2 0 1 4 . 2 . 2 3 - 2 6 SIGN CHINA 2014 中国(广州)国际广告标识展 全球广告标识行业"奥斯卡"年度盛会 广州·中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展览馆B区 展商及新品推介 深圳市路易盖登标牌材料有限公司 T 0755-2997 0997 F 0755-2997 0995 E 800026768@B.QQ.COM www.roadease-guidance.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 标牌、户外指示牌等. 澳飞扬标识 Aorise T 020-34526138 F 020-34521618 E ofygz@126.com www.ofygz.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 本厂从模具、材料到成品均为本厂自行生产和制造, 是标识材料源头企业. Our company was established in 2004 and specializes in the manufacturing and processing of aluminum alloy products. The molds, the materials and the products are manufactured and produced by ourselves. 广州华悦美照明器材有限公司 T 020-61957708 F 020-61957706 E huayuemei2009@163.com www.huayuemei2009.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 华悦美一直致力于广告灯箱的新型背光系统,关注于 研发LED先进技术,新产品拥有完美照明效果,质量 稳定持久等优点.一经推出就受到国内外客户高度关 注和认可.我们坚信能为客户设计综合性最佳照明方 案! 广州超泰广告制作有限公司 Guangzhou C&T Ad Co.,ltd T 020-81003675 F 020-81003936 E xu-elsa@hotmail.com www .gzctad.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 大型无边框翻盖广告灯箱,外箱美观,安装方便,专 利设计. Frameless frame LED backlit Light box . 上海华源复合新材料有限公司 SHANGHAI HUAYUAN NEW COMPOSITE MATERIALS CO., LTD. T +86 21 59725292 F +86 21 69710353 E huayuanfu@online.sh.cn www.huayuanfu.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 华源牌金属复合板系列产品:铝复合板、铜复合板、 钛锌复合板、不锈钢复合板、镀锌钢复合板、双金属 复合板 Aluminum Composite Panel, Copper Composite Panel, Zinc Composite Panel, Stainless Steel Composite Panel, Galvanized Steel Composite Panel, Metal / Metal Plate 深圳柯赛标识工程有限公司 Shenzhen COSUN Sign Engineering Co., Ltd T 0755-28351006 F 0755-25508096 E szcosun@163.com admin@signs-make.com www.signs-make.com www.szcosun.en.alibaba.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专注公共环境标识、酒店标识、旅游景区标识、商业 标识,灯箱、三维LOGO、金属字、LED发光字等标识 的设计与制作. We Focus on Designing and Manufacturing High-level Public Sign, Hotel Sign, Tourism Zone Sigm, Business Sign, Light box, 3D Logo, Metal Letter, LED sign. 佛山市顺德区新顺涛有机玻璃有限公司 FoShan ShunDe XinShunTao Acrylic Factory T 86 E jackye@xintaoacrylic.com www.xintaoacrylic.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 佛山市顺德区新顺涛有机玻璃有限公司主要生产亚克 力浇铸板和亚克力挤压板,是中国最大的有机玻璃生 产商. FoShan ShunDe XinShunTao Acrylic Factory are specialize in cast acrylic sheet, extruded acrylic sheet, plexiglass sheet and PMMA sheet. 徐州市万德福公共设施制造有限公司 Xuzhoushi Wonderful Infrastructure Manufacturing co.,ltd T 0516-66699966 82167688 F 0516-66699966 E wandefu2005@126.com www.xzwonderful.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 广告位果皮箱,果皮箱. 广州市海纳展览展示器材有限公司 Guangzhou Haina Show Exhibition CO,LTD T 87209815/87209676/87209925/87209925 F 020-87209953 E haina0755@163.com www.gzocc.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 速展、快幕秀、易拉宝、X展架、促销台、拉网展架、 海报架、三脚架、挂画架、热转印、喷绘写真、户外旗 杆、桁架等展示器材厂家. Express display/roll up banner/x banner/promotion table/pop up banner/tripod/picture shelf/poster/heat transfer printing/flagpole/turss and so on. 深圳市天朗展示有限公司 SHENZHEN TIANLANG EXHIBITION CO.,LTD T 0757-85408200 85408201 E sunshine@sztianlang.com www.sztianlang.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 一拉幕快速布展系列、热转印画面、易拉宝、促销台 拉网、灯箱、海报架、X架、旗杆等便携式展架. 9.1号馆:标识标牌,灯箱,发光字,板材及POP等产品 1 济南美图国际贸易有限公司 JINAN MITO SIGN MATERIALS CO,.LTD T 86-531-85922296 F 86-531-85922257 E admin@jnmito.com www.rzy360.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我司主要生产销售热转印机及热转印耗材、工艺品耗 材.为客户提供一条龙一站式服务. 深圳市鑫绿朗光电有限公司 ShenZhen FineGreen Lighting Co.,ltd T 86-755-28709162 F 86-755-28706113 E admin@elflashing.cn www.colwel.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: EL 发光广告,EL发光车贴,绿色科技点亮全球,闪耀 世界. el advertisement,el car sticker,green technology lights the whole world and shining with the world. 中山市秀可广告用品有限公司 T 0760-22215638.22215639 F 0760-22215631 E tippop@163.com WWW.tippop.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我公司集设计.开发.生产为一体的生产企业,主要产 品为亚克力强磁台签,POP器具,广告纸等千余种产 品,产品遍布国内外,均取得了外观专利与实用新型 专利证书. 宁波祥泰集大工贸有限公司 Ningbo Xiangtai Jida Manufacturing & Trading Co., Ltd. T 86-574-87620868 F 86-574-87620869 E xiangtai@xiangtai.biz www.xiangtai.biz 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业生产各种木制黑板、木制展示架、铝合金展示架、 铝合金广告展示用品.产品常年出口欧美国家. We are specialized in producing various indoor and outdoor display,such as wooden blackboard and chorme plated rack and banner stand,rich experience on export . 佛山市华拓斯电子有限公司 FOSHAN VADOX ELECTRONICS CO.,LED T 86 F 86-757-89965729 E xiong@vadox.com.cn http://www.vadox.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 红外触摸屏 液晶广告机 教学机 多媒体硬件软件定制 开发. Multi touch advertising display.Multi touch smart board.Hardware and software development 义乌市新雨标牌有限公司 XINYU ADVERTINGSING PRODUCTS CO.,LTD T 0579-85522432 F 0579-85522432 E ywxy178@126.com www.0086888.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 义乌市新雨标牌材料有限公司主营系列特色产品:宣 传栏、广告灯箱、大型标牌材料、路名牌.举牌等 石家庄千禧广告装饰有限公司 Shijiazhuang Qianxi Advertising and Decoration Co.,Ltd T 86 311 85651263 F 86 311 85651263 E tina@qxgg.com http://www.billboard.en.alibaba.com/ 产品介绍/Exhibits: 中国最大的单立柱广告牌专业制作商,广告牌结构 采用坚固稳定的桁架结构,钢材使用标准为国标 Q235B,使用寿命长、安全系数高,为您打造性价 比最高、最省心的单立柱! The famous manufacturer of billboards in China, the steel standard is Q235B. Trussed construction, high safety factor and long life span! 深圳市万里长城标识有限公司 ChangCheng Signage Production Co.,Ltd T 0755-33077825 F 0755-33077825 E 1300628927@qq.com WWW.SZWLZC.COM 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业生产港式精工不锈钢字、不锈钢镀金字、LED发光 字. 