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    187 FROM CARTERFONE TO THE iPHONE: CONSUMER CHOICE IN THE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKETPLACE Michael T. Hoeker? Obituary Ma Bell Dies at 107. Ma Bell died at the stroke of midnight, Saturday, De- cember 31, 1983. She succumbed to the forces of technological change and the pub- lic's desire for competition. She was 107 years old. Funeral arrangements were made by the U.S. Department of Justice's antitrust department team led by William Baxter. Officiating was Judge Harold H. Greene.1 I. INTRODUCTION So began a tribute written by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1944 upon the divesture, in late 1983, of the largest company the world had ever seen, the American Telegraph and Telephone Company ("AT&T").2 Tens of thousands of proud men and women could not help but mourn the loss of the $155 billion telephone empire that they had a very real hand in constructing.3 Through the twentieth century, AT&T brought universal local and long distance telephone service to the United States, a monumental task by any measure. As a government-sanctioned and vertically integrated monopoly with universal service as its mandate, AT&T harnessed immense economies of scale and scope in tackling this challenge.4 By the 1950s, AT&T ? J.D. Candidate, May 2009, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. The author would like to recognize Professor Robert Frieden's passion for the issues dis- cussed here, and thank him for his eagerness to share his knowledge and criticism through- out the development of this Comment. 1 The Day the Bell System Died, http://www.porticus.org/bell/bellsystemdied.html (last visited Sept. 14, 2008). 2 John S. DeMott, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, TIME, Jan. 16, 1984, at 52. For more on AT&T, see infra Part II. 3 DeMott, supra note 2, at 53. 4 See AT&T, A Brief History, Post Divestiture, http://www.corp.att.com/history/ history3.html (last visited Sept. 14, 2008) (noting that by the time of divestiture, AT&T had roughly $150 billion in assets and over 1 million employees). For a history of AT&T, span- ning from Alexander Graham Bell's early work in the late nineteenth century until the 188 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 controlled the telephone network, exchanges, and service, and produced and leased all network attachment equipment including telephones themselves.5 The 1968 Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") Carterfone decision was a watershed action that began chipping away at this telecommunications giant.6 Carterfone also paved the way for regulations forc- ing the separation of the sale of wireline telephone service from equipment and provided consumers the freedom to attach non-harmful third-party devices to the telephone network.7 FCC or legislative extension of the Carterfone princi- ples to today's wireless telecommunications industry would be inappropriate, unjustifiably costly, and potentially harmful. This Comment begins with an examination of the history and circumstances in the wireline telecommunications industry that led to the FCC's landmark Carterfone decision and its progeny. Part III examines current consumer and academic opinion on the modern wireless telecommunications industry and introduces the idea of translating Carterfone-style regulation to the wireless industry. Additionally, Part III provides an overview of ground-breaking new developments, initiatives and announcements by key players within the wire- less industry addressing the recent frustrations with restrictive carrier practices voiced by consumers, academics, and policymakers. Of particular importance is the FCC's decision to attach open platform requirements, which incorporate some elements of its Carterfone wireline policy, to broadcast spectrum that will be vacated upon the 2009 conversion to digital television in the United States. Against the background of these monumental new developments, Part IV offers an economic analysis of the changing modern wireless market, illus- trating that broad-based Carterfone-style FCC regulation at the current inflec- tion point in the development and deployment of modern wireless technology is inappropriate. In Part V, this Comment examines the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and a key exemption to the DMCA that affects cell phone use. The exemption legitimizes non-infringing circumvention of wireless carrier soft- ware controls. It illustrates well-crafted policy that supports consumer choice and personal property rights at the expense of restrictive carrier practices that merger with SBC Communications in 2005, see AT&T, A Brief History, Origins, http://www.corp.att.com/history/history1.html, and subsequent Web pages. 5 GEORGE S. FORD, THOMAS M. KOUTSKY & LAWRENCE J. SPIWAK, WIRELESS NET NEU- TRALITY: FROM CARTERFONE TO CABLE BOXES, PHOENIX CENTER, POLICY BULLETIN NO. 17, at 6 (2007), available at http://www.phoenix-center.org/PolicyBulletin/PCPB17Final.pdf. 6 In re Use of the Carterfone Device in Message Toll Telephone Service, Thomas F. Carter and Carter Electronics Corp., Dallas, Tex. (Complainants), v. American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Associated Bell System Companies, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., and General Telephone Co. of the Southwest (Defendants), Decision, 13 F.C.C.2d 420 (June 26, 1968) [hereinafter Carterfone Decision]; see also Carterfone discussion, infra Part II. 7 See infra Part II. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 189 serve no intellectual property purpose. This Comment offers evidence that key carriers within the industry are going well beyond the reach of the DMCA ex- emption by beginning to take down wireless phone software walls—measures that will increase innovation and competitiveness. This Comment concludes by acknowledging the vital role that academic and consumer sentiment play in bringing about sweeping changes in the wireless industry. This Comment offers solutions to three potential short-term scenarios that may emerge from the turbulent state of the wireless industry. These solu- tions reserve FCC implementation of broad-based Carterfone policy for some future date, if ever. Finally, this Comment concludes that FCC or legislative extension of the Carterfone principles throughout today's wireless telecommu- nications industry would be inappropriate, unjustifiably costly, and potentially harmful. II. CARTERFONE AND THE WIRELINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY—A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Throughout the establishment of the national wireline telecommunications industry in the first half of the twentieth century, AT&T8 enjoyed a govern- ment-sanctioned and regulated monopoly9 for telephone service in the United States.10 Certain patents obtained by Alexander Graham Bell,11 popularly re- garded as the inventor of the telephone,12 paved the way for what became known as the "Bell System."13 The Bell System was comprised of individual, 8 The company that became AT&T Corporation, formerly known as The American Telephone & Telegraph Company, traces its roots to 1875 and the work of inventor Alexan- der Graham Bell and two partners. AT&T, A Brief History, Origins, supra note 4. Bell and partners initially formed the Bell Telephone Company to exploit Bell's telephone invention. Id. 9 See AT&T, Milestones in AT&T History, http://www.corp.att.com/history/ milestones.html (last visited Sept. 14, 2008) (noting that the 1913 Kingsbury Commitment formalized AT&T's monopoly); AT&T, A Brief History, The Bell System, http://www. corp.att.com/history/history3.html (last visited Sept. 14, 2008) (noting that Theodore Vail, president of AT&T in 1907, successfully argued that government regulation can be an "ap- propriate and acceptable substitute for the competitive marketplace"). 10 See AT&T, A Brief History, The Bell System, supra note 9. 11 See Improvement in Telegraphy, U.S. Patent No. 174,465 (filed Feb. 14, 1876), available at http://www.phonebooth.us/patent/patent_image_1.htm; Improvement in Elec- tromagnetic Telegraphy, U.S. Patent No. 186,787 (filed Jan. 15, 1877); see also United States v. Am. Bell Tel. Co., 128 U.S. 315, 316 (1888). 12 See Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online, http://www.biographi.ca/index-e.html (search for "Alexander Graham Bell" under "Keyword Search;" then follow "Bell, Alexan- der Graham" hyperlink) (last visited Sept. 14, 2008). Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847–August 2, 1922) was a renowned scientist, inventor, and teacher of the deaf. Id. 13 Bell and his two partners formed the Bell Telephone Company in 1877 to exploit Bell's patents by licensing local telephone exchanges to use the Bell trademark and operate 190 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 local circuit-switched telephone networks, operating under license of the Bell Telephone Company.14 The American Bell Telephone Company incorporated AT&T in 1885 as a wholly-owned subsidiary "chartered to build and operate the original long distance telephone network."15 AT&T later purchased the as- sets of American Bell and became the parent company of the Bell Telephone System in 1899.16 AT&T's government-sanctioned monopolistic structure fa- cilitated true universal service—that is, nondiscriminatory interconnection be- tween independent local exchanges and eventually, a nation-wide telephone network.17 In addition to controlling the Bell System, the AT&T conglomerate owned affiliate company Western Electric, the only producer of telephone equipment approved by AT&T for use on the network.18 AT&T controlled access to its wireline network through FCC-sanctioned "foreign attachment" provisions and tariffs, rules that generally prevented con- sumers from attaching any equipment, apparatus, circuit, or device not fur- nished by the telephone company to the telephone system.19 The recurring rea- with the new telephone technology. AT&T, A Brief History, Origins, supra note 4. These licensed, local exchanges eventually grew to become known as the "Bell System." Id. 14 See id. 15 Id. 16 Id. 17 See MILTON L. MUELLER, JR., UNIVERSAL SERVICE: COMPETITION, INTERCONNECTION, AND MONOPOLY IN THE MAKING OF THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE SYSTEM 4–13 (1997). In the early days of the telephone industry, many local exchanges were owned and operated inde- pendently from the Bell exchanges. Id. Subscribers of one system could not connect to sub- scribers of another, even within the same town, whether due to honest technical limitations or pure operator stubbornness. Id. A major factor behind the U.S. Government's support of the Bell conglomerate was implementation of nation-wide universal service. Id. 18 Robert W. Hahn, Robert E. Litan, & Hal J. Singer, The Economics of "Wireless Net Neutrality" 31 (AEI-Brookings Joint Ctr. for Regulatory Studies, Working Paper No. RP07- 10, 2007), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=983111 ("AT&T owned an equipment company, Western Electric, which manufactured all of the customer premise equipment for AT&T's customers, including telephone sets and other terminal equipment."); see also Rob Frieden, Wireless Carterfone: A Long Overdue Policy Promot- ing Consumer Choice and Competition 4 (New Am. Found., Wireless Future Program, Working Paper No. 20, 2008) [hereinafter Frieden, Promoting Consumer Choice], available at http://www.newamerica.net/publications/policy/wireless_carterfone (stating that AT&T "bundled telephone handset rentals, customer premise inside wiring installations, and main- tenance and telephone service."). The telephone company actually owned the equipment and then leased it to consumers. Hahn et al., supra, at 31 n.107 (quoting ROBERT W. CRANDALL, AFTER THE BREAKUP: THE U.S. TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY IN A MORE COMPETITIVE ERA 33–34 (1991)). 19 See In re Jordaphone Corporation of America and Mohawk Business Machines Cor- poration, Complainants v. American Telephone and Telegraph Company, et al., Defendants, The Electronic Secretary, Inc. and Electronic Secretary Industries, Inc., Telemaster Com- pany, Daphne Investment Trust, Intervenors; In re Use of Telephone Answering Device in Connection with Interstate and Foreign Telephone Service, Decision, 18 F.C.C. 644, ?? 9– 11 (May 5, 1954) (quoting various foreign attachment provisions). Pursuant to section 203(a) of the 1934 Telecommunications Act, AT&T enjoyed the right to charge tariffs for 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 191 soning that AT&T advanced for the tariffs was the protection of the network from the potential harm that unapproved devices and equipment might cause.20 As an element of AT&T's sanctioned monopoly in the wireline telecommuni- cations industry, the government tightly regulated rates for AT&T's service and the lease of all associated telephone equipment to protect consumers.21 Consequently, AT&T had a profit motive to sabotage and exclude all competi- tors by exerting control over every facet of network-attaching equipment and imposing tariffs on non-approved equipment.22 These actions raised barriers to entry in the equipment market, stifled equipment innovation, and limited con- sumer choice.23 The FCC's 1968 Carterfone decision was a watershed moment for wireline telephony and remains the landmark decision that ultimately divested AT&T of control over attachment of telephone equipment to its network.24 Carterfone was the sum result of a series of challenges to AT&T's foreign attachment pol- icy brought by non-AT&T-affiliated entities.25 The Carterfone decision de- clared that AT&T's tariffs were "unreasonable, discriminatory, and unlawful in its phone service, as well as to implement "classifications, practices, and regulations affect- ing" its phone service. Tim Wu, Wireless Carterfone, 1 INT'L J. COMM. 389, 395 n.12 (2007) [hereinafter Wu, Wireless Carterfone], http://ijoc.org/ojs/index.php/ijoc/article/view/152/96; 1934 Telecommunications Act, ch. 652, 48 Stat. 1070 (codified as amended at 47 U.S.C. § 203(a) (2000)). 20 See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 395–96. 21 See FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 6. 22 See id. at 7. Sabotage in this context referred to "the ability to increase or raise the cost of a rival's key input of production by non-price behavior Id. Here, the presence of regulation—specifically rate regulation—facilitated the sabotage. Id. 23 See id. at 5–8. An exception to the popular economic theory that firms vertically inte- grate to "internalize complimentary efficiencies" ("ICE") has been illustrated by the tele- communications industry. See generally Joseph Farrell & Phillip J. Weiser, Modularity, Vertical Integration, and Open Access Policies: Towards a Convergence of Antitrust and Regulation in the Internet Age, 17 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 85 (2003). In particular, the Bell System allegedly leveraged its way to market power in comple- mentary markets, denying equal access to its network to competitors in long distance and equipment manufacturing. By excluding such competitors, AT&T could rent tele- phones to its customers and sell equipment from its Western Electric affiliate to its op- erating companies or telephone subscribers at inflated rates. Such a strategy was avail- able to AT&T because of its network-level market power, but ICE would claim the op- tion should be unattractive because it would decrease demand for telephone subscrip- tion. But that decrease did not deter AT&T because of the price regulation of local telephone service. Id. at 106–07 (citation omitted). 24 See Carterfone Decision, supra note 6, at 423. 25 See id. at 420–21; In re Hush-A-Phone Corp. and Harry C. Tuttle, Complainants, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., et al., Defendants, Decision, 20 F.C.C. 391, ?? 1–2 (Dec. 21, 1955), rev'd, Hush-A-Phone Corp. v. United States, 238 F.2d 266 (D.C. Cir. 1956), on remand, In re Hush-A-Phone Corp. and Harry C. Tuttle, Complainants v. Ameri- can Telephone & Telegraph Co., et al., Defendants, Decision and Order on Remand, 22 F.C.C. 112, ?? 3–4 (Feb. 6, 1957). 192 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 the past, and that the provisions prohibiting the use of customer-provided in- terconnecting devices should accordingly be stricken."26 Carterfone divested AT&T's power to exert any control over non-harmful network devices and equipment and eventually led to separation of subscribers' acquisitions of tele- communications services from the acquisition of telephone handsets, wiring, and equipment.27 Strengthened through subsequent decisions, rulemaking pro- ceedings, and technical network interface standards,28 the Carterfone policy eventually "allowed manufacturers unaffiliated with the Bell System to manu- facture telephones, under strict technical standards, that consumers could pur- chase and connect to the telephone network without restriction or additional fees levied by the phone company."29 The policy and standards articulated in Carterfone ultimately facilitated third-party development of devices such as the fax machine, the answering machine, and the modem, all devices that plugged in to the now-ubiquitous "RJ-11" telephone jack.30 The FCC affirmed Carterfone in the decades following the decision by declaring the policies largely effective at serving their intended purpose with minimal adverse ef- fects.31 26 Carterfone Decision, supra note 6, at 423. The FCC stated, "No one entity need pro- vide all interconnection equipment for our telephone system any more than a single source is needed to supply the parts for a space probe." Id. at 424. The FCC ultimately held "that the tariff is unreasonable in that it prohibits the use of interconnecting devices which do not adversely affect the telephone system." Id. at 423. 