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  • 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍

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    2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 1 / 113 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 (共100 门,113 门次) *A 类课程仅对本专业或本校学生开放(共48 门) . *B、C 类课程对校外开放(共52 门) . 序号 课程号 课程名称 开课系所 教师 课程类型 备注 1 01533140 规划设计实习 城市与环境学院 林坚 A 2 01533240 人文地理专业实习 城市与环境学院 柴彦威 A 3 01533290 美术实习 城市与环境学院 沈文权 A 4 01533300 城乡地域空间认知实习 城市与环境学院 阴劼 A 5 01534320 自然地理综合实习 城市与环境学院 蒙吉军 A 6 01535130 野外生态学 城市与环境学院 刘鸿雁 A 7 01537530 普通地质实习 城市与环境学院 刘耕年 A 8 01539200 植物土壤实习 城市与环境学院 刘鸿雁 A 9 01539340 地貌实习 城市与环境学院 莫多闻 A 10 12639010 综合社会实践实习 城市与环境学院 楚建群,冯长春,柴彦威,林坚 A 11 12639030 自然地理专业实习 城市与环境学院 蒙吉军 A 12 01231420 综合地质实习 地球与空间科学学院 魏春景 A 13 01231440 区域地质实习 地球与空间科学学院 季建清 A 14 01233380 地震学野外实习 地球与空间科学学院 陈永顺 A 15 01235260 3S 野外综合实习 地球与空间科学学院 田原 A 16 01430870 普通地质实习 地球与空间科学学院 张志诚 吴泰然 A 17 00332950 航空航天工业实习 工学院 黄迅 A 18 00333050 金工实习 工学院 邹如强 A 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 2 / 113 19 00333110 跨文化服务设计 工学院 Michael Barry, Julie, Pamela A 英文,7 月10 日至 8 月16 日20 00333120 纳米材料与纳米技术 工学院 Bingqing Wei A 英文 21 00333170 认识实习 工学院 刘杰 A 22 00333490 水力学与水文学的计算方法 工学院 郑春苗,Prabhakar Clement A 英文 23 00333500 制造工程 工学院 Michael MUNRO A 英文 24 00333510 固体力学 工学院 Shaker A. Meguid A 英文 25 00333520 光伏效应与太阳能 工学院 Raymond ADOMAITIS A 英文 26 00333530 肌骨组织再生与生物力学 工学院 Arthur Mak,Liming Bian A 英文 27 00333540 计算两相流 工学院 Eric CLIMENT A 英文,7 月11 日—31 日28 00333550 生物材料和生物相容性 工学院 Tracy CUI A 英文 29 12734070 环境工程设计基础 环境科学与工程学院 晏明全 A 30 12739020 环境化学野外实习 环境科学与工程学院 梁宝生 A 31 02532500 公共选择理论 经济学院 许云霄 A 第五周周二上午考试 32 01130910 生物学野外实习 生命科学学院 饶广远 A 33 01139700 癌发生的分子和细胞学机制 生命科学学院 张文霞 A 英文 34 04130030 太极拳 体育教研部 李宁 A 五四体育活动中心 35 04130040 健美操 体育教研部 外聘北医教师王东宇/李宁 A 邱德拔健美操厅 36 04130050 乒乓球 体育教研部 吴飞 A 邱德拔体育馆乒乓球厅 37 03635011 公共葡萄牙语(一) 外国语学院 Larissa Costa da Mata A 38 00437150 物理学科暑期专题研讨 物理学院 刘玉鑫 A 第一周每天 1-8 节39 61030030 朋辈心理辅导 心理学系 刘海骅 A 上课时间:2-4,6-8 节40 04830810 可编程逻辑电路设计(I) 信息科学技术学院 蒋伟 A 41 04831430 文科计算机基础(上) 信息科学技术学院 唐大仕 A 手动选课 42 04831440 文科计算机基础(下) 信息科学技术学院 苏祺 A 手动选课 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 3 / 113 43 04832330 工程科学研究方法 信息科学技术学院 陈文新 A 44 04832600 创新工程实践(实习) 信息科学技术学院 张海霞,尚俊杰,陈江,黄岩 谊,李戈,黄文彬 A 45 04832610 计算机系统结构设计专题 信息科学技术学院 易江芳 A 英文,外聘教师开课 46 04832620 处理器体系结构 信息科学技术学院 陆俊林,卡耐基梅隆大学Dnvid O`Hallaron A 中英双语 47 04832630 分布式系统 信息科学技术学院 肖臻 A 与康奈尔大学老师合上,中英 双语 48 04332711 西方美术史田野调研 艺术学院 丁宁 A 学生由教师选拔,中英双语 49 30330500 ACM/ICPC 竞赛训练 北京大学教务部 郭炜 B 50 12639020 圆明园的历史与现状 城市与环境学院 阙维民 B 51 01233170 地震概论 地球与空间科学学院 赵克常 B 8 月1日考试 52 01431440 珠宝鉴赏与珠宝文化 地球与空间科学学院 王长秋 B 8 月1日考试 53 02930871 涉外民商事之法律适用 法学院 张潇剑 B 54 02431590 印度社会与文化 国际关系学院 陈峰君 B 最后一次课随堂考试 55 02530060 微观经济学 经济学院 张元鹏 B 每周四周五 2-4 和10-12 节56 02533160 经济学原理 (Ⅰ) 经济学院 张元鹏 B 每周一周二 2-4 和10-12 节57 02233070 中欧建筑比较 考古文博学院 方拥 B 58 03530190 日本文化艺术专题 外国语学院 滕军 B 7 月19 日开卷考 59 00431740 可再生能源与低碳社会 物理学院 肖立新 B 60 00432206 量子力学专题 物理学院 B. Rosenstein B 英文 61 00432216 量子力学 (Ⅱ) 物理学院 钱志新 B 62 01630081 健康人格心理学 心理学系 杨眉 B 63 01630247 电影与心理(心理咨询篇) 心理学系 易春丽 B 64 01832910 视频编辑 新闻与传播学院 严富昌 B 第一/二周 2-4 节、7-9 节2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 4 / 113 65 01833610 跨文化系列课程:跨文化知识 与能力的评估及训练 新闻与传播学院 关世杰,何惺 B 7 月15 日-19 日 上午 2-4 节 下午 5-7 节66 01833620 跨文化系列课程:国际领导力 评估与培养 新闻与传播学院 关世杰,何惺 B 7 月22-24 日 上午 2-4 节下午5-7 节67 01833630 跨文化系列课程:跨文化商务 沟通 新闻与传播学院 关世杰,庄恩平 B 7 月8-17 日 上午 1-4 节, 英文 68 01833640 跨文化系列课程:跨文化理论 的应用 新闻与传播学院 克里斯托夫.狄尔,关世杰 B 7月22-26日 上午2-4节 下午 5-7 节,英文 69 03032360 中国文化史 信息管理系 王锦贵 B 70 04831830 大规模数据处理/云计算 信息科学技术学院 闫宏飞,彭波 B 71 04831840 职业规划与领导力发展 信息科学技术学院 赵海燕,张铭,蒋云 B 72 04831950 生物特征识别 信息科学技术学院 李文新 B 与香港张大鹏合开 73 18050150 营养与疾病 医学部教学办 张玉梅,朱文丽 B 74 18050180 人体免疫与健康养生 医学部教学办 王月丹 B 75 04330881 基本乐理与管弦乐基础 艺术学院 马清 B 76 02332311 佛教导论 哲学系 姚卫群 B 77 02034120 批评理论导论 中国语言文学系 张旭东 B 手动选课.详见课程简介. 78 03835350 大学英语听说 公共英语教研室 吴芊 C 79 03835470 美国诗歌导读 公共英语教研室 梅申友 C 80 03835720 澳大利亚研究 公共英语教研室 C 81 03835730 美国文化概览 公共英语教研室 C 82 03835950 高级英语口语 公共英语教研室 C 83 30340004 在北京发现中国历史 国际暑期学校 赵冬梅 C 英文授课 84 30340009 中国民俗与文化 国际暑期学校 王娟 C 英文授课 85 30340015 比较哲学:中国和西方 国际暑期学校 Roger T. Ames,Joseph Harroff C 英文授课 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 5 / 113 86 30340018 经济、环境与中国 国际暑期学校 Andrew Yates C 英文授课 87 30340028 转型时期的中国公共政策 国际暑期学校 李永军 C 英文授课 88 30340033 镜中观花——中国人的价值观 国际暑期学校 韩金鹏 C 英文授课 89 30340036 人口的老龄与健康 国际暑期学校 郑晓瑛 C 英文授课 90 30340039 中国经济专题 国际暑期学校 季曦,秦雪征 C 英文授课 91 30340040 沟通、文化、社会:中国模式 国际暑期学校 龚文庠 C 英文授课 92 30340042 中国历史与文化专题 国际暑期学校 高艳丽 C 英文授课 93 30340043 现代中国文化与社会(1910 年至今) 国际暑期学校 蒋晖 C 英文授课 94 30340044 新中国:文艺与社会 国际暑期学校 蒋洪生 C 英文授课 95 30340045 中国地方政府与政治 国际暑期学校 张长东 C 英文授课 96 30340046 丝绸之路-文化与物质交流史 国际暑期学校 陆扬 C 英文授课 97 30340047 中国说辩理论与实践 国际暑期学校 吕行 C 英文授课 98 30340048 中国传统认同与其现代变迁 国际暑期学校 孙飞宇 C 英文授课 99 30340049 "中国崛起"专题研讨课 国际暑期学校 徐昕 C 英文授课 100 30340050 组织行为学导论 国际暑期学校 Dr. Y. Connie Yuan C 英文授课 *A 类课程仅对本专业或本校学生开放(共48 门) . *B、C 类课程对校外开放(共52 门) . 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 6 / 113 工学院 航空航天工业实习 Aerospace Industry Intern Program 黄迅 研究员 课程编号 00332950 学分 3 先修课程 无 课程简介: 组织高年级本科生参观和访问航空和航天中有代表性的工业单位,在条件(保密、时间)允许的情况下适当从事科研实践活动,从而对我国航空航天研 究、发展和生产单位建立一定的了解,为学生下一步在个人感兴趣的航空航天子课题上继续深入学习和研究指明方向. This course will organize several visitings and intern programmes of aerospace industry for junior undergraduates. These activities are designed to help our students deep understanding and build up an overview of Chinese aerospace industry, which could in turn guide their study and research in the near future. 授课方式:参观参观和访问航空和航天中有代表性的工业单位,在条件(保密、时间)允许的情况下适当加入相关单位从事一些科研实践活动. 考核方式:出勤率 50%,实习单位打分 50% 教师简介: 黄迅,博士,研究员.2002 年到 2003 年在通用电气(GE)全球研究中心实时控制实验室担任研发工程师;2006 年10 月起在英国南安普敦大学航空航天 系从事博士后研究 (Research Fellow);2008 年1月起担任英国南安普敦大学工学院航空航天系讲师.2009 年2月回国任工学院特聘研究员.黄迅博士 的研究背景和技术经验包括实时控制、流体控制等. 返回目录 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 邹如强 副研究员 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 7 / 113 课程编号 00333050 学分 3 先修课程 无 课程简介: 本课程共 60 学时 3 学分,学生暑期完成.教师授课和工厂实习同时进行,教师授课占 22 学时,工厂实习占 38 学时.主要培养学生金属加工和机械操作 的基本技能.通过金工实习使学生了解实验安全、工艺技术及工业机械操作的基本知识和流程.课程共分十个章节,包括铸造、焊接、钢的热处理、切 削加工基本知识、车工、铣工、刨工、磨工、钳工、数控加工技术等实践内容. This is a one-semester course designed to introduce the student to basic metal working and machining concepts. This hands-on course will introduce students to many metal characteristics and machining procedures. Students will learn safety, craftsmanship, and an appreciation of the machining industry. The class includes casting, welding, cutting, lathe, milling machine, planing machine, and digital control machining techniques etc.. The experience and knowledge gained in this course will begin to develop an appreciation of industrial design, craftsmanship, orderly procedures, safe work habits, pride in their work, integrity, proper work ethic, and an understanding of hand and power tools used in the metals shop. 授课方式:教师授课占 22 学时,工厂实习占 38 学时. 考核方式:考勤 20 分,工厂实习产品成绩 80 分. 教师简介: 邹如强,2010 年7月起加入北京大学工学院材料科学与工程系后,开设研究生必修课程"材料科学进展"和"先进材料化学" ,讲授材料化学的基本理论、 应用前景及最新进展. 科研方面,主要从事新型纳米多孔材料的合成、结构、性能及应用研究.以纳米多孔骨架材料为载体,研究其在气体(能源气体和温室气体)捕获与分 离、介孔相变储能、锂离子电池材料等方面的应用性能;同时发展先进的中子衍射技术原位地探索材料结构与性能之间的关系.制备了一系列具有新颖 结构的功能材料,包括纳米多孔骨架吸附材料、超离子导体固体电解质材料及介孔相变储能材料,并取得了一系列的创新成果,发表 SCI 收录论文 50 余篇,引用 1000 余次. 返回目录 跨文化服务设计 Cross Cultural Design for Service 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 8 / 113 Michael Barry, Julie, Pamela 课程编号 00333110 学分 3 先修课程 无 课程简介: 跨文化服务设计课程分为五部分:Developing Empathy,Prototyping,Developing Insights,Testing and Iterating 和Ideation. 教师简介 Three instructors of this course, Prof. Michael Barry, Prof. Julie Standford & Prof. Pamela Hinds, are all come from the Design School, Stanford University, USA. 返回目录 纳米材料与纳米技术 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Bingqing Wei Mech Eng Dept, University of Delaware 课程编号 00333120 学分 3 先修课程 无 课程简介: 纳米材料与纳米技术中的先进主题包括纳米结构、纳米材料的合成、性质、表征和应用.本课程将重点向学生介绍纳米材料的构建模块,当它们被组装 时的材料性能,建筑纳米级结构技术及其特征,可以转换和存储能量的纳米材料,以及这些纳米材料和纳米技术的科技涵义. Advanced topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology including nanostructures, nanomaterial synthesis, properties, characterizations, and applications. The emphasis will be to introduce students to the science of the building blocks of nanostructured materials, material behavior when they are assembled, technology for building nanoscale structures and features, nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage, and the technological implications of these nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 9 / 113 认识实习 General Practice 刘杰 课程编号 00333170 学分 3 先修课程 能源与资源工程原理、普通化学、工程流体力学、热学 授课对象 本院系学生 课程简介: 认识实习是在完成基础课程的学习后所进行的实践环节.通过让学生进入到典型工厂、企业了解生产环节,进一步巩固加深课堂所学过的理论知识,并 为后续相关课程的学习奠定基础.同时达到开阔学生视野,了解行业内的最新发展及趋势,并且激发兴趣与热爱专业等目的. 认识实习的地点是北京及临近地区的新能源企业、污水处理厂、钢铁厂和环保企业等. The General Practice is an important training course for students who have finished basic courses of the Energy and Resources Engineering major. In this training course, students will have opportunities to learn in-situ the operation processes of typical enterprises. It helps students enhance their understandings on the knowledge taught in class, and lays a solid basis for the study of more advanced courses. It also broadens the horizon of the students, and inspires their interests in the major. The course will be taught in Beijing and its vicinity, covering enterprises in the fields of new energy, wastewater treatment, steel & iron, and environmental protection. 返回目录 水力学与水文学的计算方法 Numerical Methods in Hydraulics and Hydrology Prabhakar Clement,郑春苗 课程编号 00333490 学分 3 先修课程 此前所有的编程经历都将有助于本课程的学习. 授课对象 本院系学生 课程简介: 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 10 / 113 本课程旨在介绍基本的数值方法,这些算法可用于求解不同形式的常微分方程(ODEs)和偏微分(PDEs)方程,从而为环境运输过程建模.课程中将会讨 论多种需要用到常、偏微分方程的水力水文问题.此外,我们期待学生能够借此提高基于 VB 语言的编程技能.课程的初期将会介绍一些 VB 知识.此前 所有的编程经历都将有助于本课程的学习.同时,课程也会介绍基本的水力水文知识,也会讨论一些现实问题的案例. The focus of the class is to introduce fundamentals of numerical methods for solving different types of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) used for modeling environmental transport processes. Various types of applied hydraulics and hydrological problem that use ODEs and PDEs will be discussed. Students will be expected to develop their own computer codes using Visual Basic (VB) programming language. VB will be introduced at the beginning of the class, and prior programming experience (in any language) will be helpful. Basic introduction to hydraulics and hydrology will also be provided. Further, case studies on how to solve real-world problems will be discussed. 返回目录 制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering Michael MUNRO 课程编号 00333500 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 材料特性、技术制图的入门课程 课程简介: 生产基础:金属浇铸;金属成型-轧制,锻造,挤压和绘图,以及金属片材成型;塑料/陶瓷/玻璃成型;金属切削-车削、钻孔/镗孔/铰孔、铣、磨削; 非传统机加工-ECM、EDM 和激光切割;焊接;表面处理;计量.制造过程的环境问题,材料的回收. 自动化基础:材料加工和操作过程中的自动化-NC,机器人及自动化引导的车辆;柔性生产-成组技术,单元化制造及 FMS;以及计算机主导的设计-几何 建模,计算机制图,并行工程和快速原型. 本课程分为"制造工程课程" 、 " 制造工程实验"两部分授课. Production Fundamentals: Metal casting; metal forming - rolling, forging, extrusion and drawing, and sheet-metal forming; plastic/ceramic/glass forming; metal removal - turning, drilling/ boring/reaming, milling, and grinding; non-traditional machining - ECM, EDM and laser cutting; welding; surface treatment; metrology. Environmental issues in manufacturing processes, recycling of materials. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 11 / 113 Automation Fundamentals: Automation in material processing and handling - NC, robotics and automatically-guided vehicles; flexible manufacturing - group technology, cellular manufacturing and FMS; and computer-aided design - geometric modelling, computer graphics, concurrent engineering and rapid prototyping. 返回目录 固体力学 Mechanics of Solids Shaker A. Meguid 课程编号 00333510 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 无 课程简介: 本课程为固体力学的基础课程,它研究结构成分及机械组件在外加载荷下的力学行为,这些知识可用以分析实际工程问题.这些外加载荷可以是轴向或 横向力,扭转力矩,弯矩或它们的组合.载荷通过内部应力的形式在结构成分和机械组件中传递,从而导致结构的扭曲和变形.弹性和弹塑性形变均属 于本课程的研究范围.此外我们还将研究平面加载条件下的复杂应力系统和应力转换,并充分重视设计过程中失效准则的运用.强度和刚度计算将贯穿 课程始末.本课程将通过作业和力学实验来检验相关观点. This is an introductory course in solid mechanics. It consists of studying the behaviour of structural members and machine components under applied loading and applying that knowledge to analyze real engineering problems. The applied loads can be axial or transverse forces, twisting torques, bending moments and combinations thereof. These loads, which are transmitted through structural members and machine components via internal stresses, lead to deformations/deflections of these components. Both elastic and elasto-plastic deformations are studied. The course further considers complex stress system and stress transformation under plane loading conditions and emphasizes the use of failure criteria in the design process. Both strength and rigidity calculations are considered through out the course and concepts are examined using assignments and experimental mechanics. 返回目录 光伏效应与太阳能 Photovoltaics: Solar Energy 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 12 / 113 Raymond ADOMAITIS 课程编号 00333520 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 无 课程简介: 课程旨在建立对器件物理、晶体和薄膜光伏电池生产过程的概念性的理解,提升基本的计算机技能,以此来量化太阳能电池的效率.课程教材中包含了 具体的、系统级的能量平衡,这有助于理解太阳能的能量产生、转化、贮存的过程.