广州聚锋广告材料有限公司 Guangzhou Jufeng Advertising Material Factory T 020-81414802 F 020-81401490 E gdjufong@gdjufong.com.cn http://www.gdjufong.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 灯箱材料,展示器材,广告铝材,广告配件,广告灯箱. 平阳县福铭机械设备有限公司 T 86-577-23892655 F 86-577-63669016 E 30499047@qq.com www.fumingjx.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 亚克力热弯工具,金属字开槽机. 9.1号馆:标识标牌,灯箱,发光字,板材及POP等产品 2 广州市腾菱变画广告制品有限公司 Guangzhou Tengling Auto-change Picture Advertisement Products Co.,Ltd T 86-020-82739990 F 86-020-82724222 E dorto @dorto.cn www.dorto.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 腾菱公司主营『高品质镜面灯箱』、『栅变灯箱』、『LCD广告机』、 『LED发光菜牌』、『LED灯箱』、『LED写字板』、『导光板』等系 列产品.而『高品质镜面灯箱』作为本公司主打品牌,通电时能支持4-8 张广告图片和发光文字循环播放. Tengling Co., LTD specialized in making high quality mirror light boxes, Sliding outdoor display, LCD panel,LED brilliant manu, LED lightbox, LED writing board, light panel and many others. And the hight quality mirror lightbox as our company main products,4-8 images advertisement can be randomly repeated. 北京联合创新光机电设备有限公司 BEIJING UNITED CREATIVE ENTERPRISE IMAGE DESIGN CO., LTD. T 010-52110300、52110311、52110388 F 010-52110367 E uc@chinatopuc.com www.chinatopuc.com www.aolds.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 北京联合创新成立于2000年,是一家专门研发、生产 和销售电子广告设备的专业制造厂.主要产品:滚动 换画灯箱和LCD液晶广告机. 北京匀光信达商贸有限公司 T 010-60299267 F 010-60249071 E 691544149@qq.com www.evenlit.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 北京匀光科技是一家致力于研发生产创新的聚合物材 料的公司,本公司全部采用自主技术,主要产品有匀 光导光板、光扩散板、光扩散PC树脂等,其中匀光导 光板为国内独创,也是目前国内独家生产此类产品的 厂家;光扩散板拥有目前业内最高的全光线透过率( 超过90%);光扩散PC树脂主要光学性能全面超越同 类进口产品. 常州灵特尔轻便展示系统有限公司 CHANGZHOU LINTEL DISPLAY CO., LTD T 0519-88700158 F 0519-88700377 E marketing@lintel.com.cn www.lintel.com.cn/www.linteldisplay.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LT-0Q3:单个底脚,小巧轻便,正面无底脚外露.使用锁扣式伸缩杆, 侧盖造型新颖,为嵌入式磁铁安装.滚筒插针内置隐蔽. LT-0Q3:The fancy designed short (L: 150mm) twist foot with heavy aluminum material, which cannot be seen in front.Tele pole with new design top molding.Brightly Chrome finished endplates are designed as locomotive which covering with magnets for easy attaching. 长沙信元电子科技有限公司 T 0731-84065178 F 0731-84065178 E ao_nike@163.com http://www.aonikead.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED两面翻是LED显示屏和三面翻的结合体,白天两面 写真效果、晚上LED显示屏,极大提高了广告价值和广 告收益. 佛山市顺德区美斯达广告器材制造有限公司 MAINSTAR LIGHTBOX DISPLAYS CO.,LTD T 86-757-23629958 F 86-757-23625838 E msx@ms-pop.cn www.ms-pop.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 美斯达成立于2008年,是一家集设计开发、生产制作 和销售服务为一体的综合型广告器材生产企业;我司 专注于灯箱开发、压克力制品、LED标识、陈列展示架 等各类POP展示产品的生产. Mainstar is specialized in manufacturing advertising products, such as light-boxes, Led signs, acrylic displays, A frames, metal display stand, supermarket shelves and promotional vending trolley ect. 广州市金迪诺电脑有限公司 GUANGZHOU JINDINUO SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. T 86-020-62320577 F 86-020-62320578-824 E 409939243@qq.com www.jdnmedia.com.cn/www.qqlcd.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 广州市金迪诺电脑有限公司成立于1997年.主营7寸-82寸全高清液 晶广告机,数字标牌,车载广告机,网络和触摸一体机及订制广告 机的厂家. Guangzhou Jindinuo Computer Co.,Ltd established in 1997.It is professional producing 7inch-82inch full HD LCD advertising player, digital signage, bus LCD media player, network and touch screen LCD display and OEM products. 上海边光实业有限公司 T 021-64412288/57603575/57603573 F 021-64412266 E design@cnedgelight.com www.cnedgelight.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 本司自主研发生产雕刻导光板、Edgelux板、超薄灯箱、 LED照明系列等,提供激光雕刻服务,标识标牌制作服 务. Edgelight is a professional leading manufacturer of LGP, Slim Light Boxes, LED Lighting panels, LED Strips LED modular and so on. 广州兆隆广告器材有限公司 JUCHENGZOLONG AD-MART T 400-005-7250 F 020-37353912 E 2212817598@qq.com www.jczlad.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 广告材料、超薄灯箱器材、PVC发泡板、不锈钢槽角. Advertising Materials ,Ulta-slim light boxes ,PVC Foam board ,Stainless steel Angles. 江阴宏茂装饰材料有限公司 Jiangyin Hongmao Decoration Material Co.,Ltd T 0510-86065625 F 0510-86065626 E sales@hmls.cn www.hmls.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 江阴宏茂装饰材料有限公司专业生产高品质铝塑板, 铝卷. Aluminum composite panel, Aluminum coil. 9.1号馆:标识标牌,灯箱,发光字,板材及POP等产品 3 佛山市南海区大沥豪佳工艺制品厂 T 86-0757-81182881/81182882 F 86-0757-81807392 E foshanhaojia@163.com www.fshaojia.net 产品介绍/Exhibits: 豪佳工艺制品厂专业生产水晶灯箱、铝合金超薄灯箱、 磁吸灯箱、防水灯箱及亚克力制品等,真诚期待与您合 作. Haojia Arts&Crafts Factory is specializing in crystal light box,aluminum frame turn over light box,magnetic light box,waterproof light box,acrylic products,etc.We sincerely look forward to cooperating with you. 天津市泰博展具制造有限公司 T 022-68958588 68959000 F 022-68958688 E 2355465286@qq.com www.tjtaibo.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 易拉宝、X展架、注水旗杆、促销台、快展、拉网等便 携式展具. 上海(温州市)吉祥板业有限公司 WENZHOU JIXIANG COMPOSITE PANEL CO.,LTD T 86 577 6299 9101 F 86 577 6299 9102 E brant824@hotmail.com www.jixiang.cc 产品介绍/Exhibits: 上海(温州市)吉祥板业有限公司生产研发铝塑板已经 超过10年之久,拥有2条涂装线,6条自动复合线,生 产能力每天能达到10000张板,全国有122家经销商. QUALITY ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL MANUFACTURER, WITH 2 COATING LINES, 6 AUTO-PRODUCTION LINES, PRODUCTION CAPACITY IS ROUND 10000 SHEETS PER DAY, 122 DEALERS IN CHINA DOMESTIC MARKET . 江门市新会区金宇家具厂 Jiangmen Xinhui Jinyu(Furniture)Factory T 86 0750-6405888 F 86 0750-6406655 E jmjinyu@21cn.com www.jmjinyu.