sample of the developer testing.
    Application notes
    The suitability of the product for testing is based on access to the product, and the supporting 
    documentation and information required to run tests.  The need for documentation is supported 
    by other assurance families (e.g., ATE_FUN)
    Additionally, the suitability of the product for testing may be based on other considerations (e.g., 
    the version of the product submitted by the developer is not the final version).
    The developer is required to perform testing and to provide test documentation and test results. 
    This is addressed by the ATE_FUN family.
    Testing may be selective and is based upon all available documentation.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 312) ATE_IND.2.1D: The developer shall provide the product for testing.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 313) ATE_IND.2.1C: The product shall be suitable for testing.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 314) ATE_IND.2.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 315) ATE_IND.2.2E: The evaluator shall test the product to confirm that the 
    product operates as specified.
    (Req. 316) ATE_IND.2.3E: The evaluator shall execute a sample of tests in the test 
    documentation to verify the developer test results.	ATE_IND.3 Independent Testing - Complete
    The objective is to demonstrate that the security functions perform as specified.
    In this component, the objective is to repeat the developer testing.
    Application notes
    The suitability of the product for testing is based on access to the product, and the supporting 
    documentation and information required to run tests.  The need for documentation is supported 
    by other assurance families (e.g., ATE_FUN)
    Additionally, the suitability of the product for testing may be based on other considerations (e.g., 
    the version of the product submitted by the developer is not the final version).
    The developer is required to perform testing and to provide test documentation and test results. 
    This is addressed by the ATE_FUN family.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 317) ATE_IND.3.1D: The developer shall provide the product for testing.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 318) ATE_IND.3.1C: The product shall be suitable for testing.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 319) ATE_IND.3.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 320) ATE_IND.3.2E: The evaluator shall test the product to confirm that the 
    product operates as specified.
    (Req. 321) ATE_IND.3.3E: The evaluator shall execute all tests in the test 
    documentation to verify the developer test results.
    4.7	Vulnerability Assessment
    4.7.1	Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VLA - Vulnerability Analysis 
    Vulnerability analysis is an assessment to determine whether vulnerabilities could allow 
    malicious users to violate the security policy.  These vulnerabilities will be identified during the 
    evaluation by flaw hypotheses.
    Vulnerability analysis deals with the threats that a malicious user will be able to discover flaws 
    that will allow access to resources (e.g., data), allow the ability to interfere with or alter the 
    product, or interfere with the authorized capabilities of other users.
    Application notes
    The vulnerability analysis should consider the contents of all the product deliverables for the 
    targeted evaluation assurance level.
    Obvious vulnerabilities are those that allow common attacks or those that might be 
    suggested by the product interface description.  Obvious vulnerabilities are those in the public 
    domain, details of which should be known to a developer, publicly available, or available from 
    The evidence identifies all the product documentation upon which the search for flaws was 
    based.	AVA_VLA.1 Developer Vulnerability Analysis 
    A vulnerability analysis is performed by the developer to ascertain the presence of ``obvious'' 
    security vulnerabilities.
    The objective is to confirm that no identified security vulnerabilities can be exploited in the 
    intended environment for the product.
    Application notes
    Obvious vulnerabilities are those which are open to exploitations which require a minimum of 
    understanding of the product, skill, technical sophistication, and resources.
    Developer action elements:
    (Req. 322) AVA_VLA.1.1D: The developer shall perform and document an analysis 
    of the product deliverables searching for obvious ways in which a 
    user can violate the security policy.
    (Req. 323) AVA_VLA.1.2D: The developer shall document the disposition of 
    identified vulnerabilities.
    Content and presentation of evidence elements:
    (Req. 324) AVA_VLA.1.1C: The evidence shall show, for each vulnerability, that 
    the vulnerability cannot be exploited in the intended environment for 
    the product.
    Evaluator action elements:
    (Req. 325) AVA_VLA.1.1E: The evaluator shall confirm that the information 
    provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of 
    (Req. 326) AVA_VLA.1.2E: The evaluator shall conduct penetration testing, based 
    on the developer vulnerability analysis, to ensure that obvious 
    vulnerabilities have been addressed.
    4.8	Excluded Assurance Requirements
    This section contains the Common Criteria assurance requirements that are recommended for 
    The ADV_INT family relates to modularity, layering, information hiding, etc.  For economic 
    reasons, this family has not been included.
    ALC_DVS (Developmental Security), ALC_LCD (Life Cycle Definition), and ALC_TAT (Tools 
    and Techniques) are excluded in order to provide engineering independence  for the vendors, 
    spur commercial product development, and align assurance requirements with the commercial 
    AVA_CCA (Covert Channel Analysis), AVA_SOF (Strength of Function, e.g., work factor for 
    cryptographic operation) are excluded since they are not particularly relevant here.  AVA_CCA 
    in non-discretionary policy environments can be implemented using procedural controls such as 
    executing trusted software only.  Cryptanalysis work factors will be provided or implied by the 
    FIPS cryptographic algorithms.