课程中也会对光伏发电技术、太阳化学转换过程以及生物燃料做一 个定量的比较. The emphasis of this class is on developing a conceptual understanding of the device physics and manufacturing processes of crystalline and thin-film photovoltaic cells, and to develop elementary computational skills necessary to quantify solar cell efficiency. The class material includes detailed, system-level energy balances necessary to understand how solar energy fits into the complete energy generation, conversion, and storage picture. Quantitative comparisons of PV technology to solar chemical conversion processes and biofuels are made. 返回目录 肌骨组织再生与生物力学 Musculoskeletal Tissues Regeneration & Biomechanics Arthur Mak,Liming Bian 课程编号 00333530 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 无 课程简介: 机械信号在肌肉骨骼组织发展、力传导、胞外基质相互作用、生物反应器、肌骨骼组织工程学中的作用.肌肉骨骼组织的结构、性质和功能,软组织的粘 弹性,生物结构力学、功能要求和组织重构,组织退化的病理力学,矫形植入骨骼组织骨骼的生物力学交互作用. Effect of mechanical signaling on musculoskeletal tissue development, mechanotransduction, cell-extracellular matrix interactions, bioreactors, musculoskeletal tissue engineering. Structure, property & function of musculoskeletal tissues, viscoelasticity of soft tissues, biostructural mechanics, functional demands and tissue remodeling, pathomechanics of tissue degeneration, biomechanical interactions of 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 13 / 113 orthopaedic implants with skeletal tissues. 返回目录 计算两相流 Computational Two-Phase Flows Eric CLIMENT 课程编号 00333540 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 无 课程简介: 本课程重点为学生介绍两相分散流体的数值模拟方法以及在计算流体力学领域的前沿课题,包括:颗粒悬浮液,气泡液体及液滴喷雾.课程中不仅涵盖 了解答 Navier-Stokes 方程的经典数值方法,还介绍了双向耦合技术(完全耦合的两相流体模拟) .这些都将会以例子的形式呈现,如石油、核能、化学 工程领域的具体应用. The emphasis will be to introduce students to the numerical simulation of dispersed two-phase flows and advanced topics in computational fluids mechanics, including particle suspensions, bubbly liquids and droplet sprays. Lectures on numerical approaches classically used to solve Navier-Stokes equations will be given together with an adaptation to two-way coupling techniques (fully coupled two-phase flow simulations). Examples will be related to applications in petroleum, nuclear and chemical engineering. The student project consists of using Matlab to simulate particle suspension flows. 返回目录 生物材料和生物相容性 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility Tracy CUI 课程编号 00333550 学分 3 授课对象 本院系学生 先修课程 无2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 14 / 113 课程简介 本课程旨在培养学生更好地理解生物材料.课程将书本和临床相关的生物材料联系在一起,同时也会介绍多种医用材料,如聚合物、金属、陶瓷,并关 注这些材料的合成、表征、结构-性能关系及其表面改性.本课程将从不同角度讨论其生物相容性,如蛋白吸附、异物反应、免疫及炎症反应等.最后, 课程里也会介绍临床应用的具体例子. This course is designed to introduce students to a more advanced understanding of biomaterials. Throughout the course ties are made between the topic of study and clinically relevant biomaterial performance. The course will introduce various biomaterials such as polymers, metals, and ceramics with the focus on their synthesis, characterization, structure-property relationship and surface modification. The biocompatibility issues of biomaterials will be discussed from different aspects such as protein adsorption, foreign body reaction, immune and inflammatory response etc. Finally, examples of clinical applications will be given. 返回目录 物理学院 可再生能源与低碳社会 Renewable energy and low-carbon society 肖立新 教授 课程编号 00431740 学分 2 先修课程 自然科学及人文科学的常识 课程简介: 化石能源成就了现代社会的进步,但是也给人类社会带来了很大的压力.一方面,化石能源的日益紧张对社会经济可持续发展带来了压力;另一方面, 化石能源的不断消费,产生了更多的温室气体.为了寻求社会可持续发展的模式,可再生能源的发展日益成为国际社会的首选目标.从我国目前能源生 产及能源消费的实际状况出发,大力发展新能源和可再生能源是我国未来的能源发展战略要求. 《中国的能源状况与政策》白皮书中指出,可再生能源是 中国能源优先发展的领域.为了适应我国节能减排和发展低碳经济的新形势,本课程计划通过讲授,让学生掌握我国的再生能源发展规划以及面临怎样 的机遇与挑战,为什么要走低碳社会之路,国际上低碳经济的发展形势及经验,为此中国应该如何面对目前发展与减排的矛盾,以及能源结构与人口的 特殊情况,以制订适合中国经济可持续发展的战略决策.本课程内容主要包括介绍我国的能源结构,全球气候变化的趋势、影响与对策,低碳经济发展 的国际经验,中国实行低碳社会的发展战略及技术路线图与 2020 年的中期目标及 2050 年的长期目标,以及中国的可再生能源发展规划及现代光学在开 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 15 / 113 发可再生能源中的作用. The fossil energy has brought not only progresses but also a high pressure for modern society. Fossil energy, on the one hand, the increasing tension of supplying has brought a high pressure on the sustainable socio-economic development; the other hand, the continuous consumption of fossil energy has been producing more and more greenhouse gases. In order to find a model for sustainable development of the society, the development of renewable energy is increasingly becoming a choice for the international community. Considering from our current energy production and energy consumption of the actual situation, great efforts to develop new energy and renewable energy is our future energy development strategy requirements. "China`s Energy Conditions and Policies" White Paper pointed out that renewable energy is a priority to the development of China`s energy field. In order to adapt to China`s energy conservation and the development of low-carbon economy, this course will let students to master the country`s renewable energy development plan what kind of opportunities and challenges for China to face, why low carbon society we should choice, international situation and experience on the development of low carbon economic. How should China to face the contradictions of development and reducing the emissions, energy and special population structure, how to make the strategic decision for sustainable development of economy in China. The content of this course include introduction of China`s energy structure, the trend of global climate change, impacts and countermeasures, the international experience of the development of low-carbon economy, China`s development strategy and technology roadmap to implement a low-carbon society with the 2020 mid-term goals and 2050 long-term goals, as well as China`s renewable energy development planning and modern optical role in the development of renewable energy. 教师简介 肖立新, 男,博士,教授,博士生导师.2000 年获日本东京大学博士学位,先后在日本及美国从事二次电池、太阳能电池材料与器件研究.2006 年北京 大学引进人才,现为北京大学物理学院教授,为了适应我国再生能源的发展,节能减排和发展低碳经济的新形势,回国以后主要从事太阳能电池研究, 对我国的能源及环境现状有着较深入的理解.发表论文 80 余篇,申请日本专利 3 项,中国专利 15 项.主持过国家 863 项目,目前承担 973 项目课题及自 然科学基金课题. 返回目录 量子力学专题 Advanced topics in Quantum Mechanics B. Rosenstein 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 16 / 113 课程编号 00432206 学分 2 先修课程 量子力学 课程简介: 目前,国内现有的量子力学课程着重讲授非相对论性量子力学的基本理论和方法,对其路径积分形式的表述和实际具体的计算方法、解决具体实际问题 的应用等大多不予深入讨论、甚至根本不提及,对于从量子力学到量子场论的过渡大多也不予讨论.该专题课程针对解决这些问题而开设,从而帮助同 学打下从量子力学的形式理论过渡到开展具体物理研究的坚实基础. 本课程主要讲授非相对论性量子力学在描述一些基本量子现象的应用(比如能谱、量子动力学、散射理论、隧穿理论、AB 效应和 Berry 相位等)和量子 力学中的路径积分、格林函数及其它一些基本问题的实际计算方法(比如半经典近似、变分法、数值计算方法、一些精确可解模型、 微挠的费曼图展开 理论等等) .课程将采用新的理论框架(路径积分和其相关计算技术)来描述量子现象,从而为同学们进一步学习量子多体理论等后续课程打下扎实的理 论基础.该课程将在突出清晰的物理概念的同时,强调具体计算技能(包含解析和数值两方面) ,并结合当前的研究实例来展开. The course provides a deeper understanding of general phenomena in systems that behave essentially quantum mechanically and practical introductions to methods used to describe the behavior. The phenomena discussed include the nature of spectrum, quantum dynamics, scattering and tunneling. In addition to a survey of exactly solvable problems, a variety of approximations are introduced: from perturbation theory, semiclassical, variational to numerical simulation. General tools of the Green's functions and path integrals are also introduced and utilized. 教师简介 Key papers like: M. Lewkowicz and B. Rosenstein, Dynamics of Particle-Hole Pair Creation in Graphene, Phys. Rev. Let. 102, 106802 (2009). TEACHING EXPERIENCE Started to teach in 1996 in National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu. Courses include Basic and Advanced "Classical Mechanics", Introductory and Advanced "Quantum Physics", "Applied Superconductivity" and "Quantum Transport", more recently "Advanced topics in condensed matter physics: graphene" . While away from NCTU gave a course together with Prof. A. Stern on vortex physics ("Superconductivity") at Weizmann Institute , while on sabbatical in 2004 (became a basis for the pedagogical part of the recent Rev. Mod. Phys. article) and is giving now an advanced course 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 17 / 113 "Dirac particles in condensed matter physics: introduction to graphene and topological insulators" in Technion as a visiting Lady Davis scholar. 返回目录 量子力学 (Ⅱ) Quantum Mechanics (ll) 钱志新 副教授 课程编号 00432216 学分 2 先修课程 量子力学Ⅰ 课程简介: 在量子力学Ⅰ的基础上,介绍 He 原子和多电子原子的基本理论, 主要讨论量子力学中的微扰理论和变分方法; Hartree 理论, Hartree-Fock 理论和 Thomas-Fermi 理论. 双原子分子、多原子分子的转动谱和振动谱. 价键理论的基本概念. 介绍量子力学中的 Feynman 路径积分方法(以自由粒子和谐振 子为例). 介绍 WKB 近似,Bohr 量子化条件,势垒的隧穿.量子力学里态的相干态描述; 介绍量子力学中的相位, 包括 Aharonov-Bohm 效应的实验观 察; 引力导致的量子力学相位效应; Berry 相和 Aharonov-Anandan 的介绍. 讨论量子力学中的密度矩阵理论和 Wigner 函数的概念. This course is intended for senior undergraduate students or motivated junior undergraduate students in physics major or chemistry major who have completed the study of the one-semester course of quantum mechanics. The level is more advanced than the usual course of quantum mechanics. Several topics listed below will get discussed at a high level. The method of the perturbation theory and the variational theory in quantum mechanics will be presented at the beginning. Introductory materials to the study of the atom of helium and those with more than two electrons are then presented the next. The methods of Hartree theory, Hartree-Fock theory, and Thomas-Fermi theory are discussed; quantum mechanical many-body theory is presented but at the level of an intruduction. The main topics further cover several other basics in the quantum chemstry, like the rotation and vibration of a diatom molecule and other small (and somehow simple) molecules. The path integral approach of Feynman to quantum mechanics is discussed. The course also include the subjects on the semi-classical methods such as WKB approximation; the application of them to bound states and scattering states is discussed. The final part of this course is devoted specifically to the topic on phases in quantum mechanics. After introducing the concept of phase in quantum mechanics, 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 18 / 113 we discuss their effects in the Aharonov-Bohm experiments and other important experiments. On theoretical aspect, we introduce and discuss the concepts of the Berry phase and the Aharonov-Anandan phase. The theory of density matrix and the introduction to the Wigner function might also be presented in the course, though not always. 返回目录 生命科学学院 生物学野外实习 Field Observation of Biology 饶广远 课程编号 01130910 学分 1 课程简介: 暂缺 返回目录 癌发生的分子和细胞学机制 Biology of Cancer 张文霞 课程编号 01139700 学分 2 课程简介: 暂缺 返回目录 地球与空间科学学院 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 19 / 113 综合地质实习 Excursion for Integrative Geology 魏春景 课程编号 01231420 学分 2 课程简介: 暂缺 返回目录 区域地质实习 Excursion for Regional Geology 季建清 副教授 课程编号 01231440 学分 2 授课语言 中英双语 课程简介: 暂缺 教师简介: 主要研究领域:构造地质与活动构造、第四纪地质与地貌学、地质年代学. 专长: 野外地质解析、地震勘探技术、地貌分析技术、地壳热史演化模拟技术. 2002 年聘为副教授,2007 年聘为本课程负责人. 10 年来,主持科学研究项目 30 余项,发表论文近百篇(SCI 多大多数) . 主持研究生课程 2 门,本科生课程 2 门. 北京大学 K-Ar 与40Ar/39Ar 同位素实验室负责人. 获得北京大学教学成果奖一等奖一次(排名第一) ,北京市教学成果二等奖一次(排名第一) ;北京大学实验技术成果一等奖一次(排名第一) . 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 20 / 113 地震概论 Introduction to Seismology 赵克常 课程编号 01233170 学分 2 课程简介 本课程是为全校学生开设的素质教育通识课程,具有典型的自然科学课程的特征.它简明扼要地介绍了地震学的基本概念以及研究的方法,内容包括地 震学史、地震仪原理与地震图、地震波的传播理论、地球内部结构、勘探地震学、地震预报、临震措施和地震学最新进展.通过本课程的学习, 提升学 生的自然科学的素质,增强学生的抗震减灾意识以及提升学生的临震逃生能力. As a general education course aimed at all the students at the campus for promoting quality-oriented education, Introduction to Seismology is characterized by its typical natural science features. The course provides a brief introduction to basic concepts and research methods of seismology, which covers Seismology history, seismograph principles and seismogram, seismic waves propagation theories, interior Earth structure, exploration seismology, earthquake prediction, imminent earthquake measures and recent advances in seismology. This course enables the students to promote their quality of natural science, enhance their awareness of earthquake resistance and disaster mitigation and improve their skills for imminent earthquake escape. 教师简介 主讲课程:数学物理方法;数学物理方法专题:小波变换;地震概论. 科研领域:理论地震学和地球内部物理学,在研项目有:Lg 波分析地下核爆炸震源特性及估算爆炸装置的埋深、地球内核边界区域精细结构的地 震学研究等. 返回目录 地震学野外实习 Field training on Seismology 陈永顺 课程编号 01233380 学分 2 课程简介 地球物理学是一门建立在观测资料基础上,通过对大量观测资料的分析,发现新的现象、产生新的理论,从而不断发展的学科.本课程的目的是:学生 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 21 / 113 通过野外观测与资料处理的实习,加深对理论知识的理解,另一方面培养学生开展野外科研工作及获取资料、解释资料的能力,为其进一步在地球物理 学及相关领域开展实际科研工作奠定基础.主要内容包括:地震观测台阵的设计及野外临时地震台的建立;野外数字地震观测资料的收集及初步处理; 野外大震现场考察及发震构造、震源机制的现场分析. 返回目录 3S 野外综合实习 Practice on RS, GIS and GPS 田原 课程编号 01235260 学分 1 课程简介 通过在典型区域的野外综合实习,使学生了解 3S 综合实践应用的基本方法,培养学生的实际动手能力,帮助其深入理解和掌握所学的理论知识: 走出校门,置身于大自然之中,实地验证课堂上所学的地图学、自然地理基础知识和 3S 基本理论的过程. 将遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统所学的各种方法和理论应用于实际工作中,加深对基本理论知识的理解. 掌握自然地理野外调查的基本技能,培养和锻炼学生的动手和独立工作能力. 掌握综合利用遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统进行区域野外调查和专题遥感解译工作的基本方法和技术. This mandatory class provides an integral filed practice on GIS, RS, and GPS. The main contents of this class are data acquisition, route planning, filed exploration, RS image interpretation, GPS navigation, and land survey.The students are required to comprehensively apply what they have learnt in GIS, RS, and GPS classes in practice to fulfill all the tasks, which will improve their understandings and application abilities of the basic knowledge. 返回目录 珠宝鉴赏与珠宝文化 Jewelry Appreciation and Jewelry Culture 王长秋 课程编号 01431440 学分 2 课程简介 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 22 / 113 珠宝玉石是大自然数百万年孕育并奉献给人类的宝贵精华,是人类认识自然的重要对象之一.