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 桁架,舞台桁架,背景桁架,简易舞台,帐蓬架,电 灯杆牌板,展示架,展示柜,书架等等. Truss, Truss stage, Truss background, Simple stage, Tent, Lampost Advertising Rack, Display Rack, Display Case, bookshelf and so on. 江门市艺光科技开发有限公司 Artbright Technology Industry Co.,Ltd T 0750-3804666 F 0750-3809486 E artbright@126.com www.artbright.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED闪动屏灯箱、LED模组闪动灯箱、LED导光板灯箱、 LED模组闪动牌 LED Flashing Screen Light Box, LED Module Flashing Light Box, LED Light-guided Panel Light Box, LED Module Flashing Sign. 苏州沃卡斯展览器材制造有限公司 SUZHOU WORLDCLASS DISPLAY MANUFACTUR- ING CO., LTD T 0512-65716351 F 0512-65715268 E info@worldclass-display.com http://www.worldclass-display.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 易拉宝、促销台、资料架、X&L架,海报板、海报架. Roll Up,Pop Up,Catalogue Shelf,Promotion Counter,Pop Up Counter,X Banner,L Banner, Snap Frame,A-board,Poster Stand,Flying Banner,Screen. 杭州矽能新材料有限公司 Hangzhou Xineng New Material Co.,Ltd T 0571-81902948 F 2071-81902778 E shiminhanhz@126.com www.52lepu.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 5S光触膜是我司的新产品,这是新一代的导光材料. 产品可用于照明,灯箱和装饰领域.这款产品的质量 和价格优势将使其成为导光板时代的终结者. 5S Light Guide Film is our new product, it's a new generation of light guide material. The products can be used in Lighting, light box and decoration fields, with its good quality and competitive price it will replace LGP in the future. 佛山市南海区金沙易典展示器材厂 T 0757-86604658 F 0757-86619969 E yidianpro@126.com www.fsadpro.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 海报架、立牌、挂画架、指示牌、灯箱等展示器材. 山东省章丘市双鹿有限公司 Shandong Province Zhangqiu City Double Deer Co.,Ltd T 0086-531-83238038 F 0086-531-83238038 E Shandongshuanglu888@yahoo.cn www.slacrylic.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 压克力,PS板. Acrylic sheet,Polystyrebce sheet. 广州金众电子科技有限公司 Guangzhou Kingchong Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd T 020-66353998 F 020-66353901 E 160245870@qq.com www.kingchong.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 金众电子成立于1999年,是中国最大液晶广告机、监 视器、拼接墙生产厂商,合作伙伴有分众传媒、中国 邮政、中国移动、高铁等. KINGCHONG was founded in 1999, China's largest LCD advertising machine, monitor, splicing wall manufacturers, partners of focus media, China post, China mobile, high-speed rail, etc. 9.1号馆:标识标牌,灯箱,发光字,板材及POP等产品 4 联城中港广告器材股份有限公司 CHUNGKONG AD-MART CO.,LTD.(CHINA) T 400-700-6666 F 021-37582640 E ckxs@chungkong.com.cn http:www.ad-mart.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 展品覆盖光电雕刻、喷绘写真、展览展示、标识标牌 四大类产品,十多个系列,拥有3M、科美、迈克等众 多品牌. The exhibits cover 4 categories:photoelectronic and engraving,printing,displays,signs with brand like 3M,KOMEL,MCKAL.Physical display,experience more. 上海山富数码喷绘复合材料有限公司 SHANGHAI ZEAFEE DIGITAL INKJET COMPOSITE MATERIAL CO., LTD T 021-57893463 F 021-57891426 E whforever6411781@hotmial.com www.zeafee.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 全球广告耗材加工基地,广告材料和展示器材销售商,产品包括水性 与防水喷绘耗材系列、溶剂与弱溶剂型喷绘耗材、PVC裱膜系列、A4 桌面打印系列、墨水系列、展示器材系列、各种板材系列. Global Advertising Materials Production Base,Manufacturer and Wholesaler of Advertising Materials and Display Stands,including water-proof and non water-proof inkjet media, mild-solvent and solvent printing media, PVC lamination film, A4 desk jet media, ink, display stand, board materials. 浙江汇锋新材料有限公司 Zhejiang Huifeng New Materials Co.,Ltd T 0086-573-87095011, 87091666, 87098000, 87297789 F 0086-573-87095022 E hfzhang@hfxcl.com www.hfxcl.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: PVC BANNER: FRONTLIT, BACKLIT, BLOCKOUT; TARPAULIN;MESH;COATED BANNER; TEXTILE;ONE WAY VISION;SELF ADHESIVE VINYL. 江阴东恒新材料科技有限公司 JIANGYIN DONGHENG NEW MATERIAL SCITECH CO., LTD T 86 510 86965820 F 86 510 86965821 E info@dhflex.com www.dhflex.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业生产及销售灯箱布,喷绘布,外打光,内打光, 黑底灯箱布,户外蓬盖材料,防水包装材料,投影银 幕材料等. PVC banner & flex, frontlit, backlit, print lonas, digital printing media, PVC tarpaulin, projection screen fabric. 宁波市鄞州赛可标识材料有限公司 NINGBO YINZHOU SICOL SIGN MATERIALS CO.,LTD T 86-574-83030100 F 86-574-83030200 E sicol@sicol.cn www.sicol.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 赛可主要生产和销售车身贴, 单透, 冷裱膜, 喷绘材料及 其他新型超宽可回收环保材料(PE编织布, 无纺布, 旗帜 布, 油画布). Vinyl,One Way Vision,Cold Lamination,InkJet Media,PVC Scrime Banner; Superwide Media:PE woven Banner,Non-woven Fabric,Banner Fabric,PolyCanvas Lite . 鹤山市威诗柏胶粘制品有限公司 Respect Gelatinous Products Co., Ltd. of Heshan City T 0750-8312600 F 0750-8312088 E wgzeng@respect.com.cn www.respect.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 压克力板材和广告不干胶贴纸专业生产厂家. Professional Manufacturer of Cast Acrylic sheets & Advertising vinyl. 宁波佳仪纸品有限公司 Ningbo So-Fine Paper Products Co.,Ltd T 0086-574-87167701/87167702 F 0086-574-87167703 E admin@so-fine.com.cn www.so-fine.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: One of the biggest digital printing material in China with a production area of more than 30000m2 specialising in one way vision film,self-adhesive printing vinyl and cold laminating film;carbon fibre film,chrome film and TPU paint protection film. 浙江天畅塑胶有限公司 ZHEJIANG TIANCHANG(ATC) PLASTIC FABRIC CO., LTD. T 86 0573 87670010 F 86 0573 87670018 E atcharry@aliyun.com www.tcsjb.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司(中美合资)专业从事生产和销售灯箱布、帐篷 布、车贴膜及单透膜.