27 See Robert Frieden, The Costs and Benefits of Separating Wireless Telephone Ser- vice from Handset Sales and Imposing Network Neutrality Obligations 13 (Oct. 26, 2007) [hereinafter Frieden, Costs and Benefits] (unpublished manuscript), available at http://works. bepress.com/ robert_frieden/5. 28 See In re Telerent Leasing Corp. et al. Petition for Declaratory Rulings on Questions of Federal Preemption on Regulation of Interconnection of Subscriber-Furnished Equipment to the Nationwide Switched Public Telephone Network, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 45 F.C.C.2d 204, ? 5 (Jan. 31, 1974), aff'd sub nom., N.C. Utils. Comm'n v. FCC, 537 F.2d 787 (4th Cir. 1976); In re American Telephone and Telegraph Co.'s Proposed Tariff Revi- sions in Tariff F.C.C. No. 263 Exempting Mebane Home Telephone Co. of North Carolina from the Obligation to Afford Customers the Option of Interconnecting Customer-Provided Equipment to Mebane's Facilities; AT&T Transmittal No. 12-321, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 53 F.C.C.2d 473, ?? 4–5 (May 8, 1975); Pub. Util. Comm'n of Tex. v. FCC, 886 F.2d 1325 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (noting long established FCC policy that carriers and non- carriers alike have a federal right to interconnect to the public telephone network in ways that are privately beneficial if they are not publicly detrimental); see also 47 C.F.R. pt. 68 (2008) (outlining exhaustive technical standards for telecommunications devices). For a history of the process from Carterfone to full network attachment rights, see Glen O. Robin- son, The Titanic Remembered: AT&T and the Changing World of Telecommunications, 5 YALE J. ON REG. 517, 521–32 (1988) (reviewing GERALD R. FAULHABER, TELECOMMUNICA- TIONS IN TURMOIL: TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC POLICY (1987)). 29 FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 5. 30 See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 397. 31 See In re Economic Implications and Interrelationships Arising from Policies and Practices Relating to Customer Interconnection, Jurisdictional Separations and Rate Struc- 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 193 III. THE MODERN WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY A. Reactions to the Current Market Wireless carriers traditionally have exerted some control over products con- necting to their systems, although as this Comment will show, the distinctions from AT&T's wireline control are numerous. Under the standard wireless in- dustry sales model, the carrier bundles the sale of a contractual service agree- ment, frequently lasting two years, with a handset made by a third party.32 The carrier offers the handset, which would otherwise cost hundreds of dollars up- front, at a deeply discounted price (or even for free) when bundled with a ser- vice contract.33 The carrier then subsidizes the price of the handset through a portion of the subscriber's monthly service charge.34 Carriers generally have not offered discounted service plans, even to subscribers who obtain handsets elsewhere and therefore do not trigger the need for a handset subsidy.35 Histori- cally, carriers imposed a stiff early termination fee (often as high as $200) when a customer cancelled service at any point before fulfillment of the con- tract term; however, all of the major U.S. carriers now claim to prorate termi- nation fees.36 The current wide-spread reactions by consumers, affiliated businesses, and scholars against many of the pricing and operating policies prevalent in today's wireless phone industry cannot be denied.37 The Wall Street Journal technical tures, First Report, 61 F.C.C.2d 766, ?? 240–41, 255 (Sept. 23, 1976); In re Economic Im- plications and Interrelationships Arising from Policies and Practices Relating to Customer Interconnection, Jurisdictional Separations and Rate Structures, Second Report, 75 F.C.C.2d 506, ?? 1, 4 (Jan. 9, 1980). 32 See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 398–99; Frieden, Promoting Con- sumer Choice, supra note 18, at 6. 33 See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 398–99 ("Typically, a provider like T- Mobile or AT&T will advertise and sell a phone for $99–$199 that retails without subsidies for $300–$600."); see also Wirefly.com, http://www.wirefly.com/ (last visited Sept. 15, 2008) (listing various handsets available for free with service contracts from various carri- ers). 34 See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 398–99. 35 See Rob Frieden, Hold the Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers 21–22 (Jan. 7, 2008) [hereinafter Frieden, Hold the Phone] (unpublished manu- script), available at http://papers. ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1081345. 36 Amol Sharma & Dionne Searcey, Verizon to Open Cell Network to Others' Phones, WALL ST. J., Nov. 28, 2007, at B1 (stating that AT&T, Sprint Nextel Corp., Verizon Com- munications, and T-Mobile USA have all announced they would prorate early termination fees); see also discussion infra Part III.B.1. 37 See, e.g., Laura M. Holson, Cellphone Straightjacket Is Inspiring a Rebellion, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 12, 2007, at C1 ("Consumers have never been happy about their cellphone carriers and the services they provide—or refuse to provide."); Katie Hafner, Sprint Nextel Settles Lawsuit over Switching to New Carriers, N.Y. TIMES, Oct. 27, 2007, at C4 (summa- rizing general negative consumer sentiment). 194 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 columnist Walt Mossberg referred to the major cell phone carriers as "Soviet ministries" because they severed the direct link between producers of goods and services and consumers.38 Insofar as carriers attempt to replace the market system, Mossberg states that [wireless carriers] decide what phones can be used on their networks and what soft- ware and services can be offered on those phones. They require the hardware and software makers to tailor their products to meet the carriers' specifications, not just so they work properly on the network, but so they promote the carriers' brands and their various add-on services.39 Mossberg compares current high-technology phones to computers, rather than to the wireline phones of old and contrasts the ease of connecting com- puter hardware and software via the Internet versus the difficulties inherent in connecting wireless devices and software via carriers' networks. Mossberg argues, "[the] mobile phone system . . . is the direct opposite of the PC model. It severely limits consumer choice, stifles innovation, crushes entrepreneur- ship, and has made the U.S. the laughingstock of the mobile-technology world, just as the cellphone is morphing into a powerful hand-held computer."40 Professor Robert Frieden,41 who has written extensively on the application of Carterfone-style regulation to the wireless phone industry, summarized carrier practices that lead to widespread complaints: handset locking (by frequency transmission format, firmware, or software) to prevent consumer access to competitor networks;42 disabling handset functionality to channel consumers to higher-revenue functions; specifying proprietary formats for accessing handset memory and creating applications and content to the disadvantage of third- party developers; and establishing "walled garden" access43 to carrier-favored 38 Free My Phone, http://mossblog.allthingsd.com/20071021/free-my-phone/ (Oct. 21, 2007, 21:31 PST). 39 Id. 40 Id. For more on the state of the U.S. wireless industry in relation to the rest of the world, see infra note 113. 41 Professor Robert Frieden is the Pioneers Chair in Telecommunications and Professor of Telecommunications and Law at The Pennsylvania State University. Rob Frieden, http:// comm.psu.edu/faculty/frieden.html (last visited Sept. 1, 2008). 42 Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35, at 17. Generally, the carrier practice of "locking" a wireless phone occurs when the carrier implements measures on the handset itself that are designed to allow the handset only to access service and content of that par- ticular carrier. See Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 399–400. A subscriber, there- fore, is deterred from easily transferring a locked handset from the initial wireless carrier to any other carrier. 43 In the context of wireless phones, "walled gardens" refers to carrier efforts to restrict or direct consumers' access, through software on the phone, to a preferred set of content or services affiliated with the carrier. See Verizon Takes Down its Garden Walls, http:// blogs.wsj.com/biztech/2007/11/27/verizon-takes-down-its-garden-walls/ (Nov. 27, 2007, 13:08 EST) (outlining the walled garden problem). The practice is often justified by carriers as necessary to protect the security of customers' devices and the network, yet also allows carriers to choose affiliated providers on a revenue-sharing basis. Id.; see also Frieden, Hold 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 195 content of affiliated providers that prevents access to certain third-party con- tent.44 These concerns certainly are legitimate. Profit is the common denomina- tor for such carrier practices. But overarching questions remain: What role, if any, should the FCC play given the nature of the wireless phone industry and the fundamental turning point at which the industry currently finds itself? Will a largely unregulated, free market structure, where profit-seeking industry players compete to satisfy consumer choice demands, yield the most efficient path to maximum technological innovation? Strong scholarly arguments call on the FCC to impose broad-based Carter- fone-style regulation on the wireless industry.45 In Wireless Carterfone,46 Co- lumbia Law School Professor Tim Wu47 outlines four industry problems: (1) carriers exerting control over network attachments; (2) product design and fea- ture crippling; (3) bandwidth and contractual restrictions on mobile broadband services; and (4) excessive burdens and conditions on application entry in the wireless application market.48 In response to these problems, Wu offers four major recommendations for the wireless industry:49 imposition of Carterfone-style attachment rules at a basic level; a general ban on blocking Internet content; full carrier disclosure of bandwidth, handset locking, coverage, and rate plan information; and stan- dardized and open application development.50 Wu argues that basic Carterfone- style rules barring the locking of devices to a single carrier and requiring carri- ers to allow attachment of any compatible and non-harmful network device would "stimulate the development of new applications and free equipment de- signers to make the best phones possible."51 Wu also calls for facilitating con- sumer choice through a ban on carrier blocking of Internet applications and content, a parallel idea to broadband "network neutrality."52 Full disclosure of the Phone, supra note 35, at 18. 44 Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35, at 17. 45 See Frieden, Promoting Consumer Choice, supra note 18; Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19; Frieden, Costs and Benefits, supra note 27; Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35. The New America Foundation released Frieden's working paper, Promoting Con- sumer Choice, and Frieden appeared as a panelist at the "Free My Phone!" forum held at the U.S. Senate. New American Foundation, "Free My Phone!," http://www.newamerica.net/ events/2008/free_my_phone (last visited Sept. 1, 2008); see also infra note 62. 46 Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19. 47 Tim Wu is a tenured professor of law at Columbia Law School, frequent contributor to SLATE magazine, and prominent advocate of network neutrality principles. See Columbia Law School, Full Time Faculty, http://www.law.columbia.edu/fac/Timothy_Wu (last visited Sept. 1, 2008). 48 Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 389–90. 49 Id. at 391. 50 Id. at 415–18. 51 Id. at 391. 52 Id. "Network neutrality" is a slightly amorphous principle holding, in part, that Inter- net users, rather than broadband Internet service providers, should control the content and 196 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 any and all limits carriers impose on wireless service would help prevent un- pleasant post-service contract consumer surprises.53 Finally, Wu argues that standardized and open application platforms would stimulate the "stalled" wireless phone software development environment to the mutual benefit of consumers and developers.54 In Hold the Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers,55 Professor Robert Frieden lays out the profit motives behind carri- ers' historically restrictive handset and service practices.56 Frieden discusses prior FCC consumer protection actions in other media contexts that were "de- signed to protect consumers from incurring higher costs and less flexibility when attaching equipment and when accessing ICE [information, communica- tions, and entertainment] content and services."57 Frieden acknowledges the common economic arguments offered against imposing wireless Carterfone regulation58 but disagrees, positing that the wireless industry is not highly com- petitive and that this lack of competition enables carriers to engage in anticom- petitive practices.59 Articulating his argument on consumer protection and pub- lic policy grounds,60 Frieden concludes that the FCC should establish a handset technical certification process that makes it possi- ble for any handset, operating in the proper format and frequency, to access any carri- ers' network. . . . Rather than wait for a consumer revolt, the FCC could adopt a wire- less Carterfone policy that would place the burden on carriers to explain why their subscribers should not have the same handset attachment rights as wireline subscrib- ers have enjoyed for thirty nine years.61 The work of Wu and Frieden plays a vital role in advancing the national de- bate on wireless Carterfone policy among consumers as well as in Washing- applications that other users access. See TimWu.org, Network Neutrality FAQ, http://timwu. org/network_neutrality.html (last visited Sept. 1, 2008). The principle calls for preventing broadband Internet service providers from discriminating against any Internet content via preventing user access, or restricting the speed of user access, to particular content. Id. 53 Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 417–18. 54 Id. at 391, 418. 55 Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35. 56 Id. at 21–24. Frieden explains how restrictive carrier practices—many of which are described elsewhere in this section—have been used by carriers to extract profit at the ex- pense of consumer choice. Id. 57 Id. at 24. Frieden prefaces his argument that the FCC has jurisdiction to implement Carterfone-style regulation to the wireless industry by explaining in detail prior FCC con- sumer protection regulation. See id. Specifically, Frieden discusses consumer protection as it applies to wireless phone local number portability and video program distribution on the supply side, and prohibiting mandatory cable tier "buy throughs" and mandated alternatives to cable television set-top boxes on the demand side. See id. at 24–51. 58 Id. at 21–24, 55–56. See generally discussion infra Part IV.A (offering an economic analysis of the wireless telephone market). 59 Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35, at 56–59. 60 Id. 61 Id. at 58–59. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 197 ton.62 Practically speaking, however, no other recent development in the wire- less phone industry has brought the issues surrounding carrier control and cell phone unlocking to the forefront of consumers' minds more than Apple Inc.'s ("Apple") release of the sleek iPhone in the summer of 2007.63 The iPhone saga provides a concise case study of the issues seen in varying degrees throughout the wireless market. Apple, a company with no network infrastructure of its own, exclusively partners with carriers in each market where it sells the iPhone.64 For example, in the United States, Apple negotiated an exclusive five-year contract with AT&T65 and only sells the iPhone handset bundled with a mandatory two-year AT&T service contract or to already- existing AT&T wireless customers.66 In fact, Apple requires an AT&T service contract before a consumer can activate any unique iPhone features, including non-telephone iPod music player functionality.67 The only exception to Apple's sales model is in France, where an officially unlocked iPhone is available from Orange, Apple's chosen provider, due to a French law preventing exclusive bundling of a wireless handset with service.68 Apple and AT&T have not re- 62 See Frieden, Promoting Consumer Choice, supra note 18; Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19; Frieden, Hold the Phone, supra note 35; Michael J. Copps, Commissioner, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, Remarks at the New America Foundation Forum: "Free My Phone!," (Jan. 22, 2008) [hereinafter Statement of Commissioner Copps], available at http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279631A1.pdf. This forum, held at the Russell Senate Office Building on January, 22, 2008 included a panel discussion on wireless Carterfone-type regulation between key figures in debate, including Commissioner Copps, Mossberg, Frieden, and executives from AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and others. New America Foundation, "Free My Phone" Is Regulation Needed to Ensure Customer Choice, http://www.newamerica.net/events/2008/free_my_phone (last visited Nov. 11, 2008). 63 See generally Apple Store, iPhone 3G, http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/ shop_iphone/family/iphone?mco=MTE2NTQ (last visited Sept. 16, 2008) (offering links to detailed product information on Apple's iPhone homepage). The iPhone compactly com- bines wireless phone, iPod music player, wireless and Wi-Fi Internet access, and other high- technology functionality into one handheld device. Id. The first-generation iPhone officially went on sale in the United States on June 29, 2007. Press Release, Apple Inc., iPhone Pre- mieres This Friday Night at Apple Retail Stores (June 28, 2007), available at http:// www.apple.com/pr/library/2007/06/28iphone.html. 64 See Peter Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, BUS. WK., Feb. 12, 2008, http://www. businessweek.com/technology/content/feb2008/tc20080211_152894.htm. As of Feb. 12, 2008, the iPhone was officially offered for sale in the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany. Id. 65 Leslie Cauley, iWeapon, USA TODAY, May 22, 2007, at B1. 66 See The Apple Store, iPhone 3G, supra note 63. 67 Apple Inc., Apple Sales and Refund Policy, http://a248.e.akamai.net/7/248/2041/ 1463/store.apple.com/catalog/US/Images/salespolicies.html (last visited Sept. 16, 2008) ("A minimum two-year wireless service plan with AT&T is required to activate all iPhone fea- tures, including iPod features."). 68 See Kevin J. O'Brien, Apple Chooses Orange as iPhone Operator in France, INT'L HERALD TRIB., Oct. 16, 2007, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/16/business/apple.php. 198 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 vealed the exact details of their revenue-sharing arrangement, but analysts es- timate that AT&T pays Apple anywhere between $10 and $18 per iPhone per month.69 In addition to raising the consciousness of consumer choice issues through- out the greater wireless market, the iPhone sales model also has sparked a prominent gray market for unlocked iPhones.70 Some consumers have filed lawsuits against AT&T and Apple alleging unfair business practices.71 More interesting and perhaps more disruptive, however, is the momentum of the non-litigation challenge to this sales model—what the press has dubbed the "Mystery of the Missing iPhones"72 —and Apple's reaction to the phenomenon. Apple reported selling 3.75 million iPhones in 2007, yet AT&T reported acti- vating fewer than two million of the handsets that year.73 The media, Wall Street, and industry analysts were left pondering the exact status of the missing phones. Given iPhones that may have been languishing somewhere in Apple's chan- nel inventory or purchased by consumers but not yet activated,74 no concrete An iPhone locked to an Orange contract was initially offered for ?399 with a two-year ser- vices contract, and a fully unlocked and "carrier independent" version for ?749. Katie Mar- sal, Apple Prices Unlock iPhone at 749 Euros in France [Updated], APPLEINSIDER, Nov. 28, 2007, http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/07/11/28/apple_prices_unlocked_iphones_ at_749_euros_in_france.html. In Germany, Apple's chosen provider, T-Mobile, briefly sold an unlocked iPhone for ?999 until a German court reversed an injunction requested by Vo- dafone preventing T-Mobile from exclusively selling the phone with a SIM-card lock and a two-year T-Mobile service contract. Archibald Preuschat, T-Mobile's Exclusive iPhone Pacts Upheld, WALL ST. J., Dec. 5, 2007, at B5. The iPhone was previously available for ?399 with a T-Mobile contract. Id. 69 Olga Kharif & Peter Burrows, On the Trail of the Missing iPhones, BUS. WK., Feb. 11, 2008, at 25, 26; Saul Hansell, The $831 iPhone, N.Y. Times Bits Blog (Oct. 25, 2007), http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/25/the-831-iphone. Charles Wolf, an analyst with Needham & Co., LLC, estimated the payment to Apple at $10. Kharif & Burrows, supra, at 26. Gene Munster, analyst at Piper Jaffray, estimated the average kickback at about $18, which he derived in part through calculations based on deferred revenue reported on Ap- ple's financial statements. Hansell, supra. Such estimates put the entire amount that Apple receives from AT&T per phone during a two-year contract at anywhere from $240 to $432. Kharif & Burrows, supra, at 26; Hansell, supra. 70 See Cyrus Farivar, Locked vs. Unlocked: Opening Up Choice, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 1, 2007, at C9; Mike Elgan, Forget the iPhone, All Phones Should Be "Unlocked," COM- PUTERWORLD, Oct. 19, 2007, http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command= viewArticleBasic&articleId=9043258; Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69, at 25. 71 Hafner, supra note 37. 72 Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69, at 25. 73 See id. 74 See Slash Lane, Unlocked iPhone Sales as High as 40 Percent in Europe—Report, APPLEINSIDER, Jan. 28, 2008, http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/01/28/unlocked_ iphone_sales_as_high_as_40_percent_in_europe_report.html. As of December 31, 2007, European iPhone sales were estimated to be around 737,000–750,000 units, while activated European iPhones were estimated to be around 350,000. Id. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 199 method can accurately determine how many iPhones were sold and then hacked for use with carriers other than those selected by Apple.75 Conse- quently, analysts estimate that the number of iPhones actually unlocked in 2007 ranges from anywhere between 700,000 and one million.76 What the dis- crepancy suggests, however, is that consumers purchased a significant number of iPhones in 2007 through legitimate channels and then either unlocked them for domestic use or shipped them abroad for use in markets where Apple has not officially offered the iPhone.77 The consensus is that the bulk of the miss- ing, unlocked iPhones migrated to markets where Apple has neither chosen a carrier nor has officially offered the device.78 An iPhone is unlocked through two methods. One involves simple software programs that allow the iPhone to connect to other carriers' networks. The other requires installation of a different subscriber identity module ("SIM") card,79 a hardware alteration that tricks the phone's existing software into un- 75 See Katie Marsal, Piper: Over Half Million "Missing" iPhones Likely in Channel, APPLEINSIDER, Jan. 25, 2008, http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/01/25/piper_over_ half_million_missing_iphones_likely_in_channel.html; Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69, at 25–26. 76 See Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69, at 25–26; see also Lane, supra note 74 (esti- mates by investment bank RBC Capital); Marsal, supra note 75 (estimates by investment bank Piper Jaffray). 77 See Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69, at 26 ("Most of [the missing iPhones are] trick- ling into nations around the world where Apple has yet to sign up a local carrier—especially China."); Saul Hansell, Good News in the One Million Missing iPhones, N.Y. Times Bits Blog (Jan. 28, 2008), http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/28/good-news-in-the-one- million-missing-iphones; Damon Darlin, Where Are Those Million iPhones? Everywhere, N.Y. Times Bits Blog (Jan. 29, 2008), http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/29/where-are- those-million-iphones-everywhere (including reader comments about the different places around the world where the iPhone can be purchased on the gray market); Jennifer Lawin- ski, Where Have All the iPhones Gone?, CHANNELWEB, Feb. 7, 2008, http://www.crn.com/ hardware/206106189 ("A stack of about 60 iPhones sat in the office of New York City- based phone import/export business . . . ready to be shipped to a supplier in Hong Kong who would unlock and then resell them on the gray market in China."); Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, supra note 64 ("By the time the device went on sale . . . , software hackers and companies that specialize in unlocking cell phones were already searching for ways to make the iPhone work on nonsanctioned networks."). Reports from news media and consumers indicate iPhone sales and use in potentially over 100 countries where the device had not yet been officially released as of early 2008. See generally Kharif & Burrows, supra note 69; Hansell, supra; Darlin, supra; Lawinski, supra; Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, supra note 64. 78 See Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, supra note 64. 79 A subscriber identity module ("SIM") is a small removable integrated chip card for Global System for Mobile Communications ("GSM") platform mobile phones which stores subscriber-identifying data used to authenticate access to the carrier's network. See T- Mobile Answers, http://search.t-mobile.com/inquiraapp/ui.jsp?ui_mode=question&question _box=SIM%20Unlock (last visited Sept. 16, 2008). GSM, along with Code Division Multi- ple Access ("CDMA"), are the two major wireless phone standards currently used in the United States. See WiseGeek, What is the Difference Between GSM and CDMA?, 200 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 knowingly operating on an alternate network.80 The "Mystery of the Missing iPhones" phenomenon is the economic result of immense consumer demand for an innovative product early in its life cycle, the point at which the manufac- turer seeks to extract maximum profit.81 This measurable level of "self help" belies the underlying consumer frustration with locked handsets in general and with the iPhone in particular. Under Apple's initial iPhone business model, a significant number of frustrated consumers felt they had no option other than to evade the system. In addition to removing their iPhone handsets from the Apple's exclusive service pacts, consumers have voiced their desire to gain greater control over the software they run on the devices.82 Initially, Apple limited the software ap- plications that the device would run only to those developed by Apple itself.83 Apple took the stance that it needed to limit third party applications to protect the security of devices and the network.84 Regardless, third parties successfully wrote software applications that found widespread use on the device, with some reports indicating that hundreds of "underground" programs existed.85 Apple immediately responded through an iPhone software update that it re- leased in September 2007.86 When a consumer installed the update on an iPhone that had been hacked or unlocked, the update erased third-party soft- ware, and in some cases actually rendered the altered handset useless or "bricked."87 Software hackers then began a game of tug-of-war by releasing a http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-gsm-and-cdma.htm (last visited Sept. 16, 2008). 80 See, e.g., Peter Burrows, iPhone's Reluctant Gray Marketer, BUS. WK., Feb. 12, 2008, http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/feb2008/tc20080212_636668.htm. When certain SIM cards are inserted into certain GSM phones, the card provides authentica- tion and the phone's software allows the device to connect to an alternate carrier's network. See id. 81 See Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, supra note 64. 82 The iPhone combines the hardware elements of a small computer with Wi-Fi connec- tivity, a camera, a music player, and a cellular telephone. See Apple Store, iPhone 3G, supra note 63. The potential for software applications on a device with such functionality are im- mense. 83 Prince McLean, iPhone to Support Third-Party Web 2.0 Applications, APPLEINSIDER, June 11, 2007, http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/07/06/11/iphone_to_support_third_ party_web_2_0_applications.html. However, upon shipment, the iPhone could run non- standalone Web 2.0 applications within its Web browser. Id. 84 See Tom Krazit, Apple's Jobs Says Third-Party iPhone Apps Coming in February, CNET NEWS, Oct. 17, 2007, http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9798932-37.html. 85 See John Boudreau, iPhone Developer's Kit Expected Soon, NEWS FACTOR NET- WORK, Feb. 26, 2008 (on file with author). 86 See Arik Hesseldahl, Apple Clamps Down on iPhone Hacking, Bus. Wk. Byte of the Apple Blog (Sept. 24, 2007), http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/ blog/archives/ 2007/09/apple_clamps_do.html. 87 See Bruce Schneier, With iPhone, "Security" Is Code for "Control," WIRED, Feb. 7, 2008, http://www.wired.com/politics/security/commentary/securitymatters/2008/02/security 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 201 program that overcame Apple's update and that continued to facilitate unlock- ing and the use of third-party software.88 However, hacking is far from the only way that consumers have dealt with their mobile phone frustration. B. The Changing Landscape of the Wireless Telecommunications Industry 1. Consumer Litigation Consumer frustration with the traditional mobile phone sales model in the United States has led to significant litigation, largely against carriers. For ex- ample, subscribers filed class action suits in California against wireless phone carrier T-Mobile89 that were consolidated on appeal in Gatton v. T-Mobile USA, Inc.90 Plaintiffs sought a permanent injunction against T-Mobile's collec- tion or enforcement of the $200 early termination fee that T-Mobile charged consumers regardless of the reason for terminating their service contracts91 and for recovery of collected past termination fees.92 Plaintiffs also challenged T- Mobile's practice of locking its handsets to prevent subscribers from switching to another carrier without purchasing a new handset; they sought an order to compel T-Mobile to unlock phones free of charge and an injunction against such future behavior.93 T-Mobile moved to compel arbitration, claiming that the arbitration clauses in its subscriber agreements constituted waiver of class action suits.94 Plaintiffs matters_0207. "Bricked" refers to the result of the update on some unlocked handsets— essentially, a sleek and very expensive brick. See id. 88 See Posting of Erica Sadun to Tuaw, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Instant Jailbreak for iPhone and iPod Touch, http://www.tuaw.com/2007/10/29/instant-jailbreak-for-iphone- and-ipod-touch (Oct. 29, 2007, 00:35 EST); Robert McMillan, Apple iPhone Update Fixes Security Bug, PC WORLD, Nov. 13, 2007, http://www.pcworld.com/article/139562/ apple_iphone _update_fixes_security_bug.html; Burrows, Inside the iPhone Gray Market, supra note 64; see also Burrows, iPhone's Reluctant Gray Marketer, supra note 80. 89 See Gatton v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 61 Cal. Rptr. 3d 344, 347 n.1 (Cal. Ct. App. 2007) (discussing the "Cellphone Termination Fee Cases"). T-Mobile, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, is a network operator and wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom; T- Mobile USA is its U.S. operating entity. Deutsche Telekom, Global Player on the Mobile Communications Market, http://www.telekom.com/dtag/cms/content/dt/en/530494 (last visited Sept. 17, 2008). 90 Gatton, 61 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 344. 91 Id. at 349. T-Mobile has since implemented pro-rated termination fees. See Sharma & Searcey, supra note 36. 92 Gatton, 61 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 344. 93 Id. at 349. T-Mobile operates under the GSM standard, which utilizes SIM card tech- nology. See id. The SIM card is easily swappable by a consumer from phone to phone; how- ever, T-Mobile uses a software lock within the phone that only allows the phone to work with a different SIM card if an eight-digit code is entered into the phone. Id. 94 Id. at 347 n.3, 349. 