9901 Course Description 课程名称 Title of Course 大一英文 Freshman English 授课教师 Instructor 吴少方 Wu, Shaofang 开课班级 Class A110301_1 大一 (A) A110301_1 Freshman A 必 (选) 修Required/Elective 必修 Required 学分? No. of Credits 1/1 先修科目 Prerequisite Course(s) 无No. 教学内容及进? Course Description ? Being able to be successful in academic studies requires a basic command of English, which includes the knowledge of English academic vocabulary, of complex grammatical structures, and some reading skills to tackle longer texts. This course is designed to enhance students' reading ability as well as to enrich vocabulary by introducing a wide arrange of reading materials. In this course, we will read model articles to give you adequate exposure to academic readings. Your obligation is to preview the lessons and complete assignments before class; and, most importantly, actively participate in discussions. ? By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to demonstrate their opinions on different topics previously covered in class by accurately using topic-related vocabulary. ? For weekly schedule, please see attachment 1. 授课方式 Teaching Approach(es) Lecture, discussion, and presentation. 成绩考核 Grading Criteria 占学期总成绩 70% 占学期总成绩 30% 1. Dialogue recording (before Jan 2) 10% 2. Oral Report 15% 3. Quizzes 30% 5. Attentence/Paricipation 10% 6. Self-study*2 5 % The General Proficiency Exam*1 大一英文會考 (Dec 13) 30% *1.大一英文會考,包含大一课外阅?教材(Sherlock Holmes ; 文鹤代?) *2 .You must receive 10 record points from the NCKU Eagle Office as proof Note: Unexcused absence: -2 points/each time; tardiness & early departure: -1 point/per period. Points may be added to or deducted from the total score according to class participation, assignments and quizzes. 教材课本 Textbooks 1. Good Chat, 3rd ed., Lynne Sandberry et al., Bookman, 2004. (AWL 184) 2. Reading Explorer 4, Nancy Douglas, Heinle, 2010. (AWL 189) 学术性字汇?: Academic Words More than 189 words. 多於 189 词汇. ?考书目 References Academic Words List (AWL): http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/resources/academicwordlist/ Grammar Café: http://elt.heinle.com/namerica/en_us/technology/GrammarCafe.htm 备注 Remarks 1. You had better bring either a paper dictionary or an electronic translator with you to class every time. 2. Regulary check the weekly class schedule and be prepared for class. 3. Regualry check your email box and the Moodle website for events and notices. 教师?络方式 Contact Office: Xiuqi (修齐) Bldg. 26513 (5F), Rongyuan Campus (榕园校区) Office Hours: Tue 10-12, Wed 13-15 (Other time slots by appointment). Tel: 06-2757575 ext. 52268 E-mail: sfwu@mail.ncku.edu.tw Teaching Website: http://moodle.ncku.edu.tw 成鹰计画网站 http://english.ncku.edu.tw/ 其他 1. Listening practice: * http://www.lib.ncku.edu.tw/multimedia/media_online/ch_version/index-el.htm http://w2.hwc.edu.tw/96Lang/BBC_Radio_All_channels.htm 2. Online ESL Dictionaries: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (http://www.oup.com/elt/catalogue/teachersites/oald7/?cc=global) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (http://pewebdic2.cw.idm.fr/) Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/) Dr. Eye (http://www.dreye.com/tw/product/plugin/iebar.php) The Free Dictionary: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ 3. Collocation Dictionary: Oxford Collocations Dictionary, 2nd ed. (牛津搭配辞典,敦煌代?,ISBN: 9780194325387) A Dictionary of English Collocations (英语搭配大词典,中央,ISBN: 957-637-082-5) 注1: 根據 2008 ?7月21 日第十?次成鹰计画會议进?报告决议,大一、二英文任课教师应将学生?与自学活动情形,纳入 学期成绩计算, 以占总分 5%为准. 学生自学项目如下: a. 成鹰电影欣赏、英语角、鹰视界演讲,电子报投稿,语言中心多媒体中心自学 (修齐大? 2F) 等,学生应?与以上活 动,各活动点?计算依照英语学习护照之规定,达到 10 分,即可获得 5%自学项目学期成绩. b. 