    AVA_MSU (Misuse Analysis) is excluded since obvious flaws and known flaws will come 
    under AVA_VLA (Vulnerability Analysis).  Given this is a standard for SBU data, vulnerability 
    analysis may be an overkill.
    5	Key Recovery Requestor to Key Recovery Agent Syntax
    5.1	Key Recovery Request
    (Req. 327) A key recovery request body shall include the following:
    ? originator identity
    ? recipient identity
    ? current date and time
    ? date and time of encrypted key/data capture
    ? key recovery block
    ? optional: subject passphrase
    ? optional: MIME formatted encrypted data
    (Req. 328) Individual items within the request transaction body shall be delimited 
    by blank lines.
    ? Originator-id: <identifying information>
    ? Recipient-id: <identifying information>
    ? Date-Time: <date/time string>
    ? Capture-Time: <date/time string>
    ? KRB: <printably encoded recovery block>
    ? Passphrase: <subject authentication data>
    ? Encrypted-Data: <MIME encoded data>
    TBD: BNF  For Key Recovery Request
    5.2	Key Recovery Response
    (Req. 329) A key recovery response body shall include the following:
    ? KRA identity 
    ? KRR identity 
    ? recipient identity
    ? current date and time
    ? date and time of  key/data recovery
    ? printably encoded key
    ? optional: MIME formatted data
    (Req. 330) Individual items within the response transaction body shall be 
    delimited by blank lines.
    ? KRA-id: <identifying information>
    ? KRR-id: <identifying information>
    ? Recipient-id: <identifying information>
    ? Date-Time: <date/time string>
    ? Recovery-Time: <date/time string>
    ? DEK: <printably encoded encryption key>
    ? Data: <MIME encoded data>
    TBD: BNF For Key Recovery Response
    Appendix A: Examples
    A.1	Key Recovery Function Distribution
    The functions of a KRS may be integrated into products in a variety of configurations in order to 
    accommodate different user environments. In Figure 4, the KRI Generation, Delivery, and 
    Validation functions are provided in a single cryptographic end system product. The Requestor 
    and KRA functions are each available as independent products. The separate Requestor System 
    might be appropriate in an organization which prefers to centralize the key recovery process.
    In Figure 5, the KRI Generation and Delivery Functions are provided in one product, while the 
    Requestor Function and KRA Function are in a separate product. This configuration may be 
    appropriate for a storage application, where files are encrypted by a user, KRI is attached to the 
    file and thereafter ignored unless the decryption key becomes unavailable and recovery is 
    required. The user could then go to a special recovery system in order to recover the appropriate 
    In Figure 6, the KRA function is bundled with the KRI Generation and Delivery Functions. This 
    might be appropriate for an environment in which the KRA generates the encryption key pair, 
    sends it off to the user and/or a CA for certification, and caches a copy of the private key for 
    potential recovery at a later time.
    In Figure 7, the KRI Generation, Delivery, Validation and Requestor Functions are provided in a 
    single cryptographic end system. The KRA Function is a separate product. There may be an 
    electronic connection between the end user system and the KRA in order to effect the recovery 
    A.2	Multiple KRI Generation Functions
    Figure 8 provides an example of multiple KRI Generation Functions which are required to 
    provide the aggregate of KRI needed to recover a target key. Suppose that System B or a trusted 
    generation service generates an encryption key pair for System B and provides the public key to 
    a Certificate Authority (CA) along with other information which will be useful in providing key 
    recovery. The CA generates a certificate containing this information. System A uses this 
    certificate along with other internally generated information to create KRI for messages to be 
    sent to System B. In this case, System A, the CA and whoever generates System B’s key pair 
    participate in the generation of the KRI that will allow System B to recover.
    A.3	KRI Generation Scenarios
    Assume that each system has an encryption public key certificate (hereafter called an encryption 
    certificate) that identifies the key recovery method and the identity of the KRA(s). Encryption 
    certificates are also available for the KRAs.
    A.3.1	Interactive Communications
    A.3.1.1	Between Two Encapsulation Techniques
    In Figure 10 (Appendix E), cryptographic end systems A and B are two systems that employ two 
    different encapsulation methods for key recovery, but use a common key recovery block (KRB). 
    A key transport method of key exchange is used (e.g., the data key is encrypted using the 
    receiver’s encryption public key). System A has a key recovery policy stating that key recovery 
    information is not created for interactive communications. System B has a key recovery policy 
    that states: (1) key recovery information must be created for itself for all communications when 
    that information is not present, and (2) key recovery information must also be created for the 
    other party whenever possible.
    System A creates a data key to be used for the communication session and encrypts the data key 
    using the public encryption key of System B (obtained from System B’s encryption certificate). 
    System A sends the encrypted key as part of the normal key exchange process.  System A then 
    encrypts a message for System B, and sends the encrypted message on the communications path. 