产品通过ISO9001:2008质量管 理体系认证. PVC FLEX BANNER, PVC TARPAULIN, VINYL, ONE WAY VISION AND MESH. 浙江佑天元包装机械制造有限公司 UTIEN PACK CO., LTD. T 86 0575-81107020 F 86 0575-81107013 E info@cnpackage.com www.utien.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 这是气动封口机,又称为条幅焊接机.它适用于喷绘印刷及广告业. 本机通过使用电脉冲加热达到焊接效果,因此极为省电.本机又十分 安全和易于操作.它包含了9项记忆程序和安全感应装置. This is a pneumatic sealing machine,also know as banner welding machine.It is suitable for printing and advertisement industry.With a method of impulse heating it can save a lot of electric power.This machine is safe and easy to operate with the programming and safety protection. 衢州瑞宝亚克力有限公司 Quzhou Ruibao Acrylics Co., Ltd T 86 570-5188588 F 86 570-5188567 E mail@rpoa.com.cn www.rpoa.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司拥有两条全自动浇注生产线,年产亚克力板8000 吨;总规划四条生产线,综合产能20000吨以上."诚信、创新、专业"是我们的信念.瑞宝、欣盛、运彩, 是公司旗下的3个优秀品牌. 10.1号馆:户内外喷绘机及数码打印耗材等产品 5 揭阳市启先广告装饰有限公司 T 0663-8225490 F 0663-8747799 E 1877174071@qq.com http://shop100962633.taobao.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 产品环保、安装方便、造型美观,有多种形状和尺 寸,造价成本底.可作办公室牌、电梯牌、门牌、 洗手间牌、指示牌或其它标识牌等.底板还可以用 多种颜色搭配. 宁波市北仑奇峰标识有限公司 T 0574-86826661 F 0574-86806522 E keyfindsign@163.com www.keyfindsign.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 高端亮化标识制造商,专业生产制造迷你发光字,金 属字,吸塑字,树脂字,等. 广州稳美拓金属制品有限公司 Guangzhou Win Metal Products Co., Ltd. T 86-20-39270039 F 86-20-39270036 E win@winmetal.net http://www.winmetal.net 产品介绍/Exhibits: 稳美拓生产经营的高清商业液晶显示产品,主要包括19—84寸LED、LCD单机广告机、网络广告机、多媒体网络发布系统、 车载广告机、触摸互动一体机、超窄液晶拼接墙、户外高亮液 晶广告机等一系列嵌入产品. Our products include 19 inch to 84 inch Standalone and Network LED、LCD AD Display, Touch-screen Kiosk, Car LCD AD Display, DID Wall Display, what are widely used in buildings、shops、 restaurants、banks、cars、and stations. 山东博拓塑业股份有限公司 BoDo Industrial Inc. T 0086 21 56319262 F 0086 21 56319261 E info@bodo-industrial.com www.bodo-industrial.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 博拓塑业股份有限公司生产并出口PVC发泡板,我们 的产品已畅销90多个国家.我们专注产品研发以提供 客户高性能产品. BoDo Industrial Inc. manufacture and export the plastic PVC Foam Sheet, PVC Celuka sheet to more than 90 countruies, We always research and innovate our products that have high performance. 广州市同庆胶粘制品有限公司 T 020-87723102 F 020-87728467 E gztongqing502@126.com www.gztongqing.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 同庆502、3秒胶,OK201瞬间胶,新三秒胶,冬胶 王,PVC发泡板专用胶,压克力新一代无影粘合剂, 液体钉,清洁剂,UV无影胶,AB胶等. Tongqing 502/3-secondsOK201 transparent adhesive,new 3-second glue ,special Glue for PVC foam board, acryl adhesive(new generation),UV transparent glue,AB glue. 深圳丰盈磁性材料有限公司 KINGFINE MAGNETICS LTD T 0755-28933931、84601889 F 0755-28826276 E senlong@chinamagnet.com.cn www.kingfinemag.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 橡胶磁片同性/异性/裱PVC/双面胶、磁条同性/异性/裱 双面胶、磁性打印纸、磁性冰箱贴、磁性可擦写膜 Flexible Magnetic Sheets-plain/Anisotropic with White or Color PVC/with Adhesive, Flexible. Magnetic Strips-Plain/with Adhesive, Inkjet Printable Magnetic Paper. 泰仁特(天津)电子器材有限公司 Talent (Tianjin) Electronics Co.,Ltd. T 0086-22-25290795/66202062/66203312 F 0086-22-25290794 E info@talent888.com www.talent888.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 自1999年成立以来,泰仁特一直致力于生产圆形,椭圆形,长方形 等27种不同形状不同尺寸的可更换模具的机器.所有的机器均可用 于制作个性化的胸卡、储蓄盒、瓶启卡、镜子等等.产品出口到130 多个国家. Talent is actively the world leading button making machines manufacturer and button making supplies. Since 1999,Talent is a global innovator in button making with its interchangeable mold machine-body button making machines. 广州市白云区亮欣灯箱工艺厂 T 020-87433640 87461325 F 020-87461267 E gzlxgg@163.com www.gz-lx.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司专业生产:超薄灯箱、水晶灯箱、LED灯箱、吸塑 灯箱、背光源灯箱、拉布灯箱、感应灯箱、奶茶灯箱 等户内外广告灯箱. 广州百赛贸易有限公司 BestSub Technologies Co Limited T 020 83375464 F 020 83325659 E best@bestsub.net www.bestsublimation.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 本款心形白杯拥有热转印涂层,可直接用于热转印, 是一款绝佳的馈赠或商业促销产品. Heart shape handled white mug, coated for sublimation printing. Perfect as personal or commercial gift. 石狮市新力元反光材料有限公司 TID Reflective Industry CO.,ltd T 0595-88708844/88738844 F 0595-88708864 E cn-tid001@163.com / wwy606@163.com http://www.cn-tid.com http://www.tid.cn.alibaba.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 无接缝反光喷绘布(膜),晶彩格反光材料、闪亮星 无接缝反光片. 10.1号馆:户内外喷绘机及数码打印耗材等产品 6 上海向达新材料有限公司 Sound New Materials Co., Ltd. T 0086-21-56570836 F 0086-21-56696728 E info@shsound.com.cn www.shsound.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 生产灯箱布、车身贴、篷布、旗画布、5米布、发泡 板、5M布、冷表膜、PP合成纸、转移膜、刻字贴等 户外及室内广告材料. We offer pvc flex banner ,pvc foam board ,PVC Tarpaulin,Frontlit,Mesh,Reflective Banner,Self-adhe- sive vinyl,One Way Vision,Color Vinyl. 淄博顶天塑胶有限公司 ZIBO DINGTIAN PLASTICS CO.,LTD T 86-533-5169001 F 86-533-5412001 E dingtian@dingtianplastics.com www.zbdtsj.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: PVC发泡板主要尺寸1220x2440mm,1560x3050mm, 2050X3050mm,厚度1-30mm,并可根据客户要求订做 不同规格、厚度和颜色的产品. pvc foam board main size 1220x2440mm, 1560x3050mm, 2050x3050mm, different specification, thickness and color products are available upon clients' desire. 91图库网 www.91tuku.com T 400-666-2106 F 020-38845451 E huchuangwu@hotmail.com www.91tuku.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 91图库网致力于成为中国设计师和广告人专业阅读智库,其所供图 书涵盖平面设计类、室内设计类、建筑设计类,产品设计类、房地 产类、广告类等,为中国设计创意人士提供一站式综合图书服务. 