电路笔记 CN-0277 Circuits from the Lab?reference designs are engineered and testedforquickandeasysystemintegrationtohelpsolvetoday's analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more informationand/orsupport,visitwww.analog.com/CN0277. 连接/参考器件 AD7960 18位、5 MSPS PulSAR?差分ADC ADA4897-1/ ADA4897-2 1 nV/√Hz、低功耗、轨到轨输出 单通道/双通道放大器 AD8031/ AD8032 2.7 V、800 μA、80 MHz轨到 轨I/O单通道/双通道放大器 ADR4550 超低噪声、高精度基准电压源 针对交流性能优化的18 位、5 MSPS数据采集系统 Rev. C CircuitsfromtheLab?referencedesignsfromAnalogDeviceshavebeendesignedandbuiltbyAnalog Devices engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design and constructionofeachcircuit,andtheirfunctionandperformancehavebeentestedandveri edinalab environment at room temperature. However, you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determiningitssuitabilityandapplicabilityforyouruseandapplication.Accordingly,innoeventshall AnalogDevicesbeliablefordirect,indirect,special,incidental,consequentialorpunitivedamagesdue toanycausewhatsoeverconnectedtotheuseofanyCircuitsfromtheLabcircuits.(Continuedonlastpage) One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 ?2013–2014 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. VIN+ VIN– VIN+ VIN– +7V AD8031 AD7960 VCM = VREF ÷ 2 = 2.5V ADA4897-1 820? 33? 1k? 0.1?F 0.1?F 0.1?F VREF = 5V VCM = 2.5V GND 56pF IN+ REFIN REF VDD1 VDD2 VIO CNV+/ CNV– D+/D– DCO+/DCO– CLK+/CLK– VCM +2.5V GND IN– –VS –VS –2.5V/EXT VCM = VREF ÷ 2 = 2.5V ADA4897-1 820? 33? 1k? 0.1?F 0.1?F 0.1?F 56pF +5V +5V AD8031 +5V +1.8V 100 ADR4550 +7V +7V 100? 100? 100? 10798-001 +VS +7V/+5V/EXT +VS +7V/+5V/EXT 100pF 100pF –2.5V/EXT 图1. 18位、5 MSPS信号链(未显示所有连接和去耦) 评估和设计支持 电路评估板 AD7960电路评估板(EVAL-AD7960FMCZ) 系统演示平台(EVAL-SDP-CH1Z) 设计和集成文件 原理图、布局文件、物料清单 电路功能与优势 图1中的电路是一款完整的18位、5MSPS、低功耗、低噪声、 高精度数据采集信号链解决方案,功耗仅122 mW.基准电 压源、基准电压源缓冲器、驱动放大器和ADC提供优化解 决方案,具有业界领先的99 dB SNR和?117 dB THD.由于具 有功耗低和PCB尺寸小的特点,该电路适合便携式应用. 电路描述 ADA4897-1是驱动高精度、18位、5 MSPS SAR ADC AD7960 的理想选择.ADA4897-1是一款低噪声(1 nV/√Hz典型值)和 低功耗(3 mA)轨到轨输出放大器,带宽为230 MHz,压摆率 为120 V/μs,0.1%建立时间为45 ns. ADA4897-1运算放大器的输入信号经820 Ω / 100 pF网络过 滤,该网络带宽为2 MHz.针对AD7960 ADC输入的额外过 滤由33 Ω / 56 pF网络提供,该网络带宽为86 MHz.后一个 滤波器有助于降低来自AD7960容性DAC输入的反冲,并 限制进入AD7960输入端的噪声. 电路使用+7V和-2.5V电源,用于ADA4897-1驱动器的输入, 以最大程度降低功耗,实现最佳系统失真性能.ADA4897-1 具有轨到轨输出级,可摆幅至每供电轨的150mV以内.+7V 和?2.5 V电源提供的额外裕量具有出色的失真性能. AD8031用于缓冲外部基准电压源和AD7960的共模输出电 压,适合各种应用,从高带宽电池供电系统到元器件密度 要求具有更低功耗的高速系统.AD7960差分输入范围由5 V 或4.096 V外部基准电压源设置.图1中,5 V基准电压源由 ADR4550提供,该基准电压源具有高精度、低功耗(950 μA 最大工作电流)、低噪声特性,最大初始误差为±0.02%,提 供出色的温度稳定性和低输出噪声性能.AD8031具有大容 性负载稳定性,可驱动去耦电容,用于最大程度降低瞬态 电流引起的电压尖峰. AD7960数字接口使用低电压差分信号(LVDS)实现高数据 传输率.