202 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 argued that the arbitration clause, buried within the service agreements, was unconscionable and unenforceable, and further that arbitration was not appro- priate due to the important public policy issues at stake.95 A California trial court denied T-Mobile's motion to compel arbitration. The court concluded that plaintiffs' claims for injunctive relief were primarily for public benefit, not subject to arbitration, and that the subscriber agreement arbitration clauses were "substantively unconscionable because [their] prohibition on class arbi- trations or participation in a class action was against public policy."96 The Cali- fornia Court of Appeals affirmed, the California Supreme Court denied T- Mobile review without comment,97 and the U.S. Supreme Court denied T- Mobile's petition for certiorari, clearing the way for the case to be heard on the plaintiffs' claims in the lower court.98 In light of recent developments, the T-Mobile suit likely will settle in favor of consumers, and the end of flat termination fees appears certain. In June 2008, the FCC held a hearing on early termination fees where Chairman Kevin Martin recognized the issue and stated that the Commission will examine in- dustry practices and developments to determine the best way to address it.99 In July 2008, prior to any published findings by the FCC, a California judge in separate litigation issued a ruling finding Sprint Nextel's early termination fees illegal and ordered the carrier to pay $18.2 million in fees back to consumers.100 Similarly, early termination fee cases brought against Verizon Wireless settled out of court in early July 2008 for a reported $21 million.101 The California courts have demonstrated a strong pro-consumer sentiment throughout the major termination fee and unlocking litigation. Chairman Mar- 95 Id. at 349 (noting that the trial court denied the motion to compel arbitration on these grounds). 96 Id. at 349–50. Implicit in the court's denial to compel arbitration is a suggestion that subscriber agreements, at least to some extent, contain substance more akin to contracts of adhesion than to the requisite "meeting of the minds." 97 Gatton v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 61 Cal. Rptr. 3d 344 (Cal. Ct. App. 2007), review denied (Oct. 10, 2007). 98 See T-Mobile USA, Inc. v. Gatton, 128 S. Ct. 2501 (2008); see also David Kravets, Court Clears Way for Mobile-Phone-Unlocking Lawsuit Against T-Mobile, WIRED, Oct. 11, 2007, http:// www.wired.com/politics/law/news/2007/10/tmobile. 99 Press Release, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, FCC Announces Further Details of Public Hearing on Early Termination Fees (June 10, 2008), available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282867A1.pdf; Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n., Remarks on Early Termination Fees (June 12, 2008), available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282898A1.pdf. 100 Posting of Andrew R. Hickey to ChannelWeb, http://www.crn.com/retail/209900617 (July 30, 2008, 15:48 PDT). 101 W. David Gardner, Verizon Wireless Settles Early Termination Fee Case for $21 Million, INFORMATIONWEEK, July 10, 2008, http://www.informationweek.com/news/ telecom/regulation/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208808431. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 203 tin has also stated that a goal of the FCC is consumer protection.102 Such costly litigation and publicity has added to the pressure on carriers to revamp their overall policies and business practices throughout the U.S. mobile phone in- dustry.103 In fact, as early as November 2007, the New York Times reported that T-Mobile would offer the unlock code for a customer's handset after their ac- count had been active for ninety days.104 AT&T informed the New York Times that it would unlock a customer's handset after fulfillment of all contract terms and that it would "sell customers an unlocked phone at full price—with the exception of the iPhone."105 Likely as proactive responses to threats of gov- ernment regulation and to termination fee litigation, AT&T,106 Sprint Nextel,107 T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless108 now all claim to prorate service contract termination fees.109 Indeed, carriers have already ceded to consumer demands following similar suits by customers. As part of a settlement in a different class action suit in a California court, Sprint Nextel offered to give customers, who properly leave the carrier's service, the code needed to unlock their handsets' software and take the handsets to competitors' networks.110 The New York Times reported Sprint said it would share the unlocking code with all current and former sub- scribers once they had completed the terms of their contracts, had their phones deacti- vated and paid their final bills. The company will also add information about the unlocking codes as part of the 102 See Martin, Remarks on Early Termination Fees, supra note 99. 103 See, e.g., id. (outlining consumer protections that rules would guarantee if the FCC takes jurisdiction over early termination fees). 104 Farivar, supra note 70. 105 Id. 106 AT&T Mobility LLC, formerly Cingular Wireless LLC, is the wholly-owned wireless operator subsidiary of AT&T Inc. and is the largest United States wireless carrier in number of subscribers with more than 72.9 million. See Wireless from AT&T, About Us, http:// www.wireless.att.com/about (last visited Sept. 17, 2008); cf. Verizon Wireless, About Us Overview, http://aboutus.vzw.com/ aboutusoverview.html (last visited Sept. 17, 2008) (stat- ing Verizon Wireless has 70.8 million subscribers). 107 Sprint Nextel Corp. formed in 2005 when Sprint acquired Nextel for $35 billon and is the third largest wireless communications operator in the United States with nearly 52 mil- lion customers. Matt Sedensky, Sprint, Nextel Complete Their $35 Billion Merger, USA TODAY, Aug. 15, 2005, http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/telecom/2005-08-15- sprintnextel_x.htm; Sprint Nextel Corp., About Sprint Nextel, http://www2.sprint.com/mr/ aboutsprint.do (last visited Oct. 30, 2008). 108 Verizon Wireless is a joint venture between Verizon Communications Inc. and Voda- fone Group, and is the second largest U.S. wireless provider by subscribers, with 70.8 mil- lion customers. Verizon Wireless, About Us Overview, http://aboutus.vzw.com/ aboutusoverview.html (last visited Sept. 17, 2008). 109 Sharma & Searcey, supra note 36. 110 Hafner, supra note 37; Farivar, supra note 70. The settlement terms would allow any former Sprint Nextel CDMA-platform phone to be used on any other CDMA network, such as Verizon and Alltel. Hafner, supra note 37. 204 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 terms and conditions of service given to new customers and will instruct its customer service representatives on connecting a non-Sprint phone to the Sprint network.111 In response to the proposed settlement, telecommunications industry analyst Edward Snyder said it indicated "the control that wireless carriers in the United States had historically wielded over customers was beginning to erode."112 Snyder elaborated it was "a step in the direction of opening up the possibility of letting people own their own phone and use it with the carrier they want. Over the next two or three years we'll see the U.S. carriers go the way of the European market."113 2. Major Openness Initiatives To avoid litigation and likely to capture greater market share, cell phone companies such as Apple have attempted to curb consumer dissatisfaction by providing the public with more control over cell phone features and functional- ity. Just as the consumer backlash against Apple and AT&T's initial iPhone business model highlights key consumer choice issues in the wireless industry, Apple's response illustrates a device manufacturer's moves to capture greater market share by giving consumers and third-party software developers greater access to and control over a wireless device. In October 2007, less than four months after the iPhone went on sale, Apple CEO Steve Jobs wrote on Apple's Developer Web site that the company planned to introduce an iPhone software development kit ("SDK") and open the device to third-party software develop- ers around the end of February 2008.114 Jobs said that the reason for Apple's delay in offering an SDK was to give the company time to determine how to "provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc."115 Akin to 111 Hafner, supra note 37. 112 Id. 113 Id. (quoting Edward Snyder). In Europe, consumers can generally buy most wireless handsets either directly from manufacturers at full price (giving them a choice of carriers) or at subsidized prices from carriers; although in practice, over 95% of Europeans buy handsets through the carrier just as U.S. consumers do. Cassell Bryan-Low, Loretta Chao & Jane Spencer, How Open Cell Networks Work in Asia, Europe, WALL ST. J., Nov. 29, 2007, at B1. In Asia, however, about 80% of cell phones are sold independently of a carrier. Margue- rite Reardon, Will "Unlocked Cell Phones" Free Consumers?, CNET NEWS, Jan. 24, 2007, http://news.cnet.com/Will-unlocked-cell-phones-free-consumers/2100-1039_3-6152735. html?tag=st.prev. 114 Krazit, supra note 84. A software development kit ("SDK") is typically a set of de- velopment tools that allow one to create software applications for a certain software or hardware platform. See WebSphere Software Information Center, http://publib.boulder.ibm. com/infocenter/adiehelp/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.wsinted.glossary.doc/topics/glossary. html (last visited Sept. 18, 2008). 115 Id. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 205 AT&T's wireline network protection argument, wireless Carterfone propo- nents often frame such network security concerns by a wireless hardware manufacturer or carrier as, at least to some extent, a fa?ade for refusal to con- cede to the consumer choice argument.116 Yet often, as with the iPhone, carriers and handset-makers have legitimate concerns for ensuring strong security against malicious programs and users. As wireless phone technology advances, the danger of malicious software also increases, especially for a popular device like the iPhone that handles sensitive user information.117 Despite these concerns and challenges, Apple remained on target and re- leased the free beta version of its SDK on March 6, 2008, giving third-party developers the tools needed to create and certify standalone software applica- tions for the iPhone.118 Within four days of the March 6 launch, iPhone SDK downloads topped 100,000.119 The iPhone will remain tied exclusively to the AT&T wireless network for at least its first five years on the market, but the iPhone SDK will add further momentum to the transformation of the wireless handset into a portable, full-function, open access hand-held computer.120 Ac- cording to Kang-Heui Cha, executive at South Korean mobile phone manufac- turer LG Electronics Inc., Apple and Google "have immense global influence. With their appearance, we can expect to have a lot more competition in the [wireless] industry."121 Internet search engine, web application, and online advertising giant Google Inc.122 ("Google") announced in early November 2007 the Open Handset Alli- 116 See Frieden, Promoting Consumer Choice, supra note 18; Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19. 117 See Krazit, supra note 84. 118 Press Release, Apple Inc., Apple Announces iPhone 2.0 Software Beta (Mar. 6, 2008), available at http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/03/06iphone.html?sr=hotnews; see Antone Gonsalves, Apple Set to Release iPhone Developer Kit, INFORMATIONWEEK, Feb. 27, 2008, http://www.informationweek.com/news/mobility/business/showARticle. jhtml?articleID=206900627; Katherine Boehret, Apple's Updates for the iPhone and iPod Touch, WALL ST. J., Jan 23, 2008, at D3. See generally iPhone Developer Program, http://developer.apple.com/iphone/programs (last visited Sept. 19, 2008); iPhone Dev Cen- ter, http://developer.apple.com/iphone/ (last visited Sept. 19, 2008). 119 Press Release, Apple Inc., iPhone SDK Downloads Top 100,000 (Mar. 12, 2008), available at http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/03/12iphone.html. 120 See Cassell Bryan-Low, Apple, Google Are Driving Big Changes for Cellphones, WALL ST. J., Feb. 13, 2008, at B3A. 121 Bryan-Low et al., supra note 113 (quoting Kang-Heui Cha). 122 Google, headquartered in Mountain View, CA, was founded in 1998 and has a market capitalization of over $157 billion. Google.com, Corporate Information, http://www.google. com/intl/en/corporate/history.html (last visited Sept. 17, 2008); WSJ.com, Key Facts for Google Inc., http://online.wsj.com/quotes/key_facts.html?mod=2_0470&symbol=GOOG& news-symbol=GOOG (last visited Sept. 17, 2008). The software giant offers an ever- expanding gamut of free, largely Internet-based software upon which it sells advertising space. See Google.com, Google Press Center: Product Descriptions, http://www.google. com/intl/en/press/descriptions.html (last visited Sept. 17, 2008). 206 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 ance ("OHA"), a consortium of mobile carriers, handset makers, semiconduc- tor manufacturers, software developers, and commercialization companies working collaboratively to turn mobile phones into hand-held computers.123 Given the size and strength of the companies involved, OHA could yield the largest and most dramatic change to the wireless phone industry in its history. OHA handsets will offer a wide variety of new applications and services centered on a new open-source operating platform named "Android."124 A T- Mobile executive commented that "Android is a breakthrough because it gives software developers access to information they didn't have before, including a user's location, communications history, contact list and 'presence,' a signal of whether someone's phone is on or off."125 Handset makers in the alliance in- clude Samsung, Motorola, and LG, and major carriers include China Mobile, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile, Telecom Italia, and Telefónica.126 A major goal of the OHA is to spur innovation in the content and functional- ity offered on wireless phones by providing carriers, handset makers, and soft- ware developers with free use of the Android platform.127 In theory, such a free, open-source platform will substantially reduce the cost and increase the ability and freedom of third-parties to develop fully-integrated applications that take complete advantage of handset hardware capabilities. In particular, Google's push for Android comes in large part from its desire to overcome the trouble it has encountered in getting its growing portfolio of Web-based applications (such as its search engine, maps, e-mail, documents, and books) around carri- ers' "walled gardens"128 and into an easy-to-use mobile phone format.129 Google released an early version of the Android SDK to developers within a week of the OHA announcement.130 Less than a week after the announcement, 123 Press Release, Google Inc., Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices (Nov. 5, 2007), available at http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/pressrel/ 20071105_mobile_open.html; Open Handset Alliance, http://www.openhandsetalliance.com (last visited Sept. 17, 2008); see Kevin J. Delaney & Amol Sharma, Google, Bidding for Phone Ads, Lures Partners, WALL ST. J., Nov. 6, 2007, at A1 [hereinafter Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads]. 124 See Press Release, Google Inc., supra note 123; see also Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123. At inception, the Open Handset Alliance comprised thirty- four founding members, including Google. Press Release, Google Inc., supra note 123. 125 Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123 (quoting Cole Brodman, T-Mobile chief development officer). 126 Id.; Press Release, Google Inc., supra note 123. 127 Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123; Press Release, Google Inc., supra note 123. 128 See Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123; Verizon Takes Down its Garden Walls, supra note 43. 129 See Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123. 130 Press Release, Open Handset Alliance, Open Handset Alliance Releases Android SDK (Nov. 12, 2007), available at http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/press_111207. html. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 207 prototype Android-powered handsets were in use on an advanced high-speed wireless network operating under an FCC test license at Google's Mountain View, California headquarters.131 Various Open Handset Alliance microchip manufacturers demonstrated prototype devices running on Android software at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain in February 2008.132 There, Texas Instruments showed a prototype handset with "one-button" access to Web browsing, email, messaging, and video.133 Texas Instruments reiterated the position that "increased audio, video and global-positioning functions and a better Web-surfing experience will drive handset sales."134 In October 2008, T- Mobile launched the G1, the first Android-powered wireless handset available to consumers.135 A CNET News review revealed that while this particular handset had some design deficiencies, the real ground-breaking news lay in the Android platform itself: "There's huge potential for [Android powered phones] to become powerful minicomputers as developers create more applications for the open platform.W]e're excited about Google Android and feel it could change the way we use smartphones."136 Google's entry into the wireless phone market poses the possibility of dras- tically cheaper phones with the capability of accessing advanced Internet func- tionality. Google executives hope to take its very successful online advertising concept to mobile phones by having ads show up on a phone similar to how they appear while one surfs the Web.137 Google executives indicate this is cur- rently "the company's biggest business opportunity."138 Specifically, the impli- cations of Google marrying its ad-based business model with the highly spe- cific user data that Android software could provide are immense for targeted 131 Kevin J. Delaney & Amol Sharma, Google Has Even Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, WALL ST. J., Nov. 16, 2007, at B1 [hereinafter Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones]. 132 Associated Press, Google's Android Shows Off Its Possibilities, WALL ST. J., Feb. 13, 2008, at D8. 133 Id. 134 Id. 135 Jonathan Skillings, T-Mobile Delivers the G1 (AKA Android) Phone, CNET NEWS, Oct. 22, 2008, http://news.cnet.com/t-mobile-delivers-the-g1-aka-android-phone. 136 Bonnie Cha & Nicole Lee, HTC Dream T-Mobile G1 (Black), CNET REVIEWS, Oct. 15, 2008, http://reviews.cnet.com/htc-dream-t-mobile-g1. 137 Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123. The Android platform includes "several layers of software" such as "an operating system, a user interface and applications such as advanced Web-browsing software." Id. Google hopes that easier Inter- net access will spur wider use of its software on wireless phones, allowing the company to seize additional ad revenue. Id. Google generates revenue "by providing advertisers with the opportunity to deliver measurable, cost-effective online advertising that is relevant to the information displayed on any given [Web] page." Google.com, Corporate Information, Company Overview, http://www.google.com/intl/en/corporate/index.html (last visited Sept. 18, 2008). 138 Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123. 208 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 advertising. Ultimately, this access creates an incentive for Google to expand the availability and decrease the cost of high-speed mobile Internet service while promoting development of mobile phone applications and functional- ity.139 If Google does not build and operate a wireless network itself, it would likely share wireless phone advertising revenue with the carrier. The carrier could then increase competitiveness by subsidizing lower-cost handsets and wireless service through ad revenue instead of through a customer's monthly service fees.140 Another option for Google is to use ad revenue to experiment with new methods of charging for service. For example, a carrier could drop monthly services fees altogether and instead charge consumers a one-time li- censing fee to access its network.141 In a surprising move that could also create "a major shift for the mobile phone industry,"142 Verizon announced its open development initiative, "Any Apps, Any Device" on November 27, 2007.143 Facing increasing pressure from regulators, consumers, and rivals, the company announced that it will offer "the option to use, on its nationwide wireless network, wireless devices, soft- ware and applications not offered by the company" to its customers throughout the United States by the end of 2008.144 In language that parallels wireline Car- terfone requirements,145 Verizon stated In early 2008, the company will publish the technical standards the development community will need to design products to interface with the Verizon Wireless net- work. Any device that meets the minimum technical standard will be activated on the network. Devices will be tested and approved in a $20 million . . . testing lab[,] which received an additional investment this year to gear up for the anticipated new demand. Any application the customer chooses will be allowed on these devices.146 139 Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, supra note 131. A Google spokesman stated, "Our goal is to make sure that American consumers have more choices in an open and competitive wireless world." Id. 140 Delaney & Sharma, Bidding for Phone Ads, supra note 123. 141 Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, supra note 131. 142 Laura M. Holson, Verizon Plans Wider Options for Cell Users, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 28, 2007, at A1. The move surprised industry experts since Verizon was "known to be highly protective of its traditional business model." Id. 143 Press Release, Verizon Wireless, Verizon Wireless to Introduce "Any Apps, Any Device" Option for Customers in 2008 (Nov. 27, 2007) [hereinafter Verizon Any Apps, Any Device], available at http://news.vzw.com/ news/2007/11/pr2007-11-27.html. 144 Id. Verizon operates on the CDMA network standard, which means that GSM devices designed for networks used by T-Mobile and AT&T, including the current iPhone, are not capable of connecting to Verizon's network regardless of the initiative. Holson, Verizon Plans Wider Options for Cell Users, supra note 142. Sprint Nextel and Alltel are other ma- jor CDMA carriers. Hafner, supra note 37. 145 Carterfone Decision, supra note 6, at 424. 146 Verizon Any Apps, Any Device, supra note 143. In March 2008, Verizon hosted a development conference where it presented these technical standards for the first time to third-party device developers. Press Release, Verizon Wireless, Verizon Wireless to Host Open Development Conference March 19–20, 2008 in New York City (Jan. 22, 2008), 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 209 While hardware will need certification by Verizon itself to operate on its network, "programmers will be able to develop software [via an SDK] to run on the phones without authorization from the company."147 Verizon President and Chief Executive Officer Lowell McAdam stated that the company is seek- ing to deliver "the next level of innovation and growth" through this "network- only" service offering.148 Verizon acknowledged that a "small but growing number of customers" have demanded an alternative to the traditional wireless phone sales and service model.149 This initiative indicates that Verizon sees an avenue for additional profit and growth by satisfying consumer demand for greater choice.150 When one carrier strengthens its competitive advantage by giving consumers and developers control over devices and software, market forces will require others to follow. Though the plan won praise from Google, Microsoft, and the FCC,151 consumer advocates rightly caution that while the Any Apps, Any Device initiative is commendable, its true impact on expanding consumer choice is uncertain until Verizon releases complete details on pricing and the full parameters of its in- house testing system.152 Verizon's $20 million investment in the testing lab, however, demonstrates the company's stake in the success of the initiative, and the company claims that its minimum technical requirements for devices will not be burdensome.153 Perhaps most groundbreaking from a consumer stand- available at http://news.vzw.com/news/2008/01/pr2008-01-22b.html. 147 Holson, Verizon Plans Wider Options for Cell Users, supra note 142. 148 Verizon Any Apps, Any Device, supra note 143. 149 Id. Whether for marketing purposes or otherwise, Verizon has recently taken pro- consumer stances, for example: the introduction of pro-rated termination fees in 2006, its refusal to participate in a wireless phone number directory, and eventual (although not ini- tial) support of wireless phone number portability. Id.; see Verizon Wireless Sees No Fee to Keep Phone Numbers, USA TODAY, Aug. 14, 2003, http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/ 2003-06-24-verizon-number-port_x.htm. AT&T, Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile subsequently all responded to threatened government regulation by following Verizon's move in pro- rating service contract termination fees that used to run as high as $200. Sharma & Searcey, supra note 36. 150 See Verizon Any Apps, Any Device, supra note 143 ("Verizon Wireless is not chang- ing [its] successful retail model, but rather adding an additional retail option for customers looking for a different wireless experience." (quoting Lowell McAdam)). 151 See Holson, Verizon Plans Wider Options for Cellphone Users, supra note 142. 152 Id. Gene Kimmelman, vice president for federal affairs at Consumers Union, an ad- vocacy group, said the Any Apps, Any Device initiative is "a step in the right direction." Id. When Verizon announced the initiative, it did not provide details on pricing other than that data charges would be based on usage—a commodity method. Sharma & Searcey, supra note 36. It would not be surprising if Verizon, at least initially, charged a premium for net- work-only service (a bring-your-own phone plan) versus its comparable traditional service. See Dionne Searcey, Verizon's Opening Move and You, WALL ST. J., Nov. 28, 2007, at D1 (noting that analysts expect Verizon to charge more for network-only service). 153 Amol Sharma, Verizon Wireless Unveils Open-Network Policy, WALL ST. J., Mar. 20, 2008, at B4. 210 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 point, Verizon will not require customers pursuing its Any Apps, Any Device offering to sign traditional service contracts.154 Provided Verizon's technical standards are not unduly burdensome and pric- ing is competitive, the Any Apps, Any Device initiative could radically alter the traditional wireless phone landscape and present an opportunity for device manufacturers seeking entry to the U.S. market.155 At the November 2007 an- nouncement of the initiative, Verizon made its hopes of the initiative clear: "electronics manufacturers will create a variety of devices for its open net- work, such as notebook computers with wireless broadband, personal music devices, digital cameras, electronic book readers and portable gaming systems . . . [and] even kitchen appliances [will be] linked to the company's network one day."156 On the likely pressure that this initiative could put on Verizon's competitors, Roger Entner of marketing firm IAG Research said that "[i]f they don't change their own business model, someone else will do it for them."157 Cyriac Roed- ing, director of Mobile Content Efforts for CBS, said, "This is only going to drive innovation for consumers, which is a good thing."158 If successful, Veri- zon's Any Apps, Any Device initiative would throw the spotlight back on soft- ware developers and device manufacturers who have traditionally balked at carriers' restrictive practices, giving them the chance to display their innova- tive capabilities.159 A Wired Magazine blog stated that the Verizon Any Apps, Any Device ini- tiative "is perhaps the strongest evidence to date that the mobile industry as a whole is undergoing a fundamental shift in the way it approaches openness, both from a network and a device perspective."160 David Farber, professor of computer science and public policy at Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science and an outspoken proponent of open access, is more critical of Veri- zon's initiative, seeing it as essentially a forced public relations response to Google's Android and OHA and Apple's iPhone SDK.161 Yet Farber admits Verizon's move is a "step in the right direction" and a reaction "to competitive pressure and an industry that is increasingly moving toward openness."162 The software element of Verizon's Any Apps, Any Device initiative is sure to lead 154 Id. 155 Id. 156 Sharma & Searcey, supra note 36. 157 Holson, Verizon Plans Wider Options for Cell Users, supra note 142. 158 Id. 159 See id. 160 Posting of Brian Gardiner to Wired.com Epicenter Blog, Pigs Fly, Hell Freezes Over and Verizon Opens Up Its Network—No, Really, http://blog.wired.com/business/2007/11/ verizon-opens-u.html (Nov. 27, 2007, 14:48 EST) [hereinafter Gardiner, Pigs Fly]. 161 See id.; see also discussion supra Part III.B.2 (explaining Apple's SDK). 162 Gardiner, Pigs Fly, supra note 160. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 211 to a meaningful impact on the applications available to consumers as third par- ties will finally have unrestricted creative freedom, at least within the limits of the SDK. However, the true effect of the hardware component remains ques- tionable because Verizon will determine if devices are approved for use on the company's network. 3. The 700 MHz Spectrum Action Verizon and Google, two titans with distinct approaches to next-generation wireless technology, locked horns directly in the 700 MHz spectrum auction, which began on January 24, 2008.163 The FCC held the auction to allocate broadcast spectrum that will become available following the transition to digi- tal television on February 17, 2009.164 The ability of the 700 MHz band to carry data efficiently, by traveling well through buildings and over long distances and ultimately requiring fewer costly transmission towers, made the band one of the most valuable spectrum bands ever auctioned.165 These characteristics will allow 700 MHz licensees to deploy robust, high-bandwidth networks at lower costs. Within the 700 MHz spectrum, and of particular interest to wire- less carriers and open network advocates alike, was a group of twelve regional spectrum licenses known collectively as the C Block.166 Google and Voice over 163 See Press Release, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, Auction of 700 MHz Band Licenses ? 1 (Jan. 14, 2008), available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/ DA-08- 83A1.pdf; W. David Gardner, FCC 700 MHz Auction Tops $18.8 Billion, INFORMATION WEEK, Feb. 4, 2008, http://www.informationweek.com/news/management/showArticle. jhtml?articleID=206103868. 164 In re Service Rules for the 698-746, 747-762 and 777-792 MHz Bands; Revision of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems; Section 68.4(a) of the Commission's Rules Governing Hearing Aid-Compatible Telephones; Biennial Regulatory Review—Amendment of Parts 1, 22, 24, 27, and 90 to Streamline and Harmonize Various Rules Affecting Wireless Radio Services; Former Nextel Communications, Inc. Upper 700 Mhz Guard Band Licenses and Revisions to Part 27 of the Commission's Rules; Implementing a Nationwide, Broadband, Interoperable Pub- lic Safety Network in the 700 Mhz Band; Development of Operational, Technical and Spec- trum Requirements for Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Communications Requirements Through the Year 2010; Declaratory Ruling on Reporting Requirement under Commission's Part 1 Anti-Collusion Rule, Second Report and Order, 22 F.C.C.R. 15,289, ? 1 (July 31, 2007) [hereinafter 700 MHz Report and Order]; see also Corey Boles, FCC Auction May Expand Cellphone Options, Services, WALL ST. J., Aug. 8, 2007, at D9. 165 Amol Sharma & Amy Schatz, AT&T, Verizon in Airwaves Grab; A Win for Google?, WALL ST. J., Mar. 21, 2008, at B1; Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, supra note 131; Corey Boles, Bidding Set to Begin for Wireless Spectrum, WALL ST. J., Jan. 24, 2008, at B6. 166 The "C Block" refers to the group of twelve licenses for spectrum in the upper 700 MHz band. Press Release, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, FCC Revises 700 MHz Rules to Ad- vance Interoperable Public Safety Communications and Promote Wireless Broadband De- ployment (July 31, 2007) [hereinafter FCC Revises 700 MHz Rules], available at http:// 212 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 Internet Protocol ("VoIP") company Skype Communications S.A.R.L. ("Skype"),167 among others, lobbied fervently for the FCC to impose open ac- cess requirements on the C Block spectrum licenses.168 Google urged the FCC to adopt four basic open access principles on the C Block licenses—"open ap- plications, open devices, open services, and open networks."169 Separately, Skype filed a petition for rulemaking with the FCC in February 2007 asking the Commission to "declare wireless services are subject to Car- terfone principles" and requesting specifically that "consumers have the right to attach any non-harmful device of their choice to the network and run Inter- net applications of their own choosing" on those devices.170 The FCC has not directly responded to the Skype petition, but it often has recognized that mar- hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-275669A1.pdf. The FCC used anony- mous package bidding procedures to auction the C Block licenses together "in order to assist bidders that are seeking to create a nationwide footprint." Id. 