    When System B determines that no key recovery information is available for the message 
    received from System A (i.e., no KRB is present), System B decrypts the encrypted data key 
    (received as part of the key exchange process), and uses the resulting plaintext data key to create 
    key recovery information for itself and/or its Key Recovery Agent. The KRI is placed in a KRB 
    in accordance with its key recovery scheme. By examining System A’s certificate, the identity of 
    System A’s KRA(s) can be determined, and the KRA encryption certificate(s) can be acquired. If 
    System B can create a KRB for System A’s key recovery technique and all information is 
    available, key recovery information is created for System A and/or its Key Recovery Agent(s). 
    System B then uses the data key to decrypt the received message.  The newly created key 
    recovery information is then attached to the next message in the communication session and sent 
    back to System A.
    In subsequent messages received by System A within this interactive session, System A can 
    recognize the presence of the KRI (perhaps perform some processing of the KRI in the KRB) 
    and decrypt the received messages.
    A.3.1.2	Between Encapsulated and Key Escrow Techniques
    Figure 12 (Appendix E) includes cryptographic end systems A and B that use key escrow and 
    KRI encapsulation methods of key recovery, respectively. System B uses a KRB. A key 
    agreement method of key exchange is used (e.g., the encryption public and private keys pairs of 
    both parties to a communication are used along with randomly generated values to generate a 
    shared data key at the cryptographic end systems). System A has a key recovery policy that 
    requires that all incoming communications must have KRI available for the sender. System B 
    has a policy stating that communications will only be conducted with other parties that employ 
    key recovery techniques, and that KRI is always created for itself in outgoing communications.
    System B wants to initiate a communication session with System A. By obtaining System A’s 
    encryption certificate, System B obtains System A’s public encryption key as well as  
    determining that System A uses a key escrow method of key recovery. System B initiates a key 
    exchange with System A to agree upon a data key, then encapsulates the data key and other KRI 
    in a KRB for itself and its KRA. The data key is then used to encrypt the data, and the encrypted 
    data and the KRB are sent to system A.
    System A (probably during the key exchange process) determines that System B uses an 
    encapsulated method of key recovery by examining System B’s encryption certificate. When the 
    initial message is received from System B, System A is able to recognize that there is a KRB for 
    System B. System A then proceeds to decrypt the received message.
    A.3.2	Store and Forward Communications
    A.3.2.1	Between Two Key Escrow Key Recovery Schemes
    In Figure 10 (Appendix E), cryptographic end Systems A and B employ key escrow methods of 
    key recovery. A key transport method of key exchange is used. System B has a policy stating that 
    all outgoing email messages will be archived and recoverable (i.e., KRI must be available to 
    recover encrypted email messages that have been archived). System A is able to recover 
    incoming encrypted email messages if key transport is used for key exchange.
    System B generates a data key and encrypts the key using the encryption public key of the 
    receiver SA) for use in the key exchange (key transport process). Even though System B uses key 
    escrow, there is nothing yet which allows System B to recover after the outgoing message is 
    archived. System B encrypts the data key using his own encryption public key, and places it in a 
    KRB. System B then encrypts the message with the data key, and sends the encrypted message 
    and System A’s copy of the encrypted data key to System A. The encrypted message and the 
    KRB are archived.
    System A decrypts the data key received via the key transport mechanism and decrypts the 
    received message using that key.
    A.3.2.2	Between an Encapsulated Scheme and an End User System with No Key Recovery 
    In Figure 9 (Appendix E), cryptographic end System A uses an encapsulated method of key 
    recovery. System B has no key recovery capability. A key transport method of key exchange is in 
    use (e.g., the data key is encrypted by the receiver’s encryption public key). System A has a key 
    recovery policy that states: (1) key recovery information must always be created for itself and/or 
    its Key Recovery Agent, and (2) Key recovery Information is not created for anyone else.  
    System A retains a copy of all outgoing email messages. System A sends the KRB along an 
    alternate path from that of the encrypted messages; this allows system B to ignore key recovery 
    information so that interoperability is possible.
    System A creates a data key, then creates key recovery information for itself and/or its Key 
    Recovery Agent, and places the KRI in a KRB. The KRB is sent along the alternate 
    communication path. The data key is encrypted by system B’s encryption public key (obtained 
    from System B’s encryption certificate) and then used to encrypt an e-mail message. The 
    encrypted key is placed in the message header (the method of key transport that is employed in 
    this example) and sent with the encrypted message to System B. 
    Upon receipt of the encrypted message and key exchange information , System B decrypts the 
    data encryption key in the message header, and uses the decrypted data encryption key to decrypt 
    the message.
    A.3.3	Data Storage
    A.3.3.1 Creation by an End User with an Encapsulated Scheme; Read Access by Anyone
    For data storage applications, the Encryptor and Decryptor may not be the same entity (e.g., 
    shared files). In Figure 9 (Appendix E), end user system A uses an encapsulated method for key 
    recovery. System A’s organization has a policy stating that key recovery information must exist 
    for all stored data. Read only access can be granted to a list of other systems in the organization, 
    whether or not those systems have a key recovery capability. 