本课程利用多媒体等现代教学手段,通过对珠宝玉石主要 品种的基本特点、评价鉴别、美学欣赏以及我国玉器发展和玉雕艺术的讲授、讨论,使学生们掌握、了解珠宝玉石的基本概念、主要种类、加工工艺、 评价鉴别方法、美学赏析,熟悉古玉器在中国历史文化中的地位、各个历史时期玉器制作的风格、工艺特点及其与历史背景和生产力发展水平的关系, 了解我国玉雕艺术的特点和现代珠宝文化. 本课程由王长秋博士,崔文元教授,王时麒教授三位老师讲授. As a precious essence born in nature for millions of years, jewelry is one of important objects in understanding of human to nature. In this course, using modern teaching means, basic characteristics of main varieties, identification and evaluation, aesthetic appreciation of jewelry and the development of Chinese jade and jade carving art will be taught and discussed, in order to enable students to acquire the basic concepts of jewelry, main gem varieties, processing technology, identification and evaluation methods, aesthetic appreciation, and to understand the historical and cultural position of Chinese ancient jade, style and process characteristics of jade production during each historical period and their relationships to the historical background and the level of development of productive forces, and to know the features of Chinese jade carving art and modern jewelry culture. 教师简介 王长秋,理学博士,地球与空间科学学院副教授.国家注册珠宝玉石质检师,中国宝玉石协会宝石鉴定师,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会环境矿物专业委 员会委员,中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会鉴定评估专业委员会委员.先后主讲过为主干基础课"结晶学及矿物学" 、通选课"珠宝鉴赏与珠宝文化" 、专业 选修课"宝石学" ,研究生选修课"矿物物理" 、 "成因矿物学" 、 "应用矿物学" ,教学评估结果良好;多次承担原地质学系本科生的野外及室内的教学实 习,每次均圆满完成教学任务.主持国家自然科学基金项目 1 项,参加了多项国家自然科学基金、国土资源部及科技部科研项目的研究.发表论文 100 余篇,其中 SCI 检索论文 38 篇,合作编写主干课教材 1 部,参著中英文专著各 1 本.1998 年度获北京大学青年教师岗松科研奖,2008 年度获北京大学 教学成果校级一等奖(排名第二),2008 年度获北京大学工商银行奖教金. 返回目录 心理学系 健康人格心理学 Psychology of Healthy Personality 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 23 / 113 杨眉 课程编号 01630081 学分 2 先修课程 无 课程简介: 健康人格心理学是一门研究健康人格基本特点以及发展、变化的规律的科普性质的学科.本课以发掘学生的潜能和提升学生的生活质量和幸福感为目标. 本课是在人格心理学与临床心理学等相关学科的基础上发展出来的,通过对健康人格发展规律的经典理论的介绍,帮助学生了解自身的个性特点及其发 展规律.使学生在自我认识与自我接纳的基础上更全面地认识与接纳他人. 教师简介 杨眉,自1984 年开始对学生提供心理咨询,自1985 年开始从事心理教育.目前主讲课程包括: 《健康人格心理学》 、 《社会心理学》 、 《心理卫生学》和《电 影文本成长心理学》 .2006 年起,在"北京大学暑期课堂"开设《健康人格心理学》 ,2011 年在北大暑期课堂开设《人际沟通分析学》 . 返回目录 电影与心理(心理咨询篇)Film and psychology(Psychological Counseling) 易春丽 课程编号 01630247 学分 2 先修课程 无 课程简介: 由于现代化的进程,人们生活脚步在加快,来自生活中各个方面的压力对人的身体健康会产生不良的影响,因此如何获得心理方面的帮助就成了我们必 要的知识储备.本课程将以电影为媒介,让学生能够以生动的方式对心理咨询有比较深入的了解.在本次课程中将介绍心理咨询的一般概述,心理咨询 的伦理,比如保密原则等等,如何建立咨询师和来访者之间的关系,以及发生在咨询中的阻抗,目前主要的咨询流派等. 本课程作为向全校本科生的普及课程,希望能够达到以下的目标: 通过学习,学生要能够对心理咨询有基本的了解学生知道可以通过哪些渠道,寻求心理上的帮助学生可以对心理咨询能有比较客观的期待,课程还可以 帮助学生能够审视自己的心理健康,在某种程度上这门课程的知识能帮助学生更完善自己的心理. Along with modernization, the pace of people`s life is getting faster and faster and people suffer from enormous pressure of one kind or another. Therefore, it has become an indispensable ability for modern people to have some basic psychology knowledge. This course intends 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 24 / 113 to allow students to learn more, via the media of movies, about psychological counseling and psychotherapy in a vivid and interesting way. Issues covered include introduction to counseling and psychotherapy, ethics of counseling and psychotherapy, confidentiality, how to build client-therapist relationship, resistance, as well as different approaches of counseling, etc. This course aims to: 1) Allow the students to have a basic understanding of psychological counseling. 2) Allow the students to know the ways to obtain psychological help if needed 3)Allow the students to have objective knowledge of psychological counseling; help students know how to monitor their own psychological health; in a certain sense, this course will help improve students` mental health. 教师简介 易春丽,心理系教师,研究方向为儿童及家庭研究 职业压力应对. 返回目录 新闻与传播学院 视频编辑 Video Editing 严富昌 课程编号 01832910 学分 2 先修课程 广播电视节目制作 课程简介 通过本课可以了解视音频非线性编辑的基本概念、 基本流程、 剪辑方法、 特效合成和输出, 熟悉在 Final Cut Studio 中的 Final Cut Pro (FCP) , Compressor, DVD Studio Pro 等常用非线性编辑软件基本操作流程.了解视音频设备的接口与性能,掌握视频素材上载、视频剪辑、声音特效、字幕特效、色彩校正、 包装合成,视频输出等实践操作的技能. This lesson help to students understand the basic concepts of the non-linear editing, the basic process of video editing, editing methods, effects compositing, capture and output. We will learn and master the basic grammar of visual language and editing logic rules, skilled use of non-linear editing commonly software in Final Cut Studio: Final Cut Pro (FCP), Compressor, DVD Studio Pro and others. We will understand 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 25 / 113 the interface and performance of video and audio equipment, master upload video clips, video editing, sound effects, subtitles, special effects, color correction, packaging and synthesis, video output and other practical skills. 返回目录 跨文化系列课程:跨文化知识与能力的评估及训练 Intercultural Training:Gateway to Cultivating Intercultural Competence 关世杰 何惺 课程号:01833610 学分:2 课程简介 在当今复杂多变的全球化社会里,文化差异或被视为障碍,或被视为机遇.持"障碍"看法的人为避开问题而格外关注"不"做什么;而将文化差异当 作潜在资源的人们关注的是"做"什么来强化群体互动. 当人们时常认为存在"交流问题"时,却不知道怎样分析它的真正含义.通过了解与文化相关 的各种交流方式,个人能更容易地看到问题所在.如今生活在全球化社会中的每个人不久都会认识到应对误解的方式方法在不同文化中有着巨大的差异. 不论什么工作引发了这个问题,解决的过程似乎让它更令人不快.一些文化倾向于直接的,更西方化的交流方式,而另一些文化将其视为有进攻性的, 效率低下的方式.我们大多数人对自身文化的对话方式十分熟悉,但很少有机会探索其他文化的不同形式.这个研习班的目的是了解那些我们不熟悉的 交流方式,从丰富的真实案例中学习有效的交流技巧与方法.同时,通过文化调整与适应能力评估,个人了解到自我能力的现有水平,进而有针对性的 制定个人发展计划,提高在多元文化环境中工作与交流的成功率. 本课程的授课方法引进美国密集培训模式,除介绍跨文化基础理论和实践方法外,学 员将有大量时间在规定的情景模拟训练中(小组项目设计,讨论,以及对矛盾事例的观摩与反馈等)实践 所学内容.该方法在美国的各项培训中广泛使 用,被证明是非常有效的应用式学习方法. 本课程共分两部分进行:第一部分,重点在介绍跨文化相关知识和个人能力的评估与训练;第二部分,侧重 交流的知识与技巧的学习与实践. 本课程采用中英文交替教学.具有初中级以上英语水平并从事/参加各种国际教育交流项目的中外留学生,访问学者 及涉外项目管理人员,企事业单位外派雇员,人力资源海外项目开发及管理人员均可参加. 注:报名上课的学员须在课程开始前完成"跨文化效性评估 问卷调查" (IES) .调查成绩将作为课堂讨论的一部分,以及供教员给出针对性建议的参考. In today's complicated global community, we can view cultural difference either as a frustrating obstacle or as an opportunity. Those who view culture as a barrier may become preoccupied with what NOT to do in order to avoid problems. Those who recognize the potential resources that cultural differences bring focus on what TO do to enhance our interactions. While people often suspect that there is a 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 26 / 113 "communication problem," they rarely know how to assess what that really means. By understanding culturally related communication patterns, individuals can more readily determine what may have gone wrong. All of us who live in today's global society soon come to realize that ways to handle misunderstandings differ greatly across cultures. Whatever task inspires the problem, the process used for resolving it frequently seems to make it even more uncomfortable. While some cultures prefer the direct, more western style, others consider this offensive and counter productive. Most of us are familiar with forms of dialogue in our own culture, but we rarely have the opportunity to explore styles that are used across cultures. This workshop will explore those styles, teach new skills, and suggest effective approaches to not only understanding these differences, but also bridging them. This two-day intensive course (15 hours) will focus on evaluating and training intercultural competence of adjustment and adaptation necessary to those who are studying in or working for educational and business settings, to improve their effectiveness when in a cross-cultural context. The methodology and tools that the course will employ include lecturing, group discussion/project, cultural assimilator, and responding to a critical incident, as well as conducting the Inventory of Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES),accompanying with a follow-up evaluation. The course follows the two following parts: The Part I focus more on the introduction of intercultural general knowledge and individual competence assessing (IES) and training; In Part II, practice on intercultural communication knowledge and skills will be intensive. The language used in the course will be both Chinese and English. So English proficiency at basic level is required for those who enroll in the course. 返回目录 跨文化系列课程:国际领导力评估与培养 Intercultural Training: Global Competence Inventory and Training 关世杰 何惺 课程号:01833620 学分:1 课程简介 全球领导力是一个比较新的概念.它是于上世纪 80 年代,随着商业,教育,旅游等领域里呈现出越来越强的国际合作趋势,以及信息产业的快速发展, 人们注意到 在复杂多变的全球化环境下,组织和个人的适应力与领导能力已成为事业发展和成功所不可回避的一个重要因素;越来越多的跨国企业人力 资源部门,国际合作组织 和机构已将全球领导力作为企业和人员培训重点及聘用的考察标准之一. 这个现实环境不仅给国家和组织,也给个人的发展 带来了机遇和挑战.一方面,当国家和文化地位在国际社会中日益提升,国际经验积累和跨文化能力培养是个人生 存与发展的迫切需要;另一方面,个2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 27 / 113 人在跨国,跨地区和跨文化组织中运用全球领导力对团队或群体产生积极影响,是全球化环境中组织发展的必然要求. 从90 年代开始,西方国家对成 功领导者及其能力的研究越来越多, 美国因其国内多文化社会环境及其多方位国际合作,在这方面的研究与测评工具开发已成熟,非常值得我们借鉴. 本课据此设计为三个部分:第一,我们会详细介绍 一些前沿研究成果,特别是那些对我们个人生活和事业十分重要的具体的领导能力及其培养方法,例如,个人领导力,全球意识和视野,抗压能力,灵活应变能力, 解决问题能力,多元文化团队管理能力等等;另一方面,我们也看到,在一个国家适用 的某种领导方式在另一个国家却很失败,其中很大的一个原因是文化差异.因此,在第二部分,我们会比较不同文化在领导力问题上的共识与差别,从 许多真实,有趣但寓意深刻的故事中发现适合我们自身需要的培养方式和目标.任何能力的 培养都要从了解自我开始.为此,在第三部分,学员将有机 会对个人能力进行测量,了解现阶段所处的水平,并尝试制定相应的个人发展计划. 总之,全球领导力概念不仅是对领导者,也对每个人在全球化社会 中的生存与发展十分重要.因此,在介绍概念的同时,课堂辩论,挑战模拟,案例观摩等丰富的教 学活动会帮助理解所学到的知识,以及运用方法. The concept of Global Leadership emerges when the rapid increase of cross-national cooperation in business, education and tourism, as well as the remarkable development of information industry in 1980's. Encountering more unfamiliar, complicated and unexpected changes in the globalized environment everyday, people have realized more clearly that the competence of adaptation and leadership has appeared to be an important issue to everybody. Human Recourse Departments of those cross-national enterprises, varieties of international institutions and organizations have taken individual's global competence as one of their focuses in employment and training. Undoubtedly, globalization has brought countries, organizations and individual great opportunities, as well as challenges. Since 1990's, the studies on effective leadership have increased in many Western countries, especially the US, due to its domestic multicultural environment and broad international cooperation. The course will first, introduce its definitions, and primary theories, especially those related to our practice in reality, including competences and developing methods, for example, personal leadership, global views, resilience, flexible adaptation, problem solving, management of multi-cultural teams, etc. On the other hand, we also notice that a leadership accepted commonly in one country is not necessarily a good one in another. One of the reasons is cultural difference. Therefore, in the second module, we will see the leadership competence globally identified and compare those different in diverse cultures. Many real, interesting and meaningful cases will be used to help find what we need and what we should develop. Any competence is developed starting with self-awareness. In Module Three, students will have the opportunity to measure what competence they have had, and what level they are at, in order to make a pertinent individual development plan. In all, global leadership is related to not only leaders and organizations, but also individuals. In class, students will not only learn the concepts, but also experience various practical teaching /learning methods such as group discussion, scenario simulation, video watching, plan designing, etc, to help understanding and practice. The course will include three (3) modules: Module One, General introduction of Global Leadership; Module Two, Comparison of leadership competence in different cultures; and Module 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 28 / 113 Three, Assessment (GCI) and individual development plan. The language used in the course will be both Chinese and English. So English proficiency at basic level is required for those who enroll in the course. 返回目录 跨文化系列课程:跨文化商务沟通 Intercultural Training:Intercultural Business Communication 关世杰 庄恩平 课程号:01833630 学分:2 课程简介 本课程介绍与讨论在从事国际商务活动或跨文化职场时必须要考虑的隐形文化差异,即本课程分析东西方价值观念与行为准则差异、沟通方式差异、思 维方式差异, 就是这些文化差异导致了文化冲突.在职场上这些文化差异会反映人际交流与处事方式、商务谈判、跨国公司管理以及跨国收购与兼并之 中. 本课程旨在帮助学生发现商务活动与跨国公司管理中导致跨文化冲突的主要根源,通过讨论与分析案例,增强文化差异意识与跨文化适应性,训练 学生职场跨文化沟 通技能,提高诊断与解决文化冲突能力,最终培养学生具有全球视野、本土行为(Global Local)的跨文化沟通能力人才. 本课程是案例 与互动的课程, 注重实践与实效, 解决跨文化职场上的文化差异与冲突问题, 所有案例来自老师在国内外从事跨文化研究、 跨文化培训、 跨文化咨询的 第 一手资料,比如:职场沟通失败,不同文化 HR 评价标准,德国 Media Markt 退出中国市场案例、美国 Best Buy 失败案例、吉利收购瑞典沃尔沃案例、联 想收购 IBMPC 案例、上海汽车收购韩国双龙案例、戴姆勒克莱斯勒收购案例、上海通用汽车案例、上海大众汽车 案例等. 本课程教会学生使用不同模 型、框架与工具,使学生能在未来跨国公司或国际商务活动中学以致用. The course deals with underlying cultural differences that must be taken into account when doing international business or working in intercultural workplaces. To be specific, this course analyses cultural differences in values and norms, communication patterns, and way of thinking, which will be reflected in intercultural negotiation, multinational cooperation management and global mergers and acquisitioins. This course is desgined to help students discover the leading cause for intercultural communication breakdown in business and management and to train the students to improve their effective communication skills, adapt to different cultural environments, diagnose and resolve cultural conflicts in the workplace. Finally this course can help students develop intercultural competence so that they will become global local talents. This is a case and interaction oriended course with intercultural cases basicly from the teacher's intercultural research, training and consulting at home and abroad, such as Communication fail in the workplace, cultural differences in HR evaluation, Geman Media Markt withdraw from Chinese market, US.Best Buy case, Geely-Volvo acquisition, Lenovo-IMBPC acquisition, Shanghai Auto-SsangYong acquisition, Daimler-Chrysler acquisition, Shanghai GM, 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 29 / 113 Shanghai Volkwagen, etc. The course presents more models, frameworks and tools to students so that they can apply them in their future workplaces. 