• íyixin1984 > PAST AWARD WINNERS

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    1 PAST AWARD WINNERS TABLE OF CONTENTS QUAZZA MEDAL 2 NICHOLS MEDAL 3 INDUSTRIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 4 HIGH IMPACT PAPER AWARD 5 HAROLD CHESTNUT CONTROL ENGINEERING TEXTBOOK PRIZE 6 APPLICATIONS PAPER PRIZE 7 YOUNG AUTHOR PRIZE 8 AUTOMATICA PAPER PRIZE 9 CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE PAPER PRIZE 11 JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL PAPER PRIZE 13 ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF AI PAPER PRIZE 15 MECHATRONICS JOURNAL PAPER PRIZE 17 BEST INTERACTIVE (POSTER) PAPER PRIZE 18 2 GIORGIO QUAZZA MEDAL (Created 1979) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTR Y KYOTO, 1981 JOHN F. COALES UK BUDAPEST, 1984 YAKOV Z. TSYPKIN SU MUNICH, 1987 KARL J. ?STR?M SE TALLIN, 1990 PETAR KOKOTOVIC US SYDNEY, 1993 EDWARD J. DAVISON CA SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 ALBERTO ISIDORI IT BEIJING, 1999 BRIAN D.O. ANDERSON AU BARCELONA, 2002 LENNART LJUNG SE PRAGUE, 2005 TAMER BASAR US SEOUL, 2008 GRAHAM GOODWIN AU MILAN, 2011 HIDENORI KIMURA JP CAPE TOWN, 2014 DAVID MAYNE UK 3 NATHANIEL B. NICHOLS MEDAL (Created 1996) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 J?RGEN ACKERMANN DE BEIJING, 1999 GUNTHER STEIN US BARCELONA, 2002 CARL NETT US PRAGUE, 2005 WILLIAM F. POWERS US SEOUL, 2008 GERD HIRZINGER DE MILAN, 2011 SIVA BANDA US CAPE TOWN, 2014 REZA MOHEIMANI AU 4 INDUSTRIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Created 2000) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY BARCELONA, 2002 YASUO ICHII, SHOJI MURAYAMA AND TAKAHIRO YAMASAKI JP PRAGUE, 2005 SERGE BOVERIE FR SEOUL, 2008 NOT AWARDED MILAN, 2011 ANTON VAN ZANTEN DE CAPE TOWN, 2014 ANGELIKI PANTAZI, MARK LANTZ, JENS JELITTO AND GIOVANNI CHERUBINI CH 5 HIGH IMPACT PAPER AWARD (Created 2010) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY MILAN, 2011 DAVID MAYNE, J.B. RAWLINGS, C.V. RAO, P.O.M. SCOKAERT UK, US, BE CAPE TOWN, 2014 ALBERTO BEMPORAD AND MANFRED MORARI IT, CH 6 HAROLD CHESTNUT TEXTBOOK PRIZE (Created 1986, renamed in 2002) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY MUNICH, 1987 G. GOODWIN, K.H. SIN: Adaptive Filtering, Prediction and Control, Prentice Hall, 1984 AU TALLIN, 1990 G.F. FRANKLIN, J.D. POWELL, E. EMAMI- NAEINI: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison Wesley, 1986 US SYDNEY, 1993 K.J. ?STR?M, B. WITTENMARK: Computer Controlled Systems, Theory and Design, Prentice Hall, 1984 SE SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 J.M. MACIEJOWSKI: Multivariable Feedback Design, Addison-Wesley, 1989 UK BEIJING, 1999 C.G. CASSANDRAS: Discrete event systems: modeling and performance analysis, R.D. Irwin, Inc. And Aksen Associates, Inc., Boston, MA, 1993. US BARCELONA, 2002 HASSAN K. KHALIL: Nonlinear Systems (Prentice Hall, 1996 and 2002) US PRAGUE, 2005 G. GOODWIN, S. GRAEBE, M. SALGADO Control Systems Design (Prentice Hall, 2001) AU/AT/CL SEOUL, 2008 Not awarded MILAN, 2011 K.J. ASTR?M, R. MURRAY Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Princeton University Press 2008) SE/UK CAPE TOWN, 2014 M. KRSTIC, A. SMYSHLYAEV Boundary Control of PDEs: A Course on Backstepping Designs (published by SIAM, 2008) US/US 7 APPLICATION PAPER PRIZE (Created 1986) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY MUNICH, 1987 Not Awarded