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  • 2 0 0 6 G E N E R A L C ATA L O G2006总目录

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    2 0 0 6 G E N E R A L C ATA L O G 2006总目录
    CATALOG No. G-055001/ E
    1. Please be sure that you carefully discuss your planned purchase with our sales division if you use in this extreme standards of are required, or if you intend to use products for applications other than those listed in this catalog. Power drive products for automobile, ship or aircraft transport systems; steering and navigation systems, emergency signal communications systems, and any system other than above or display devices, and which could cause major damage to life, limb or property if misused or failure to function. Medical devices for measuring blood pressure, pulse, etc., units such as coronary and heat treatment units, and devices such as artificial organs and artificial limb systems which augment physiological functions. Electrical instruments, equipment or systems used in disaster or crime prevention. 2. Semiconductors, by nature, may fail or malfunction in spite of our devotion to improve product quality urge you to every against physical other may cause failure of our semiconductor products by a reasonable safety margin, 3. This catalog is effective from Sep. 2005. Note that the contents are subject to change or discontinuation without notice. When placing orders, please confirm specifications and delivery conditions in writing. 4. Examples of given here are typical for each product and being the technical data only, these do not constitute a guarantee of or conditions of use. The circuits shown in this catalog are intended to explain typical applications of the products concerned. TOKO is not responsible for any circuit nor for any of party that may arise the use of these this does not signify TOKO agrees or explicitly to license any patent rights or other intellectual property rights which it holds. 5. None of ozone depleting substances(ODS) under the Montreal Protocol is used in manufacturing process of us.
    注 意
    1. 如果您要在非常严格的信赖性标准下,或者在本目录列出的以下用途使用我公司产品,请与详细 询问我公司销售人员。 用于汽车,船只或航空器等运输工具的电源驱动产品;控制和导航系统,紧急信号通讯系统, 生命、身体和财产造成伤害的设备。 血压、脉搏测量等医疗设备,心脏起博器和湿热疗法等治疗设备,和假肢及其他人造器官等身 体机能辅助装置。 防灾救灾用电气工具,设备或系统。 2. 半导体产品,我公司非常致力于提高产品的质量和信赖性。我们建议您尽可能在设计时注意到物 理损害、燃烧或其他有可能导致产品故障或失效的情况,并做好合理的安全极限、失效防止和防 火等相应的保护措施。 3. 本产品目录制订于2005年9月,注意以后有可能被更改或停产的型号。您下订单时,请以书面形 式 产品规格和运输条件。 4. 本产品目录给出的参数实例,是单个产品典型情况,仅仅作为技术数据,不保证使用情况下的参 数或条件。目录中给出的电路目的在于解释相关产品的典型应用。因此,TOKO对任何回路问题 或由此回路引起的第三方专利或知识产权不负有责任。更进一步而言,本目录并不表示TOKO同 意暗示或明 授权任何专利或其他知识产权。 5. 我们制造的产品中没有使用任何蒙特利尔公约中规定的臭氧层破坏物质(ODS)。


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