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  • vc v. vcg: inapproximability of combinatorial auctions via ...

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    文档作者:Michael Schapira
    VC v. VCG:
    Inapproximability of Combinatorial Auctions via Generalizations of the VC Dimension
    Michael Schapira
    Yale University and UC Berkeley
    Joint work with Christos Papadimitriou and Yaron Singer (2008) and Elchanan Mossel, Christos Papadimitriou and Yaron Singer (2009)
    Auctions: Different Concerns
    Computational concerns:
    bounded computational resources

    Economic concerns:
    truthful behaviour

    computational efficiency
    Algorithmic Mechanism Design
    Can these different desiderata coexist
    The central problem in Algorithmic Mechanism Design [Nisan-Ronen]
    Illustration: Restricted Combinatorial Auctions
    A set of m items for sale {1,…m}.
    n bidders {1,…,n}. Each bidder i has an additive valuation with a spending constraint vi.
    per-item values ai1,…,aim
    "maximum spending" value bi
    For every bundle S, vi(S)=min {S j in S aij , bi},
    Goal: find a partition of the items between the bidders S1,…,Sn such that social welfare Si vi(Si) is maximized
    What Do We Want
    Quality of the solution: As close to the optimum as possible.
    Computationally tractable: Polynomial running time (in n and m).
    Truthful: Motivate (via payments) agents to report their true values.
    The utility of each user is ui = vi(S) – pi
    Solution concepts: dominant strategies, ex-post Nash.
    State of the Art
    Easy from an economic perspective.
    Easy to solve computationally.
    NP-hard (even for n=2) [Lehmann-Lehmann-Nisan] but…
    We can get arbitrarily close to the optimum for any constant n (PTAS)! [Andelman-Mansour]
    Can both be achieved simultaneously
    Huge Gap!


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