    System A creates a data key and uses the encryption public key of each system on the access list 
    to encrypt a copy of the data key for that system (including  itself). System A also encrypts the 
    data key using the encryption public key of the organization’s KRA. The data key is then used to 
    encrypt the data. All copies of the encrypted key are placed in a file along with the encrypted 
    When accessing the encrypted file, the acquiring system decrypts the appropriate copy of the 
    encrypted data key, and uses the decrypted data key to decrypt the file.
    A.4		Key Recovery Scenarios
    A.4.1		Interactive Session
    Referring back to scenario A.3.1.2, when System A initially tries to participate in the key 
    exchange process, it is discovered that the private key of the encryption public key pair is lost. 
    System A immediately requests the  recovery of its private key from the KRA using its 
    automated ability to request key recovery. When the private key is provided, system A can 
    continue with the key exchange process and participate in the determination of the data key to be 
    used for the communication session.
    A.4.2	Store-and-Forward Communications
    In scenario A.3.2.1, the email message received by System A is stored in the in-box until read. 
    Suppose that the user receives a large number of email messages before reading them. When 
    attempting to read the encrypted messages, it is discovered that the private key of the encryption 
    public key pair is corrupted. The user requests a recovery of the private key from the key 
    recovery function, uses the recovered private key to decrypt the data key for each message, and 
    then uses the data key to decrypt the associated message. 
    A.4.3	Data Storage
    In scenario A.3.3.1, System A could create a file for himself (i.e., no one else is on the access 
    list, so the data key is not encrypted for anyone else). At some later time, the user needs to 
    retrieve the file, but has lost access to his decryption key. The data key can be recovered by 
    sending the copy of the key which was encrypted using the KRA’s encryption public key to the 
    KRA for decryption
    Appendix B: Key Recovery Block
    B.1	Introduction
    When different key recovery products that employ KRI encapsulation need to interoperate with 
    one another, one of the major obstacles is the inability of the receiver product to recognize and 
    validate the key recovery information received from the sender product.  In order to allow the 
    interoperability of various key recovery techniques which require the use of KRI encapsulaton, a 
    common structure -- a Key Recovery Block (KRB) -- may be required. The KRB serves as a 
    container  for technique-specific key recovery information, and supports generic mechanisms to 
    identify and validate the contained key recovery information. Various levels of validation may 
    be performed depending on the key recovery techniques used by the sending and receiving 
    parties, including:
    	?	Verification of the presence of the KRB,
    	?	Validation of the integrity of the KRB,
    	?	Authentication of the source and validation of the integrity of the KRB [WILL 
    	?	Verification that the KRI can be used to recover the data key.
    The KRB is independent of the encryption algorithm used to protect the confidentiality of the 
    data, and independent of the communication or storage protocol used to carry the encrypted data. 
    B.2	KRB Fields
    The KRB should include the following fields of information:
    ? The KRB version number,
    ? The KRB length – beginning at the version number and ending at the last word/byte of 
    the Integrity Field,
    ? Object Identifier (OID) for the key recovery technique used to generate the KRI field. 
    ? Encrypted Data Sensitivity (EDS) Field Type:
    Type = 0: NONE (no EDS field is specified)
    ? Encrypted Data Sensitivity (EDS) Field Length:
    	Number of {words/bytes} in the EDS field.
    ? Encrypted Data Sensitivity (EDS) Field– the sensitivity of the data recoverable by this 
    ? KRI Field length – in {words,bytes}.
    ? KRI Field (KRIF) – the KRI as specified by the indicated key recovery technique using 
    the format employed by that technique,
    ? Encrypted Data Locator (EDL) Field Type – identifies the method used to generate the 
    EDL Field. Defined methods include:
    		type = 0: NONE (no EDL field was calculated)
    ? Encrypted Data Locator (EDL) Field Length:
    	Number of {words/bytes} in the EDL field. 
    ? Encrypted Data Locator (EDL) Field:
    	The value of the Encrypted Data Locator Field. This is reserved for 	  possible 
    future use in locating the encrypted data that may be recovered using this KRB. 
    ? Integrity Field Type:
    Identifies the method used to generate the Integrity Field. Defined methods 
    type = 0: NONE (no integrity field was calculated)
    type = 1: SEMANTIC (no integrity field was calculated)
    type = 2: PROTOCOL (no integrity field was calculated)
    type = 3: CONF-HMAC-SHA-1-96 (integrity field calculated using HMAC and 
    SHA-1 and the confidentiality key associated with the KRF - described 
    in RFC 2104 and draft-ietf-ipsec-hmac-sha196-00.txt)
    type = 4: CONF-HMAC-MD5-96 (integrity field calculated using HMAC and 
    MD5 and the confidentiality key associated with the KRF
    type = 5: INTEG-HMAC-SHA-1-96 (integrity field calculated using HMAC and 
    SHA-1 and the integrity key associated with the session - described in 
    RFC 2104 and draft-ietf-ipsec-hmac-sha196-00.txt)
    type = 6: INTEG-HMAC-MD5-96 (integrity field calculated using HMAC and 
    MD5 and the integrity key associated with the session - described in 
    RFC 2104 and 	draft-ietf-ipsec-hmac-md5-96-00.txt)
    type = 7: SIGNATURE-PKCS7 (integrity field calculated as a PKCS #7 envelope 
    with ContentType = "signed data" - described in the PKCS #7 
    specification. The data content that is carried within the PKCS#7 
    envelope is the hash of the KRF. The hash algorithm used is the same 
    one that is specified within the PKCS#7 Content.
