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  • 2 011U.S. IntellecEt ual PropertyRE PORTTOTHPRESI DENTEn f ...

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    2 011 P orI n t e l l e ce Ua leProPert y r e U. S . t t o t H t Pr SI den t en f orce m en t c o or dI n at or I m m e a nat e loPPP ort U n I t I e S dI n Ua r e or t on f or t e lr enG t H en I nG t y e I n S t l e c t Ua l ProPer t H nat Ion ’ Sf c y Beren t U r I t y en orce m Se c
    President’s council of advisors on Science and technology
    n oV e m Be r 2 013
    executive office of the President
    2 011 U.orIt t e l l eH e Ua leProPert y r e P S . n t o t c t Pr SI den t en f orce m en t c o or dI n at or I m m ea n at e loPP or t U n I t I e S dI n Ua r e P or t on f or tS t r e c t UaH en I nG t y e I n e l l enG t l ProPer t H nat Ion ’ Sf orce m en t U r I t y en c y Ber Se c
    President’s council of advisors on Science and technology
    n oV e m Be r 2 013
    executive office of the President
    About the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
    The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) is an advisory group of the Nation’s leading scientists and engineers, appointed by the President to augment the science and tech?? nology advice available to him from inside the White House and from cabinet departments and other Federal agencies. PCAST is consulted about, and often makes policy recommendations concerning, the full range of issues where understandings from the domains of science, technology, and innovation bear potentially on the policy choices before the President. For more information about PCAST, see www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast.
    The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
    John P. Holdren Assistant to the President for Science and Technology Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Eric S. Lander President Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
    Vice Chairs
    William Press Raymer Professor in Computer Science and Integrative Biology University of Texas at Austin Maxine Savitz Vice President National Academy of Engineering


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