Candidates for APP were published in Newsletters, 6, 1987 TALLIN, 1990 S.M. MEERKOV, F. TOP: Asymptotically Reliable Serial Lines: Analysis, Synthesis and a Case Study US SYDNEY, 1993 M. NAKAMOTO, K. SHIMIZU, H. FUKUDA: Multivariable Control for a Combined Cycle Power Plant JP SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 J.M. SEEM: A New Pattern Recognition Adaptive Controller US BEIJING, 1999 J.F. MAGNI, C. DOLL, C. CHIAPPA, B. FRAPARD, B. GIROUART Mixed mu Analysis for Flexible Systems (I and II). FR BARCELONA, 2002 JOACHIM HORN, JOACHIM BAMBERGER, PETER MICHAU AND STEPHAN PINDL: Flatness-Based Clutch Control for Automated Manual Transmissions DE PRAGUE, 2005 ANDREA BALLUCHI, LUCA BENVENUTI, ALBERTO SANGIOVANNI-VINCENTELLI, GABRIELE SERRA, CLAUDIO LEMMA Actual Engaged Gear Identification: A Hybrid Observer Approach STAFFAN HAUGWITZ, PER HAGANDER Process Control of an Open Plate Reactor IT SE SEOUL, 2008 CHRISTIAN BENATZKY, MARTIN KOZEK, ALEXANDER SCHIRRER, & ANTON STRIBERSKY Vibration Damping of a Flexible Car Body Structure Using Piezo-Stack Actuators AT MILAN, 2011 J.- M. GODHAVN, A. PAVLOV, G-OL KAASA, N.L. R ROLLAND Drilling Seeking Automatic Control Solutions NO CAPE TOWN, 2014 J.- M.C. CASENAVE, D. DOCHAIN, J. HARMAND, M. M. PEREZ, A. RAPAPORT, J-M. SABLAYROLLES, Control of a Multi-stage Continuous Fermentor for the Study of the Wine Fermentation FR/BE 8 YOUNG AUTHOR PRIZE (Created 1986) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY MUNICH, 1987 H. KASAHARA, H. FUJII, M. IWATA Parallel Processing of Robot Simulation JP TALLIN, 1990 R. KULHAVY Differential Geometry of Recursive Nonlinear Estimation CZ SYDNEY, 1993 L. GUO The Logarithm Law of Self Tuning Regulators CN SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 L. PAO Input Shaping Design for Flexible Systems with Multiple Actuators K.H. JOHANSSON; A. RANTZER Global analysis of third-order relay feedback systems US SE BEIJING, 1999 Y. HONG H-infinity control, stabilization and input-output stability of nonlinear systems based on homogeneous techniques US BARCELONA, 2002 DANIEL LIBERZON Stabilization by Quantized State or Output Feedback: A Hybrid Control Approach US PRAGUE, 2005 LEI ZHANG, DIMITRIOS HRISTU- VARSAKELIS: Stabilization of Networked Control Systems: Designing Effective Communication Sequences SATORU SAKAI, KENJI FUJIMOTO: Dynamic Output Feedback Stabilization of a Class of Nonholonomic Hamiltonian Systems US JP SEOUL, 2008 LACHLAN BLACKHALL & MICHAEL ROTKOWITZ Recursive Sparse Estimation using a Gaussian Sum Filter AU MILAN, 2011 JING ZHANG AND RE-BING WU Coherent Nonlinear Feedback Control of Quantum Systems with Applications to Quantum Optics on Chip CN CAPE TOWN, 2014 PONTUS GISELSSON Improved Fast Dual Gradient Methods for Embedded Model Predictive Control SE 9 AUTOMATICA PAPER PRIZE (Created 1979) (1. SURVEY; 2. THEORY/METHODOLOGY ORIENTED; 3. APPLICATION) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNERS COUNTRY KYOTO, 1981 1. T. S?DERSTR?M, L. LJUNG, I. GUSTAVSSON: A Theoretical Analysis of Recursive Identification Methods, 14, 231-244, 1978 2. J. RISSANEN: Modeling by Shortest Data Description, 14, 465- 471, 1978 3. G.K. LAUSTERER, W.H. RAY, H.R. MARTENS: Real Time Distributed Parameter State Estimation Applied to a Two Dimensional Heated Ingot, 14, 335-344, 1978 SE CA DE, US BUDAPEST, 1984 1. K.J. ?STR?M: Theory and Applications of Adaptive Control - A Survey, 19, 5, 