91tuku.com is dedicated to become a professional reading think-tank for Chinese designers and advertiser.The supplied books including graphic design, interior design, architectural design, product design, real estate advertising, etc..And we provide one-stop comprehensive library service for Chinese creative design. 浙江欧丽数码喷绘材料有限公司 Zhejiang Ouli Digital Inkjet Materials Co., Ltd T 86 573 89107703 F 86 573 89107703 E Sales03@cnouli.com.cn www.cnouli.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 180g弱溶剂双亚PP 水性亮白PVC, 冷裱膜[各类数码写 真喷绘材料,水性和弱溶剂类PP, PVC, 灯片;冷裱膜 等. 180g Eco-solvent Matt PP Film.White Glossy Self Adhesive Vinyl for Dye Ink. Cold Lamination Film. 广州勇士广告制作有限公司 GUANGZHOU YONGSHI AD PRODUCT CO.,LTD T 020-87708546 F 020-36758065 E yongshi8882002@163.com http://www.gzyongshi.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED发光字 树脂发光字 广告招牌 吸塑灯箱. 贵伦磁性制品有限公司 Qualita Magnetics LTD. T 0769-82803108 F 0769-81039818 E factory13@qualitamagnetics.com www.qualitamagnetics.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 橡胶磁片(裱PVC,双面胶),挤出磁条,磁性相纸. Flexible Magnetic Sheets-Plain/with white or colored pvc/with Adhesive ;Flexible Magnetic Strips-Plain/with Adhesive; Inkjet Printable Magnetic Paper. 颠覆色彩有限公司(台湾) IMAGE IN COLOR CO.,LTD .(TAIWAN) T 86-755-2167-5858 F 86-755-2167-5959 E imageincolor.service@gamil.com www.imagein.com.tw 产品介绍/Exhibits: 颠覆色彩公司为专业热转印技术公司,专研于热转印技术20余年, 行销全球60余国,提供各种热转印机器设备、转印纸、转印耗材及 各种特殊颜料墨水.并领先同业采用美国"环保水性墨水"直喷机 ——Anajet、最新的OKI白色碳粉激光打印机. Image in Color Co., Ltd. Is a professional heat transferring company, we have specialize in heat transferring business for over 20 years, and have sales across 60 countries globally. We provide variety of heat transfer machine, transfer paper, transfer films, accessories, and inks. Leading the industry with "Eco-Textile Ink" Printer –Anajet, The newest OKI Digital White Toner Printer. 潍坊恒彩数码影像材料有限公司 Weifang Hengcai Digital Photo Materials CO.,LTD. T 86-536-2190926 F 86-536-2190929 E sales@hcsminkjet.com www.hcsminkjet.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: We are a professional manufacturer of inkjet media, such as water-based, eco-solvent, microporous media etc. 义乌尚美特数码影像有限公司 YIWU SUNMETA DIGITAL GRAPHIC CO.,LTD T 0579-89901989 F 0579-89901985 E 5000cy@163.com WWW.SUNMETA.COM 产品介绍/Exhibits: 生产3D热转印机器、热转印平板机、烤杯机、热转印墨 水、转印专用纸张、3D热转印膜、石板画、水晶、玻璃 等. 3D sublimation machine, flat machine, baking cup machine, ink, paper, crystal, glass, etc. 南京甲骨文科技有限公司 Nanjing Oracle Digital Technology Co.,Ltd T 0086-25-83313334 F 0086-25-83313334 E mary@world-pp.com www.koalapaper.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 热升华纸,转印纸,制版胶片,喷墨相纸. Sublimation paper, transfer paper, inkjet plate-making film, inkjet photo paper. 10.1号馆:户内外喷绘机及数码打印耗材等产品 7 深圳迪能激光设备有限公司 ShenZhen DNE Laser Equipment CO.,Ltd T 0755-89813787 F 0755-84640101 E 5651@vip.163.com www.laser8508.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我们是专业研发、生产工业激光切割设备的高新技术 企业.中功率激光切割机中国第一品牌.主要产品是 包围式带自动互换台光纤激光切割机. We specialized in researching & developing and producing laser equipments. DNE Laser has been enjoyed No.1 leading position in medium laser power cutting machine in China. Our main product is Large-format fiber laser cutting machine. 广东大族粤铭激光科技股份有限公司 GD Han's yueming Laser Technology Co.,Ltd T 86 769 89838888 F 86 769 89833333 E yueming@ymlaser.com www.ymlaser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: CMB-1325大型板材激光切割机:该设备实现大幅面切 割开片的加工需求,具有高效率、稳定性和精确性的 优势,在广告标识、装饰等行业中广泛应用. CMB-1325 laser cutting machine, CMB-1325 is featured with high efficiency, high stability, high precision and large format cutting, widely applied in industries such as advertisement, decoration, building, etc. 佛山市宏山激光科技有限公司 Foshan Beyond Laser Technology Co., Ltd. T F 0757-89919700 E nic@fsbeyondlaser.com www.fshsl.com/www.fsbeyondlaser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 宏山激光坚持"做中国一流的激光设备供应商"为企业宗旨,秉承"精 益求精,持续改善"的服务理念:"首先卖信誉,其次卖产品"的营销 理念,为发展中国的激光事业做持续的努力. We stick to our company purpose " To become the top grade laser equipments manufacturer in China." Beyond Laser will exert its biggest effort in order to contribute the development of the Chinese laser industry. 瑞安市博业激光应用技术有限公司 BOYE LASER APPLIED TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD T 0577-65608181 66871553 0755-61176999 F 0577-65608182 0755-61176988 E boye@boye.com.cn www.boye.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业导光板制作软件,全自动生成导光网点,导光均匀,亮度高; 加工材料广泛、切割边缘光滑无毛刺、免抛光;加工速度快、精度 高、废料少、效率高;可选配双头激光切割机,使工作效率成倍增 长Professional software for light guide, automatic produces light point. light guide evenly, high brightness. Extensive material processing, smooth cutting edge and burr-free, avoid polishing, Processing high speed, high precision, less waste, high efficiency. Optional double laser heads cutting machine so that the exponential growth efficiency 广州晶图电子设备有限公司 Guangzhou Crystek Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd T 020-38293855 F 020-38761472 E crystek2002@yahoo.cn www.crys-tek.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 户内外写真机,户外喷绘机,喷刻一体机,墨水,耗材. eco solvent printer, print&cut plotter, solvent printer, inks. 深圳武腾科技有限公司 T 0769-38913966 F 0769-38913977 E info@mootooh.com http://www.mootooh.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我司是专业的写真机,压电机生产厂家,同时致力于 全球最新3D打印技术的研发. Shenzhen Mootooh dedicates all its power to produce and distribute digital printing machines, meanwhile, concentrate on the 3D technology, the newly developed 3D products of Moorobot series get highly praise from the industry. 