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  • creation of asteroids game using verilog and xilinx ...

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    Creation of Asteroids Game Using Verilog and Xilinx FPGA
    Shield Xiao & James Verrill 6.111 Fall 2005 – Final Project
    Revision Number: 17 Saved On: 14-Dec-05
    Abstract The aim of the project is to create on the labkit a version of the popular computer game 'Asteroids'. Asteroids is a game set in 2 dimensions featuring a spaceship in a field of moving asteroids. The asteroids move randomly and spin. The player controls the spaceship, moving it around the playing field and shooting at the asteroids to destroy them. When hit by the spaceship's weapon the asteroids break down into smaller asteroids and eventually are removed from the field. The game is completed when all asteroids have been destroyed. The game is lost if the spaceship collides with an asteroid. We approached the project in a modular fashion, attempting to create modules which computed the required lines for a frame, computed the pixels on those lines, and then generated the required frames. We were successful in creating a vast array of these modules, but were unsuccessful in integrating them to create the entire project. James Verrill Page 1 of 85 Revision Number: 20 Last Saved: 14-Dec-05


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