471-486, 1983 2. H. KIMURA: Perfect and Subperfect Regulation in Linear Multivariable Control Systems, 18, 2, 125-145, 1982 R. ROUHANI, R.K. MEHRA: Model Algorithmic Control (MAC); Basic Theoretical Properties, 18, 4, 401-414, 1982 3. T. SHIRAIWA, Y. SAKAMOTO, S. KOBAYASHI, S. ANEZAKI, H. KATO, A. KUWABARA: Automatic Control of Casting Speed in Ingot Casting, 17, 4, 613-618, 1981 SE JP US JP MUNICH, 1987 1. W. LEINHARD: Microcomputer Control of High Dynamic Performance AC-Drives - A Survey, 22, 1, 1-19, 1986 2. D.W. CLARKE: Self-Tuning Control of Nonminimum-Phase Systems, 20,5,501-517, 1984 J.C. WILLEMS: From Time Series to Linear Systems, Part 1: Finite Dimensional Linear Time Invariant Systems, 22,5, 561- 580, 1986; Part 2: Exact Modeling, 22, 6, 675-694, 1986; Part 3: Approximate Modeling, 1, 87-115, 1987 3. O.L.R. JACOBS, R.E.S. BULLINGHAM, P. LAMMER, H.J. MCDUAY, G.O. SULLIVAN, M.P. REASBECK: Modeling, Estimation and Control in the Relief of Post-Operative Pain, 21, 4, 349-360, 1985 UK NL BE UK TALLIN, 1990 1. V. KUCERA, P. ZAGALAK: Fundamental Theorem of State Feedback for Singular Perturbations, 24, 5, 653-658, 1988 2. B.R. BARMISH, Z. SHI: Robust stability of Perturbed Systems with Time Delays, 25, 3, 371-381, 1989 3. I. HOSHINA, Y. MAEKAWA, T. FUJIMOTO, H. KIMURA, H. KIMURA: Observer-Based Multivariable Control of the Aluminum Cold Tandem Mill, 24, 6, 741-754, 1988 CZ US JP SYDNEY, 1993 1. L. LJUNG, S. GUNNARSSON: Adaptation and Tracking in System Identification - A Survey, 26,1, 7-21, 1990 2. B.R. BARMISH, R. TEMPO: The Robust Root Locus, 26, 2, 283-292, 1990 3. C.I. BYRNES, A. ISIDORI: On the Attitude Stabilization of Rigid Spacecraft, 27, 1, 87-95, 1991 SE US, IT US, IT SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 1. R. DAVID, H. ALLA: Petri Nets for Modeling of Dynamic Systems - A Survey, 30, 2, 175-202, 1994 2. P. VAN OVERSCHEE, B. DE MOOR: N4SID: Subspace Algorithms for the Identification of Combined Deterministic- Stochastic Systems, 30, 1, 75-94, 1994 3. A. J. SORENSON, O. EGELAND: Design of Ride Control System for Surface Effect Ships Using Dissipative Control, 31, 2, 183- 200, 1995 FR BE NO 10 BEIJING, 1999 1. B.D.O. ANDERSON: From Youla-Kucera to Identification, Adaptation and Nonlinear Control, 34, 12,1485-1506, 1998. 2. N. LEONARD: Stability of Bottom-Heavy Underwater Vehicles, 33, 3, 331-346, 1997. 3. A. SEEM: A New Pattern Recognition Adaptive Controller with Applications to HVAC Systems, 34, 8, 969-982, 1998. AU US US BARCELONA, 2002 1. F. BLANCHINI: Set Invariance in Control, 35, 11, 1747-1767, 1999. 2. M. VIDYASAGAR: Randomized Algorithms for Robust Controller Synthesis Using Statistical learning Theory, 37, 10, 1515-1528, 2001. 3. T.I. FOSSEN: Nonlinear Passive Weather Optimal Positioning Control (WOPC) System for Ships and Rigs: Experimental Results, 37, 5, 701-715, 2001. IT IN NO PRAGUE, 2005 1. J.P. RICHARD: Time Delay Systems: An overview of some recent advances and open problems 2. J.P. HESPANHA and A.S. MORSE: Switching Between Stabilizing Controllers 3. C. BONIVENTO, A. ISIDORI, L. MARCONI and A. PAOLI: Implicit Fault-tolerant Control: Application to Induction Motors FR US IT SEOUL, 2008 1. P.F. HOKAYEM and M.W. SPONG: Bilateral teleoperation: An historical survey 2. S.C. BENGEA and R.A. DECARLO: Optimal control of switching systems 3. E. PREMPAIN and I. POSTLETHWAITE: Static H- infinity loop shaping control of a fly-by-wire