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ? 21; see John Eggerton, Spectrum Auction Update: FCC Meets Floor Price for C Block, BROAD. & CABLE, Jan. 31, 2008, http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/ CA6527581.html ("The [FCC] met its floor price for a block of 50-state wireless-spectrum licenses (the C block) that can be used for a new national network."). 167 VoIP refers to the protocol for transmission of voice data over the Internet, i.e., the process that allows cheap or even free "Internet calling" services—such as eBay Inc.'s popular Skype. See David Pogue, Overseas Calls Made Cheap, if Not Easy, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 1, 2007, at C1. 168 See 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ?? 189–230 (discussing the back- ground and reasons for the open platform requirement on the C Block); In re Skype Com- munications S.A.R.L., Petition to Confirm A Consumer's Right to Use Internet Communi- cations Software and Attach Devices to Wireless Networks, Petition of Skype Communica- tions S.A.R.L., RM-11361 (Feb. 20, 2007), (accessible via FCC Electronic Comment Filing System) [hereinafter Skype Petition] (requesting that the FCC enforce Carterfone in the wireless industry and create open wireless networks); see also Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, supra note 131 (discussing Google's efforts in the 700 MHz auc- tion and the company's push for open wireless networks); discussion of Google's OHA supra Part III.B.2. 169 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ? 191. These ideas are somewhat analo- gous to the FCC broadband wireline Internet open access policies: (1) consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice; (2) con- sumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement; (3) consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network; and (4) consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers. Id. ? 194; In re Appropriate Framework for Broadband Access to the Internet over Wireline Facilities; Review of Regulatory Requirements for Incumbent LEC Broadband Telecommu- nications Services; Computer III Further Remand Proceedings: Bell Operating Company Provision of Enhanced Services; 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review—Review of Computer III and ONA Safeguards and Requirements; Inquiry Concerning High-Speed Access to the Internet over Cable and Other Facilities; Internet over Cable Declaratory Ruling, Appropri- ate Regulatory Treatment for Broadband Access to the Internet over Cable Facilities; Policy Statement, 20 F.C.C.R. 14,986, 14,988 (Aug. 5, 2005). 170 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164 (citing Skype Petition, supra note 168, at 9–12). 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 213 ket forces are generally the most efficient means to foster competition.171 With this in mind, the FCC decided to impose open platform requirements exclu- sively on the C Block licenses, a unique experiment to allow the FCC to ex- plore potential consumer benefits "without unduly burdening existing services and markets."172 The FCC summarized the C Block requirements as follows: The licensees of the Upper 700 MHz Band C Block of spectrum will be required to provide a platform that is more open to devices and applications. This would allow consumers to use the handset of their choice and download and use the applications of their choice in this spectrum block, subject to certain reasonable network management conditions that allow the licensee to protect the network from harm.173 Bidders in the 700 MHz auction quickly met the $4.6 million reserve price the FCC required before the open access policies would attach to the C Block.174 The FCC therefore will implement open application and open device provisions on the C Block in accord with two of Google's requested policies and the two Carterfone principles articulated by Skype. What concerns critics is the language that hedges the open access obligation, "subject to certain rea- sonable network management conditions . . . to protect the network from harm."175 The network operator could abuse this limitation, diluting the true effect of the open platform requirements akin to the way AT&T justified its allegedly network-protecting attachment tariffs prior to Carterfone.176 The FCC, however, has announced that if the winning network operator fails to interpret and apply the scope of this network-protection language properly, the Commission will step in to enforce fair and objective open platform stan- dards.177 On March 20, 2008, the FCC announced that Verizon Wireless, a non-OHA carrier, was the major winner in the C Block auction.178 While no one can pre- dict exactly how these open device and open applications requirements will affect consumers under Verizon's control, analysts generally expect that con- sumers will have much easier access to a previously-unseen range of Internet 171 E.g., id. ?? 195–230 (discussing the FCC's general preference for market forces to foster competition and its decision to adopt open access requirements for the C Block). 172 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ? 195. 173 FCC Revises 700 MHz Rules, supra note 166; see also 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ?? 149, 189–230. 174 See Eggerton, supra note 166; see also 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ? 8. 175 FCC Revises 700 MHz Rules, supra note 166. 176 See Why Block C Matters, Susan Crawford Blog, http://scrawford.net/blog/why-c- matters/1136/ (Mar. 20, 2008); see also supra note 20 and accompanying text. 177 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ?? 224–25, 229–30. 178 Press Release, Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, Statement by FCC Chairman Kevin J. Mar- tin (Mar. 20, 2008), available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC- 280968A1.pdf; see also Auction of 700 MHz Band Licenses Closes; Winning Bidders An- nounced for Auction 73, Public Notice, 23 F.C.C.R 4572, 4645 (Mar. 20, 2008). 214 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 content such as online banking, stock trading, mobile video, Web search en- gines, music downloading, and even VoIP calling.179 Given the historically re- strictive attitude of wireless carriers towards Internet content and applications, the implications of the C Block open access requirements to the growth of Google's Web-based advertising business specifically and to greater consumer access to Internet content and mobile software applications generally are monumental. Google followed through on expectations that it would bid on the C Block to at least the reserve price necessary to attach the open access requirements for which it emphatically lobbied.180 Before the FCC released auction results, speculation mounted as to how far Google would push the spectrum into un- charted consumer-friendly waters if it won the C Block licenses.181 With the announcement that Verizon, the largest incumbent wireless provider, won the licenses, some critics expressed concern that Verizon may only play lip service to the FCC's C Block open access provisions.182 Unquestionably, however, Verizon will have to operate under FCC-imposed open platform provisions, an experimental scenario that the FCC, wireless carriers, handset makers, soft- ware developers, and consumers must all examine and critique. This experi- ment will enable the FCC to evaluate an alternative, open wireless business model without forcing risky changes throughout the larger, turbulent wireless industry. All those with a stake in increased openness in the wireless arena must demand Verizon's accountability; ultimately, Verizon's network man- agement implementation will dictate the true impact of the C Block open plat- form experiment.183 At the margins, wireless carriers have undoubtedly extracted additional profit at the expense of consumer choice. The question, again, is whether broad Carterfone-style rules are appropriate for today's wireless market. Healthy profits are essential for any firm to survive, compete, and innovate, especially in a cutting-edge industry like wireless telecommunications. For example, if Apple had been unable to subsidize the cost of first-generation iPhones through exclusive AT&T service contracts, the iPhone may have never seen the light of day—at least not when it did, with the technology it had, and at a marketable 179 Boles, FCC Auction May Expand Cellphone Options, Services, supra note 164. For more on VoIP, see generally Pogue, supra note 167. 180 See Sharma & Schatz, supra note 165 ("[Google] bid just high enough to trigger rules that will force winners of [the C Block] . . . to allow any mobile devices and application on their networks."). 181 See Delaney & Sharma, Bigger Plans for Mobile Phones, supra note 131. 182 See Why Block C Matters, supra note 176 (noting inconsistencies in Verizon's state- ments regarding open access and network protection such as certifying applications and continuing to subsidize handsets). 183 See Brian Gardiner, FCC Auctions Ensures Open Access—If in Name Only, WIRED, Feb. 1, 2008, http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/news/2008/02/open_access. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 215 price. The regulatory freedom that wireless carriers and handset makers enjoy has fueled exponential technological innovation in a market that is nowhere near mature. And as the wireless industry continues to develop, consumer choice initiatives are quickly becoming essential competitive tools for the firms leading the way. IV. THE ARGUMENT AGAINST APPLICATION OF BROAD-SCALE CARTERFONE REGULATION TO TODAY'S TRANSITIONAL WIRELESS PHONE INDUSTRY A. An Economic Analysis To address whether broad Carterfone-type regulation is currently appropri- ate for the wireless phone industry, one must analyze not only the conduct of individual firms,184 but also the competitiveness and structure of the market as a whole. Through these lenses, it becomes clear that the wireless carrier market in the U.S. is rapidly evolving and highly competitive, in stark contrast to the price-regulated, vertically integrated carrier and equipment AT&T monopoly of the pre-Carterfone era. In its 2007 Wireless Competition Report, the FCC concluded that the wireless phone market was healthy and effectively competi- tive, an industry that has experienced exponential subscriber growth since Con- gress mandated in 1993 that the Commission begin drafting annual Wireless Competition Reports.185 The FCC consistently and emphatically recognizes the competitiveness of the wireless industry.186 184 See discussion supra Part III. 185 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-66, sec. 6002(b)(2)(A)(iii), § 332(c)(1)(C), 107 Stat. 312, 393 (1993); see In re Implementation of Section 6002(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993; Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions with Respect to Commercial Mobile Services, Twelfth Report, 23 F.C.C.R. 2241, ?? 290–93 (Jan. 28, 2008) [hereinafter 2007 Wireless Competition Report]. 186 See generally 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 185. The FCC has con- sistently noted the competitiveness of the wireless industry in Comments and prior Wireless Competition Reports. Commenting on the 2007 Wireless Competition Report, FCC Chair- man Kevin Martin noted the "unprecedented growth and dramatic innovation" in the indus- try make "wireless . . . the poster child for competition." Remarks of FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin, CTIA Wireless 2008, Las Vegas, Nev. (Apr. 1, 2008), available at http:// hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-281259A1.pdf. 216 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 Table 1. Mobile Operator Market Share According to Number of Subscribers, Percentage (2005)187 Number of Operators 1 2 3 4 5 Others Australia 45.1 32.5 17.2 5.2 Austria 39.6 24.4 20.7 12 3.3 Belgium 48.3 33.4 18.3 Canada 36.4 26.9 36.7 Czech Republic 41 40 19 Denmark 41.2 23.5 21 5 9.3 Finland 65.7 4.3 18.5 11.5 France 46.8 35.9 17.3 Germany 37.3 36.8 13.6 12.3 Greece 37.4 35.6 19.4 7.6 Hungary 45 33.2 21.8 Iceland 63.6 34.3 2.1 Ireland 48.6 38 13.4 Italy 40 33.1 19.1 7.8 Japan 53 23.5 15.8 2.8 4.9 Korea 50.9 32.1 17 Luxembourg 53 40 7 Mexico 78.9 14 4 3.1 Netherlands 51.2 23 11.3 14.5 New Zealand 52.8 47.1 Norway 59.5 24.4 8 6.3 1.8 Poland 35 31 34 Portugal? 46.4 38.3 15.3 Slovakia 55.5 44.5 Spain 46.1 30 23.9 Sweden 52 27.9 17 3.1 Switzerland 62.5 18.5 18.3 0.7 Turkey 63 22 13 United Kingdom 26 23.3 22.7 22.6 5.4 United States (2003) 23.6 13.9 13.8 10.0 8.1 30.6 United States (2005) 25.4 24.1 21 10.2 5 14.3 United States (2006)* 26.8 26 23 11 5.2 8 ? Secretariat estimates. * 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 184, at App. a., tbl.A4. 187 ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, OECD COMMUNI- CATIONS OUTLOOK 2007, at 38 tbl.2.4, available at browseit/9307021E.PDF. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 217 As of 2006, AT&T, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless were the four national U.S. wireless service providers, while major regional U.S. pro- viders include Alltel, United States Cellular, and Leap Wireless.188 Ninety-eight percent of the U.S. population in July 2007, or 280 million people, lived in counties served by three or more wireless operators.189 Further, 94%, or 267 million people, lived in counties served by four or more operators.190 There were 155 total wireless carriers operating in the United States as of 2006.191 Table 1192 illustrates that market share among U.S. wireless carriers is substan- tially more diverse than most other developed nations around the world.193 By all accounts, the wireless industry is innovative and competitive; even wireless Carterfone proponents acknowledge the industry structure as, at most, a com- petitive oligopoly.194 By 2006, the cellular telephone services component of the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"), calculated on a national basis by the U.S. Department of La- bor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, had decreased by roughly 35% since the De- partment of Labor began tracking the statistic in December 1997.195 Further, while the overall CPI increased by 3.2% between 2005 and 2006, the cellular 188 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 185, ? 18. 189 Id. ? 44. 190 Id. 191 ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, supra note 187, at 35 tbl.2.1. 192 See supra table 1. Table 1 of this Comment is modeled after Table 1 of Ford et al. See FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 16 tbl.1. 193 Particularly noteworthy is the lack of carrier diversity in France, where by law con- sumers have the choice of purchasing wireless handsets separately from service. See O'Brien, supra note 68. In France, one carrier serves nearly half of the country's subscrib- ers. Supra table 1. In the United States, the two largest operators serve roughly half the country's subscribers with the remaining market share allocated among the other 153 opera- tors. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, supra note 187, at 35 tbl.2.1. 194 For example, Professor Wu views the wireless industry as a "textbook oligopoly." Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 422–23. 195 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 185, ? 198. The cellular CPI is one of several indices calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor, and measures the average change in the prices paid by urban consumers for cellular telephone services over time. Id. ? 198 n.499. The cellular CPI includes charges from all telephone companies that supply "cellular telephone services," which are defined as "domestic personal consumer phone ser- vices where the telephone instrument is portable and it sends/receives signals for calls by wireless transmission." This measure does not include business calls, telephone equipment rentals, portable radios, and pagers. Id. ? 