    ? Integrity Field Length:
    Number of {words/bytes} in the Integrity Field. The Integrity Field Length must 
    be consistent with the Integrity Field Type:
    Integrity Field Type
    Integrity Field Length
    ? Integrity Field Value:
    The value of the Integrity Field that is calculated over all fields of the KRB except 
    for the Integrity Field Value itself. 
    For Integrity Field Types 0 through 2, the Integrity Field value does not exist. For 
    Integrity Field Types 3 and 5, the Integrity Field Value is a 20 byte hash of the 
    KRF using HMAC and SHA-1. For Integrity Field Types 4 and 6, it is a 16 byte 
    hash of the KRF using HMAC and MD5. 
    For Integrity Field Type 7, the Integrity Field Value is a PKCS#7 envelope [SEE 
    ENVELOPE STRUCTURE BELOW] whose content is a hash of the relevant 
    fields of the KRB using the digestAlgorithmIdentifier specified within the 
    PKCS#7 Content. 
    Further Notes on the Integrity Field:
    Certain key recovery products do not require any verification of the KRIF to be done at the 
    receiving side. These products should use Integrity Field Type "NONE", indicating that KRIF 
    verification is unnecessary. 
    Certain other products use technique-specific validation methods for the KRIF since these may 
    be potentially stronger than the KRIF integrity checking techniques that are supported by the 
    KRB. Products of this class should construct KRBs with Integrity Field Type "SEMANTIC", 
    implying that the KRIF should be validated semantically using the technique-specific algorithm. 
    A major drawback of using semantic validation techniques is that interoperability between 
    products using dissimilar key recovery techniques may not be supportable.
    Some key recovery products are based on secure communication protocols which provide 
    integrity protection for the KRB when it is carried as an integral part of the secure association. 
    This class of products should use Integrity Field Type "PROTOCOL", implying that the KRIF 
    need not be checked for integrity since the carrier protocol provides integrity protection for the 
    entire KRB. 
    Finally, there are a class of key recovery products which require KRIF validation by the receiver 
    who cannot rely on the carrier protocol to provide integrity protection to the KRB, and require 
    interoperability between heterogeneous key recovery systems.  This class of products should use 
    the supported integrity checking mechanisms of the KRB by using Integrity Field Types 3 to 7. 
    The Integrity Field should contain the value corresponding to the specified type. 
    Certain products may like to use keyed-hash based integrity checks for the KRB. These products 
    will generate KRBs with Integrity Field Types 3 to 6. The keyed-hash Integrity Field Types are 
    defined for systems that use a single key for confidentiality and integrity protection, as well as 
    systems using separate confidentiality and integrity keys. Types 3 and 4 use the confidentiality 
    key associated with the session in generating the HMAC value, while types 5 and 6 use the 
    integrity key associated with a session for the HMAC. A careful analysis of the cryptographic 
    system is required when the same key does double duty as the encryption key and the HMAC 
    key for the key recovery block. 
    Certain products may like to use digital signature techniques to validate the integrity of the KRB. 
    These products will generate KRBs with Integrity Field Type 7, which denotes that the Integrity 
    Field Value is a PKCS#7 envelope that carries a digital signature over the relevant fields of the 
    KRB. The PKCS#7 format was chosen as a vehicle for carrying the signature value since it 
    allows the pertinent certificates (needed for signature verification) to be conveniently packaged 
    in a well-known format. It may be noted that the Content within the PKCS#7 envelope is a hash 
    of the relevant fields of the KRB. Thus, the actual signature carried within the PKCS#7 envelope 
    will be calculated on the hash of the KRB, rather than the KRB itself.
    It may be noted that a product that generates a KRB specifies the Integrity Field Type based on 
    its assumptions about its operating environment and its policy related to KRIF verification. 
    Similarly, the types of KRBs that may be accepted by a receiver product are based on the 
    receiver's assumptions about its operating environment and its policy related to KRIF 
    verification. This proposal in no way mandates that a receiver product accept a KRB with all 
    possible integrity Field Types; it leaves the usage and acceptability of specific Integrity Field 
    Types to the discretion of the sending and receiving products. 
    The KRB format can also be used very conveniently to identify the KRIF carried within it. 
    Certain vendors may like to use the KRB format for KRIF identification purposes only, but may 
    not want to incur the overhead of generating and verifying the integrity field. It is recommended 
    that these vendors use Integrity Field Type "NONE".
    The KRB integrity field is a "robust" mechanism for verifying the integrity of the enclosed KRIF. 
    The integrity field is not susceptible to typical man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM). Modification 
    of the Integrity Field Type is not useful to an attacker, since the communicating peers have a 
    security association that demands specific Integrity Field Types.  Substitution of the KRIF and 
    the corresponding Integrity Field value (for types 3 to 6) does not succeed, since the MITM does 
    not have the session key necessary to generate a valid Integrity Field value for the bogus KRIF 
    that was substituted.