helicopter US US UK MILAN, 2011 1. V. ANDRIEU and L. PRALY: A unifying point of view on output feedback designs for global asymptotic stabilization 2. DAIZHAN CHENG and HONGSHENG QI: Controllability and observability of Boolean control networks 3. HAN-LIM CHOI and J.P. HOW: Continuous Trajectory planning of mobile sensors for informative forecasting FR CN KR CAPE TOWN, 2014 1. H. OHLSSON, F. GUSTAFSSON, L. LJUNG and S. BOYD: Smoothed state estimates under abrupt changes using sum-of-norms regularization, Automatica, Vol. 48, No. 4, 595-605, 2012. 2. T. B. SCHON, A. WILLS and B. NINNESS: System identification of nonlinear state-space models, Automatica, vol. 47, No.1, pp. 39-49, 2011. 3. J. W. SIMPSON-PORCO, F. DORFLER and F. BULLO: Synchronization and power sharing for droop-controlled inverters in islanded microgrids, Automatica, Vol. 49, No. 9, 2603-2611, 2013. SE,SE,SE,US SE,AU,AU US 11 CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE PAPER PRIZE (Created 1993) (1. SURVEY; 2. THEORY/METHODOLOGY ORIENTED; 3. APPLICATION) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNERS COUNTRY SAN FRANCISCO, 1996 N.G. WALKER, G.F. WYATT-MAIR: Sensor Signal Validation using Analytical Redundancy for an Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill, 3,6, 753-760 US BEIJING, 1999 1. P. BIDAN, L.K. KOUADIO, M. VALENTIN and G. MONTSENY: Electrical assistance for SI engine idle- speed control, 6, 7, 829-836, 1998. 2. J.H. MORTENSEN, T. MOELBAK, P. ANDERSEN and T.S. PEDERSEN: Optimization of boiler control to improve the load-following capability of power-plant units, 6, 12, 1531-1539, 1998. 3. M. WU, M. NAKANO and J.H. SHE: A distributed expert control system for a hydrometallurgical zinc process, 6, 12, 1435-1446, 1998. FR DK JP BARCELONA, 2002 1. H. SEKI, M. OGAWA, S. OOYAMA, K. KAMATSU, M. OHSHIMA AND W. YANG: Industrial Application of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to Polymerization Reactors, 9, 8, 819-828, 2001. 2. A.J. SMERLAS, D.J. WALKER, I. POSTLETHWAITE, M.E. STRANGE, J. HOWITT, A.W. GUBBLES: Evaluation H-infinite Controllers on the NRC Bell 205 fly-by-wire helicopter, 9, 1, 1-10, 2001. 3. M. J?RVENSIVU, K. SAARI, S.-L. J?MS?- JOUNELA: Intelligent Control System of an Industrial Lime Kiln Process, 9, 6, 589-606, 2001. JP UK FI PRAGUE, 2005 1. S. JOE QIN and THOMAS A. BADGWELL: A survey of industrial model predictive control technology, 11, 7, 733-764, 2003 2. C. A. BODE, B. S. KO, and T. F. EDGAR: Run-to-run control and performance monitoring of overlay in semiconductor manufacturing, 12, 7, 893-900, 2004 3. OLIVER SAWODNY, HARALD ASCHEMANN, and STEPHAN LAHRES: An automated gantry crane as a large workspace robot, 10, 12, 1323-1338, 2002 US US DE 12 SEOUL, 2008 1. Z. K. NAGY, B. MAHN, R. FRANKE, F. ALLG?WER: Evaluation study of an efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control for temperature tracking in an industrial batch reactor, Volume 15, Issue 7, pgs 839-850 2. M MENSLER, S. JOE, T. KAWABE: Identification of a toroidal continuously variable transmission using continuous-time system identification methods", Volume 14, Issue 1, pgs 45-58 3. S. HAUGWITZ, P. HAGANDER, T. NOREN: Modeling and control of a novel heat exchange reactor, the Open Plate Reactor, Volume 15, Issue 7, pgs 779-792 DE JP SE MILAN, 2011 1. 