投稿成功刊登於电子报者给予自学积分 2 分Attachment 1 Weekly Schedule Week Content (topic) Field1 (注1) Skills2 (注1) Notes / Assignments Academic Words 1 9/13 Lab #1 Orientation How to Learn English Well #2 Bingo, English Signs Q&A 1) Learning English Well (PPT) 2) Bingo (Warm-up) English Signs (Handout) 3) DL: Collocations (Handout) 4) DL: AWL 2 9/20 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 1A #2 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 1A 人文艺术 Q&A critical thinking 1) Skimming (Handout) 2) DL: Participial Phrases (Handout) 3) DL: Compound Adjs (Handout) Reading 1A: accompanied, commenced, demonstration, extracts, finally, intense, intensity, journal, network, odd, overlapping, philosopher, region, retain, route, somewhat, structure, technique, traditional, unpredictable 3 9/27 Lab #1 Good Chats: Chapter 7 Beauty #2 Review and discussion 人文艺术 Q&A; presentation 1) Pre-lecture quiz 2) Hand in discussion worksheet. 4 10/4 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 1B #2 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 2A 人文艺术 Q&A critical thinking 1) Compound Adjs (Ctd.) Reading 1B: anticipate, concentrate, culture, economic, eventually, focus, impact, involve, job, majority, motivation, process, professional, route, section, visual Reading 2A: adult, aid, area, aspect, bond, chemical, conclusion, conduct, confirm, constant, contact, couple, create, cultural, decline, energy, eventually, evolutionary, feature, focus, found, hypothesis, hypothesize, inclination, inherent, initial, intense, intensity, link, maintain, medical, mental, motivation, mutual, neutral, norm, normal, occupy, occur, partner, percent, period, physical, previously, process, promote, psychologist, ratio, researcher, similarity, survey, survival, theory, traditionally, trigger 5 10/11 Lab #1 Good Chats: Chapter 4 Dating #2 Review and discussion 人文艺术 Q&A; presentation 1) Pre-lecture quiz 2) Hand in discussion worksheet. 6 10/18 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 2A&B #2 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 2B 人文艺术 Q&A critical thinking 1) 2B Related video clips Reading 2B: area, aspect, commence, complex, contradiction, create, data, decade, display, distinct, diversity, dramatic, energy, enhance, environment, evolution, evolve, export, generation, illegal, intense, isolate, obtain, physical, process, selection, sexual, strategy, survival, target, traditional, undergo, unique, varied, version, welfare 7 10/25 Lab #1 Reading Explorer 4: Review Quiz #2 Course-related TV Series (Quiz) 人文艺术 Q&A critical thinking Quiz on Video (Ugly Betty, SE1 EP1) Review Quiz (RE4 Chapters 1-2) 8 11/1 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 3A #2 Sports Day (No class) 环境生态 Q&A critical thinking Reading 3A: administration, affect, analysis, aware, code, computer, confine, convince, detect, domestic, economy, eliminate, estimate, eventually, factor, function, identify, incident, inspector, integral, investigation, investigator, involve, issue, job, link, network, occurrence, occur, previous, priority, process, rely, solely, source, structure, transfer, transport, trend, undergo, virtually, widespread 9 11/8 Lab #1 Good Chats: Chapter 10 Food #2 Course-related Video 环境生态 Q&A; presentation 1) Pre-lecture quiz 2) Quiz on Video The Inside Track (The Choice is Ours) 10 11/15 #1Reading Explorer 4: Reading 3A&B #2 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 3B 人文艺术 Q&A critical thinking Reading 3B: adequately, advocate, alter, alteration, alternative, available, benefit, chemical, contrast, conventional, convert, create, demonstrate, diminish, dramatically, eliminate, enormous, environment, found, function, generation, implicate, insert, involve, issue, link, manipulation, modification, modify, notwithstanding, occur, potential, proceed, reaction, release, research, revolution, similar, so-called, technique, technology, tradition, transfer, transform 11 11/22 Lab #1 Good Chats: Chapter 12 Time #2 Review and discussion 人文艺术 Q&A; presentation 1) Pre-lecture quiz 2) Hand in discussion worksheet. 