返回目录 跨文化系列课程:跨文化理论的应用 Intercultural Training:Intercultural Communication Theory Applied to Business with Westerners 课程号:01833640 学分:2 关世杰 克里斯托夫.狄尔 课程简介 跨文化交流是一门跨学科学术领域,综合了传播学,心理学,人类学,国际关系,社会学,商务管理及其他领域.在本课中,你将有机会学习该领域中 被学者和实践 家们广泛运用的理论和概念.无论你选择从哪个学科进入去学习它,这些理论将有助于你获得对这一领域的认识与实践知识. 首先我们 需要了解跨文化交流的基本前提,包括大"C"与小"c"文化,冰川模式,民族中心论与民族相对论,语言对思想和文化的影响,以及文化价值观引导我 们 思考和交流的方式等等. 当我们深入了解文化价值观的时候,会近观个人与集体主义,平等与等级,高情境与低情境,直接与间接交流,时间观念,非 言语交流,以及空间距离观念等理论. 我们将探讨不同文化在这些价值观方面的由来与历史.同时,为了更好地理解,并将这些理论付诸实践,我们也 将讨论具体的例子,故事,案例分析. 本课将介绍西方人思想与行为基础.首先学习我们的历史如何构成我们的思想和行为;然后是引导我们的那些文 化价值观,及其在不同文化和语言群体中如何变化. 在介绍价值观时,我们要讨论实际生活中的具体事例,解释它们在当代商务活动中如何发挥作用. 这些事例均来自教员以前和现在的咨询工作.在从理论到实践的练 习中,学员们将分组进行各种生动有趣的活动和模拟演练. 运用理论与实践结合的 实例,我们将学习如何转换自我的思维方式,透过西方人的眼睛看世界,以及如何使自己的行为与沟通方式适应对方,以减少误解,最有效地 进行跨文 化往来.通过学习,学员们能够掌握帮助他们成为更好的沟通能手的理论,模式和概念;并且,从个人经验中(如与他人分享的故事和例子)加深对所 学知 识的理解,并知道在与不同文化群体和个人交流时如何运用它们. 选择本课的学生将能够对该领域最重要的理论知识有更好地理解,这在各种相 关领域有实际应用意义,并有助于个人在不同文化中进行更有效的沟通与交流.任课教 师在跨文化领域有 20 年的教学经验,并在国际商务实践中广泛 运用了这些理论;同时也向在华的西方人提供培训和咨询. Intercultural Communication Theory Applied to Business with Westerners Intercultural Communication is an interdisciplinary academic field that incorporates theories from communication, psychology, anthropology, international relations, sociology, business management, and other fields. In this course, you will learn the theories and concepts used by scholars and practitioners in this exciting and useful field. No matter what field you choose to enter, an understanding of these theories can provide insight and practical knowledge. The course begins with an understanding of the foundational premises of the field, including the idea of the 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 30 / 113 stranger, big "C" and small "c" culture, the iceberg model, ethnocentrism versus ethnorelativism, the influence of language upon thinking and culture, and the ways in which cultural values guide our thinking and our communication. As we go deeper into an understanding of cultural values, we will examine closely the theories of individualism/collectivism, equality/hierarchy, low/high context, direct/indirect communication, time orientation, nonverbal communication, and proxemics (the use of space). For each of these theories, we will explore the history and background reasons that people from particular cultures hold each value set. We will also discuss specific examples, stories, and case studies to bring the theories to life and understand them better. This course will teach the fundamentals behind Western thought and behavior, starting with an understanding of how our histories shape our thought and behavior. We will learn the cultural values that guide us and how these vary among different cultures and language groups. For each cultural value learned, we will discuss specific real-life examples of how they play out in the modern business world, with many cases taken from the professor's past and present consulting work. Putting theory into practice, we will work in groups and pairs, doing a variety of interesting, fun, and stimulating activities and simulations. With a mix of theory and practical examples, we will learn how to shift our frame of reference to see the world through Western eyes and learn how to adapt our behavior and communication to reduce misunderstandings and be most effective cross-culturally. Students will come away with an understanding of the concepts, models, and theories that can help them be better communicators. They will also have a personal connection to these ideas, through the stories and examples shared, that will enable them to develop a deeper level of understanding of what it means to really connect with people from a culture different from their own. Students who take this course will gain a better understanding of the most important theories in the field of intercultural communication. These will have practical application to a variety of related fields and can help each individual communicate more effectively with people from different cultures. The professor for this course has 20 years of experience teaching intercultural theory and applying it to a variety of business situations around the world. He also trains and consults with Western people doing business in China. 返回目录 中文系 批评理论导论 Introduction to Critical Theory 张旭东 课程编号 02034120 学分 2 授课对象 校内外学生 先修课程 西方文论、马列文论专业基础课;现代西方哲学、美学专业基础课;或提出申请由任课老师特批现当代中国文学专业基础课(满足以上先修课 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 31 / 113 程要求之一即可) 课程说明 本课程非网上自选,需由教务老师统一手动选课.请有选课意向的校内外学生于 2013 年5月5日前,提交一份简要个人陈述,包括姓名、学校、学号、 院系等基本信息,以及英语水平、知识背景、学术积累等,以word 附件形式发至邮箱 huaiyinwuke@163.com,会有一个筛选过程. 课程简介 课程前两周为研讨班(seminar) 、后两周为与批评理论中心合办的系列讲座和工作坊(workshop) .内容为系统介绍和分析当代西方批评理论(critical theory)的主要范式、核心问题、基本概念和方法,及其对当代文化、社会问题的介入.课程以西方马克思主义文学批评和文化理论的发展为线索,通 过对卢卡奇、本雅明、阿多诺、阿尔都塞、杰姆逊、齐泽克代表作的细读,分析二十世纪主要 "理论"流派——现象学、结构主义、精神分析、阐释学、 后结构主义——同马克思主义基本立场和批评旨趣之间的辩证关系.在课程后两周,全体选课同学加入北京大学批评理论中心与纽约大学比较文学系联 合举办的暑期研讨班和工作坊,上午以系列讲座的形式继续系统的阅读 (其中 Jacques Lezra 教授的演讲为英文,中心提供中文翻译) ,下午为特邀青 年学者、批评家工作坊,展开以批评理论为方法的 20 世纪中国文学、文化批评实践"个案"研究. The class introduces the students to main trends, paradigms, and central polemics of critical theory by using the development of theoretical discourses of Western Marxism as an organizing principle. By closely reading some of the seminal texts by Lukacs, Benjamin, Adorno, Althusser, Jameson, and Zizek, the students are expected to grasp the interrelations between basic positions and critical interests of Marxism, on one hand, and, on the other hand, the major schools of twentieth century "theory", including phenomenology, structuralism, hermeneutics, and post-structuralism. The first half of the class is to be conducted as a regular seminar. The second half of the class will be run as part of the summer symposium/workshop on critical theory and contemporary literary and cultural analysis organized by the PKU-NYU Center for Critical Theory, where the students attend a lecture series (by Xudong Zhang and Jacques Lezra) in the morning, and critical-practical workshops featuring younger-generation scholars and critics working in the field of twentieth-century Chinese literature and culture. 教师简介 张旭东,1965 年1月,中文系"长江学者"讲座教授、批评理论中心主任.2008 年起在北大兼职;研究方向为批评理论与 20 世纪中国文学. 返回目录 考古文博学院 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 32 / 113 中欧建筑比较 Compare with architecture of China and Europe 方拥 教授 课程编号 02233070 学分 1 课程简介 在欧洲,从古希腊开始,建筑师的名字就常常被记载下来,神庙的建筑师甚至被当作"通神"之人而受到无比尊敬.概而言之,在欧洲文化中,个人独 特创造的价值远远大于群体之间的和谐.征服自然和改造自然是欧洲文明的标志,惊天动地的壮丽建筑备受尊崇是理所当然的. 我们欣赏中国古代建筑时,往往知晓主事人,而不知道设计师是谁.只有极少数建筑师的执业情况,因为与某种事件的关联而记载于文献.唐代柳宗元 《梓人传》中记述的"梓人" ,是一个木工头领,自己不会操作斧斤,而长于指挥调度.韩愈《圬者王承福传》中的"圬者" ,是一位技艺娴熟的瓦工, 而更重要的是他操守高洁.虽然我们从中可以看到古代建筑师某一方面的工作情况,可是作者原意都不在于为建筑师树碑立传,而注重于文以载道,阐 述做人和为官之道.在中国的传统观念中,对大肆铺张的土木营造,往往持轻视态度.在有些古代文献中,会附录一章"奇技淫巧" ,记述那些被认为过 度机巧而无实用意义的技术或发明,包括建筑. 中国古代有一套严格的工官制度,工官是城市建设和土木营造的掌管者和实施者.从西周到汉代, "司空"是全国最高的工官. "司"是掌管的意思, "空" 与"建筑空间"有关联紧密.由此推测,中国古人早已经意识到,空间才是建筑更本质的内涵. 《道德经》中有这样的一段话: "三十辐共一毂,当其无, 有车之用;埏埴以为器,当其无,有器之用.凿户牖以为室,当其无,有室之用.故有之以为利,无之以为用. " 从物质层面上说,貌似简陋且难以持久的中国木结构殿堂,似乎很难与壮丽坚固的欧洲石结构教堂相提并论.这使很多中国人感到自卑,认为中国建筑 不如西方.然而从文化的深层次着眼,事实并非如此.建筑与绘画和雕塑的主要差别,就在于不能"以貌取人" .人们不大容易发现的是,中国传统建筑 在物质层面上的简约,实际上是其意匠上超凡脱俗的表象. 西方建筑与中国建筑相比之下的表面优势,与其文化性格密切相关.在西方,建筑是石头的史书.作为文化载体,建筑的功用强于文字,其它门类的艺 术如绘画、雕刻等,往往都在为建筑服务.在中国,文字才是历史和文化的主要载体,建筑只是一种实用技艺,从来未被推到高于其他的地位.欧洲人 将建筑看作是永久的纪念物,追求建筑在物质上的高大与恢弘;中国人顺从自然界的循环往复,建筑只求满足合理而适度的需要而已.儒家长期倡导的 "卑宫室"思想,在很大程度上抑制了奢华的风气,限制了建筑的规模.单纯从物质表象去评价中国建筑和西方建筑的优劣,是有失公允的. It seems that the wooden palace of China which are, seemingly humble and unstable, cannot match churches of Europe`s stone structure, which are magnificent and strong. It will makes many Chinese feel inferior. They believe that Chinese architecture can not compare with the western ones. However, the matter is not so simple from the view of ideology and culture. Architecture different from painting and sculpture is, you cannot judge buildings by their exteriors. It is not easy to find, that simple exteriors of traditional Chinese architecture is possibly otherworldly in stature. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 33 / 113 In the west, the building is the stone history. As culture carrier, building function is much stronger than that of words. Other categories of art such as painting, sculpture and so on serve for architecture. However in China, text is the main carrier of history, and architecture is only a practical skill, which is never to be pushed to higher status than the others. The European looks construction as a permanent memorial, and continues to pursue the lofty and grand. While Chinese do not seek physical eternal, Building only meets reasonable and appropriate needs. Confucian has long advocated the "humble palace" thought, which largely constrain luxury fashion and limit the construction scale. So it is unfair to evaluate Chinese and Western architecture quality from the purely physical lever. 教师简介 方拥,1977 年12 月考入南京工学院(东南大学)建筑系四年制本科,1984 年11 月研究生毕业获硕士学位.2001 年任教于北京大学,现为考古文博学院 教授、建筑考古专业博士生导师. 1984 年12 月国家分配至华侨大学建筑系任教.1987 至1992 年,兼任国家级文物的泉州开元寺修建委员会驻地建筑师,参与主持全部木构古建筑的落架 大修工程.1992 年超前晋升建筑学副教授.1992 年12 月应新加坡国家古迹的双林寺修护委员会邀请,兼任建筑师及技术监督,持续至 2001 年,完成大 殿、天王殿等木构古建筑的落架大修,以及石结构七级仿宋佛塔的新建工程.1994 年1月因"建筑历史"业绩,开始享受国务院特殊津贴.1994 年5月为建筑学硕士研究生导师.1998 年6月晋升建筑学正教授.1998 年8月受聘为建设部全国高校建筑学专业指导委员会委员.1998 年10 月应新加坡国家 古迹的资政第修复工程主持人邀请,兼任顾问建筑师.2001 年2月调任北京大学建筑学研究中心教授,2011 年9月转任北京大学考古文博学院教授、建 筑考古专业博士生导师. 近年主要教学:2002 年至 2010 年,每年春季主讲北京大学素质教育通选课"中国传统建筑" ,历年选课学生数皆超过 200 人,学生评价值在全校通选课 中排于前列.2012 年秋季,主讲北京大学"外国建筑史"课程. 近年承担课题:2007~2012 年国家清史编纂委员会《清史?图录?建筑卷》项目主持人.2011~2012 年北京大学东门规划与建筑设计.2012~2013 年可乐 国家遗址公园建设规划(与东南大学合作) . 返回目录 哲学系 佛教导论 An Introdution to Buddhism 姚卫群 教授 课程编号 02332311 学分 2 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 34 / 113 课程简介 本课为介绍在世界文化发展中有重要影响的佛教基础知识的课程.课程侧重讲解佛教的产生、传播历史、文献、戒律、禅定、哲学思想等.整个课程分 为八讲,每讲介绍佛教知识的一个重要方面或重要内容.本课论述的佛教基础知识以印度佛教和中国佛教为主,涉及的主要内容又以佛教的历史和教义 为主,包括重要人物、流派、理论、事件、文化特色等.教学目的是使学生对佛教有一个概括的了解,把握佛教文化的核心内容和精髓.为进一步深入 了解或研究佛教打下基础,提高听课学生的人文素质. This course is to give a brief introduction to the basic knowledge of Buddhism which has an important effect in the world culture development. The course is mainly to narrate Buddhist emergence , spread history, literature, discipline , meditation and philosophy thinking, etc. The whole course is divided into eight lessons. Each lesson introduces an important aspect of knowledge or important content of Buddhism. This course mainly gives the basic knowledge of Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism , in connection with Buddhist history and doctrines, including important figures, schools, theories, events and cultural characteristics, etc. The teaching aim of the course is to help the students to have a general understanding of Buddhism, and grasp Buddhist cultural core and marrow,so as to lay a foundation for their further study or research of Buddhism,and to raise their humanistic literacy. 教师简介 开设过印度佛教史等近十门课程.指导博士生、硕士生、本科生数十名. 出版过《佛学概论》 、 《佛教思想与文化》 、 《印度宗教哲学概论》等九本书.获得过教育部级省级科研奖. 返回目录 国际关系学院 印度社会与文化 Indian Society and Culture 陈峰君 教授 课程编号 02431590 学分 2 课程简介 印度是闻名古国,历史文化极其悠久,又是我国南部最大的邻邦,中印两国友好交往远源流长.印度是中国在世界历史文化交往中最为密切也是最为友 好的国家.中国古代受国外影响最大最深的国家也是印度,我们的宗教信仰.我们的建筑、绘画等艺术,几乎无不烙有它深深的印记.中印两国类似之点 与可比之处超过任何国家 ,两个世界人口最多国家,十七世纪之前均是属世界一流大国,十八世纪之后却同受殖民主义之害而同时衰落近两个世纪,而2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 35 / 113 今两国又先后同时崛起,对现今世界格局产生重大而深远影响.在现代化道路上,中印两国发展进程及面临问题极其相近,有许多相似之处共同之点,彼 此可借鉴可效仿的也多多.说中国就必谈印度,谈印度也必言中国. 现今印度是世界上仅次于中国的最大发展中国家,而且正在与中国同时崛起,它的军事、科技、教育等已进入世界前列,被美国基辛格博士誉为 21 世纪 的世界六极(美中俄日欧印)之一,它的崛起必将对国际格局与世界现代化进程产生极其深远影响.然而,对这样一个重量级大国,我们大多青年学生 了解甚少,对它几乎神秘莫测.为了满足同学们渴望揭去它那梦幻般神秘面纱的愿望,让更多的同学全面了解喜马拉雅山那边的邻邦,有必要开设这门 国别通选课. 与中国同样,印度社会与文化?蕴极其深厚,内容极其多彩、涉及方方面面.本课不可能面面俱到.除对印度社会与文化做一般基础与知识性介绍之外, 本课将主要精力与重点放在分析印度现代化发展模式上. 本课分三个专题十二讲: , 第一专题:地理人口与历史 分四讲 第一讲 印度自然条件 第二讲 印度人口与民族 第三讲印度历史演变与特征 第四讲印度独立与印巴分冶 第二专题:宗教与文学艺术: 分四讲 第一讲 印度宗教特征 第二讲 宗教作用 第三讲 印度文学 第四讲 音乐、舞蹈与电影 第三专题: 政治经济与外交 分四讲 第一讲 印度经济 第二讲印度政治第三讲印度军事 第四讲中印关系 开设这门课程除了使同学全面了解印度社会与文化各主要层面外,还将通过中印对比等方法来培养同学对中国国情的认识与分析能力. 本课有两个突出特点:一是调动学员积极性:讲授与灵活多变的小型课堂讨论、期中期末演讲讨论会、撰写小论文等方式相结合.这种课堂讨论方式 是教师先提出有争议的问题,让同学思考并让大家发表不同看法,在此基础上,教师再总结,这样可以针对学生存在的问题,有的放矢,从而引进学生 兴趣和思考. 本课另一突出特点在于:教学与科研紧密相结合.每一堂课几乎是本人科研最新成果或学术论文的宣讲舞台,因此本人教学内容新颖有深度,可谓雅 俗共尝.本课开设多年,深受学生欢迎与好评. India boasts an ancient civilization. It borders China on the south as its largest neighboring country. The exchange between the two neighbors was established very early in history. India's history and culture are extremely influential to China. What's more, India is the second biggest developing country after China and is in a resurgent way. It ranks the best in the field of military, technology, education, etc. Dr. Henry Kissinger crowned it as one of the six polars (USA, China, Russia, Europe and India) in the world. However, most young students know little about this great power except that it is a mysterious country. To help students gain a good knowledge of India, it is necessary to offer this selective course. Like China, India has profound social and cultural heritage. It is impossible to address every aspect of the matter in this course. It will focus primarily on India's modernization pattern, besides informative introduction to India's society and culture. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 36 / 113 This course will be divided into three topics and contains several modules. Topic one: Geography, Demography and History (Four modules) Module one: Natural Conditions Module two: Population and Ethnicities Module three: History and some Distinct Features Module four: Independence and Partition of India and Pakistan Topic two: Religion, Literature and Art (Four modules) Module one: Religion Module two: Religious Works Module three: Literature Module four: Music, Dancing and Movies Topic three: Politics, Economy and Diplomacy (Four modules) Module one: India's Economy Module two: India's Politics Module three: India's Military Module four: Sino-Indian Relations This course will not only introduce the main aspects of India's society and culture, but cultivate students' abilities of understanding and analysis of China's national conditions by comparing China and India. The course has two outstanding features. The first one is to arouse students' interests by combining lectures, seminars, lecture/forum for the mid-term and the final and composing essays. In the seminars, the teacher puts forward controversial issues first. The students may express their own ideas after deep thinking. On this basis, the teacher will come forward with a conclusion. In this way, students' problems are on the target of teacher's efforts, which will arouse students' interests and pondering. The second feature is to combine teaching and scientific reach closely. Every module of this course is to show the author's latest researching achievements and academic papers. So the content is novelty and insightful. 教师简介 陈峰君 1956-1960 中国人民大学 国际政治系读本科. 1960-1963 中国人民大学 国际政治系读研究生. 1963-2012 年 北京大学 国际关系学院 教学与研究 获奖与荣誉: 1993 年 获中华人民共和国国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴 1994 年 获北京市第三届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖 1995 年 获二项陆文星韩素音中印友谊奖 2002 年 获北大文科科研成果二等奖 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 37 / 113 2002 年 获高校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖 曾任社会职务: 中国南亚学会常务理事 中国亚太学会理事 中国东盟协会理事 台湾东华大学客座教授 主要作品有: 《共产国际与印度》北京大学出版社 1985 年 《印度社会述论》 主编 中国社会料学出版社 1991 年 《东亚与印度:亚洲两种现代化模式》 中国经济出版 2000 年 《世界现代化进程 (南亚卷) 主编 江苏人民出版社 2012 年 《印度社会与文化十六讲》 北京大学出版社 2013 年初拟出 《当代亚太政治经济析论》 北京大学出版社 2001 年 《冷战后亚太国际关系》主编 新华出版社 1999 年 《亚太安全析论》主编 中国国际广播出版社 2003 年 《亚太大国与朝鲜半岛》与王传剑合著 北京大学出版社 2001 年 《新地区主义与东亚合作》主编 经济出版社 2010 年 在国内外重要学术刊物上发表百余篇论文(仅举印度方面): 《共产国际和印度革命 》 《世界史研究动态》1981 年第 1 期 《评印共(马)在西孟加拉的成就与策略》 , 《东亚与东南亚资料》t981 年第 1 期 《重新认识印共(马)关于印度革命的理》 , 《世界政治资料》1981 年第 2 期 《试论印度社会特点》 《世界政治资料》1981 年第 4 期 《印共(马)若干情况简介》国际共运教研资料 1981 年第 8 期 《共产国际与罗易的四次交锋》 《世界史研究动态》1981 年第 4 期 《印共历史上对印度社会性质问题的不同看法》 《东亚与东南亚资料》1982 年第 1 期 《印共(马)亲苏反华吗》 《东亚与东南亚资料》1982 年第 2 期2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 38 / 113 《印度共产主义运动三大派别分歧何在》 《国际共运》1983 年第 8 期 《印共是怎样看待印度资产阶级的》 《世界经济政治内参》1983 年第 4 期 《浅谈印度社会性质》 《政治研究》1984 年第 2 期 《关于甘地评价的四次论争》 《世界史研究动态》1984 年第 1 期 《几种非殖民地化理论评析》 《世界史研究动态》1984 年第 4 期 《印度政府机构与行政官制度度》 (与黄子都合写) 《南亚研究》1985 年第 2-4 期连载 《印度的劳动就业问题》 《南亚研究》1985 年第 3 期 《印度失业问题 》 《政治研究》1985 年第 1 期 《马克思关于殖民主义双重历史使命的论述》 《史学月刊》1985 年第 2 期 《印度政治制度的两个特点》 , 《世界经济与政治内参》1985 年第 5 期 《印共对国大党的评价及政策的》 (与宋新宁合写) 《南亚研究季刊》1985 年第 3 期 《印度政府机构设置与行政官制度》 (与黄子都合写) 《南亚研究》1986 年第 1 期 《试论印度国大党不结盟外交政策》 (与宋新宁合写) 《世界经济与政治内参》1986 年第 4 期 《印共对印度国大党政策的评估》 《南亚研究》1986 年第 1-2 期 《印度乞丐问题》 《南亚研究》1987 年第 1 期 《马?纳?罗易与中国》 《南亚研究》1987 年第 3 期 《印度工农大众生活状况》 《南亚研究》1987 年第 4 期《M.N.罗易与共产国际——纪念罗易诞辰 100 周年》 , 《南亚研究》1987 年第 4 期 《南亚区域合作联合趋势》 (与唐潞合写) 《南亚研究》1987 年第 3 期》 《罗易政治思想述评》 《南亚东南亚评论》1988 年第 3 期 《试析印度教派斗争》 , 《政治研究》1988 年第 1 期 《述济印度工人阶级的发展特点与历史作用》 , 《南亚研究》1988 年第 2-3 期《M.N.Roy znd the Comintern 》 ,(印度)《中国述评》1988 年第 1 期 《战后印度工人运动的发展及其特点 》 《中国工运学报》 1988 年第 4 期 《印度锡克教自治运动 》世界经济与政治 1988 年第 8 期 《殖民主义的历史作用"功大于过"吗? 》 《理论学刊》1988 年第 5 期2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 39 / 113 《真纳政治思想》 《南亚研究季刊》1989 年第 1 期 《印度政府机构的几个述评》 《国外政治学》1989 年第 2 期 《尼赫鲁政治思想述评——纪念尼赫鲁诞辰 100 周年》 《南亚研究季刊》1989 年第 3-4 期 《甘地主义介评——纪念甘地诞生 120 周》 《国际政治研究》1989 年第 3 期 《述评罗易的"非殖民地化"理论》 , 《共产国际研究》1989 年第 2 期 《论印度现代化的转型》 《战略与管理》2000 年4期《论印度模式及其转型》 《南亚研究》 2000 年第 1 期43-51 页 《印度宗教的双重作用》 《亚洲研究》2000 年2期《印巴峰会:相逢一笑 恩仇难泯》 《南方周末》 2001 年7月19 日 返回目录 经济学院 微观经济学 Microeconomics 张元鹏 课程编号 02530060 学分 3 先修课程: 《经济学原理》 (注:没有学过的同学可以参加本次暑期课同时开设的《经济学原理》 ) ,另外还要学过微积分和线性代数等数学课程. 课程简介 微观经济学通过对个体经济单位的经济行为的分析, 说明现代西方经济社会市场机制的运行和作用, 以及改善这种运行的途径. 其主要内容包括: (1) 微 观经济学的前提及概述; (2) 均衡价格的决定;(3) 消费者行为; (4) 生产者行为; (5) 完全竞争市场;(6) 不完全竞争市场; (7) 生产要素价格的决定; (8) 一般均衡和福利经济学; (9) 市场失灵和微观经济政策. 暑期课程: 《微观经济学》是我国教育部高等教育面向 21 世纪教学内容和课程体系改革 计划的必修课程之一,它不仅被列为高等学校经济类 8 门核心课程之中,而且是工商管 理类各专业9门核心课程之一.对于那些想学好经济学理论及相 关知识体系的学生来说, 能否学好《微观经济学》直接影响学生对其他经济学课程的理解和掌握. 作为经济学基础课程,它是在学生前期研修完《经 济学原理》的基础上对有关微观经济主体(如企业和消费者等)的经济行为和各类市场的均衡实现情况作进一步分 析,以此来研究市场经济的运行规律 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 40 / 113 和相应的微观经济政策. 《微观经济学》理论的核心问题是价格理论,它是以均衡和最优化为讨论线索来展开分析的.在介绍了供求、弹性等基本概念 之后,主要讨论了消费者最优理论,生 产者最优理论,商品市场最优理论,要素市场最优理论和帕累托最优理论,最终得出完全经济竞争的市场是有效 的,以证明"看不见的手"的作用.然后结合经济现 实,讨论市场失灵,并提出微观经济政策以消除或抑制市场失灵的影响. 作为经济学知识体系中的基 础课程,学生在学习完了本课程以后,可以能够准确地掌握微观经济学的基本概念和基本原理,并对经济模型的基本假设和建模的技术手 段能有透彻的 了解.在此基础上学会运用微观经济学的基本理论和分析方法来解释现实的经济问题并提出解决方案. Microeconomics is the analysis of the economic behavior of individual economic units , and to indicate that the operation and role of the market mechanism in modern Western economic society , as well as the ways to improve this run . Its main contents include : (1) assumptions of Microeconomics and its overview; (2) equilibrium price ; (3) consumer behavior ; (4) producer behavior ; (5) perfect competive market ; (6) imperfect competitive market ; (7) equilibrium price of production factor; (8) general equilibrium and welfare economics ; ( 9) market failures and microeconomic policies. Summer School: This is an introductory course in microeconomics, which covers the fundamental theories of the consumer, the firm, and markets. It is a required course for any student wishing to major or minor in business or economics, and it is recommended for any student who would like to understand how the market economy works. This course also meets the social science requirements of the core curriculum, since you will be exposed to major questions concerning human and institutional behavior This course has the prerequisites of Principle of Economics and Calculus. After completing this course, students should have developed a range of skills enabling them to understand economic concepts and use those concepts to analyze specific questions. ? Understand consumer behavior and firm behavior. ? Analyze different types of market structures (monopoly, oligopoly and a competitive market). ? Understand how to apply economic principles to a range of policy questions. ? Solve a consumer`s utility maximization problem mathematically and graphically; analyze the impact of changes in price and income on a consumer`s decision via shifting income and substitution effects. ? Solve a firm`s cost minimization problem mathematically and graphically. ? Analyze the behavior of firms in a perfectly competitive market in the short-run and the long-run. ? Calculate producer and consumer surplus. ? Analyze the behavior of firms in a monopoly or oligopoly, and calculate the resulting changes in producer or consumer surplus. ? Use economic tools to analyze economic policies. 返回目录 公共选择理论 Theory of Public Choice 许云霄 课程号:02532500 学分:2 课程简介 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 41 / 113 公共选择理论是对非市场决策的经济学研究,或者简单的定义为是把经济学运用于政治科学研究对象譬如国家理论、投票规则、选民行为、政党以及管 理体制等的分 析.本课程以国家与市场的起源为出发点,探讨政府与市场的关系,用经济学分析方法探索政治市场的存在基础.本教材着重探讨了政府 与市场的渊源、政治市场的 产品、选民理论、政党理论和政治市场的运行与均衡等内容,最后对公共选择的前沿性理论进行了论述和拓展. 通过本课 程的学习让学生学习和了解除了经济市场以外的政治市场的真实状况,特别是基于经济学分析的同政治学研究对象相同的议题,以经济学的个人主义、 交易 存在、理性选择的方法分析会有哪些新的理论和结论.这里面包含对选民、利益集团、政府官员、政治家、议会的理性认识.这对于理解我国经济 体制变化所表现出 的特别现象有了更深一层的把握.公共选择隐含了一个很重要的理论论题,即对于政府与市场的经济学分析与理性认识和把握,通过 公共选择理论的学习,能更好的 梳理对于传统经济学理论的理解,同时对于政治市场有了经济学思维的深度. This course include: why the state exists, voting rules, federalism, the theory of clubs, two-party and multiparty electoral systems, rent seeking, bureaucracy, interest groups, dictatorship, the size of government, voter participation, and political business cycles. Normative issues in public choice are also examined. The book is suitable for upper level courses in economics dealing with politics, and political science courses emphasizing rational actor models. 返回目录 经济学原理 (Ⅰ) Principles of Economics (Ⅰ) 张元鹏 课程号:02533160 学分:3 课程简介 本课程是经济系本科生一年级学生的经济学理论入门课程,主要讲授 基本的经济学理论和分析方法.本科程的目的是通过对微观经济学基 本理论与方 法的介绍,使学生能够掌握经济学分析问题的基本框架, 并运用所学理论分析案例,从而对实际经济现象和经济政策予以简单 的解释和分析.本课程 为进一步深入学习微观经济学理论打下了基础. Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and is also introducing window for other majors. The course is composed by two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most important, the course pay more attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives, training intuitions will do help for understanding unique perspectives of economics. 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 42 / 113 法学院 涉外民商事之法律适用 The Application of Law in Foreign Civil And Commercial Affairs 张潇剑 副教授 课程编号 02930871 学分 2 课程简介 本课程将集中讨论国际私法的若干重要领域,诸如法律适用的基本理论、基本原则、基本规范和基本制度,同时从国内外的有关理论与实践入手,着重研究涉 外民商事主体、涉外物权、涉外知识产权、涉外债权、涉外婚姻家庭、涉外继承权等领域的法律冲突与法律适用.鉴于我国现已成为一个多法域国家(内地、香港及澳门),本课程还将单独阐述区际法律冲突问题.为使涉外民商事当事人的实体权益能够得到充分、切实的保障, 本课程亦将对国际民事诉讼和 国际商事仲裁做深入细致的分析. This course will focus on the legal framework of private international law, such as the fundamental theories, principles, norms and systems, and evaluate the Chinese and other countries' theory and practice concerning the subjects in this kind of affairs, the conflict of laws and the application of law in property rights, intellectual property rights, contract, torts, domestic relations, inheritance and so on. Now China is a country with multiple legal systems (the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao). To reflect the realities of the day, the course will deal with the problems of interregional law conflicts respectively. For fully safeguarding the parties' substantive rights in civil and commercial affairs with foreign elements, the course will also analyze international civil litigation and international commercial arbitration. 教师简介 张潇剑,法学博士,北京大学法学院教授,博士研究生导师,美国纽约大学法学院、新加坡国立大学法学院访问学者,北京仲裁委员会仲裁员,上海仲 裁委员会仲裁员,兼任中国法学会会员,中国国际私法学会常务理事,中国国际经济法学会理事,中国仲裁法学研究会理事,中国法学会世界贸易组织 法研究会理事,中国法学会审判理论研究会涉外专业委员会委员,北京市法学会理事,北京国际法学会常务理事,北京市法学会国际经济法学研究会常 务理事、副会长,北京市法学会航空法学研究会副会长.曾获北京市"优秀中青年法学家"荣誉称号(省部级) 、北京市教委高等教育精品奖(省部级) 、 北京大学优秀教学奖、北京大学优秀教学安泰奖、北京大学优秀教学正大奖、北京大学优秀班主任奖、北京大学法学院首届法家拂士研究奖、北京大学 法学院 2011 年度院长奖励基金优秀教学奖.目前任教于北京大学法学院,从事国际私法、国际公法、国际经济法、国际商事仲裁、世界贸易组织法律制 度等领域的教学、研究及实务工作.已发表的科研成果主要有: 《国际强行法论》 (专著,北京大学出版社 1995 年版) 、 《国际私法学》 (专著,北京大学 出版社 2000 年版) 、 《国际私法论》 (专著,北京大学出版社 2004 年版) 、 《国际民商事及经贸争端解决途径专论》 (专著,北京大学出版社 2003 年版) 、 《国2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 43 / 113 际私法论(第二版) 》 (专著,北京大学出版社 2008 年版) 、 《国际法纵论》 (专著,商务印书馆 2011 年版) 、 《中华人民共和国现行法律判例分析全书?涉 外民法判例分析卷》 (主编,国际文化出版公司 1995 年版) 、 《国际法上的人权》 (合著,北京大学出版社 1996 年版) 、 《中国人民大学工商管理(MBA) 案例?经济法卷》 (合著,中国人民大学出版社 1999 年版) 、 《经济法实务》 (合著,中国人民大学出版社 2000 年版) 、 《入世与国内市场和产业的合法保护》 (合著,中国对外经济贸易出版社 2002 年版) 、 《商事仲裁法学》 (合著,高等教育出版社 2003 年版) 、 《法学概论(第三版) 》 (合著,北京大学出版社 2006 年版) 、 《国际私法学》 (合著,高等教育出版社 2008 年版) .此外,在《中国法学》 、 《中外法学》 、 《清华法学》 、 《河北法学》 、 《现代法学》 、 《法学家》 、 《法 治论丛》 、 《法学评论》 、 《环球法律评论》 、 《外交评论》 、 《国际法研究》 、 《仲裁研究》 、 《中国国际法年刊》 、 《中国青年政治学院学报》 、 《西北大学学报》 、 《求是学刊》 、 《北京仲裁》 、 《北大法学文存》 、 《中外法学文萃》 、 《中国国际法学精粹》 、 《国际法学论丛》 (第1、2、3 卷) 、 《两岸国际私法研讨会论文集》 、 《国际私法研究》 (韩国)等众多国内外法学刊物和法学论文集上发表学术论文数十篇. 返回目录 信息管理系 中国文化史 History of Chinese Culture 王锦贵 教授 课程编号 03032360 学分 2 课程简介: 中国文化史是第一批列入北京大学全校素质教育的通选课.本课程是一门比较全面、系统反映中国传统文化的基础课.她揭示传统文化产生的背景、特 点与意义,纵向再现数千年中国灿烂文化轨迹,横跨人文科学、社会科学、自然科学诸多领域一般层面的基本知识. 本课程涉及面广,知识点多,含金量较高.适用于文、理、语言各专业学生选修.通过学习本课程,可以比较全面、系统地领略中国传统文化的博大精 深,可以拓宽知识视野、完善个人知识结构,为以后在特定领域的进一步发展,提供必备的文化修养及基础知识. 为配合中国文化史教学活动,本课教师特别在北京大学立项,研制出了《中国文化史》CAI 课件,直接服务于教学实践.该课件通过图片、朗读、音乐、 知识单元检索以及链接相关学术讲座等形式,对教学互动和进一步改善学习环境,起到重要作用. History of Chinese Culture is a foundation course which reflects the long history of Chinese culture overall and systematically. The course announces the background, features and significance of Chinese traditional culture, chronologically reappear the splendid culture formation path and the achievements of Chinese people in thousands of years, stretch over the humanities, social science and natural science. By 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 44 / 113 learning the course, intensive learning of Chinese traditional culture and a broad cultural field could be gotten in a rather short time, which provides necessary culture accomplishment for an individual to get further development in a particular field. In order to coordinate History of Chinese Culture teaching, the professor set up the project in Peking University and made CAI courseware in 2005.The CAI courseware comprehends pictures, reading, music, unit retrieval, and relative lectures linking which animates the classroom teaching and the learning environment is improved. 教师简介 王锦贵,北京大学信息管理系教授,博士生导师,兼中国社科情报学会学术委员会主任. 教学情况: 本科生课程:普通目录学、中国文化史等;研究生课程:经典文献研究、当代出版现象研究.1990 年——1991 年,赴莫斯科大学交流学者,受莫斯科大 学特邀,作"中国经典与传统文化"系列讲座(学期课) . 科研情况: 出版著作(个人专著、主编、参编)28 种,发表学术论文 150 余篇. 曾主持国家项目、教育部全国教育科学"十五"规划重点项目、北京市项目以及海峡两岸合作项目.