1. SEUNGWUK MOON, ILKI MOON, KYONGSU YI: 2. Design, tuning and evaluation of a full-range adaptive 3. Cruise control system with collision avoidance 2. M. CORNO, S.M. SAVARESI, M. TANELLI, L. FABBRI: On optimal motorcycle braking 3. C.A. MONJE, B.M. VINAGRE, V. FELIU, YANGQUAN CHEN: Tuning and auto-tuning of fractional order controllers for industry applications KR IT ES CAPE TOWN, 2014 1. G.M. HOFFMANN, H. HUANG, S. L. WASLANDER and C. J. TOMLIN: Precision flight control for a multi-vehicle quadrotor helicopter testbed, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 19, No. 9, 1023- 1036, 2011. 2. T. CHAI, J. DING and F. WU: Hybrid intelligent control for optimal operation of shaft furnace roasting process, Control Engineering Practice , Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 264-275, 2011. 3. M. HILAIRET, M. GHANES, O. BETHOUX, V. TANASA, J-P. BARBOT and D. NORMAND- CYROT: A passivity-based controller for coordination of converters in a fuel cell system, Control Engineering Practice , Vol. 21, No. 8, 1097-1109, 2013. US, US,CA, US CN FR 13 JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL PAPER PRIZE (Created 2002) (1. SURVEY; 2. THEORY/METHODOLOGY; 3. APPLICATION) CONGRESS SITE,YEAR WINNERS COUNTRY PRAGUE, 2005 1. R. K. PEARSON: A survey of industrial model predictive control technology, 13, 1, 1-26, 2003 2. N. F. THORNHILL, BIAO HUANG, H. ZHANG: Detection of multiple oscillations in control loops, 13, 1, 91-100, 2003 3. N. PETIT, P. ROUCHON, J.-M. BOUEILH, F. GU?RIN, P. PINVIDIC: Control of an industrial polymerization reactor using flatness, 12, 659-665, 2002 CH UK, CA FR SEOUL, 2008 1. M. FUJIWARA, Z.K NAGY., J.W. CHEW, R.D: First- principles and direct design approaches for the control of pharmaceutical crystallization (2005) Journal of Process Control, 15 (5), pp. 493-504 S. ENGELL: Feedback control for optimal process operation, Journal of Process Control 17 (2007) 203– 219 2. R.D BRAATZ, R.C. ALKIRE, E. SEEBAUER, E. RUSLI, R. GUNAWAN, T.O. DREWS, X. LI, Y.HE: Perspectives on the design and control of multiscale systems , Journal of Process Control, 16 (3), p.193-204, Mar 2006 3. S. CAUX, J. LACHAIZE, M. FADEL, P. SHOTT, L. NICOD: Modelling and control of a Fuel Cell System and Storage Elements in transport applications (2005) Journal of Process Control, 15 (4), pp. 481- 491 E. ZAMPROGNA, M.BAROLO, D.E. SEBORG: Optimal selection of soft sensor inputs for batch distillation columns using principal component analysis Journal of Process Control, 15 (1), p.39-52, Feb 2005 US DE US UK IT/US 14 MILAN, 2011 1. YOUGING WANG, FURONG GAO, F.J. DOYLE: Survey on iterative learning control, repetitive control and run-to-run control 2. M. CHEBRE, Y. CREFF, N. PETIT: Feedback control and optimization for the production of commercial fuels by blending 3. V. ADETOLA, M. GUAY: Integration of real-time optimization and model predictive control USA FR CA CAPE TOWN, 2014 1. Best Survey paper Not awarded for 2014. 2. Best Theory Paper R. HUANG, E. HARINATH and L.T. BIEGLER: Lyapunov stability of economically oriented NMPC for cyclic processes, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 501-509, 2011. 