12 11/29 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 4A #2 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 4A&B 科技发展 Q&A critical thinking Hand in your draft (printout) for oral report this week (before Dec 2-Thur). Reading 4A: analyze, area, channel, colleague, complex, computer, conflict, create, demonstrate, design, despite, device, energy, evolutionary, focus, fund, generate, global, goal, hypothesize, image, inherently, initially, insight, institute, medical, military, monitor, nonetheless, occur, panel, phase, philosopher, potential, precisely, process, project, range, researcher, similar, structure, sufficient, survive, task, technology, ultimately, utility 13 12/6 Lab #1 Good Chats: Chapter 6 Women #1 Good Chats: Related Songs 人文艺术 Q&A; presentation 1) Pre-lecture quiz 2) Hand in discussion worksheet. 14 12/13 #1 Reading Explorer 4: Reading 4B #2 Reading Explorer 4: Review/Oral report discussion or Perfect tense 科技发展 Q&A critical thinking The General Proficiency Examination 大一英文 會考 (Dec 13, Mon) Reading 4B: adjust, affect, alternative, area, chemical, computer, contact, conventional, create, creative, demonstrate, design, designer, device, dimension, display, element, enable, forthcoming, image, innovation, innovation, innovator, insert, intelligent, invisible, item, military, modified, passive, physical, ratio, react, redefine, research, rigid, source, stress, structure, suspend, team, technologically, thereby, uniform, whereas 15 12/20 Lab #1 Course-related TV series #2 Reading Explorer 4: Review quiz 科技发展 Q&A critical thinking Quiz on Video (Lie to Me) Review Quiz on RE4 Unit 3&4 16 12/27 #1 Oral report #2 Oral report 人文艺术 科技发展 环境生态 Presentation (15,16 周视教室情况互 换) 17 1/3 Lab #1 Oral report #2 Oral report/Course-related TV series 人文艺术 科技发展 环境生态 Presentation Quiz on Video (depends) Upload your recording assignment before Jan 2. 18 1/10 Final Review You must come to class on this week; otherwise, your final grades will be seriously affected! 注1教师课程是否符合四大?域教学目标: (建议每学期至少涵盖?个?域) a. 人文艺术 b. 社會关怀 c. 科技发展 d. 环境生态 e. 其他(请自?填写) : 注2教师课程是否能根據英文分级,有效培养学生三大技能: a. 批判性思考 (Critical thinking skills) b. 简报技巧 (Presentation skills) : 教师应安排学生一学期至少上台简报一次(含以上) . c. 提问及回答技巧 (Q&A skills) : 学生能够以英文提问问题,而被提问者也能够以英文确?的表达意?并回答问题. Reading Explorer 4 Academic Word List 1? academy? 31? complex? 61 dramatic? 91? gender? 121 method? 151 reject? 181?topic? 2? accommodating? 32? component? 62 economists? 92? generates? 122 minimize? 152 remove? 182?trace? 3? accumulate? 33? computer? 63 editorial? 93? global? 123 monitor? 153 requires? 183?transferred? 4? accurate? 34? concentrate? 64 element? 94? goals? 124 negative? 154 research? 184?transmit? 5? adaptable? 35? conclusion? 65 emerged? 95? highlighted? 125 network? 155 resident? 185?trend? 6? affected? 36? confirmed? 66 emphasize? 96? identify? 126 neutral? 156 resolved? 186?trigger? 7? altering? 37? conflict? 67 encountered? 97? ignored? 127 odd? ? 157 resource? 187?underlying? 8? alternative? 38? consequently? 68 energy? 98? incompatibility 128 overall? 158 response? 188?unique? 9? analysis? 39? consistent? 69 enhanced? 99? indicate? 129 participants 159 restrictions 189?virtual? 10? apparently? 40? consume? 70 enormously? 100?inferences? 130 percent? 160 reveal? ? ? 11? appreciates? 41? consumed? 71 environment? 101?inflexible? 131 perception 161 role? ? ? 12? approached? 42? contract? 72 equation? 102?injured? 132 period? 162 schedule? ? ? 13? approximately? 43? contrast? 73 equipment? 103?innovations? 133 persisted? 163 section? ? ? 14? assigning? 44? contribute? 74 equivalent? 104?insert? 134 perspective 164 security? ? ? 15? assumed? 45? conventional? 75 error? 105?interact? 135 physical? 165 selection? ? ? 16? attached? 46? conversely? 76 establishment? 106?interpreting? 136 poses? 166 similarities ? ? 17? available? 47? convinced? 77 eventually? 107?invested? 137 positive? 167 site? ? ? 18? benefits? 48? cooperates? 78 evidence? 108?investigate? 138 predict? 168 sources? ? ? 