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  • price/performance

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    文档作者:G閞ard Laurent pour Nancy-Metz
    关键词:Bac Pro SEN 3 ans, Cahier des charges
    备注:Source : Cahier des charges BAC PRO 3 ans, Acad閙ie de Versailles
    Issue 4
    Protel International Limited March 2001
    Protel Shareholder
    N E W S L E T T E R In this Issue ... Half-yearly financial results The road to success Inside Protel Share price
    Consistent strong growth sets Protel apart from the crowd!
    During a roller coaster year for tech companies worldwide, Protel is pleased to announce continued strong growth and profitability for the half year ending December 31, 2000. This strong performance in what has become, for some, a volatile market serves to highlight the solid foundations of the company and the strength of our business planning. Unlike many "hi-tech" companies, we build our strategies on proven products with well established markets. This leads to real revenue and profits and allows us to maintain a solid footing while those around us stumble. This point is well demonstrated in the most recent financial results, which show Protel consistently outperforming market expectations. The results point to Protel as the clear leader in the desktop Electronic Design Automation (EDA) arena. The fact that we are now the only company fully focussed on the desktop points the way to continuing strong growth in the future. Our successful results for the first half of the financial year are all the more pleasing because strong sales were derived from existing product lines, with limited new products having been released during the period. This highlights the underlying strength of our core products and their commanding place in the market. Other key factors were the successful business and marketing integration and sales of the P-CAD product line as a result of the acquisition of ACCEL Technologies Inc. in early 2000, strong sales growth in European markets, as well as the flow-ons from a recovering Japanese economy.
    I am very pleased to be able to report these strong results to our shareholders. Our revenue growth continues to be strong and we have been able to achieve profit after tax of $5m. In addition, given our continued strong positive cash flows, the Protel Board has proposed to pay an interim dividend of 3.5cps. With these results behind us and given that traditionally we experience even more favourable market conditions in the second half we are quite confident that we will achieve our targets for the full financial year.


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