济南红帆科技有限公司 Redsail Tech Co ., Ltd T 86-531-86516855/56/57 F 86-531-86516858 E sales@easycut.cn www.easycut.cn www.hflaser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 红帆CM系列激光切割机采用国际领先的德国工业数控 技术,台湾工业级飞行光路,龙门架式结构,USB+DSP 控制系统,高性能二氧化碳激光电源. Redsail Laser Cutter / Laser Cutting Machine work with Co2 Laser, it is used for cutting wooden plate, acrylic, paper, plastic, rubber and other no-metal materials for complex shape. Redsail low cost . 广州百盛电子科技有限公司 GUANZHOU BAISHENG ELECTRONICES TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD T 86 020-37719981 F 86 020-37719981 E info@gzbslaser.com www.bshcnc.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 广州百盛电子科技有限公司,是一家集激光、精密机械、数控、软件 开发及现代化管理为一体,专业从事中小功率激光设备的研发、生 产与销售的高薪技术企业. Guangzhou Baisheng electronic technology Co.,Ltd is a new & hi-tech enterprise which integrates laser, precision machinery, digital control, software developing and modern management, specializing in developing, manufacturing, medium and small power laser equipments. 淄博质恒工贸有限公司(佰克威数控) Exhibitor name: Zibo Zhiheng Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. T 0533-6281609 F 0533-6288565 E 718054610@qq.com www.becarve.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 佰克威数控机中的1325型,如1325-2A,1325-H, 1325-V系列,适用于广告、装潢业需要的各类金属与非 金属板材切割、开槽与雕铣. Becarve CNC router 1325 series, are applicable for various metal and non-metal sheets cutting, milling and engraving utilized and required in advertising and upholster industry. 广州汉牛机械设备有限公司 GUANGZHOU HANNIULASER MACHINERY CO.,LTD T 86-20-86304633/ F 86-20-86243490 E alice@hanlaser.com www.hanlaser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 中国著名品牌"汉牛激光",专业生产激光机,激光雕刻 机,激光切割机,打标机, 激光焊接机. China Famous Brand"Hanniu Laser" Professional Manufacturer,Majore Produce Laser Machine,Laser engraving & cutting machine, laser marking machine, laser welding machine. 11.1&13.1号馆:户内外喷绘机,光纤激光切割机,激光雕刻机,折弯机等产品 8 潍坊世纪元通工贸有限公司 Weifang Yuantong Century Industry and Trade Co., Ltd T 86-536-8268266/8268269 F 86-536-8217522 E xiao@baoyuantong.com baoyuantong666@163.com www.baoyuantong.com www.bytcnc.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司专业生产机械雕刻机、激光雕刻机、数控等离子切割机、数控 弯字机、数控开槽机、亚克力吸塑机、亚克力折弯机、金属标牌机 等广告设备. Professional produce CNC router, CNC laser machine, CNC plasma cutting machine, CNC channel letter bending machine, CNC notching machine, acrylic vacuum forming machine, acrylic bending machine, metal etching machine, etc. Sign making machine . 广州美可创激光设备有限公司 T 020-62698866 F 020-62193700 E 850383222@qq.com www.cklaser.net 产品介绍/Exhibits: 导光板专用激光打标机系统性能稳定,免维护,适合 大批量、多品种、高速度、高精度连续生产的工业加 工现场.创珂激光是一家专业从事激光打标(打码) 设备的研发,生产,销售,培训,售后等. Light Guiding Panel Laser Marking Machine which has a fast marking speed, stable performance, high accurancy. This machine can do LED Panel in mass production. CKLASER is a professional laser marking machine manufacturer for years. 济南龙奥数控机械有限公司 JINAN DRAGONTECH CO., LTD. T 86-531-82639323 F 86-531-82639323 E elaine@dragontechcnc.com.cn michael@dragontechcnc.com.cn www.dragon-cnc.com\ 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我司主要生产木工雕刻机,广告雕刻机,玻璃雕刻机,金 属雕刻机,以及木工加工中心,等离子切割机等. We are professional manufacturer of CNC ROUTER for woodworking, sign-making, glass/stone/metal engraving, and so on. And we also have CNC Plasma Cutting Machine. 深圳市奥华激光科技有限公司 Aohua Laser Technology Co., Ltd T 0755-88869818 F 0755-28373046 E ahlaser@ahlaser.com www.aohua-laser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 奥华激光生产的广告字专用激光焊接机专业对不锈 钢,铝合金,钛金,铁皮度梓板字的焊接.操作简 单,焊接表面光滑,不需要抛光打磨,省时省工; 适合各种不规则规格的字图案焊接;特别设计长聚 焦镜头F=200mm, 可满足超高字体焊接需求. 安装 方便、快捷,操作简单. 济南邦德数控设备有限公司 Jinan Bodor CNC Machine Co.,Ltd T 0531-88695199 F 0531-88690199 E sales@bodorcnc.com www.bodor.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 济南邦德,专注于激光切割、雕刻与标记设备的研发 与生产,量身打造适合您个性化需求的自动化设备解 决方案. Jinan bodor, focus on the research and manufacturing laser cutting,engraving and marking machine, supply industrial automation ,solutions according to your special needs. 芜湖戴杰精工数控科技有限公司 T 0553-8769005 F 0553-8769003 E djtol@yahoo.cn www.djtol.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 戴杰特数控雕铣刀具. 深圳市嘉豪伟业科技有限公司 Shenzhen Jiahao Technology Co., Ltd T 86-755-82666957 F 86-755-82666985 E info@jiahaotech.com www.jiahaotech.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 新款UV墨泵,兼容UV墨水,进口材料垫片,稳定耐 用,适用于各种UV打印机.专注配件生产十余年. UV ink pump with imported material and 10-year manufacturing experiences. 河南卓立膜材料股份有限公司 T 0391-33566326 F 0391-3566179 E zhuolitiaofu@jzzl.com www.jzzl.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 卓立碳带适用于各种条幅布和条幅打印机,打印清晰美 观. Exhibits: Zhuoli Thermal transfer ribbon is suitable for all kinds of banner printer cloth banners,The printing impressions look clear and good. 宁波强强工贸有限公司 TOPUNIT INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO.,LTD T 86 574 88543532 F 86 574 88543285 E belle@topunit-sign.com www.topunit-sign.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: Our professional on design and produce all kind tool for banner finish. for example ; grommet machine; trimmer; safety ruler. 11.1&13.1号馆:户内外喷绘机,光纤激光切割机,激光雕刻机,折弯机等产品 9 济南飞迈数控科技有限公司 Jinan Feimai Numerical Control Technology Co.,Ltd. T 86 0531-68823861 F 86 0531-68824789 E sy0632@sina.com www.feimaicnc.