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  • financial analysis using excel and vba - business analytics

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    Financial Analysis Using Excel and VBA - Bangalore
    Introduction This programme offers in-depth training in analytical methods used by financial analysts and managers in a variety of settings, including finance departments within corporations; investment firms and other financial services institutions; and consulting and professional services firms. Upon completion of this flexible program, students gain expertise in skills such as: Profitability analysis, including calculation of price earnings ratios. Liquidity ratios, asset/productivity analysis, and capital structure/debt ratios. Discounted cash flow (DCF) and other valuation techniques. Using Excel spreadsheet modeling to forecast sales, earnings, and free cash flow. Using Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programming to solve finance problems, including Random number generation, historical and Monte Carlo simulations.
    portfolio modeling.
    The first part of the course (Excel) is a fast-paced comprehensive set of tools to tap into the full power of Excel. The second part of the course builds 'smart' analytical models, useful applications for more advanced techniques, which are transferable throughout an organization. The third part deals with VBA programming to build complex financial models. Students are issued with a recommended textbook and handouts together with CD-ROM containing sample files and other reference materials. Who should attend this programme? Practicing professional to ‘sharpen and enhance their skill set’ Aspiring industry professionals Students with interest and keen application of mind Starting on July 12, 2008 Terms and Conditions Course Fees Fees for the course will be Rs. 25000 + service tax as applicable, which will be inclusive of the coaching class, computer lab, test fees, reference material. Fees once paid will not be refunded. Participants must appear for the test immediately after the course is finished. In case a participant does not appear for the test or wants to reappear for the test he/she can do so by paying an additional fee of Rs. 3500+service tax as applicable. No additional reference material will be provided to participants reappearing for the test. The certificate will be issued within 21 days from the date of the test and will be couriered to the address given in the registration form. Method of Evaluation and Certification Assignment – 25% Comprehensive test at the end of the term – 75% Pass – Min 50%, Honours – 75% & above


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