用户必须对AD7960施加LVDS CLK+/CLK? 信号, 才能向数字主机传输数据. AD7960是一款5MSPS、18位转换器,具有±0.8 LSB INL、 ±0.5 LSB DNL、100 dB DR,功耗仅为46.5 mW. 如图1所示,AD7960采用+5 V (VDD1)和+1.8 V(VDD2、VIO)电源. 使用ADP7104和ADP124等LDO可产生所需的5V和1.8V电源. CN-0277 Rev. C | Page 2 of 5 –1.00 –0.75 –0.50 –0.25 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 INL (LSB) CODE 10798-002 图2. AD7960典型积分非线性与输出代码的关系(5 V基准电压源) 110,000 105,000 BINS 20000 0 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 OCCURRENCES 140000 160000 180000 200000 220000 240000 260000 30,000 100,000 95,000 90,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 10798-003 图3. 典型直方图(5 V基准电压源) AD7960可将反相模拟输入信号(IN+和IN?)的差分电压转 换为数字输出信号.模拟输入IN+和IN?要求共模电压等于 基准电压的一半.低噪声、低功耗放大器AD8031缓冲来自 低噪声、低漂移ADR4550的+5V基准电压,还可缓冲 AD7960的共模输出电压(VCM).ADA4897-1配置为单位增 益缓冲器,以0 V至5 V差分反相(180°反相)驱动AD7960的输 入.图2显示典型积分非线性与AD7960输出代码的函数关 系,并位于±0.8 LSB的规格范围内(采用5 V外部基准电压源). 直方图与FFT性能 图3中的直方图以及图4中的FFT曲线显示该电路的精密性 能,采用5 V外部基准电压源.使用EVAL-AD7960FMCZ评 估板获取数据,使用Audio Precision SYS-2702作为信号源. CN-0277 Rev. C | Page 3 of 5 –180 –140 –160 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 AMPLITUDE (dB) FREQUENCY (MHz) 10798-004 REFERENCE = 5V INPUT FREQENCY = 1kHz SNR = 96.5dB SINAD = 96dB THD = –111.5dB SFDR = 113.1dB 图4. 1 kHz、?0.5 dBFS输入音FFT(5 V基准电压源) 欲查看完整原理图和印刷电路板的布局,请参见CN-0277 设计支持包:www.analog.com/CN0277-DesignSupport. 常见变化 AD7961是一款16位、5 MSPS PulSAR?差分ADC,与AD7960 PulSAR?系列引脚兼容,因此如果只要求具有16位性能 时,可代替图1电路中的AD7960使用.AD7960系列支持 4.096 V或5 V外部基准电压源.EVAL-AD7960FMCZ板允许 通过跳线选择ADR4540 (4.096 V)或ADR4550 (5 V). 连接基准电压源的各种选项可通过AD7960的EN[0:3]使能 引脚控制,如AD7960数据手册中所述.若需0 V至5 V输入 范围,则ADR4550基准电压源可与AD8031基准电压源缓冲 器一同使用.可以通过将AD7960的使能引脚设为EN[0:3] = 'X001' or 'X101'实现. 如果需要,ADA4897-1和AD8031单通道运算放大器可用它 们的双通道版本(分别为ADA4897-2和AD8032)来替代. 如需获得最佳的噪声和失真性能,则必要时可在电路中使 用具有单位增益稳定、超低失真、1 nV/√Hz电压噪声的运 算放大器ADA4899-1 (15 mA)代替ADA4897-1. 电路评估与测试 我们开发了EVAL-AD7960FMCZ评估板来评估和测试AD7960 ADC.为了测试图1中的电路,使用两个ADA4897-1运算 放大器驱动AD7960. EVAL-AD7960FMCZ用户手册UG-490提供详细的原理图和 用户指南.该文档描述如何运行本电路笔记中涉及的 AC/DC测试. 请注意,用户可采用外部双电源,选择性为EVAL- AD7960FMCZ板上的输入放大器提供+7 V和?2.5 V电源. 测试设置的功能框图如图5所示,而评估板的照片如图6所示. 设备要求 为测试该电路,需要如下设备: ? EVAL-AD7960FMCZ评估板和软件 ? 系统演示平台(EVAL-SDP-CH1Z)板?一个低失真信号发生器,如Agilent 81150A或Audio Precision SYS2702 ? 带USB2.0端口的PC,运行Windows?XP、WindowsVista 或Windows 7(32位或64位) ? 12 V直流壁式电源适配器(包括在EVAL-SDP-CH1Z板中) ? USB接口电缆(1)和SMA电缆(1) CN-0277 Rev. C | Page 4 of 5 –VS –VS = –2.5V +VS –VS +7V GND IN+ AIN+ AIN– IN– AD7960 EVAL-AD7960FMCZ EVAL-SDP-CH1Z VCM +7V 2.5V AD8031 100? 100? 