    B.3	KRB Format
    KRB Length
    Key Recovery Technique OID
    EDS Field Type
    EDS Field Length
    Encrypted Data Sensitivity (EDS)
    KRIF Length
    Key Recovery Information Field (KRIF)
    EDL Field Type
    EDL Field Length
    Encrypted Data Locator (EDL) Field
    Integrity Field Type
    Integrity field length
    Integrity Field Value
    B.4	Implementation Guidance
    Vendors that are compliant with the common KRB format, would design their products so that 
    their KRIF (in its proprietary format) is placed within the common KRB defined above. The 
    appropriate information should be provided in the other fields of the KRB. When a compliant 
    product receives a KRB with an integrity field, the product can validate the KRIF embedded 
    within the KRB, either by using the KRB integrity field, or the technique-specific validation 
    algorithm (if known).
    PKCS #7 Structure
    PKCS #7 contains the following fields:
    ? Version
    ? Digest Algorithm ID
    ? Content
    ? Certificates (opt.)
    ? CRLs (Opt.)
    ? Signer Info
    issuer & serial ID,
    digest algorithm ID,
    authenticated attribute (opt.),
    encrypted digest,
    unauthenticated attributes (opt.)
    Note: There may be multiple Signer Info field
    Appendix C: Certificate Extensions
    C.1	Introduction
    In order to facilitate the recovery of a key in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI),  the appropriate 
    certificates should be extended to include key recovery information. Modifications may include:
    	?	The encryption certificate for a KRA should include:
    (1)	a key usage bit which indicates that the public key is to be used for key 
    recovery purposes.
    ASN.1 for this has two alternatives:  
    	a.	Recommend adding a bit to the X.509 key usage extension: 
    keyRecoveryAgent (9) and mark the key usage extension critical, or
    b.	Register the following object as the key purpose object identifier and 
    mark it critical.  This seems to be the more appropriate approach 
    rather than expecting X.509 to add a bit to the key usage extension.
    {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) 
    keypurpose(2) krakey(1)}
    (2)	an identification of the key recovery technique(s) with which the public key 
    may be used.
    It is not clear that this extension is required at all.  Santosh  suggests not 
    having this extension at all.  Note that if this extension is used, the first 
    extension is not required since this extension implies that the public key 
    belongs to the KRA.  Thus, it is recommended that if this extension is used, 
    the first extension (extended key usage) should be dropped.  The following 
    is the syntax for this private, critical  extension to the certificate:
    kRTechnique EXTENSION ::= {
    	SYNTAX		KRTechnique
    	IDENTIFIED BY 	id-extensions-kRTechnique }
    KRTechnique	::=	SEQUENCE {
    	technique	technique.&id,
    	parameters	OPTIONAL }
    --	technique is an object identifier. The parameters syntax is 
    registered when the technique OID is registered
    ? A certificate for the entity using key recovery should include:
    (1)	an indication that the entity has a key recovery capability,  This is done by 
    using the following private, non-critical extension
    keyRecoveryCapable EXTENSION ::= {
    	SYNTAX	SubjectKeyIdentifier
    	IDENTIFIED BY 	id-extensions-KeyRecoveryCapable }
    KeyRecoveryCapable ::= BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
    (2)	identify the KRA(s),  This is done using the following private, non-critical 
    extension.  Please note that if this extension is included, the first extension 
    (key recovery capable) is not required.
    kR EXTENSION ::= {
    	IDENTIFIED BY 	id-extensions-KR }
    KRS ::= SEQUENCE {
    	technique	KRTechnique
    	agentName		directoryName
    	agentkey		KeyIdentifier – OPTIONAL
    	agentpol		KRAPolicy – OPTIONAL}
    (3)	indicate the KRA certificate(s) containing the appropriate KRA public 
    key(s).  Please note that this is in the KR extension.
    (4)	identify the key recovery technique(s) supported by the entity.  Please note 
    that this is in the extension for the key recovery (item 2 above)
     (5)	include any key recovery technique information required.  Please note that 
    this is in optional parameters extension of the key recovery technique.
    Prefix for CSOR-unique technical objects: {2.16.840.1.101.3}
    {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)}
    -- Technical Object Identifiers
    -- Types of information security objects
    id-slabel	ID ::= {id-csor 1}
    id-pki	ID ::= {id-csor 2}
    id-arpa	ID ::= {id-csor 3}
    -- Certificate Policies
    -- {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) certpolicies(1)}
    -- Key Purpose
    -- {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) keypurpose(2)}
    id-kRAKey	ID ::= {id-keypurpose 1}
    -- Extensions
    -- {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) extensions(3)}
    id-kRTechnique 	ID ::= {id-extensions 1}
    id-kRecoveryCapable	ID ::= {id-extensions 2}
    id-kR	ID ::= {id-extensions 3}
    -- Key Recovery Schemes
    -- {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) keyrecoveryschemes(4)}
    -- Key Recovery Policy
    -- {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) pki(2) krapol(5)}
    Appendix D: Interoperability Examples
    D.1	Introduction
    D.2	S/MIME
     The Secure MIME (S/MIME) protocol provides encryption for Internet electronic mail that uses 
    the MIME encoding format.  S/MIME defines two security wrappers: one for digital signatures 
    and one for encryption.  To encrypt and sign a message, both wrappers are applied.  Both of 
    these wrappers build on the formats defined in PKCS#7 version 1.5.  For encryption, the 
    EnvelopedData wrapper is used.  The EnvelopedData wrapper requires RSA key management, 
    and the RSA public keys must be carried in certificates.