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 展位号11.1号馆 S46展台,展出产品:便携式切割 设备、台式切割设备、自动攻丝设备、数控环焊设 备、数控车铣、雕刻设备及配件. 济南新卓数控机械有限公司 JINAN NEWTOP CNC MACHINE CO., LTD. T 86 531 88586516 F 86 531 88586517 E newtopcnc@163.com www.newtopcnc.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 数控雕刻机、加工中心、等离子切割机. CNC Router,Engraving Machine,CNC Machine,CNC Wood Machine,Woodworking Machine,Wood Cutting Machine, Plasma Cutting Machine. 深圳市奥羽天驰科技有限公司 SHEN ZHEN VAXO COLOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD T 86-755-89393889 F 86-755-89393889 E info@vaxocolor.com www.vaxocolor.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 广告打印机及其配件,耗材,墨水等. printers ,spare parts ,consumable items ,ink and ect. 北京埃佛尔激光科技有限公司 Beijing EFR Laser S&T Co., Ltd. T 86-10+-61507245 F 86-10-61507245 E jeff@bjefr.com http://en.bjefr.com/ 产品介绍/Exhibits: 埃佛尔激光专注于CO2激光管,产品工作寿命最长达 10000小时,功率最高达180W,与国内多家激光机工 厂有长期合作. EFR CO2 laser tube working life is up to 10000hours, power is up to 180W, supplying to many well known laser machine factories. New product will be launched soon. 广州恒爱照明设备有限公司 Hengai Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd. T 8620-86250118 F 8620-86051038 E 13139757@qq.com http://www.21ha.com/ 产品介绍/Exhibits: 我公司开发生产LED驱动器,LED蜂窝式背光板,广告 灯箱专用LED模块与灯条,低电压电子镇流器,UV杀菌灯 镇流器,EEFL逆变器,提供优质光源与配件,得到了 社会各界人士的认可! 天津市沃丰机电设备有限公司 Tianjin Wofeng Electromechanical Equipment Co.,LTD T F 022-60569077 E 1535408686@qq.com www.tjwzj.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 亿众全自动开槽机、全自动折弯机、等离子、激光焊 字机、雕刻机、激光机等. Yizhong automatic slotting machines、Yizhong automatic bengding machine、Plasma cutting machines act. 中山市博汇广告工艺制品有限公司 BOHUI (ZHONGSHAN) ADVERTISING PRODUCTS CO.,LTD T 0760-88827445 F 0760-89882050 E 1005325817@qq.com www.zsbohui.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业制作不锈钢字、led不锈钢字、led发光字、拉丝不 锈钢字、实心三维字、镀金字、外露led发光字、亚克 力发光字、树脂发光字. 武汉新晨自动化技术有限公司 Wuhan Xinchen Automatization Technology Co Ltd T 4000-800-827 F 027-83372895 E PF2000@x-chen.com www.x-chen.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司主导产品有:广告冲孔设备、数控冲床、数控 转塔冲床、数控送料机、自动上料机、光纤激光切 割机. Company main products are: advertising punching equipment, CNC punching, CNC turret punch press, CNC feeding machine, automatic feeding machine, laser cutting machine. 吉林省永利激光科技有限公司 JILIN YONGLI LASER TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD T 0431-84623618 F 0431-88569005 E JDWHJG@163.com www.yl-laser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 永利激光立足长远,努力开拓,为了满足客户需要,公 司已形成市场为主导的科研型多元化生产模式,核心产 品为二氧化碳激光管、激光电源、激光功率计、激光传 输器及其他激光配件. 宁波衡成进出口有限公司 NINGBO HANKING IMPORT & EXPORT CO.,LTD T 0574-87286981 F 0574-87286581 E sinso@sinsobond.com www.sinsobond.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 铝塑板,铝天花吊顶. Aluminum Composite Panel,Aluminum duplex celing. 11.1&13.1号馆:户内外喷绘机,光纤激光切割机,激光雕刻机,折弯机等产品 10 广州广源激光科技有限公司 GUANGZHOU GREAT YEAR LASER TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD T 020-2209 6335 F 020-8627 8927 E info@gdgylaser.com www.gdgylaser.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: GSI激光切割机拥有全面的切割能力,可切割碳钢、不 锈钢<2mm, 亚克力<30MM,木板 中纤板<20MM. 英国进口200W GSI 激光器, 质量稳定、寿命长. Laser Cutting Machine equiped with Britain GSI laser tube realizes cutting forall materials,including thick 2mm carbon steel,stainless steel, 30mm acrylic, 20mm plywood and MDF.Stable quality, as well as long lifespan. 深圳市联建光电股份有限公司 Shenzhen liantronics co.,ltd. T 86 755 29746688 F 86 755 29746802 E lzl@lcjh.com www.lcjh.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED显示屏、LED绿色照明、LED亮景等产品的研发、 生产、销售和工程服务,并为演出、庆典、会议等提 供LED显示屏租赁服务. Focusing on LED product development and kaizen in production technology, Liantronics has owned nearly 50 national patents. 深圳市洲明科技股份有限公司 UNILUMIN GROUP CO.,LTD. T 86-755-29918999 F 86-755-29912092 E sales@unilumin.com www.unilumin.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 洲明UTV显示屏具有低亮、高灰、高刷、高清等优点. UTV Series: High refresh rate—3200Hz; High contrast ratio—5000:1; High gray scale—16bit. 深圳市科美芯纯光电技术有限公司 Shenzhen SBC Photoelectricity Co., LTD T 0755-33819999 F 0755-33923886 E sbcled@sbcled.com www.sbcled.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 金刚罗盘——全球首款户内、户外租赁平. Outdoor/indoor rental display. 深圳蓝普科技有限公司 Shenzhen LAMP Technology Co., LTD T 0755-27653939 F 0755-27653206 E marketing@szlamp.net www.szlamp.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 超薄超轻,无缝拼接,高刷新,高灰阶,无风扇超静 音,蓝普户内高清小间距LED显示屏被广泛应用于军 队、交通、广电、城市管理、水利、矿业等领域. Seamless connection, Super slim and light weight, 3D perfect performance, LAMP HD LED Displays are widely used in army, transport, radio and TV, urban management etc. 利亚德光电股份有限公司 Leyard Optoelectronic Co.,LTD. T 0755-29671180 F 0755-29671239 E xiaoqiangjun@leyard.com www.leyard.net 产品介绍/Exhibits: 利亚德专业从事LED应用产品研发、设计、生产、销售 和服务的高新技术企业,提供LED应用产品及整体解决 方案. We are a full range manufacturer and LED display solutions provider. 深圳市丽晶光电科技股份有限公司 Lightking TECH Group Co.,Ltd T 86-0755-29929878 F 86-0755-29929316 E Service1@lightking.hk www.lightking.hk 产品介绍/Exhibits: 丽晶压铸铝箱体具有:超轻;超薄;安装轻便;高强 度,良好的散热性;模组是用吸铁石与箱体相连,维 修方便. Lightking die-casting aluminum cabinet advantages: super slim&light,easy installation. high precision. great heat-dissipation, module magnet stick in cabinet,easy maintenance. 