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    National Archives and Records Administration
    Welcome to E-Government,
    E-Records, and You
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    E-Government, E-Records, and You: A Web Briefing for CIOs
    Martha Morphy, Chief Information Officer and Assistant Archivist, Office of Information Services
    Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist, Office of Records Services-Washington, DC
    Laurence Brewer, Director, Life Cycle Management Division
    April 11, 2007
    National Archives and Records Administration
    E-Records challenges today and into the future
    E-Government Act responsibilities and requirements
    New guidance and resources to assist agencies in meeting their e-records challenges
    2006 CIO Survey
    Asset and Risk Management
    Conducted for the first time in July 2006
    Sent to 28 members of the CIO Council
    81% agree or strongly agree their agency's RM program serves as a risk mitigation tool
    69% had attended a NARA presentation on records management
    RM topic of highest interest is how to manage electronic records
    Challenges Today
    What are the realities of today's business environment
    Lack of agency processes supporting distributed RIM
    Rapid technological obsolescence
    Overwhelming volume
    Difficulty assuring the authenticity, reliability, and integrity of records

    Challenges Today
    4 specific barriers to the effective management of Government records:
    Records and information are not managed as agency business assets
    RM is not viewed as critical to agency mission
    Marginal support for RM has led to a lack of training, tools, and guidance in Federal agencies


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