     S/MIME does not include a location that can be used to carry a key recovery field.  However, the 
    key recovery center could be a recipient on every message, even if the message is not delivered 
    to the key recovery center.  In this way, the key recovery center private key can be used to 
    recover the message plaintext content.
     Key recovery may also be done as part of certificate management.  This technique only works if 
    the originator is a recipient of the message.  That is, a RecipientInfo field for the originator must 
    be included to ensure that the key used to encrypt the message content is available to the key 
    recovery center who holds a copy of the originator’s RSA private key.
    D.3	MSP
     The Message Security Protocol (MSP) provides encryption for Internet and X.400 electronic 
    mail.  MSP is used in the Defense Message System, and MSP is specified in SDN.701.  Like 
    S/MIME, MSP supports both digital signatures and encryption; however, MSP defines one 
    wrapper to provide both services.  MSP is algorithm independent.
     MSP includes two locations that could be used to carry a key recovery field: the token and the 
    extensions.  To carry a key recovery field in the token, a separate object identifier for a new key 
    management technique must be assigned.  This approach would destroy interoperability with 
    existing implementations.  To carry a key recovery field in the extensions, a non-critical 
    extension is added to the end of the message.  MSP does not encrypt the extensions; therefore a 
    key recovery field carried in an extension would be accessible.
     Alternatively, the key recovery center could be a recipient on every message, even if the message 
    is not delivered to the key recovery center.  In this way, the key recovery center private key can 
    be used to recover the message plaintext content.
     Key recovery may also be done as part of certificate management.  MSP includes a token for the 
    originator.  If the mail transfer system is unable to deliver the MSP protected message and 
    returns the message to the originator as part of non-delivery notification, this token allows the 
    originator to decrypt the message to determine which one was returned.  If the key recovery 
    center holds a copy of the originator’s private key, then the key recovery center can also use the 
    originator token to decrypt the message content.
    D.4	PEM
     The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) protocol provides encryption for Internet electronic mail.  
    PEM defines one encapsulation mechanism for digital signatures and encryption.  PEM is 
    defined in Internet RFCs 1421 through 1424.  Two forms of key management are supported for 
    encryption: RSA key management using certificates, and out-of-band distribution of symmetric 
    key encryption keys.
     PEM includes one location that could be used to carry a key recovery field: the Key-Info header 
    line.  This header line is used for both forms of key management.  To carry a key recovery field 
    in the Key-Info line, a separate Date Encryption Key protection algorithm identifier must be 
    assigned.  This approach would destroy interoperability with existing implementations.
     Key recovery may also be done as part of certificate management.  RFC 1421 recommends that a 
    Key-Info header line be included for the originator as well as each recipient.  This technique 
    only works if the originator Key-Info header line is included.  That is, a Key-Info header line for 
    the originator must be included to ensure that the key used to encrypt the message content is 
    available to the key recovery center who holds a copy of the originator’s RSA private key.  RFC 
    1424 specifies the certificate management for PEM, and a single RSA key is used for key 
    management and digital signature.  Thus, this form of key recovery permits a malicious key 
    recovery center to masquerade as the originator by generating signed PEM messages.  These 
    unauthorized messages could also be encrypted.
     D.5	ISAKM
    Appendix E: Key Recovery Techniques
    Cryptographic end systems that satisfy this key recovery standard use key recovery techniques 
    which may be broadly categorized into two types, KRI encapsulation and key escrow.  The KRI 
    encapsulation technique associates key recovery information with the encrypted data in a manner 
    which allows the KRA to recover the data key. The key escrow technique makes the 
    cryptographic end system’s key, usually a long term key such as a public/private key pair, 
    directly accessible by a KRA.  This appendix provides an overview of these two techniques.
    E.1	KRI Encapsulation
    Figure 9 illustrates the interaction of two cryptographic end systems that share or communicate 
    encrypted data using a KRI encapsulation technique for key recovery. To make the data key 
    recoverable, the KRI Generation Function within the Cryptographic End System labeled A 
    (hereinafter referred to as System A) first generates (or acquires) and encapsulates KRI 
    corresponding to the data key. Then, the KRI is provided to the KRI Delivery Function.
    Cryptographic End System labeled B (hereinafter referred to as System) may receive the KRI as 
    well as the encrypted data and key exchange information. The KRI received by System B may be 
    processed to a KRI Validation Function. Whether and what type of validation is performed is 
    dependent on the structure and content of the KRI, the key recovery technique used, and the 
    validation policy of the receiving cryptographic end system.