曾获得北京大学第六届科学研究成果一等奖、教育 部普通高校第二届人文社会科学研究成果奖,北京大学"教学优秀奖" 、北京大学"我爱我师——最受学生爱戴的老师特别贡献奖" 、北京市优秀社会科 学普及专家、北京市优秀德育工作者等奖项. 返回目录 外国语学院 日本文化艺术专题 The Special Topic on Japanese Culture and Art 滕军 教授 课程编号 03530190 学分 2 课程简介 作为世界文明有机组成部分的日本文明,虽然在古代受到中国文明的影响甚大,但日本原初的文明仍然是自发形成的.而且,经过历史的洗练和提升, 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 45 / 113 形成了自己民族文化的特质.在我们探究最具有日本民族文化特色的现象时,日本的文化艺术就显得格外的引人注目.而了解日本的文化艺术是我们认 识日本的捷径. 本课程将从历史学,民俗学,艺术学的角度讲述日本文化艺术的精华部分借以阐明日本审美意识的特征.课程内容包括: 1 日本的美术(绘画、庭园、建筑、工艺) 2 日本的戏曲(雅乐、能乐、狂言、歌舞伎) 3 日本的艺道(茶道、花道、香道) 为帮助同学们理解以上内容,在本课的前两讲将特别简明讲授日本的地理自然、日本的历史、日本的民俗信仰、日本的岁时习俗等日本学的基础课程. 在适当的情况下现场展示日本茶道,花道,香道,能乐(每学期只展示其中的 1 种)艺术,以帮助同学们来更好地理解日本的文化艺术及审美意识特征. 本课程还将在每年暑假组织部分同学赴日本考察日本的历史文化,以帮助同学加深对课程内容的理解. Although Japanese civilization which is one part of world civilization was greatly affected by Chinese civilization in ancient times, its original form is the spontaneous formation. Moreover, it has formed its own characteristics of national culture through the historical baptism. The Japanese culture and arts seems to be extraordinarily compelling, when we are probing the national cultural phenomenon in Japan. So understanding the Japanese culture and arts is a short cut to know something about Japan. This course covers the essential part of Japanese culture and arts from history, folklore and artistic, in order to clarify the characteristics of the Japanese aesthetic sense. The course content is as follows: 1 Japanese art (painting, gardens, architecture, technology) 2 Japanese drama (Gagaku, Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki) 3 Japanese art (Sado, Ikebana, Kado) To help students understand the above content, the first two lectures will particularly explain the basis of the geographical nature, the history and the Japanese folk customs and beliefs in Japan. A live demonstration of the Japanese Sado, Ikebana, Kado and Noh (per semester only 1) will be showed to help students to understand the characteristics of Japanese cultural and aesthetic sense better . A part of the students will also be organized every summer holiday to go to Japan to study Japanese culture and history, in order to help them deepen their understanding of course content. 教师简介 滕军教授 教学成就: 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 46 / 113 2006 年10 月、获北京大学 2005-2006 年度教学优秀奖 1996 年至今讲授《中日文化交流史》 (全校通选课) 2003 年至今讲授《日本文化艺术专题》 (全校通选课) 1996 年至今讲授《日本艺道文化论》 (硕士课程) 1999 年至今讲授《日本民俗学》 (硕士课程) 1996 年至今讲授《日本美术史论》 (硕士课程) 还讲授《日本历史》 《日语报刊阅读》 《日语视听说》等课程. 科研成就: 2002 年10 月、专著《茶文化思想背景之研究》获第二届孙平化日本学奖励基金著作奖二等奖 2005 年11 月、专著《中日茶文化交流史》获第一届北京大学日本学研究卡西欧学术奖(著作) 2006 年12 月、专著《中日茶文化交流史》获北京市第九届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖 1992 年 出版专著《日本茶道文化概论》 (东方出版社 22 万字 中文) 1998 年 出版专著《茶文化思想背景之研究》 (日本市井社 28 万字 日文) 2004 年 出版专著《中日茶文化交流史》 (人民出版社 28 万字 中文) 2007 年 出版专著《叙至 19 世纪的日本艺术》 (高等教育出版社 28 万字 中文) 2010 年 出版考察随笔《中国茶文化考察纪行》 (第二作者) (日本河原出版社 约35万字 日文) 2011 年 出版编著《中日文化交流史考察与研究》 (北京大学出版社 43 万字 中文) 及有关日本文化艺术论文 60 余篇 返回目录 公共葡萄牙语(一)College Portuguese (1) Larissa Costa da Mata 课程号:03635011 学分:3 课程简介 本课程为面向全校学生开设的公选课程.课程旨在为其他专业的学生提供一个学习与了解葡萄牙语与葡萄牙语世界文化的机会.通过一年的学习,使学 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 47 / 113 生了解葡萄牙语的特点,掌握基本词汇与常用语法,以便应付日常所需. ? um curso optativo que se destina a todos os estudantes universitários. Tem como objective fornecer aos alunos de outras especialidades uma oportunidade de estudar e conhecer a língua portuguesa e a cultura do mundo lusófono. Ao longo de uma ano lectivo, faculta os alunos os conhecimentos das características desta língua possibilitando-os com um domínio das básicas técnicas linguisiticas. 返回目录 大学英语听说 College English:Speaking and Listening Course 吴芊 课程编号 03835350 学分 2 课程简介 本课程立足于培养学生的听说能力.为了响应社会的发展对大学生综合英语运用能力的要求,与大学英语课程目标相一致,满足广大同学对加强英语听 说能力的迫切 希望,本课程精心选择了语言真实、地道、多样的教材和辅助教学材料,所选的话题围绕学生的兴趣以及实事要闻,涉及到生活、学习、 休闲娱乐、社会热点问题, 同时设计了丰富的语言练习活动,有两人对话、小组讨论、班级汇报等.为了让每位同学的语言表达能力和姿态得到锻炼, 还设计了计入期末成绩的专题演讲,在给 学生提供视听材料支持的同时,鼓励学生自主上网寻找相关资料,进行书面整理,然后再到课堂呈现,并交书 面报告. 在该课程的听力部分,除了听说教材上的听力练习,还增加了 CNN 视听以及其他的听力材料,编写了复合式听写练习,并设计了写纲要和梗概的练 习和小测验,作为高级听力训练部分,以满足同学们进一步提高听力的愿望,同时培养有效提取和整理信息的能力. 总之,通过形式多样的听力和口语练习和测验,在一定程度上级拓展了词汇和练习了写作,更主要的是使学生的听说能力得到集中训练和提高. 返回目录 美国诗歌导读 Introduction to American Poetry 梅申友 课程编号 03835470 学分 2 课程简介 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 48 / 113 这是一门面向非英语专业学生开设的诗歌课程.按时间的顺序,介绍美国文学史上十来位大诗人的作品,上起惠特曼,下至洛威尔.侧重作品细读,同 时结合诗人的生平以及所处的历史文化背景,力图阐明每位诗人其独特的艺术成就, 展现美国现代诗歌的发展轨迹.目的是培养学生阅读英文诗歌的能 力,从而在不知不觉中提高英文水平和文化素养. 返回目录 澳大利亚研究 Australia: From 1788 to the Present 课程编号 03835720 学分 课程简介 本课程由北京大学必和必拓澳大利亚研究讲席教授、澳大利亚人文学院院士、社会科学学院院士 David Walker 与北京大学国际关系学院陈长伟博士共同 主讲,拟从历史、政治、经济和文化等方面对澳大利亚进行系统性的讲解和评析,涉及澳大利亚的土著文化、政治制度的建设、经济的发展、移民运动、 生态、资源、环境、生活方式、价值观、电影与文学等内容.本课程亦将考察澳大利亚如何从"保持白人种族纯洁性"到发展"多元文化"的历史进程, 以及一个和英国传统息息相关的国家如何适应和面对亚洲崛起这一现实. 本课程旨在辅助学生全面而深刻地认识澳大利亚,包括其历史传统与在当今国际社会的地位与作用.随着近年来中国和澳大利亚双边关系的发展,两国 在政治、经济、文化等方面的相互依存度不断加深.目前,中国不仅是澳大利亚最重要的贸易伙伴,也已经取代英国成为澳大利亚新移民的最主要来源 国.因此,让中国学生了解南太平洋的重要国家澳大利亚具有显见的重要价值与意义. The course, which is taught by Peking University BHP Chair Professor David Walker and Dr. Chen Changwei, is intended to present a systematic overview and interpretation of Australian history, society and culture, including an examination of Aboriginal Australia, an exploration of key themes in the historical development of the Australian nation and the settlement of the world`s driest continent, and an introduction to the process by which ideas about racial purity gave way to a belief in multiculturalism and diversity. This course maps the process by which a society that began with a strong attachment to British values and cultural traditions has adapted to the rise of Asia. In recent years, China has become Australia`s major trading partner, while Australia is a significant source of investment income in China. Chinese immigrants have now overtaken the immigrants from the United Kingdom as the major source of migrants in contemporary Australia. There is every reason to believe that relationship between Australia and China will become increasingly strong over coming decades. Given this history and the importance of the bilateral relationship, it is a particularly opportune time for Chinese students to gain a better understanding of Australia's history and present role in the world. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 49 / 113 返回目录 美国文化概览 Introduction to American Culture 课程编号 03835730 学分 2 课程简介 本课程是为非英语专业学生基础阶段开设的文化专题课,课程类别为本科必修,由外教授课.本课程的目标在于:通过重点介绍美国的历史文化、风土 人情、风俗习惯和语言发展等,帮助学生拓展有关这些英语国家文化历史发展的知识,提高阅读英文书刊和同英语国家人士交往的能力,从而激发他们 的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打下基础;培养学生辨证唯物主义的历史观,增强学生的跨文化意识,从而进一步增强学生的跨文化交际能力. This course is taught by American professors. Students will have a brief understanding of American culture through teachers'instruction, classroom discussion, group work and after-class assignments. It is designed to cover the basics of American history and development, culture and customs. The course aims to develop students'intercultural communicative skills by broadening their understanding of American culture. 返回目录 高级英语口语 Advanced Oral English 课程编号 03835950 学分 2 课程简介 This class is a dynamic oral English class designed to develop and strengthen language skills through practical in-class discussions, activities, and dialogues. These in-class exercises are complemented by an intensive audio-visual-oral computer program designed to reinforce English communication skills. The purpose of the class is two-fold: to provide students a stimulating environment in which to practice oral English and to allow them the opportunity to interact and gain cultural experience from a native English teacher. With a special emphasis on interactive learning, the overall objectives are for students to improve pronunciation and their ability to express ideas clearly in both formal and informal settings. One important aspect of the class is that the students get to know each other well, so they can more comfortably communicate in a 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 50 / 113 second language. Through various group and individual activities, students build relationships of trust that allow them to not only increase their second language proficiency, but gain valuable communication skills. Because the class provides students an opportunity to work in groups, they build a foundation in teamwork. This empowers them with an understanding of how effective interdependence contributes to a successful work environment. environment. 返回目录 艺术市场 Art Market 课程编号 04330014 学分 2 先修课程 无 授课语言 英文 课程简介 由于全球化经济和文化的进步,艺术市场现在正飞速发展,可以说,它已经达到 500 年来的顶峰.过去的二十年中,国际艺术品市场已增长三倍,销售 额超过 400 亿美元.大约三分之二国际贸易发生在美英,现在一些新兴国家也加入其中,如韩国、中国、印度和新加坡. 今天,42 个国家和地区都拥有自己的大型拍卖公司,同时正在开发越来越多的多样化市场.由于艺术品出售的地理分布和范围的日益扩大,30 个国家和 地区已经建立约 20 个主要的艺术门类如油画和家具,这不禁让人欢呼:正是开始艺术品交易的大好时期啊. 在文化的层面上说,由于博物馆的开发和翻新以及出展物品的多样化,更多的人开始参观国内外的美术馆.一项研究已经指出了"参观艺术展"和"艺 术品价格/市场营业额"之间的相关性.英国拥有最多全球排名前一百的博物馆,同时北京故宫博物院的游客接待量已超过 700 万.按照长期趋势来讲, 以每日总计为基础,全球最受欢迎的展览在日本和美国.相比以前,更多国际场馆参与进来:比如巴西和韩国.如果以艺术流派划分,当代艺术和印象 派及现代艺术领域的展览最受欢迎. 艺术家、画廊、经销商、艺术博览会、拍卖行以及艺术品市场服务,包括法律、咨询、评估、修复和媒体一直都处于这个行业的前沿.互联网在市场推 广和提高运营效率方面被广发地广泛地使用.在全球范围内,艺术品市场在 40 万个企业中提供 240 万个就业岗位. 仅在英国就有 60000 名艺术家.在180 个艺术博览会中,目前很多都是建立在发展中国家如印度、土耳其、台湾、阿联酋、中国、墨西哥、巴西、阿根廷、俄罗斯和立陶宛.由于国际化的趋 势,各大拍卖公司在 45 个国家设有办事处,2006 年以来,佳士得拍卖把办事处设在 9 个地方包括迪拜.它们所拍卖的 30 多个国家的艺术品涉及约 20 个 艺术门类,如绘画、陶瓷、家具. 艺术品越来越多地吸引那些寻求资产上多元化的人群.它们不仅具有带来美学和情感上的效用,同时还能保值或增值.调查显示,绝大多数的收藏家购 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 51 / 113 买艺术品是出于情感上的原因,出于经济原因的还不到一半.或者,他们自己也无法分辨清楚. 然而对于那些对艺术品收藏感兴趣的人来说,艺术市场仿佛仍是被神秘所笼罩的海市蜃楼.其实,艺术品市场的魅力也来源于它对金融危机的免疫力, 2007/08 年的金融危机就是个例子. 因此,进一步地了解市场对收藏者和从业者将是有帮助的,他们不仅能从中学习经验、还能找到商业机会.同时,对于那些在商业、拍卖、艺术品方面 都有兴趣的人也是大有裨益. The art market is developing broadly and faster than at any time in its five hundred year recorded history, thanks to the economic and cultural advances of globalisation. The international market in art has grown over three times in the last twenty years to over $40bn. About two thirds of this international trade is conducted in the USA and Britain, now joined by newly developed countries such as South Korea, China, India and Singapore. Today, the major auction houses operate in 42 countries and increasingly in diverse developing markets. Thanks to this widening geographical spread and the growing range of art sold - so far about 20 main art categories, such as painting and furniture, created in 30 countries – there is no better time to trade in art. At a cultural level, more people are visiting exhibitions both at home and abroad helped by museum openings and refurbishment as well as the growing diversity of art displayed especially in exhibitions. Studies have a shown a correlation between exhibition attendance and art prices and market turnover. Among the top 100 museums visited worldwide the highest number can be found in the United Kingdom, while visitors to the Palace Museum in Beijing, China number over 7 million. Continuing a long trend the most popular exhibitions worldwide in 2010 based on daily totals were in Japan and the USA. These were joined by more international venues than previously including for the first time Brazil and South Korea. By art sector the most popular exhibitions were for Contemporary art and Impressionist and Modern. Commercially leading the way is the prolific growth in artists, galleries, dealers, art fairs, auction houses, and art market services in art law, advisory, valuation, restoration and media; all of which are making greater use of the internet for marketing and operational efficiency. Worldwide it is estimated the art market supports 2.4 million jobs among 400,000 businesses. There are believed to be 60,000 artists in the UK alone. Among the 180 best art fairs many are now established in developing countries as diverse as India, Turkey, Taiwan, UAE, China, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Guadeloupe, Lithuania, Venezuela, Peru, South Korea, Chile, Colombia, and Morocco. Reflecting this growth, the major auction houses have offices in 45 countries among which Christie's auctions in nine locations including Dubai since 2006. Altogether, they auction about 20 art categories, such as paintings, ceramics and furniture, from over 30 countries. Art increasingly appeals to those seeking assets which appeal aesthetically and emotionally while holding or increasing in monetary value. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 52 / 113 Surveys show that the overwhelming majority of collectors buy art for emotional reasons and less than half for financial reasons. Yet for many interested in collecting art the market remains a fine spectacle shrouded in mystery which is somewhat unapproachable. The art market's relatively immunity to the 2007/8 financial crisis and its aftermath has itself become a source of fascination. Understanding the market is therefore helpful for new and some existing collectors and practitioners to benefit from trade opportunities and achieve best practice, for those with an intellectual interest in business and the arts, or for interested parties wanting to understand one of the world's oldest trades. 