Climate Protection
Renewable Energy (RE) development to 10% share in 2010.
China is the second largest emitter of CO2 and the largest emitter of SO2.
Chinas influence on the global climate change is very important and constantly on the rise, with an ever growing need for more energy and resources, which can already not be covered by China alone.
This has an immediate effect on the countries where China is currently sourcing and on the overall impacts of globalization.
China is aware of the negative consequences of this development and has introduced far-reaching and modern environmental laws and regulation. However, the implementation of these laws and their monitoring remains weak.
BMZ 2007, L nderkonzept China: according to estimates, the economic costs of environmental damage in China are eating up a considerable part of its economic growth
Promotion of climate protection, energy saving, renewable energy technologies
Support for biogas and biofuel energy by biodegradable feedstock supply
Promoting climate neutral fertilizer production
Support and development of CDM projects
International technology and know-how transfer
Climate Protection
Past developments (1/2)
According to the Sixth National Survey on Forest Resources, conducted by the State Forestry Administration (SFA), the existing forest area of China is 0.175 billion ha and the growing stock is 13.6 billion m , accounting for 3.2% of the world's total.
The Chinese management organization of forest includes state owned forest enterprises, state owned forest farms, collectively owned forest farms, individually managed forest farms, and household units.
Traditionally forest energy aspects are only related to fuel wood, and woody plant oil is often dedicated to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Systematic research started in the early 1990's: program of "Fuel Plants' Survey and Planting Technology Research" carried out by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) during the period of the 8th Five-year Plan, 1991-1995
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