SuperMap GIS 2008 Products Overview
SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc.
November 2007, China
Copyright 2001-2007 SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the Peoples' Republic of China.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without express written permission of SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc.
SuperMap, logo, SuperMap Deskpro, SuperMap Objects, SuperMap IS.NET, eSuperMap, SuperMap SDX+, SuperMap Express, SuperMap Viewer are trademarks or registered trademarks of SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. in People's Republic of China and other countries. SuperMap GIS Technologies Inc. has full authority and responsibility for selling and upgrading the entire software illustrated in this publication. All other companies and products mentioned in the publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. 7th Floor, Tower B, Technology Fortune Center, No. 8, Xueqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100085 Tel: (0086)-10- 82736655 Fax: (0086)-10-82734630 Website: Sales E-Mail: Technical Support: We greatly appreciate any and all advice and suggestions regarding our products or materials.
SuperMap GIS 2008 Products Overview
SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1997, dedicated to the development of GIS platform software. Through a severe market competition, SuperMap has become one of the leading GIS software providers. With the support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, SuperMap is devoted to geospatial technological innovation and has developed a series of GIS products - SuperMap GIS. It covers a wide range of products, including Desktop GIS, Spatial Database eXtension, Component GIS Development Platform, Service GIS Development Platform, Mobile GIS Development Platform, Navigation Application Development Platform, as well as some Data Processing Tools. Since its first release in 2000, SuperMap GIS has been widely used in many governments and industries worldwide. Hundreds of large scale systems based on our products are now reliably in operation. It has also successfully entered into the international GIS markets such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, India, as well as Italy, Sweden, South Africa, etc. With an idea of Innovating Cutting Edge Technology, Promoting Open and Win-win Cooperation strategy, SuperMap has been consistently collaborating with strategic partners home and abroad. We are looking forward to working with our customers and partners to promote GIS industry. This book provides a brief technical introduction to all SuperMap GIS products available in English version. It presents the technical features and main functionalities, as well as the new features in the latest 2008 release for each product. This book is intended for those who want to know SuperMap GIS products and technologies. .
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supermap gis 2008 products overview _en_.pdf
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