教学大纲 Peking University's Art Business course will present a rounded view of the art market in practice and theory. It will do this using new analytical methods applied to present and past examples; aimed at being insightful, thought provoking and balanced. At the core of the course will be an understanding of art and its market and how they are affected by the external environment; highlighting the similarities and unique differences between the art trade and most businesses. The main aspects of the art market (art market history, art valuation, market functions and operation, art tax and law) will be taught in nine lectures plus seminars. This can be supplemented by visits to auctions, galleries and museums. The course will address the following questions: ? What can be learned from art market history? ? What are the art markets' development trends? ? What laws govern the art market? ? How prevalent is art crime? ? How is art's value created and received? ? Can art be valued? ? Is art an investment? ? How does tax affect the art market? ? How do dealers operate and how are they promoted? ? Why do corporations collect art? ? How do auctioneers function? ? What is the relationship between museums and the art market? 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 53 / 113 Content ART MARKET HISTORY (2 lectures + seminars) 艺术市场的历史 - 15/16th century Italy and the Netherlands - 16th century onward intercontinental China trade - 17th century Holland - 18th/19th/early 20th century Britain and Europe - 20th century USA, Europe and Japan - 21st century (Re)Emerging art markets These lectures will demonstrate, supported by data, how the art market has developed since ancient times and the circumstances which made this possible. However, they will concentrate on the period since the first period of globalisation beginning in the 19th century. The factors explained and discussed will include the sources of supply and demand, economic and social influences, collectors and investors, cycles and fashion, value and prices, and the operation of the market such as the first dealers and auctioneers. They will show how the art market has retained many formative characteristics common to all countries and times, and will be a useful introduction to later sessions when these points will be discussed in more detail. In some cases, studying these patterns of development may be a useful guide to the future. ART'S VALUE (2 lectures + seminars) 艺术品估值 - Aesthetic/Art History/Intrinsic - Sociological/Psychological - Economics/Finance - Other factors (Politics/Law, Culture, Demography, Technology) These lectures will be divided between art's economic, aesthetic and social values beneficial to those who collect and those who invest in art. Separately, they will look at the external factors affecting price and the institutional forces and micro elements which have created art's value. Typically, this will include international pricing, collector psychology, the difficulties of valuation, financial measurement, art investment, and intrinsic value. This will be shaped by academic theories from art historians, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and economists. PRIMARY, SECONDARY & TERTIARY ART MARKETS (3 lectures + seminars) 艺术品的一级、二级和三级市场 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 54 / 113 - Artists - Training & Education - Critics and scholars - Museums/Curators – Public & Private sectors - Fairs/Exhibitions - Dealers - Auctioneers (including Online) - Collectors - Corporations - Art Funds - Insurers - Other services (Restoration, Advisors, Shipping) These lectures will show how the art market operates and markets itself in both the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. This will be from the position of artists, collectors, galleries, critics, dealers, art fairs, auctioneers, corporations, museums and art market services. More specifically, it will look at what motivates artists and how they achieve success, how value is created, the role of critical consensus, the varying positions of the main art players, the purpose of corporate collections, how the private and public sectors interact, and the challenges of museums. Their relative underlying financial performance and other efficiency measures will be used to assess their effectiveness. ART LAW (1 lecture + seminars) 艺术品法律 - National and International Trade - Cultural Patrimony - Artists and Auctions - Museums and Insurance - Intellectual Property - Authentication - Crime – Fakes/Forgeries, Theft & Smuggling 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 55 / 113 - Restitution This lecture will discuss the main aspects of art law mostly affecting the USA and UK art markets (65% of the international art trade). Topics will include the trade in art including national/international restrictions and treaties as well as well as looting, theft and destruction. It will also cover artists' rights, intellectual property, art authenticity, auctions, museums and insurance. All of the above will be discussed using historic law and recent cases. ART TAXATION (1 lecture + seminars) 艺术品税务 - Indirect Taxes - Income Tax, CGT, IHT, Wealth Tax etc - Direct Taxes - Import & Export Taxes, VAT, Artist Resale Royalties This final lecture will explain direct and indirect taxation affecting the international art market. In particular it will concentrate on the UK tax system and how that has a direct influence on the art trade at home and abroad. In particular, subjects will include import and export tax, artists' resale rights, capital gains and inheritance tax especially for art donations. Assessment Evaluation by presentation (75%) and seminar contribution (25%): Presentation marking criteria: Intellectual content of the presentation. There should be a clear introduction and logic to the presentation. What was the question being addressed? Was the information they presented factually correct, well analysed and argued? How much research (in addition to the information presented in the course) was used in the presentation including a bibliography? Was the text written clearly? Was the subject and its presentation creative or even original? Was the lecture delivered to time? Visual effect of the presentation. Did they select slides that were relevant to their text? Was the information sufficiently referenced? Were the slides aesthetically pleasing (this is more important than realised and an opportunity and challenge in an arts subject) with a balance between the slide text and any pictures? Personal aspects of the presentation: Was the spoken word understandable to the audience? Did the information delivered accord with or enhance that shown on the slides? Did the posture and body language engage with the audience? If delivered in pairs was their good coordination and support? Assignments: On the last day(s) you be assessed by a 5 minute individual or group presentation (5 minutes per student) on an art market topic approved 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 56 / 113 by the examiner. 返回目录 艺术学院 基本乐理与管弦乐基础 Basic Theory of Music and The Basics of Orchestral Music 课程编号 04330881 学分 2 课程简介 本课程系统地讲授音乐基本理论,包括乐音体系、音律、记谱法、节奏与节拍、音程、和弦、调式、转调、乐曲的基本形式、初步的和声与复调,以及 近现代音乐理论;注重理论联系实际,在分析作品同时介绍管弦乐队及各类乐器的功能特点,并结合识谱及简单电子钢琴弹奏. 教材:自编讲义 参考书: 1、 马清《音乐理论与管弦乐基础》北大出版社 2000 年11 月2、 爱·唐斯《管弦乐名曲解说》人民音乐出版社 1993 返回目录 信息科学技术学院 可编程逻辑电路设计(I) Digital Design Using PLD (I) 课程编号 04830810 学分 2 先修课程 数字逻辑电路 课程简介 通过课程的学习,使学生熟悉可编程逻辑器件的结构和原理,掌握可编程逻辑器件的开发方法和工具,学习硬件描述语言 VHDL,锻炼设计和实现数字系 统的综合能力,培养学生的团队合作、交流和表达能力. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 57 / 113 By studing and practicing in this course, we wish our students can make progress in the following aspects: getting familiar with the basic structrue of the programmable devices, grasping the developing tools and process of a digital design using PLD, studying the hardware developing language of VHDL, enhancing the ability of designing and realizing a digital design, developing the ability of cooperation, communication and lecturing. learns to design digital circuits using VHDL language and implement it in a programmable logic device. Covers electrics, electronics and engineering. Topics include programmable device, VHDL language, the developing tools and process of PLD. 返回目录 大规模数据处理/云计算 Mass Data Processing/Cloud Computing 课程编号 04831830 学分 2 先修课程 一些计算机编程经验,最好是 Java 语言 课程简介 Web 网页全文索引,镜像网页消重,垃圾邮件过滤,天气模拟,星系模拟,上亿字符串的排序……,现在人们正处在一个面临海量数据处理挑战的时 代.你想不想了解如何利用多台机器的并行计算能力来完成这些任务?并且是写少量的代码来做这些事情? 这些应用,可以使用 MapReduce 分布式编程模型完成.在这为期 5 周的课程中,你会学习到:1)分布式系统的相关知识;2)MapReduce 理论和实践, 包括:认识和理解 MapReduce 如何适用于分布式计算 ,明白它适合哪些应用,不适合哪些应用,和实践中的提示和技巧;3)通过几个编程练习和一个 课程项目,获得实际在 MapReduce 编程模型下的算法并行化设计技术经验.在这些内容基础上,更进一步的,本课程力图把一种并行化思考方式介绍给 你,它是未来计算的重要内容. 课程练习和项目将使用 Hadoop (开放源代码实现的 MapReduce) . 使用机群由网络实验室提供, 需要学生自备能够无线上网的笔记本 (用于连接机群操作) , 我们会尽量安排在能够无线上网的教室,并尽量为大家争取到上机实习的机会. Web page full-text indexing, eliminate re-mirror pages, spam filtering, weather simulations, galaxy simulations, sort strings of millions ... ... and now people are in a challenge facing the era of massive data processing. Do you want to learn how to use multiple machines in parallel computing power to accomplish these tasks? And a small amount of code is written to do these things? These applications can be distributed using the MapReduce programming model complete. In this course, you will learn to: 1) knowledge 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 58 / 113 of distributed systems; 2) MapReduce theory and practice, including: awareness and understanding of how to apply MapReduce distributed computing and understand that it is suitable for applications which do not for which applications, and practice tips and techniques; 3) through several programming exercises and a course project, to obtain the actual MapReduce programming model in parallel algorithm design experience. Among these elements, based on further, try to turn the course of thinking about a parallel way to introduce to you, it is an important part of the future of computing. Course exercises and projects will use Hadoop (open source implementation of MapReduce). A cluster will be provided by the network laboratories, and we require students to bring their own laptop to access the cluster through wi-fi. 返回目录 职业规划与领导力发展 Career Planning & Leadership Development 赵海燕,张铭,蒋云 课程编号 04831840 学分 2 先修课程 无 课程简介: 面对科技日新月异、社会急剧变迁的 21 世纪,只掌握专业上的一技之长,已难以适应瞬息万变的职场,也不足以获得充实、圆满的自我.有鉴于此,我 们邀请一些事业有成的北大校友们在暑期开设本课程,旨在帮助在校学生明确发展方向、规划大学生涯、有效地发展领导力素质,特别希望那些即将踏 入职场的高年级本科生、研究生能够确立自己的职业生涯定位、拟定人生发展策略. 在84 级计算机系同学发起的"计算机系校友讲座基金"支持下,2008、2009、2010、2011、2012 年连续 5 年开设"职业规划与领导力发展"暑期课程, 获得了选课学生的好评. 2013 年暑期,本课程拟通过十多位富有职业规划经验、有着激荡澎湃之人生的成功人士主讲.教师们将根据他们自己的切身体会,协助学生了解生涯规 划的一些基本概念与基本技巧,进而培养学生从事职业的兴趣、技巧、能力,塑造清新独特的自我,养成良好的职业道德.主要内容包括人生经验,由 国企、外企、事业单位、留校、创业的 IT 人士介绍他们的心路历程和职业发展道路;职业规划的重要性分析和理论指导,职业发展中的技能培养和软素 质的提升;中国信息产业创新的现状与未来,创业融资、中国软件企业的自主创新的案例分析等. 本课程的目标主要包括: 1.培养学生了解生涯规划的基本概念及重要性; 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 59 / 113 2.指导学生学习生涯规划的技巧,扩展生涯的知觉范围、增进生涯探索能力、促进自我的实现; 3.陶冶学生职业活动志趣、培养敬业精神、养成良好的职业道德; 4.培养学生终生学习的态度、学习团队合作精神,活出精彩的人生. 由于生涯探索与规划是一个终身不断调适的过程,其具体内容的深度和广度均会因人而异,本课程只作为入门课程来引导学生如何确立人生的方向,提 供奋斗的策略,以帮助学生突破生活的格线,塑造清新充实的自我. 课程网址:http://fusion.grids.cn/career/ (欢迎提前注册,便于组织团队.开课期间,本课程将给选课学生配置 wifi. ) The summer course --- Career Planning and Leadership Development --- is a part of 20th Graduation anniversary for PKUCS Alumni. Since 2008, for five years in a row, students have given high praise for what they have learned and benefited in class. The course is intended to assist students in their career development, by providing opportunities to communicate with alumni who have built successful careers. We aim at helping students define their goals, learn more about themselves, discover their interests, values, skills and temperament, and in turn develop their leadership. Especially, for senior students, we help them succeed in their career endeavors by facilitating more appropriate goal setting, decision making, and focused career selection. This summer, more than ten professionals will be coming to campus to share their stories and explain how they've taken their skills and talents to form successful careers. The speakers come from a variety of backgrounds, including state-owned enterprises, international companies, start-ups, academia, government, etc. The following topics will be covered: the concepts and importance of career planning, lessons in making career choices and decisions, tips in maintaining and enhancing employability, analysis of trends and developments in China's innovation systems, case studies of IT industry in China, etc. For more information, please visit the course homepage ( http://fusion.grids.cn/career/). 内容提要及课程安排: 本课程由张铭教授、赵海燕副教授、蒋云老师共同主持,主要邀请来自国内外各企业的北大计算机校友担纲、以讲座的方式讲授. 拟每周安排 3 次,共12 次课来完成本课程的教学任务.每次历时 2.5 小时,由一位校友主讲.可选的讲座题目列示如下: 第一部分 创新与创业 第1次:马骏(北大计算机系 86 级校友,国务院发展研究中心企业研究所研究员)信息产业的创新 - 中国信息产业生态图 - 创新环境剖析 > 学术界 vs. 工业界 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 60 / 113 > 文化 vs. 政策 > 长期规划 vs. 短期 - 创新文化与创新人才的培育 第2次:阳萌(北大计算机系 99 级校友,海翼电子商务有限公司创始人、CEO)高韬(北大计算机系 96 级校友,海翼电子商务有限公司副总裁) "软 硬结合 + 电子商务"的创业旅途 - 软硬结合: 智能生活的大趋势 - 电子商务: 快速迭代的自渠道 - 创业旅途: 跌宕起伏的成长路 第3次:王煜全(1994 年毕业于北师大,2012 年成立海银资本,现专注于社会化应用、无线互联与手机游戏等新兴产业的研究和投资催化)新兴产业创 业-中国新兴产业创业机会剖析 > 社会化应用 > 无线互联与手机游戏 > 高端电商 > 创新制造 - 创业成功关键因素剖析 > 识别创业陷阱,发掘创业机会 > 提升技术壁垒,建立市场壁垒 > 战略上要执着,战术上要灵活 > 创业者像老大,要罩着兄弟们 第4次:赵岗(北大计算机系 96 级校友,安管佳创始人、CEO)专注创业:做好一件事 - 移动互联网中的创业机会 - 学会专注:做好、做精一件事 - 安全管家的启示 第二部分 在创业中成长 第5次:倪金磊(北大计算机系 83 级本、87 级硕,阿帕图英语创始人)对在线教育的理解与创业中的领悟 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 61 / 113 - 在线教育国内外现状 - 互联网对教育的影响 - 在线教育的商机在哪里 - 创业中的领悟 第6次:张远 (北大计算机系 98 级校友,北京梦之窗数码科技有限公司创始人、CEO)学生创业的经历和体验 - 组建团队 - 选定方向 - 获取资金 - 战略执行 第7次:陈利人 (清华大学计算机系 88 级本科和硕士,CMU 硕士,盘古搜索 CTO)中美创业之差异 - 谈谈我的创业经历 - 从创业获得的经验 - 美国模式 vs. 