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  • LIS/PIS/Capacity

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    SAP Best Practices Baseline Package
    V1.603 for Vietnam
    What's New
    Short Overview of What's New
    New Self-sufficient Autarkic Solution Subsets
    Scope of Predefined Scenarios
    Top 100 SAP ERP Reports
    Master Data Descriptions
    Predefined SAP Smart Forms
    Barcode Printing
    New Tool for Installation: SAP Best Practices Solution Builder
    SAP Best Practices Baseline Package:
    New Self-sufficient Autarkic Solution Subsets
    The SAP Best Practices Baseline package comprises various predefined scenarios that cover all key business areas (Ext. Accounting, Controlling, Sales, Production, Procurement,).
    During the installation, you can either select to install
    the complete package (all scenarios) or
    a subset of the complete package (selected scenarios).
    The focusing area is Manufacturing. The scope is also described as "Entry Level Scopes".
    "Entry Level Scopes" can be combined with each other and extended with additional scenarios SAP Best Practices Baseline package.
    SAP Best Practices Baseline Package
    Scope of Predefined Scenarios
    The SAP Best Practices Baseline package comprises more than 71 predefined scenarios:
    Automatic GL Detail by Segment
    Segment Reporting
    Automatic GL Detail by Segment
    and Segments
    Cost of Sales Accounting
    Cash Management
    Cash Management
    Asset Accounting (including asset acquisition without logistics purchasing, including period end closing in asset accounting)
    Asset Management
    Asset Acquisition through Direct Capitalization (integrated logistics purchasing)
    Asset Acquisition for Constructed Assets
    General Ledger
    Accounts Receivable
    Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable
    Accounts Payable
    External Financial Acc.
    Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual


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