19? categories? 49? couple? 79 exceed? 109?involves? 139 predicts? 169 specific? ? ? 20? challenge? 50? cultures? 80 expanded? 110?isolate? 140 previously? 170 statistics? ? ? 21? challenging? 51? decline? 81 exposes? 111?issue? 141 processing 171 strategy? ? ? 22? circumstances? 52? defined? 82 exposure? 112?label? 142 professional 172 stress? ? ? 23? clarification? 53? definition? 83 facility? 113?license? 143 prohibit? 173 summary? ? ? 24? clause? 54? design? 84 factors? 114?located? 144 project? 174 survey? ? ? 25? colleagues? 55? detective? 85 features? 115?major? 145 promotion 175 survived? ? ? ? 26? comment? 56? device? 86 finance? 116?manipulating? 146 psychologist 176 taped? ? ? 27? commitments? 57? disposable? 87 focus? 117?maximum? 147 pursue? 177 targeting? ? ? 28? communication? 58? distinct? 88 formula? 118?media? 148 pursuit? 178 technique? ? ? 29? compatible? 59? distortion? 89 founder? 119?medical? 149 ranging? 179 theory? ? ? 30? compilations? 60? drafts? 90 function? ? 120?medium? 150 ratio? 180 thesis? ? ? Good Chats Academic Word List 1? physical? 31? computer? ? 61 drama? 91? identify? 121 lecture? ? 151? principal? ? 181? selectively? 2? abandon? ? 32? bond? 62 economic? ? 92? identity? ? 122 legal? ? 152? principle? 182? sexual? ? 3? academic? ? 33? challenge? ? 63 eliminate? ? 93? ignore? ? 123 liberation? ? 153? prior? ? 183? significantly? 4? accessible? ? 34? chemical? 64 emphasis? ? 94? illegal? ? 124 links? ? 154? priority? 184? similar? ? 5? accompanied? ? 35? colleague? 65 encounter? ? 95? illustrated? ? 125 locate? ? 155? procedure? ? 6? achieve? ? 36? commitment? ? 66 energy? ? 96? image? ? 126 maintain? ? 156? process? ? ? 7? adjust? ? 37? conclusion? 67 enhance? ? 97? impact? ? 127 maintenance? 157? professional? ?? 8? adult? ? 38? constant? ? 68 enormous? ? 98? inadequate? 128 major? ? 158? project? ? 9? affect? ? 39? consult? ? 69 environment? ? 99? incident? 129 majority? ? 159? projects? ? ? 10? allocate? ? 40? consumer? 70 equipment? ? 100 income? ? 130 mature? ? 160? promote? ? ? 11? alternative? ? 41? consuming? 71 establish? 101 indefinitely? 131 media? ? 161? promotion? ? 12? approximate? ? 42? contact? ? 72 estate? 102 indicate? ? 132 medical? ? 162? proportions? ? ? 13? area? ? 43? contribute? ? 73 ethnic? ? 103 individual? ? 133 medium? ? 163? prospective? ? 14? aspect? ? 44? controversial? ? 74 eventually? ? 104 inevitably? ? 134 methods? ? 164? purchase? ? 15? assign? ? 45? correspond? ? 75 exclusively? 105 inherent? 135 minor? ? 165? pursue? ? ? 16? assist? 46? couple? ? 76 expand? 106 initial? ? 136 mutual? ? 166? quote? ? ? 17? assume? 47? create? ? 77 expert? 107 injure? 137 Nevertheless? 167? reinforce? ? ? 18? attach? 48? credit? ? 78 exposure? ? 108 Injury? ? 138 normal? ? 168? reinforced? ? ? 19? attain? ? 49? criteria? ? 79 facility? 109 insecurity? 139 nuclear? ? 169? relax? ? ? 20? attitude? ? 50? culture? ? 80 feature? ? 110 instruct? ? 140 occupations? ? 170? releasing? ? ? 21? authority? 51? cultural? 81 file? ? 111 insufficient? 141 occupied? ? 171? reluctant? ? ? 22? automatic? ? 52? decade? 82 financial? ? 112 intelligence? 142 occur? ? 172? require? ? ? 23? available? 53? demonstrate? ? 83 function? 113 interaction? 143 participant? ? 173? retain? ? ? 24? awareness? ? 54? designer? ? 84 funding? ? 114 invest? ? 144 partner? 174? reveal? ? 25? benefit? 55? devices? ? 85 fund? 115 investment? 145 percentage? ? 175? role? ? ? 26? communication? ?56? devote? ? 86 Furthermore? 116 investors? ? 146 period? ? 176? schedule? ? ? 27? community? 57? discrimination? 87 generation? ? 117 involve? ? 147 physical? ? 177? schemes? ? 28? compatible? ? 58? display? 88 goal? ? 118 issue? 148 potential? ? 178? security? ? ? 29? complex? ? 59? domain? ? 89 grant? 119 item? ? 149 precede? 179? seek? ? ? 30? complexity? ? 60? domestic? ? 90 guarantee? 120 job? 150 primary? ? 180? select? ? ?