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  • 大学体验英语

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    大学体验英语 1
    Unit 5
    Sources of Information
    Lead in: listen and talk about sources of information
    Read and explore: passages about information
    Reading skills: identifying the topic
    General writing: subject and predicate agreement
    Practical writing: order form
    Unit Tasks
    Lead in
    Guess which invention it refers to
    4. More than 24 million Britons, nearly half the population, now own one, and the device has even become something of a fashion accessory for the young.
    1. This device, first introduced in 1947 in America, did not come into general use until the 1980s.
    2. Since then, models have become progressively smaller and lighter, making them far more convenient to use.
    3. The original analogue operating system was replaced by digital networks in the 1990s, providing greater security for users.
    Mobile phone
    Guess which invention it refers to
    4. Having remained dominant for more than two millennia, it may now be under threat from item E.
    1. This important medium of communication, first became available in Greece in the second century BC,
    2. replacing papyrus rolls, which could be up to 35 meters in length.
    3. The new invention was far more convenient to use, being both portable and easy to access at any point.
    Guess which invention it refers to
    3. Initially used only by scientists, it was released to the public in 1991, and by 1996 the number of users was doubling every 18 months.
    1. This has been called the most liberating invention of the 20th century.
    2. Having originated in technology developed in the early 1960s, it evolved through a miracle of international co-operation into the system we know today.
    Listen and complete
    What are your key Do you get most of your information by _____ to other people People could already do that in the Stone Age. When the printing press was invented several hundred years ago,


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