100? LVDS INTERFACE 160-PIN 10mm VITA 57 CONNECTOR 100? REF REFIN VDD1 VDD2 VIO CNV± CLK± D± DCO± ADR4550 +7V +7V +5V +5V AD8031 +5V +12V +12V +12V WALL WART USB PORT +1.8V AD4897-1 AD4897-1 VCM ADP124 ADP7102 ADP2300 ADP7104 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITRY PC (USB) SIGNAL GENERATOR AUDIO PRECISION SYS-2702 ADSP-BF522 SPARTAN-6 FPGA XC6SLX25 10798-005 图5. 测试设置功能框图 TO +12V WALL WART PC USB SIGNAL SOURCE SMA CONNECTOR 10798-006 图6. EVAL-AD7960FMCZ板连接EVAL-SDP-CH1Z板CN-0277 Rev. C | Page 5 of 5 CN-0277 Design Support Package: www.analog.com/CN0277-DesignSupport CN-0307 Circuit Note, CN-0307 Circuit Note, A 16-Bit, 6 MSPS SAR ADC System with Low Power Input Drivers and Reference Optimized for Multiplexed Applications CN-0237 Circuit Note, Ultralow Power, 18-Bit, Di erential PulSAR? ADC Driver. MT-031 Tutorial, Grounding Data Converters and Solving the Mystery of AGND and DGND. Analog Devices. MT-035 Tutorial, Op Amp Inputs, Outputs, Single-Supply, and Rail-to-Rail Issues. Analog Devices. MT-101 Tutorial, Decoupling Techniques. Analog Devices. Voltage Reference Wizard Design Tool. UG-490 User Guide, Evaluating the AD7960 18-Bit, 5 MSPS PulSAR Di erential ADC, Analog Devices. UG-502 User Guide, SDP-H1 Controller Board, Analog Devices. AD7960 Data Sheet and Evaluation Board ADA4897-1 Data Sheet ADA4897-2 Data Sheet ADR4550 Data Sheet AD8031 Data Sheet AD8032 Data Sheet (Continuedfrom rstpage)Circuits from the Lab reference designsare intended only for use with Analog Devices products and are the intellectual property of Analog Devices or its licensors. While you may use the Circuits from the Lab reference designs in the design of your product, no other license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual property by application or use of the Circuits from the Lab reference designs. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Circuits from the Lab reference designs are supplied "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability, noninfringement or tness for a particular purpose and no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for their use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from their use. Analog Devices reserves the right to change any Circuits from the Labreference designsat any time without notice but is under no obligation to do so. ?2013–2014 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 数据手册和评估板 修订历史 2014年2月—修订版B至修订版C 更改"常见变化"部分.3 更改"了解详情"部分.5 2013年12月—修订版A至修订版B 更改标题.1 2013年9月—修订版0至修订版A 更改图3 2 2013年8月—修订版0: 初始版 了解详情 CN10798sc-0-2/14(C)