深圳市德彩光电有限公司 Shenzhen Dicolor Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. T 400-6645-658 F 86-755-29604042 E inquiry@dicolor.cn www.dicolorled.net 产品介绍/Exhibits: 德彩光电U V I三大系列全面满足广告传媒及演艺租赁 各类舞台应用:主屏、侧屏、地砖、弧形等特殊舞台 设计. Dicolor three series of screens are consisted of U-Smart, V-Smart,I-Magic, Which are able to meet the full need of rental market for all applications from main screen, side screen, floor screen, to curved screen. 厦门强力巨彩光电科技有限公司 Xiamen Qiangli Jucai Opto-Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd T 0592-7885888 F 0592-7885656 7885959 E led@qlled.com http://www.qlled.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 室内Q2.5全彩,高清小间距产品,箱体采用CNC精密加 工,强度高、韧性强、精度高,单个重量仅为5 kg. Exhibits: P2.5 Indoor full color display, with high-definition and small pixel pitch. Cabinet created with CNC high-precision machining, with light weight of only 5kg/pc. 深圳市艾比森光电股份有限公司 Shenzhen Absen Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd. T 86 755 89747399 F 86 755 89747599 E absen@szabsen.com www.absen.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: A5II – 赢造盛典,如此简单,箱体更轻薄,维护更方便, 无缝拼接 A5II – Brighten Your Indoor Event.The more lightweight cabinet,The more convenient maintenance, Seamless stitching 深圳市中祥创新电子科技有限公司 Shenzhen Jonsung Electronics Technology Co., LTD. T 0755-33668222 F 0755-33668181 E 353203110@qq.com www.jonsung.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 中祥创新是中国国家及高新技术企业、led显示屏十强 品牌专业生产led显示屏、led日光灯. Shenzhen Jonsung is a China national hi-tech enterprise, top 10 led display and led tube manufacturer in China. 9.2-13.2号馆:LED显示屏,LED芯片/封装/设备,LED广告光源等LED应用产品 11 广州市鸿利光电股份有限公司 Guangzhou Hongli Opto-Electronic Co., Ltd. T 020-8673 3333 F 020-8673 3883 E hongli@honglitronic.comom http://www.honglitronic.com/ 产品介绍/Exhibits: COB大功率集成(20W-150W),出光率高,超低热 阻,配赠专用卡扣,完全取代传统注塑式集成模组, 实现全自动化作业 .应用:泛光灯、隧道灯、工矿灯 等大功率广域照明. Replacement for traditional integrated module;Good lighting output ;Low thermal resistance;Power from 20W to 150W is available;Applications: floodlight, tunnel light, high bay light etc. 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD T 0757-83980208 F 0757-82100200 E company@nationstar.com http://www.nationstar.com/ 产品介绍/Exhibits: 1、 节能80%以上;2、 美观独特的外观造型设计; 3、 绝佳的散热设计. 1.High energy-efficiency.Up to 80% energy saving. 2.Unique and artistic design. 3.Excellent thermal design with good heat dissipation performance. 深圳市明微电子股份有限公司 SHENZHEN SUNMOON MICROELECTRONICS.- CO.,LTD. T 0755-26983951 F 0755-26051849 E yfma@chinaasic.com http://www.chinaasic.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: SM751X是应用于原边反馈LED照明驱动系列芯片,无需FB反馈电阻、环路补偿、辅助绕组.SM73XX是高 精度BUCK-LED恒流驱动芯片. SM751X is a LED lighting drive used in primary side feedback without FB resistance, loop compensation and auxiliary winding. SM73XX is BUCK-LED constant chip with high precision. 深圳市斯派克光电科技有限公司 Shenzhen Spark Optoelectronics S&T Co., Ltd T 0755-83988855 F 0755-83914435 E support@spark-oe.com http://www.spark-oe.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 公司自主研发、生产LED路灯、 LED隧道灯、 LED交 通信号灯、 LED工矿灯、 LED筒灯、 LED日光灯及室 内LED商业照明灯具. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light, High Power LED Tunnel Light, LED Traffic Light, LED High Bay, LED Down Light, LED Tube Light to the other LED lights. 9.3-10.3号馆:LED照明产品 12 深圳市信合光电照明有限公司 SHENZHEN XINHE LIGHTING OPTOELECTRONICS CO., LT T 0755-27308620 27307295 F 0755-81498591 E xhled@xhled.com www.xhled.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 憨豆.LED外露灯唯一品牌.诠释亮点.颗颗经典. Miracle Bean Unique brand of LED exposing light Bright Spots Brilliant Spirit. 深圳市中正零度光电有限公司 RIGHTLEDS CO,. LTD T 0755-27656525 F 0755-27656780 E sales@rightleds.com www.rigtleds.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 中正零度光电新型注塑模组采用2835与5630SMD LED 作为光源,能够比传统的3528和5050 SMD LED模组 更亮更稳定,价格更具备优势. RightLEDs New Injection led module choose 2835 and 5630 SMD LED light source create more lumens than 3528 and 5050 led module but less cost. 北京晶格欧尚科技有限公司 Beijing jingge Oushang Tec. T 010-69386458/59/60 F 010-69386457 E jingge@jgled.com www.jgled.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED广告光源、LED商业光源、LED家居光源. LED Advertising light , LED Commercial light , LED Household light. 深圳市日上光电股份有限公司 Rishang Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. T 0755-33258896 F 0755-33258898 E info@ledlamps.com.cn www.ledlamps.com.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: 灯箱侧入式模组,间距可调,PCB采用铝基板,良好 的散热效果恒流驱动,CE,/RoHS/UL(CUL)认证,IP65 防护等级,94V0阻燃测试. Edge light LED module for light box lighting,spacing adjustable.Aluminium plate,better cooling effect. Constant current technology.CE/ROHS/UL approved,IP65,94V0 Flammability testing. 深圳雷曼光电科技股份有限公司 LEDMAN OPTOELECTRONIC CO., LTD. T 86 755 86137085 F 86 755 86139007 E ld@ledman.cn www.ledman.cn 产品介绍/Exhibits: LED封装器件、LED显示屏、LED照明产品 深圳市晶台光电有限公司 Shenzhen jingtai optoelectronics co.,Ltd T 0755-29100691 F 0755-23462957 E Sales@jt-led.com www.jt-led.com 产品介绍/Exhibits: 专业生产SMD LED、大功率LED、COB照明光源. Which produces SMD LED, High power LED, COB and other LEDproducts. 联系我们 广州闻信展览服务有限公司 电话 传真 邮箱 网址 86 20 3810 6261, 3810 6263 86 20 3810 6200 sign-trust@ubm.com www.SignChina-gz.com 海外网络 日本 电话 邮箱 81 3 4360 5664 ubmcanonjapan@ubm.com 韩国 电话 邮箱 82 2 6715 5406 jameshj.lee@ubm.com 台湾 电话 邮箱 886 2 2738 3898 info-tw@ubm.com 美国 电话 邮箱 1 516 562 7855 cecilia.wun@ubm.com