198 n.500 (quoting the Bureau of Labor Statistics). See also Bureau of Labor Statistics, How BLS Measures Price Change for Cellular Telephone Service in the Consumer Price Index, Mar. 6, 2008, http://www.bls.gov/cpi/cpifactc.htm. 218 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 CPI decreased roughly 0.6%.196 The FCC's 2007 Wireless Competition Report notes that cellular-industry-wide average revenue per minute ("RPM") was $0.07 in December 2006, unchanged from December 2005,197 after declining 22% in 2005 alone.198 Cellular RPM declined by 86%, from $0.47 to $0.07, between December 1994 and December 2006.199 The statistics undeniably indi- cate growing competitiveness, and even wireless Carterfone advocate profes- sor Tim Wu states that "[t]he American wireless industry, over the last decade, has succeeded in bringing wireless telephony at competitive prices to the pub- lic."200 FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell, in his dissent in part to the C Block open access requirements, outlined four principles clearly distinguishing the current wireless phone industry from that of AT&T's pre-Carterfone mo- nopoly.201 McDowell's comments clarify that Carferfone-style regulation is inappropriate for industry-wide application: First, the AT&T of the 1960's was a nearly 100-year-old government protected and subsidized monopoly. By any measure, today's U.S. wireless service providers lack market or monopoly power, as this Commission concluded just 10 months ago. Second, unlike wireline voice services offered in the 1960's, today's U.S. wireless service providers have never [vertically] integrated into the applications or equipment markets. Third, under common antitrust analysis, today's wireless providers lack the ability to exercise buying power over upstream handset suppliers, of which there are many competitors, which wield significant countervailing selling power. Fourth, wire- less service providers are not subject to price regulation in the market in which they are alleged to have market power, which otherwise might encourage them to seek profits in complementary markets.202 The Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies ("Phoenix Center"), a non-profit think tank focused on law and economics analysis of the telecommunications industry,203 asserts that given the stark con- trast between today's wireless phone industry and the pre-Carterfone wireline industry, the same FCC intervention now would be unnecessary and even harmful.204 Wireless carriers are not vertically integrated like the old AT&T 196 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 185, ? 198. 197 Id. ? 199. 198 In re Implementation of Section 6002(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993; Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions with Respect to Commercial Mobile Services, Eleventh Report, 21 F.C.C.R. 10,947, ? 154 (Sept. 26, 2006). 199 2007 Wireless Competition Report, supra note 185, ? 199. 200 Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 389. 201 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, at 15,571–75 (statement of FCC Com- missioner Robert M. McDowell, approving in part, dissenting in part). 202 Id. (citations omitted). 203 See Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies, About the Phoenix Center, http://www.phoenix-center.org/pcau.html (last visited Sept. 21, 2008). 204 See generally FORD ET AL., supra note 5 (finding that Carterfone-type regulation is unnecessary for the wireless industry). 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 219 monopoly—wireless carriers do not manufacture handsets205 —"[t]hus, the po- tential for the sabotage of competing equipment manufacturers to protect an equipment affiliate [as done by AT&T pre-Carterfone] is entirely absent in the wireless industry."206 The Carterfone decision targeted the actions of a verti- cally integrated monopolist protecting the interests of its affiliated equipment manufacturer, and its translation to the wireless industry simply does not com- pute on economic grounds.207 The Phoenix Center adds to the argument against broad-based wireless Car- terfone rules by noting the relative absence of regulation in today's wireless phone market,208 asserting that "it was the presence of regulation—not its ab- sence—that made Carterfone regulation necessary."209 The Phoenix Center wrote the Bell System's entry deterring behavior in telephone equipment was because of the price regulation of local telephone service. Economists recognize that it was combina- tion of market power at the downstream level plus classic public utility-type regula- tion that created the incentive for the Bell System to leverage and exclude entry in the equipment sector (neither factor being present in today's wireless industry). Accord- ingly, it was the firm's efforts to evade regulation, not simply a monopolist's inherent desire to protect revenue and profits, which created the incentive to sabotage and ne- cessitated the Carterfone decision.210 The Phoenix Center posits that the substantial diversity of carriers and variety of network "air interface" technologies211 used in the United States versus other developed countries is due in large part to the regulatory freedom that the FCC grants carriers.212 The government policy of fostering inter-network competi- tion gives carriers the freedom to employ the technology that is most feasible and cost effective for the devices, services, and markets they support.213 Broad- based Carterfone-style wireless phone regulations could commoditize wireless phone service.214 Commoditization could sacrifice inter-network competition 205 See discussion supra Part II (discussing the history and the market forces leading to the Carterfone decision). 206 FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 6. 207 See id. 208 Id. at 5–8. 209 Id. at 5. 210 Id. at 7–8 (citations omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted). 211 "Air interface" technology refers to the standards used in the radio-based communica- tion link between the mobile station and the active base station. See Philip J. Weiser & Dale N. Hatfield, In Pursuit of a Next Generation Network for Public Safety Communications, 16 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS 97, 140 n.107 (2007); Wu, Wireless Carterfone, supra note 19, at 415. Such technologies in use in the United States include, among others, GSM, iDEN, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, EVDO, EVDO-RevA, and TDMA. FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 14. 212 FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 14–18. 213 Id. at 13–15. 214 Id. at 13. 220 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 and increase already high costs of entry for carriers, thereby stifling the com- petitive pressure on carriers to innovate, and even leading to greater industry consolidation among wireless carriers.215 Finally, the Phoenix Center raises the practical issues of the incredible costs and complexity associated with standardizing the wireless phone industry—a practical requirement of an industry-wide Carterfone-style right-to-attach rules.216 Engineering a "single, technical standard interface" that would allow a handset to operate on all of the dozen network types currently deployed in the United States would be a daunting, if not impossible, task.217 Further, the sheer cost and legislative complexity required for the FCC to micromanage technical interfacing between the rapidly expanding types of wireless handsets and the evolving wireless network standards used in the United States is difficult to imagine.218 B. A Three-Part Response to Wireless Carterfone Proponents An understanding of the history, market structure, and network technology surrounding the wireline attachment problem addressed by Carterfone and its progeny is fundamental when questioning FCC application of the policy to the modern wireless industry. The modern oligopolistic market of non-vertically integrated wireless carriers and handset manufacturers is far from the vertically integrated, innovation-stifling monopoly of the former AT&T. Today's wire- less carriers fervently compete for customers by offering superior service, net- work speed and features, and handset technology—inter-firm competition that was nonexistent during the pre-Carterfone era. The wireless phone industry in the United States is in an incredible state of flux as major carriers acknowledge consumer frustration and seek profit and competitive advantage by implementing changes that give their customers and third parties greater freedom and choice.219 The new carrier and handset open access measures detailed here and those that inevitably will follow cast the spotlight on handset manufacturers and software developers, who have the 215 See id. at 15 (explaining that government regulation forcing openness would likely decrease quality and increase the price of wireless network services). 216 Innovation in the equipment industry, however, could moot this issue—multi-air interface phones would solve the standardization problem. Developing such devices, how- ever, would take time and considerable expense. 217 FORD ET AL., supra note 5, at 17. Current network types include AMPS, D-AMPS, CDPD, GSM, iDEN, WIDEN, CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, W-CDMA, EVDO, and the develop- ing 3G and 4G systems. Id. 218 See id. (noting that the FCC's Carterfone rules "take up 164 pages in the Code of Federal Regulations and contain 77 separate diagrams."). 219 See Bryan-Low et al., supra note 113 ("The cellphone industry is undergoing one of the most dramatic periods of change of its 25-year history."). 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 221 freedom to create devices, applications and functionality in direct response to consumer demands. The calls for wireless Carterfone policy brought by con- sumers, businesses affiliated with wireless telephony, and scholars have been essential in forcing major industry players toward pro-consumer initiatives. Indeed, voluntary wireless open access practices by key industry players are likely, at least in part, preemptive reactions to threats of increased regulation.220 All of the above demonstrates that indeed, market forces are the most efficient means of fostering competition, a principle to which the FCC must hold fast in light of the wireless Carterfone argument. In regard to the experimental C Block open platform requirements, the FCC must carefully evaluate the impact of enforcing the requirements on carriers, handset manufacturers, software developers, and consumers in the short term. The C Block requirements could foster service and handset innovation, but also create unanticipated downsides. Thus, the FCC is wise to impose open platform requirements on only a limited, experimental basis. This approach allows the FCC, stakeholders in the wireless industry, and consumers to ob- serve the real-world effects of the policy and continue the debate, before taking more costly and drastic measures.221 Further, if Verizon successfully imple- ments an open platform business model within the C Block spectrum, carriers throughout the industry will likely face competitive pressure to offer similar choices.222 Yet the news that incumbent Verizon Wireless, as opposed to a powerful industry outsider like Google, will control the open platform- encumbered C Block licenses must trigger particularly vigilant FCC oversight to ensure the experiment's success. There are three possible results of the C Block experiment: (1) Verizon fails to implement the C Block requirements in good faith; (2) the C Block experi- ment proves successful and the market itself moves towards greater consumer choice; or (3) Verizon attempts to implement the requirements in good faith, but they prove unworkable in or detrimental to the industry. First, if Verizon fails to make a good faith effort and only pays lip service to the C Block open platform requirements, the FCC must take action to enforce the provisions as promised. An informed FCC decision on broad Carterfone rules is premature until the C Block experiment is fully carried out. If the C Block experiment and the market-based openness initiatives do not result in meaningful change from the wireless industry status quo, the time will be ripe for FCC considera- 220 See Sharma, Verizon Wireless Unveils Open-Network Policy, supra note 153; see also Sharma & Searcey, Verizon to Open Cell Network to Others' Phones, supra note 36. 221 See 700 MHz Report and Order, supra note 164, ? 205 ([T]he approach that we take today will allow both the Commission and industry to observe the real-world effects of [the open platform] requirement."). 222 See id. 222 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 tion of industry-wide Carterfone policy. Worse yet, if the industry veers away from increased consumer choice and converges towards a duopoly or monop- oly,223 broad government intervention, in some form or another, will be re- quired. Next, if Verizon implements the C Block open platform requirements in good faith and the policy proves successful, the FCC must defer to market competition to spread true openness throughout the industry before considering industry-wide implementation of Carterfone policy. This market-based solu- tion would be far superior to the immense regulatory expense and burden of broad-based Carterfone policy. Relatedly, the wireless market is independently poised to move towards greater consumer choice.224 Either outcome would be ideal for all those with a stake in the industry. Lastly, although unlikely, if the C Block open platform requirements prove somehow fundamentally unworkable for the network operator or undesirable to consumers, the FCC will be forced to grant Verizon forbearance from the rules.225 If the C Block experiment fails for these reasons, the FCC must seri- ously question implementing any type of Carterfone rules in the future. Regardless of the trajectory of the wireless industry in the short term, an immediate, prescriptive, industry-wide Carterfone-style regulatory approach by the FCC is inappropriate and unjustifiably costly. Such a policy could lead to greater industry consolidation at the expense of product diversity, techno- logical innovation, and consumer costs at this tumultuous point in the devel- opment of the modern wireless phone industry.226 V. THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT WIRELESS PHONE SOFTWARE EXEMPTION A. An Appropriate Policy Supportive of Consumer Choice and Property Rights Consumers and other wireless choice stakeholders are making inroads be- yond the jurisdiction of the FCC. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 ("DMCA")227 is a U.S. copyright law that incorporates the Copyright Treaty228 and Performances and Phonograms Treaty229 of the World Intellectual 223 This scenario is one of fundamental market failure to address consumer fairness is- sues without government regulation. 224 See supra Part III (discussing the current wireless market). 225 47 U.S.C. § 160 (2000) (establishing procedures for petitioning the FCC for regula- tory forbearance). 226 See discussion supra note 215 and accompanying text. 227 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Pub. L. No. 105-304, 112 Stat. 2860 (1998) (codi- fied as amended in scattered sections of Titles 17 and 28). 228 World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty, adopted Dec. 20, 1996, 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 223 Property Organization ("WIPO").230 The DMCA criminalizes the production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services that are used to circum- vent any "technological measure that effectively controls access to a work pro- tected under [the DMCA]."231 Pursuant to the DMCA, the Librarian of Con- gress ("Librarian") makes a determination every three years through a public hearing and comment process whether any "persons who are users of a copy- righted work are, or are likely to be in the succeeding 3-year period, adversely affected by [the DMCA] in their ability to make noninfringing uses under this title of a particular class of copyrighted works."232 Through the rulemaking process, proponents of a potential exemption have the burden of proof "by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been or there is likely to be a sub- stantial adverse effect on noninfringing uses by users of copyrighted works."233 Such exemptions to the DMCA are effective for a period of three years and thereafter must be renewed.234 Further, "[t]he existence of a previous exemp- tion creates no presumption for consideration of a new exemption, but rather the proponent of such an exemption must make a prima facie case in each three-year period."235 Following the hearing and public comment process, the Librarian issues and publishes the exemptions for which the burden of proof has been met, which will be recognized as noninfringing uses that will not vio- late section 1201(a)(1)(A) of the DMCA.236 Of particular relevance is a three-year exemption to the DMCA published in 2006 by the Librarian that recognizes a narrow, noninfringing consumer use of software circumvention to access controls on cellular phones. Specifically, the exemption recognizes "[c]omputer programs in the form of firmware that en- S. TREATY DOC. NO. 105-17, 2186 U.N.T.S. 121, available at http://www.wipo.int/ export/sites/www/treaties/en/ip/wct/pdf/trtdocs_wo033.pdf. 229 World International Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty, adopted Dec. 20, 1996, S. TREATY DOC. NO. 105-17, 2186 U.N.T.S. 203, available at http:// www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/treaties/en/ip/wppt/pdf/trtdocs_wo034.pdf. 230 The World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") is a specialized agency of the United Nations with the stated purpose "to encourage creative activity, [and] to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world." Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, pmbl., July 14, 1967, 21 U.S.T. 1749, 828 U.N.T.S. 3 (as amended Sept. 28, 1979), available at http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/ treaties/en/convention/pdf/trtdocs_wo029.pdf. 231 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(A) (2006). 232 § 1201(a)(1)(C). 233 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. 68,472, 68,473 (Nov. 27, 2006). 234 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(B); see Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copy- right Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,472 (noting that the exemption for noninfringing uses exists for three years). 235 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,473. 236 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(D). 224 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 able wireless telephone handsets to connect to a wireless telephone communi- cation network, when circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of lawfully connecting to a wireless telephone communication network."237 This DMCA exemption grants a wireless service subscriber freedom from copyright infringement liability when bypassing or removing the locking software in- stalled on the handset by the carrier in order to lawfully connect the handset to any wireless network.238 The immediate effect of the exemption is additional legal reinforcement of the already growing phenomenon of businesses and consumers unlocking handsets in order to take the devices to alternate carri- ers.239 The exemption's proponents were The Wireless Alliance240 and Robert Pinkerton,241 an individual who traveled frequently for business and found that on such trips cell phone locking often restricted use of his handset in various locations.242 The proponents stated that carriers use various software locks to prevent customers from connecting to a competitor's network, "even after all contractual obligations to the original wireless carrier have been satisfied."243 Circumventing such locks, they argue, solely for the purpose of lawfully con- necting a consumer-owned phone to a competitor's network, does not pose a copyright infringement issue related to the carrier-provided software on the phone.244 The Librarian accepted the proponents' arguments, finding under a review of the factors set forth in section 1201(a)(1)(C)(i)–(v)245 that an exemp- 237 37 C.F.R. § 201.40(b)(5) (2007). 238 See id. 239 See supra Part III. 240 The Wireless Alliance is a for-profit wholesaler of new, used, and refurbished cell phones and related equipment based in Boulder, Colorado. See The Wireless Alliance, About the Wireless Alliance, http://www.thewirelessalliance.com/about.html (last visited Sept. 21, 2008). The company places a strong emphasis on environmentally-friendly, low- cost cellular solutions. See id. 241 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. 68,472, 68,476; see Jennifer Granick, Commen- tary, Cellphones Freed! Poor Suffer?, WIRED, Dec. 6, 2006, http://www.wired.com/politics/ law/commentary/circuitcourt/2006/12/72241 (stating that the author of the article asked for the rule on behalf of the Wireless Alliance and Robert Pinkerton). 242 See Granick, supra note 241. 243 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,476. 244 Id. 245 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(C)(i)–(v) (2006). In conducting such rulemaking, the Librarian shall examine— (i) the availability for use of copyrighted works; (ii) the availability for use of works for nonprofit archival, preservation, and educa- tional purposes; (iii) the impact that the prohibition on the circumvention of technological measures applied to copyrighted works has on criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research; 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 225 tion was warranted: [C]ircumvention of software locks to connect to alternative mobile telecommunica- tions networks [would not] be likely to have any effect on the market for or value of copyrighted works. The reason that these four factors appears to be neutral is that in this case, the access controls do not appear to actually be deployed in order to protect the interests of the copyright owner or the value or integrity of the copyrighted work; rather, they are used by wireless carriers to limit the ability of subscribers to switch to other carriers, a business decision that has nothing whatsoever to do with the interests protected by copyright.246 No party gave timely and substantive opposition to the proposed exemp- tion.247 The copyright owners who did oppose the exemption were owners of music, sound recordings, and audiovisual works offered for downloading to handsets.248 The Librarian stated that "[t]he record on this issue was fairly in- conclusive"249 yet regardless, the proponents made a sufficient showing that the proposed exemption would not "permit unauthorized access to these works. Rather, the exemption [was] sought for the sole purpose of permitting owners of cellular phone handsets to switch their handsets to a different network."250 Long after the conclusion of the comment and hearing period in this rulemak- ing, the Librarian received comments opposing the proposed exemption from CTIA—The Wireless Association251 ("CTIA") and TracFone Wireless, Inc. ("TracFone").252 The Librarian admonished these parties for their tardiness; since they presented no justifiable excuse, the Librarian could not consider their late submissions in opposition to the proposed exemption.253 (iv) the effect of circumvention of technological measures on the market for or value of copyrighted works; and (v) such other factors as the Librarian considers appropriate. Id. 246 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,476. 247 See id. at 68,476–77. 248 Id. at 68,476. 249 Id. 250 Id. 251 Id. CTIA—The Wireless Association is a nonprofit trade association that advocates on behalf of wireless service providers, manufacturers, wireless data and internet compa- nies, and other contributors to wireless telephony. CTIA—The Wireless Association, About Us, http://www.ctia.org/aboutCTIA/ (last visited Sept. 21, 2008). 252 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,476. TracFone Wireless, a subsidiary of América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V., the fourth largest cell phone service provider in the world, is the largest prepaid wireless service provider in the United States. TracFone Wireless, Inc., About Us, http://www.tracfone.com/about.jsp?nextPage=about.jsp&task=about (last visited Sept. 28, 2008). 253 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,477. 226 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 B. The DMCA in Practice The exact legal contours of the DMCA exemption have not been fully tested and defined; however, the language of the exemption already has proved its appropriate practical protective reach. A literal reading of the exemption makes clear that while consumers and software providers who circumvent phone locking software to connect lawfully to a network can expect immunity from copyright liability, carriers and handset makers remain free to sell locked, sub- sidized phones and are not forced to aid in facilitating handset unlocking in any way.254 The DMCA exemption only grants limited copyright infringement pro- tection and leaves unaffected any contractual or other liability a consumer may have to a carrier, such as termination fees.255 Yet the policy is an appropriate response to today's oligopolistic wireless market—it grants consumers greater choice while not unduly strong-arming producers or restraining innovation in a competitive and drastically changing market where profit and competition drive technological change. TracFone Wireless was the only wireless provider to directly oppose the DMCA wireless phone software exemption outside of the blanket representa- tion of CTIA.256 TracFone was late to submit its exemption opposition, thereby preventing the Librarian from considering its argument. Regardless, in TracFone Wireless, Inc. v. Dixon, the company secured a permanent injunction preventing just the sort of handset unlocking that it feared.257 As a prepaid cellular phone provider, TracFone sells handsets at a loss and then makes up the loss through prepaid phone service.258 Defendants in the Dixon suit acquired and solicited other people to acquire bulk quantities of TracFone prepaid phones at retail outlets and then unlocked the phones to sell them overseas, resulting in substantial losses to Tracfone.259 The court held that defendants' relatively unusual actions were well beyond the scope of the DMCA exemption, as their purpose was to resell the handsets for a profit, 254 See Bryan Gardiner, Carriers Split over Cell Phone Unlocking, PC MAGAZINE, Dec. 8, 2006, http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2704,2069318,00.asp [hereinafter Gardiner, Car- riers Split]. See generally 37 C.F.R. § 201.40(b)(5) (2007). 255 See Gardiner, Carriers Split, supra note 254. 256 See Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. 68,472, 68,477 (Nov. 7, 2006). 257 See TracFone Wireless, Inc. v. Dixon, 475 F. Supp. 2d 1236 (M.D. Fla. 2007). TracFone succeeded in this and ten similar suits in five other states in securing injunctions and settlements against resellers on claims other than DMCA violations, such as "trademark and copyright infringement, unfair competition, tortuous interference with business relation- ships, false advertising, harm to business reputation, civil conspiracy and unjust enrich- ment." David Kravets, Ruling Allows Cell Phone Unlocking, but Teleco Sues Anyway, WIRED, Aug. 8, 2007, http://www.wired.com/politics/onlinerights/news/2007/08/tracfone. 258 Kravets, supra note 257. 259 Dixon, 475 F. Supp. 2d at 1237. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 227 rather than "for the sole purpose of lawfully connecting to a wireless telephone communication network."260 Therefore, in granting TracFone an injunction, the court did not "address the validity of the exemption or the circumstances sur- rounding its enactment."261 Apparently satisfied with the outcome of the suit, TracFone subsequently withdrew a suit filed directly against the Librarian that sought to challenge the validity of the wireless phone DMCA exemption.262 In the end, the DMCA exemption does not appear to be harming TracFone's le- gitimate business: In 2007, the first full year following the exemption's enact- ment, TracFone added 1.6 million subscribers in the United States, finishing the year with 20.5% more subscribers than it had at the end of 2006.263 C. An Analysis of the DMCA Wireless Phone Software Exemption Policy The Dixon decision clearly illustrates the wisdom behind the carefully worded language of the DMCA exemption; the court accurately construed the scope of the exemption with respect to consumers' rights, while simultane- ously recognizing a carrier's legitimate business model. Wireless phone recy- clers champion the DMCA exemption as serving its purpose by legitimizing their businesses.264 The Wireless Alliance, one of the driving forces behind the exemption, recycles, unlocks, and resells about 650,000 used phones annu- ally.265 Wireless phone recyclers serve a vital role by offering price-conscious consumers a legitimate supply of older, lower-cost phones outside of the tradi- tional cell phone "bundling" sales model.266 Under a typical cell phone service contract, as opposed to prepaid service, the carrier offers service and a handset bundled under a term service contract.267 The customer receives the handset upfront at a heavily discounted price, while the carrier recoups the discount through subsidies built into the customer's monthly service rate.268 One complaint against carriers' bundling practice is that a consumer with a recycled phone seeking wireless service often pays ex- actly the same service rate as consumers who purchase a subsidized handset 260 Id. at 1238 (quoting Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protec- tion Systems for Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. at 68,472). 261 Id. 262 See Kravets, supra note 257; see also Complaint at 1–2, TracFone Wireless, Inc. v. Billington, No. 06-22942 (S.D. Fla. Dec. 5, 2006). 263 AM?RICA M?VIL, S.A.B. DE C.V., AM?RICA M?VIL'S FOURTH QUARTER OF 2007 FI- NANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORT 4 (2008), available at http://www.americamovil.com/ docs/reportes/eng/2007_4.pdf. At the end of 2007, TracFone had 9.5 million subscribers. Id. 264 Kravets, supra note 257. 265 Id. 266 See id. 267 See Frieden, Promoting Consumer Choice, supra note 18, at 6. 268 See id. 228 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS [Vol. 17 bundled with the service.269 Given the umbrella protection of the DMCA and a growing prevalence of service-only offerings such as Verizon's Any Apps, Any Device, inter-firm competition likely will lead to lower-priced service plans for customers with recycled handsets.270 Regardless of when or how the growing recycled phone market will affect service plan pricing, it provides today's customers a wider array of used handsets with features and technology that they otherwise would not have been able to afford when new. The high-technology wireless handset market and its inherent early adopters create a steady churn of units suitable for the next wave of users. The DMCA exemption further facilitates consumers' ability to take these handsets to the carrier of their choice. As stated by Roger L. Kay, founder and president of Endpoint Technologies Associates,271 a market research firm, "I do think [the DMCA exemption] will eventually have an impact on prices and competition between the carriers. If there's a certain motivation to switch [carriers], and if you reduce the friction to switch . . . people are going to start doing it."272 In- deed, Verizon's Any Apps, Any Device initiative, Google's OHA and Android open-source software platform, and Apple's iPhone SDK are all examples of powerful industry players willingly taking the right to attach and open access principles of the DMCA exemption even further. Open-network initiatives, combined with a robust recycled handset market, will expand greatly consumer choice and provide another argument against broad Carterfone-style regulation of the wireless industry. VI. CONCLUSION The FCC has initiated a bold new experiment by prescribing Carterfone- style open access and right-to-attach provisions to the C Block licenses. All stakeholders in the debate—the government, industry, legislators, consumers, academics, and journalists—must remain vigilant of consumer frustration and controversial carrier and handset manufacturer practices while the full extent of this experiment, as well as the multitude of other recent developments in the wireless industry, play out. FCC or legislative extension of the Carterfone principles to the entire wireless industry, however, is presently inappropriate, prohibitively costly, and could lead to dangerous industry consolidation at the expense of innovation, product diversity, and consumer choice. If firms have the freedom to choose the most efficient methods of delivering 269 See id. 270 See Gardiner, Carriers Split, supra note 254. 271 See Endpoint Technologies Associates, http://www.ndpta.com (last visited Sept. 28, 2008). 272 Gardiner, Carriers Split, supra note 254. 2008] Wireless Telecommunication Consumer Choice 229 all that consumers demand and consumers remain confident in their property rights, technological innovation will flourish in this rapidly developing and increasingly competitive market. As FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps said to the panelists at the January 2008 "Free My Phone!" forum: This is an exciting time in the wireless market and consumers have a lot to be looking forward to in 2008. Cell phones allow us to leave our offices and our homes and still be in voice contact with people who need us. The next generation of wireless handsets should let us put the entire functionality of the modern office or home office in our pockets. I really hope that, when I open my Wall Street Journal and Business Week in 2009, our next panelists will be telling me that the wireless marketplace is every bit as vibrant as the rest of the consumer electronics marketplace.273 The FCC must "trust but verify"274 the open platform requirements on the C Block licensees as well as the immense market-driven changes now occurring before considering broad-based wireless Carterfone regulation. As long as the FCC avoids unnecessary regulation, tomorrow's wireless technology is guaran- teed to exceed anything imaginable today. 273 Statement of Commissioner Copps, supra note 62. For more information on the Fo- rum and a list of participants, see the New America Foundation, "Free My Phone!": Is Regulation Needed to Ensure Consumer Choice?, http://www.newamerica.net/events/2008/ free_my_phone (last visited Sept. 28, 2008). 274 Statement of Commissioner Copps, supra note 62 (paraphrasing the famous words of the late President Ronald Reagan).
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