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    qu ic de r g om Ina fo nin on of re ng lan P Ec ts ctu sti he ac tru Te T p s e Im fra ar In ftw So
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    P : by I d re RT r a fo ep r
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    f eo y t itu log t Ins chno l ce na Te ffi nd o O ati ds & m ng a up N r a a gr nni Gro d o Pr Pla sis an 2 St y 00 2 ic al eg An ay t c M ra St omi n co E
    U.S Department of Commerce Technology Administration
    RTI Project Number 7007.011
    The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Infrastructure for Software Testing
    Final Report
    May 2002
    Prepared for Gregory Tassey, Ph.D. National Institute of Standards and Technology Acquisition and Assistance Division Building 101, Room A1000 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001
    Prepared by RTI Health, Social, and Economics Research Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Executive Summary 1. Introduction to Software Quality and Testing 1.1 1.2 ES-1 1-1
    Software Quality Attributes................................................ 1-3 Software Quality Metrics ................................................... 1-6 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 What Makes a Good Metric ................................... 1-7 What Can be Measured ......................................... 1-8 Choosing Among Metrics....................................... 1-8
    1.3 1.4
    Software Testing.............................................................. 1-10 The Impact of Inadequate Testing .................................... 1-11 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Failures due to Poor Quality................................. 1-11 Increased Software Development Costs ................ 1-12 Increased Time to Market..................................... 1-12 Increased Market Transaction Costs...................... 1-13 2-1
    Software Testing Methods and Tools 2.1 2.2
    Historical Approach to Software Development................... 2-1 Software Testing Infrastructure ........................................... 2-4 2.2.1 2.2.2 Software Testing Stages .......................................... 2-4 Commercial Software Testing Tools........................ 2-7 Conformance Testing............................................. 2-9 Interoperability Testing ........................................ 2-10 Relationship between Software Stages, Testing Types, and Testing Tools...................................... 2-13 Standardized Software Testing Technologies ........ 2-15


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