Artist Statement
Remember my name: Brandis Victoria Smith, alias Queen B. Music the universal language, has always been apart of my life. I began singing at the tender age of two and have been doing so ever since. My mother heard me in her womb and did not receive the true revelation until I was four years old. It is her story and no one can tell it like my mother. Due to my family's unconditional love and support, I have been afforded many opportunities in this life to enhance that which God has blessed me with. I am a firm believer that one should not bury his/her talent, but share it among others throughout his/her life. If not, the beauty of it may never be known. I received my high school diploma from Savannah Arts Academy with a major/concentration in voice and choral music. Through the years, I have developed an extensive and flexible repertoire, which includes musical selections from various genres such as; traditional and contemporary gospel, rock and roll, jazz, and pop. Currently, I am a student at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) majoring in Film and Television with a minor in Performing Arts and Art Administration. Upon completion of my undergraduate studies at SCAD, one of my future goals is to pursue a graduate degree in music/drama from the Julliard School of the Arts in New York City. My primary objective is to become a renowned artist in the music industry. Secondly, my intense studies at SCAD have fostered within me a deeper appreciation for the arts in the field of film and television, which is why I look forward to numerous jobs in this industry. In this life, one must create options and be positively aggressive in reaching his/her goals. In many instances, life is what you make it. And as for me the Queen B, I plan to press forward and aim for the moon. If I fall short, I'll land among the stars.
Revised as of October '09 Personal: Biography Birth Date: December 14, 1987 Birth Place: Savannah, Georgia Family: Victor R. Smith, I- Father Cynthia R. Smith- Mother Victor R. Smith, II- Brother Beginning of Singing Career: At home and among family, age 2 Began singing in the Junior Choir at Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church (JMBC), age 4 Musical Training/Talents Drums: Began playing at age 4 Piano: 12-year student Private Formal Vocal Training: 6 years Musicals High School Anything Goes (2003)
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