    This method works equally well where System A and System B are actually the same system, as 
    would be the case in a storage application.
    2.9.2	Key Escrow
    Figure 10 illustrates the interaction of two cryptographic end systems that share or communicate 
    encrypted data using a key escrow technique for key recovery. For each cryptographic end 
    system, keys, key parts or key related information to be recovered are delivered to and stored at 
    the KRA.  In this technique, a third party or a cryptographic end system acts as a KRI Provider, 
    generating and delivering KRI to KRA(s).
    In an environment where System A is encrypting data and sending it to System B, a key escrow 
    scheme allows System A to make the target key recoverable without the addition of encapsulated 
    KRI. System A can determine that System B is using an acceptable key escrow technique for key 
    recovery by acquiring this information from some source (e.g., a certificate) using its KRI 
    Validation Function.  In this case, System A’s normal performance of the key 
    exchange/negotiation protocol may be sufficient to make the target key recoverable.
    If required to do so, System B may verify recoverability by verifying that its own public key has 
    been escrowed.  This allows the normal performance of the key exchange/negotiation protocol to 
    make the data key recoverable.
    E.3	Interactions Between Systems Using Different Key Recovery Techniques
    Cryptographic end systems that interact with systems using different key recovery techniques 
    may still provide for key recovery.  Furthermore, cryptographic end systems may provide for key 
    recovery even when communicating with systems with no key recovery capability. 
    E.3.1 	Interactions Between KRI Encapsulation and Key Escrow Techniques
    In Figure 11 System A uses a KRI encapsulation technique to provide for key recovery, whereas 
    System B uses a key escrow technique.  System A may be able to use its KRI Validation 
    Function to determine that System B uses key escrow.  System A can create encapsulated KRI 
    using its KRI Generation Function and provide it to its KRI Delivery Function. System B’s KRI 
    Provider must independently provide KRI to System B’s KRA prior to any possible recovery of 
    System B’s key. In this case, System B does not need to validate the encapsulated KRI since 
    System B’s key has been escrowed, though may optionally choose to do so.
    In Figure 12, System A uses a key escrow technique to provide for key recovery, whereas System 
    B uses a KRI encapsulation technique.  For System A to provide for key recovery, encapsulated 
    information must be provided (e.g., by encrypting a copy of the data key for System A and 
    placing it in a recipient list or in a key recovery block) using the KRI Generation and Delivery 
    Functions. Note that for some key exchange schemes, normal performance of the key exchange 
    mechanism may provide for the KRI generation and delivery functions. 
    System B may be able to use its KRI Validate Function to determine the type of key recovery 
    employed by System A and check for the presence of encapsulated KRI.  If System B must either 
    validate or provide for the data key’s recoverability, System B may be able to generate and 
    deliver encapsulated KRI in accordance with its key recovery technique.
    E.3.2 	Interactions Between KRI Encapsulation and Systems with No Key Recovery
    In Figure 9, if System A uses KRI encapsulation and System B has no key recovery capability, 
    System A can provide encapsulated KRI even though System B cannot attempt to verify its 
    recoverability.  The encapsulated KRI received from System A must not cause interoperability 
    problems with System B, however (see Section 2.7).
    If the roles are reversed and System B initiates a communication, System A’s KRI Validation 
    Function will detect that System B has not provided suitable KRI.  If System A must either 
    validate or provide for the data key’s recoverability, System A may be able to generate and 
    deliver encapsulated KRI.
    E.3.3	Interaction Between Key Escrow and Systems with No Key Recovery
    In Figure 12, if System A uses Key Escrow and System B has no key recovery capability, System 
    A can ensure the recoverability of the communication only if encapsulated information is created 
    by its own KRI Generation and Delivery Functions (e.g., by encrypting a copy of the data key for 
    System A and placing it in a recipient list or in a key recovery block). System A must ensure that 
    System B will be able to ignore the presence of the KRI in order to permit interoperability.
    If the roles are reversed and System B sends encrypted data to System A, System A can recover 
    if the data key is recoverable using System A’s escrowed key
      The C2, B1 and B2 ratings are in accordance with the TCSEC (see the cross index in the 
    Announcement section).
      SC 27 N1953, Evaluation Criteria for IT Security, Part 3 – Security Assurance Requirements.
       Message Security Protocol (MSP),  Specification SDN.701 Revision 3.0 1994-03-21
      Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
      ITU-T: Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS): Message transfer system: 
    Abstract service definition and procedures,11/1995
      IEEE 802.10c/D6, Standard for Interoperable LAN Security-Part C: Key Management.
      Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol
      ANSI X9.31, Digital Signatures Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial 
    Services Industry (rDSA)
      ANSI X9.31, Digital Signatures Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial 
    Services Industry (rDSA)
      Note that the KRB is not itself KRI - the KRB contains KRI plus other information, including 
    an integrity checking value.
      The extension must be critical since only those who understand it in the key recovery context 
    should use this public key.
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