3. Best Application Paper G. PIN, V. FRANCESCONI, F. A. CUZZOLA and T. PARISINI: Adaptive task- space metal strip-flatness control in cold multi-roll mill stands, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 108- 119, 2013. US IT 15 ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF AI PAPER PRIZE (Created 2002) (1. THEORY; 2. SYMBOLIC AI; 3. SUB-SYMBOLIC AI) CONGRESS SITE,YEAR WINNER COUNTRY PRAGUE, 2005 1. YIXIN DIAO AND KEVIN M. PASSINO: Immunity-based hybrid learning methods for approximator structure and parameter adjustment, 15, 6, 587-600, 2002 2. MANO RAM MAURYA, RAGHUNATHAN RENGASWAMY and VENKAT VENKATASUBRAMANIAN: Application of signed digraphs- based analysis for fault diagnosis of chemical process flowsheets, 17, 5, 501-518, 2003 3. E. MUHL, P. CHARPENTIER and F. CHAXEL: Optimization of physical flows in an automotive manufacturing plant: some experiments and issues, 16, 4, 293-305, 2004 US US FR SEOUL, 2008 M.BARLETTA, A.GISARIO, S.GUARINO Modelling of electrostatic fluidized bed (EFB) coating process using artificial neural networks, EAAI, vol 20 issue 6 (2007), 721-733. IT MILAN, 2011 1. YONGMING LI, XIAOPING ZENG, LIANG HAN, PIN WANG: Two coding based adaptive parallel cogenetic algorithm with double agents structure 2. N. NARIMAN-ZADEH, M. SALEHPOUR, A. JAMALI, E. HAGHGOO: Pareto optimization of a five-degree of freedom CN IR 16 CAPE TOWN, 2014 1. A. AL-KHAZRAJI, N. ESSOUNBOULI, A. HAMZAOUI, F. NOLLET, J. ZAYTOON: Type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control without reaching phase for nonlinear systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 24, Issue 1, February 2011, pp. 23-38 2. Y. BLANCO-FERNANDEZ, M. LOPEZ-NORES, J. J. PAZOS-ARIAS, and J. GARCHIA-DUCQUE: An improvement for semantics-based recommender systems grounded on attaching temporal information to ontologies and user profiles, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.24, Issue 8, December 2011, pp. 1385-1397 FR ES 17 MECHATRONICS PAPER PRIZE (Created 2006) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY SEOUL, 2008 1. A. Notenboom, D. Bruijnen, E. HOMBURG, R.v.d. MOLENGRAFT, L.v.d. BEDEM, M. STEINBUCH Mechatronic design of an active printhead alignment mechanism for wide format printing systems, 2007 Mechatronics 17 (2-3), pp109-120 2. E. van WEST, A. YAMAMOTO, T. HIGUCHI The concept of "Haptic Tweezer", a non-contact object handling system using levitation techniques and haptics, 2007 Mechatronics 17 (7), pp 345- 356 NL JP MILAN, 2011 1. V. De SARS, S. HALIYO, J. SZEWCZY: A practical approach to the design and control of active endoscopes 2. G. SCHITTER, P.J. THURNER, P.K. HANSMA: Design and input shaping control of a novel scanner for high speed atomic force microscopy 3. M.H. KIMMAN, H.H. LANGEN, R.H. MUNNIG SCHMID: A miniature milling spindle with active magnetic bearings FR AT NL CAPE TOWN, 2014 1. R. OUNG and R. D'ANDREA: The distributed flight array, Mechatronics, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 908-917, September 2011 2. H. ZHANG, Y. LIU and G. LIU: Multiple mode control of a compact wrist with application to door opening, Mechatronics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 10-20, February 2013. 3. D. J. KLUK, Michael T. BOULET and David L. TRUMPER: A high- bandwidth, high-precision, two- axis steering mirror with moving iron actuator, Mechatronics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 257-270, April 2012. CH CA US 18 IPP: BEST INTERACTIVE (POSTER) PAPER PRIZE (2014 still Congress based Award, starting from 2017 IFAC Award) CONGRESS SITE, YEAR WINNER COUNTRY CAPE TOWN 2014 MATTEO CORNO, PIERFRANCESCO SPAGNOL, SERGIO SAVARESI: Road Slope Estimation in Bicycles without Torque Measurements IT, US, IT
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