中国模式 第三部分 职业道路的选择与规划 第8次:李丰(北大化院 84 级校友.IDG 资本合伙人,侧重于教育消费领域及 TMT 相关领域的投资)大学生就业选择以及中国互联网的新兴趋势和行业 机会 - 大学生就业选择与创业 - 中国互联网的新兴趋势 - 中国互联网的行业机会 第9次: 黄立(北大计算机系 84 级校友,2008 年加入全方位 IT 服务及行业解决方案提供商---软通动力,任高级副总裁及中国区负责人)职业发展的 关键因素 - 关注你的市场价值,而不是你的工资 - 自信地发挥自己的潜能 - 永远保持一份好奇心,一颗学习的心 - 尊重别人就是尊重你自己 第10 次:张勤 (北大计算机系 92 级校友,阿里巴巴集团副总裁,一淘和搜索事业部总经理)电子商务改变生活 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 62 / 113 - 电子商务在中国的发展和机会. - 互联网行业需要什么样的人才? - 大学生在校期间需要准备什么? 第四部分 学术科研与产业发展 第11 次:79 级Panel(陈钟,陈向群,梁平等,北大 79 级校友)学术界 vs. 产业界,你准备好了吗? - 认清你的优势 - 做科研 or 做产品? - 多样化的发展道路 第12 次:石文昌(北大计算机系软件学士、中科院软件与理论博士,中国人民大学信息学院教授)大学课堂与职业生涯 - 课堂知识与技术变迁 - 课堂教学与职业多样性 - 学科基础与职业轨迹 主讲人简介: 马骏 国务院发展研究中心企业研究所研究员.1986-1990 年就读于北大计算机系软件专业;1993 年获北大管理科学中心硕士学位.1995-2001 年就职于 国务院发展研究中心发展战略和区域经济研究部,主要研究国家中长期发展战略、区域发展战略.2002 年加入国务院发展研究中心企业研究所,作为研 究员主要研究企业改革和发展政策,战略性产业的改革和发展政策. 阳萌 1999-2003 就读于北京大学计算机系,获学士学位.2005 年获得美国 UT-Austin 计算机硕士大学硕士学位,加入美国 Google 公司研究自然语言处理 和PageRank 算法,2007 年获 Google 公司技术最高奖——创始人奖.2010 年创建海翼电子商务有限公司并任 CEO,致力于通过电子商务渠道把"中国制 造"中的优质产品推向欧美日等市场,并塑造国际性的品牌. 高韬 2000 年、2003 年分别获得北京大学计算机系软件学士和硕士学位.2010 年获得 BiMBA 国际工商管理硕士学位.曾先后任职于北电网络、中兴通讯、 在Google China 任商业客户解决方案部总监.2012 年加入阳萌创立的海翼电子商务公司,任副总裁. 王煜全 1994 年毕业于北京师范大学,没毕业就开始创业,创建了北京康斯泰克医药广告公司,后卖给世界最大的广告集团 Omnicomm Group,1998 年与 跨国咨询集团 Frost & Sullivan 合资成立 Frost & Sullivan 中国公司,2004 年开始连续为中国移动集团公司数据部提供全面的战略咨询服务,并协助 中国移动协调无线互联产业.2012 年成立海银资本,含海银创业孵化器和海银人民币风险投资基金.现专注于社会化应用、无线互联与手机游戏、高端 电商和创新制造等新兴产业的研究和投资催化. 赵岗 北京大学 96 级校友.2009 在北京成立安管佳科技有限公司,推出手机安全软件——安全管家,是一款综合型全功能的免费手机安全软件,覆盖安 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 63 / 113 卓、苹果、塞班、WP 等多个主流手机平台,为用户提供便捷的手机操作和全方位的手机安全防护.现任安管佳 CEO. 倪金磊 北大计算机系 83 级本科和 87 级硕士,历任北大青鸟副总裁,北大在线 CEO,美国 GlobalEnglish 中国区总监,阿帕图英语创始人. 张远北大计算机系 98 级本科和 02 级硕士,现任北京梦之窗数码科技有限公司首席执行官.张远在研究生尚未毕业时即创立了北京梦之窗数码科技有限 公司,公司所运营的 CC 视频(www.bokecc.com)云计算平台现已成为中国最大的视频云服务提供方.2012 年张远被《创业家》杂志评选为中国创业黑马 七剑客,是中国 80 后创业者中的典型代表. 李丰 IDG 资本合伙人,侧重于教育消费领域及 TMT 相关领域的投资.曾在新东方教育科技集团担任多个核心高级管理职位,包括核心教学系统,子品牌 建立与推广,远程教育,附属产业等.在供职于华兴资本期间,他参与或领导了多个案例的融资,包括安博,万学,红黄蓝,清华数字博识等.李丰也 曾就职于环保和水处理领域的外资公司.从07 年开始作为创始人和 CEO 与北大计算机系吴明辉共同创造了目前最大的互联网广告数据服务公司秒针系统 —学之途公司.李丰曾获罗彻斯特大学(university of rochester)化学理学硕士学位和北京大学化学理学学士学位. 黄立 北大计算机系 84 级本科和 88 级硕士.在IT 和电信行业拥有 18 年的管理经验,涵盖解决方案营销、售前服务、业务拓展、市场营销和技术研发等 多个领域.曾在西门子(中国) 、摩托罗拉(中国) 、微软(中国)等多家知名 IT 公司担任要职.2008 年,加入了全方位 IT 服务及行业解决方案提供商 ---软通动力.2010 年12 月16 日软通动力在纽交所上市.黄立先生任公司高级副总裁及中国区负责人. 张勤 1997 年毕业于北大计算机系(软件专业)及中国经济研究中心经济学辅修专业,并拥有中欧国际工商管理学院 MBA 学位.2006 年加入阿里巴巴集 团,先后负责过雅虎搜索、阿里搜索技术中心(ASC) 、搜索广告、网站运营等部门.目前担任集团副总裁,一淘和搜索事业部总经理.淘宝搜索是全球 最大的购物搜索引擎,而一淘网(www.etao.com)是国内最大的比价和购物搜索网站. 陈利人 清华大学计算机系本科(88 级)和硕士,CMU 硕士.曾任 Google 主任工程师,云云网联合创始人,现任盘古搜索 CTO. 陈钟 北大计算机系 1979 级本,1983 硕, 1986-1989 博.北京大学信息学院教授、博士生导师,北京大学计算机系主任,北京大学网络与软件安全保 障教育部重点实验室主任、北京大学金融信息化研究中心主任.1992 年协助杨芙清院士创办青鸟公司,先后担任技术部经理、总工程师、集团技术总 监,香港创业板上市公司总裁等职务.2002 年到 2010 年任软件与微电子学院院长.陈钟教授作为北京大学面向领域软件工程、信息安全和服务科学领域 的学科带头人,曾获特等奖一项,一等奖三项,二等奖一项,青年科技奖一项,享受政府特殊津贴.先后发表论文 100 余篇,著作 3 部,专利 3 项. 陈向群 北大计算机系 1979 级本,1983 硕,2000 级博士,北大信息科学技术学院教授,党委副书记.北京计算机学会副理事长及秘书长;中国计算机学 会系统软件专业委员会委员.长期从事操作系统的教学和科研工作,是基础主干课"计算机操作系统"主讲教师.曾获得:北京大学教学优秀奖;大众 电脑科研优秀奖;安泰个人奖;北京市青年教师教学基本功竞赛二等奖;北京大学教学成果一等奖.编写出版教材 20 余本. 梁平 1983 年获得北大计算机系计算机软件专业学士学位,1986 年获得清华计算机系计算机系统结构专业硕士学位,1986-1993 年在清华大学计算机系任 教,期间获得过电子工业部颁发的科技进步三等奖.1993-2012 年先后在西门子、Sybase 和意法半导体从事工业产品相关的技术研发及市场开发的工作, 曾参与并主持过多项创新性工业化产品的开发.目前在意法半导体公司分管医疗与健康产品的前瞻性战略规划和市场开发. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 64 / 113 石文昌 北京大学计算机系软件专业理学学士,中国科学院计算机软件与理论工学博士,中国科学院院长奖获得者.现任中国人民大学信息学院教授,计 算机系主任,信息安全研究所所长,中国人民大学信息安全专业和学科的创建者,电子证据国家司法鉴定人.曾任中国科学院软件所研究员,中国科学 院研究生院教授,上海浦东软件园有限公司副总经理,北京信息安全产业基地首届专家委员会委员.目前主要从事系统软件、信息安全、数字取证等方 面的科学研究、人才培养和产业服务工作. 返回目录 生物特征识别 Biometrics 课程负责人 李文新 课程编号 04831950 学分 2 课程简介 信息化时代的一大特征就是个人身份的数字化和隐性化.如何准确鉴定一个人的身份,确保安全是当今信息化时代必须解决的一个关键性社会问题. 目前, 我国乃至世界的各种身份管理大部分使用证件、磁卡、IC 卡和密码,这些手段无法避免伪造或遗失,密码也很容易被窃取或遗忘.这些都给管理 者和使用者带来很大不方便.基于生物特征识别的身份验证可以避免这些麻烦.因此,有越来越多的研究者投身于这个领域,工业界也有了越来越多的 产品.2003 年5月,香港特区政府签发了第一张存储指纹特征的智能身份证,2003 年11 月,英国内政部也开始实施一项为期 6 个月的电子生物特征身 份识别技术的试点,以便为将来在全国范围内推出新型身份证系统做准备.美国政府也自 2004 年初开始对所有出入境的外国公民采集双手食指指纹,用 以防范恐怖袭击增强国土安全.显而易见,生物特征识别技术将在法律,安全,金融,商业,军队以及各种涉及身份认证的场合大有作为,正如比尔?盖 茨曾作的断言那样,生物特征识别技术将成为未来若干年 IT 产业的重要革新. 在本课程将系统的介绍生物特征识别技术的来源,发展和现状,教授学 生相关领域的知识,拓展学生的视野,培养研究兴趣,通过课堂讲授,演示和组织学生阅读领域内的书籍和论文,引领学生去学习和掌握生物特征识别 领域的基本知识与技术,为学生独立展开研究工作打下坚实的基础. 返回目录 工程科学研究方法 Workshop on Engineering Research Methodologies 陈文新 课程编号 04832330 学分 2 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 65 / 113 先修课程 无 课程简介 科学研究是大学教育中的重要组成部分之一.目前的大学课程中很少涉及对科学研究方法的系统介绍.通常,低年级的本科生和研究生通过跟着高年级 的同学进入项目研究,在此过程中自己总结实验技巧和研究方法.这种学习方法通常效率较低,并需要较长的时间才能够真正掌握有效的研究方法. 面向刚刚或者即将开始参与科学研究的学生,本课程将以课题讲授和讨论的形式,重点介绍学生感兴趣的科学研究过程和研究方法.学生通过课程学习, 能够比较系统地掌握现代科学研究所需要研究方法,为以后的科研工作打下坚实的基础. Research is a very important education component in university. However, systematic approach to perform research has seldom been covered in normal university curriculum. Undergraduate and post-graduate students are used asked to perform research following their senior colleagues and pickup the skill by themselves. Given the many concerns of those confronted by a first-time research responsibility, this special workshop is intended primarily for students, both graduate and undergraduate, who have not experienced research but want to know more about the process and methods of research. It is a workshop style class with both lecture and discussion. 教师简历 Professor, Department Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) ; Deputy Director, Nano-Fabrication Facility (NFF), HKUST; Adjunct Professor, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School; Adjunct Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Science; Technical Panel Member, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong; Administrative Committee, Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineer (IEEE) ; Distinguished Lecturer of EDS, Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineer (IEEE). 返回目录 计算机系统结构设计专题 Topics on Computer Architecture 负责人为易江芳 由外聘教师开课 课程号:04832610 学分:2 先修课程:面向计算机专业高年级本科生,先修课程为计算机组织与体系结构 课程简介 本课程主要介绍计算机系统结构的基础概念、设计原则以及发展趋势,尤其是对于指令级并行技术进行了详细的讲述,包括流水线、超标量、多发射、 动态调度、转 移预测、硬件多线程等.可以作为高年级本科生深入了解计算机系统结构的专业课程,也可以作为相关方向研究生的基础课程.课程内容 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 66 / 113 包括:计算机系统设计基 础、流水线基础、指令级并行技术及限制、存储层次设计、定制处理器、多处理器等. The course mainly introduces basic concepts, design principles and trending of computer architecture. It emphasizes on techniques of instruction level parallelism, including pipeline, superscalar, multi-issue, dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, multithreading etc. The course serves as a deeper understanding of computer architecture for high-division undergraduate students, and also serves as a foundation for graduate students whose major is related with computer architecture. Topics covered include: fundamentals of computer design, basic pipeline concepts, exploiting instruction level parallelism, limits on instruction level parallelism, memory-hierarchy design, application specific processors and multiprocessors. 返回目录 处理器体系结构 Processor Architecture 陆俊林 与卡耐基梅隆大学 Dnvid O`Hallaron 合上 课程号:04832620 学分:2 课程简介 本课程为国际合作课程,与卡耐基梅隆大学 David O'Hallaron 教授合作开设.本课程是本院已开设的《计算机系统导论》课程的延伸,基于教材《深入理 解计算机系统》 (CS:APP2e 2011,David O'Hallaron 教授为该教材的作者之一) ,重点讲授其中第 4 章"处理器体系结构"和第 5 章"优化程序性能".本课程将 从程序员的视角深入浅出地讲解 处理器的构成和如何根据计算机系统的特点优化程序的性能, 使学生掌握计算机系统如何执行程序,从而具备更为高效的 编程能力,尤其是提高程序的性能、可移植性和健壮性. The course is based on Chapters 4 and 5 of "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective". It provides a programmer`s view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. It enables students to become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. 返回目录 分布式系统 Distributed Systems 肖臻 与康奈尔大学老师合上 课程号:04832630 学分:1 授课语言:中英双语 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 67 / 113 先修课程:暂无 课程简介 分布式系统是计算机科学与技术领域的一个重要领域,在实际中有广阔的应用前景.目前北京大学计算机系本科阶段没有专门的分布式系统课程.这次 暑期课所邀请 的是世界上在分布式系统领域享有盛誉的美国康纳尔大学的 Ken Birman 正教授.该教授是这一领域的鼻祖,其亲自领导开发的多个系统被 广泛地应用于工业界.尤其是该教授在高可用性和容错性方面的研究,对于关键性应 用非常重要.所谓"关键性"应用是指那些对于系统的可靠性和稳定 性要求非常高,一旦出现问题会带来巨大经济损失或对国计民生带来重大影响的应用.比如一个 支持股票交易市场的计算系统,每秒钟要处理大量的金 融交易.一旦系统因为软硬件的问题而发生故障,所带来的经济损失将是不可估量的.尽管这些系统在投入运 行前都经过严格的测试,但是在实际运行 中仍然可能由于种种原因而造成系统的瘫痪.美国纽约的股票交易市场就曾因为数据流量过大,超过了系统正常的负载范围 而导致系统崩溃,造成了巨 大的经济损失.再比如民航的航空管理系统,每秒钟要对空中各类飞机的大量信息进行及时的处理和判断.一旦系统发生故障而不能做出 正确的判断, 其后果可能是灾难性的.国家的很多要害部门,如电力、航空、通讯、军事等,都存在这种"关键性"的应用.这些应用一旦出现问题,将给广大人民 群 众的生命财产带来重大的损失.如前所述,美国康奈尔大学的 Ken Birman 教授是这方面的鼻祖,开设这门课程对于提高我校在分布式系统方面的教学水 平、培养建设高可用系统方面的人才,都有着至关重要的作用. Birman 教授在美国康奈尔大学教授这门课程已有多年,具有丰富的教学经验.他的参与 将对这门课程的起到至关重要的作用. Distributed systems are an important area of computer science and technology. The current undergraduate curriculum in the Department of Computer Science at Peking University does not offer a distributed systems course. This summer class invites Cornell University Professor Ken Birman who is the originator of this area, and personally led the development of multiple systems widely used in industry. He specializes in high availability and fault tolerance for critical applications. He has been teaching this course for many years at Cornell. 返回目录 城市与环境学院 圆明园的历史与现状 Past and Today of Yuanming Imperial Garden 阙维民 教授 课程编号 12639020 学分 1 先修课程 无2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 68 / 113 课程简介: 圆明园是圆明、万春与长春三园的总称,始建于康熙四十六年(公元 1707 年) ,是中国封建社会时期皇家园林的最后代表之一,是18 世纪集中外造园文 化之大成的园林,是中西方建筑文化艺术价值观念交流与融合的物质载体.1860 年10 月,圆明园惨遭英法联军入侵官兵的劫焚,震撼朝野,惊骇世界, 是近代帝国主义列强毁灭世界人类文明之罪的物证场所.目前,在如何保护与利用圆明园遗址的问题上,存在着较大的争议. 本课程是在《中国圆明园遗址申报世界遗产前期调研》基础上开设的学术前沿特色课程,涉及圆明园的历史文献资料、历史地理环境、园林景观建设、 文化遗产价值、遗址现存问题与遗址保护争议等专题,课程采用课堂教学与实地考察相结合教学方式. Yuanming Imperial Park, consisting of Yuanming, Wanchun and Changchun parks, built since 1707, is one of last masterpieces of imperial gardens during the feudal period in China, is the garden which combined East-West garden construction culture in 18 century, and is the tangible carrier for cultural ideas exchange between Chinese and the West architectural fields. It was burned and robbed by British and French allied forces in Dec.1860,which shocked both China and World, and the ruin of the Garden become the evident site that confirms the guilty by 19th century imperial countries to destroy the world human civilization. At present, there are some intense arguments on how to protect and utilize the Ruin. Basing on The Pre-research of China Yuanming Imperial Garden for nominating into the UNESCO World Heritage List, this course is a special course on the academic front, concerning with the topics about the Garden of historical materials, historical geography environment, garden landscape construction, cultural heritage value, current problem on the ruin and arguments of site protection etc..The teaching method of the course will combined classroom discussion with field work. 返回目录 环境科学与工程学院 环境工程设计基础 Principles of Environmental Engineering Design 晏明全 课程号:12734070 学分:3 课程简介 本课程系统地介绍环境工程设计的基本知识和基本程序,包括工程项目运行程序、工程项目厂址选择的原则、工艺流程选择与设计、反应器设计计算、 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 69 / 113 管道布置设计、环保设备的选择与应用、工程设计技术经济分析等.以环境工程项目设计与建设程序为主线,结合案例模拟训练,着重培养和提高学生 的知识综合应用能力. The course introduces students to the theory, tools, and techniques of environmental engineering design and creative problem-solving, as well as design issues and practices in environmental engineering. The course includes several design cases, with an emphasis on environmental engineering process design, reactor design, pipeline design, equipment selection and application , economic and social factors analysis. 返回目录 医学部 营养与疾病 Nutrition and Disease 张玉梅,朱文丽 副教授 课程编号 18050150 学分 1 课程简介: 有营养就有健康,营养状况良好可预防疾病的发生.近年来发病率显著上升的慢性疾病如糖尿病、高血压、肥胖等主要由膳食不合理引起,1/3 癌症与膳 食有关;调查发现,良好的营养状况,可增强人体的免疫力,预防感染性疾病的发生. 随着生活水平的提高,人们更关注营养.去年的一项调查发现,医学相关专业及临床医生的营养学知识欠缺,普通大众更缺乏科学的营养学知识.本课 程作为北京大学医学部校内选修、校际选修已开展 10 年,自2002 年起, "营养与疾病"一直是医学部校际选修选课学生人数最多的课程.任课老师授课 活泼、生动,营养知识科学化、科普化,受到了广泛欢迎. We can be healthy only when we own nutriment. The good condition of nutrition can keep us away from illness. The incidence of the chronic disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, adiposity etc, has increased sharply in recent years. Most of these diseases are mainly caused by unscientific meal. Furthermore, 1/3 of the cancers have something to do with meal. According to investigates, the good condition of nutrition can not only strengthen the immunological function but also prevent diseases. Along with the improvement of the standard of living, people pay more attention to nutrition. On the basis of a survey last year, people who had professional knowledge of medicine and clinical doctors were lack of nutrition knowledge, while general people were more short of scientific nutrition information. This course, as the intramural and interscholastic elective of Peking University Health Science Center, 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 70 / 113 has already developed for 10 years. "Nutrition and Disease" has been the most popular interscholastic elective of Peking University Health Science Center since 2002. The teachers of this course are widely welcomed for teaching lively and making nutrition knowledge understandable and scientific. 返回目录 人体免疫与健康养生 Cryptogram of Immunology 王月丹 副教授 课程编号 18050180 学分 1 先修课程 无 课程简介 本门课程是从免疫学的角度介绍如何建立科学的生活方式,走出生活中的各种影响机体免疫的误区,从而达到预防疾病和保持身体健康的目的.免疫及 免疫力一直是人类健康的重要话题,在很多疾病(如恶性肿瘤、哮喘、肝炎和爱滋病等感染性疾病等等)的过程中,免疫因素均扮演着十分重要的作用. 可是,你知道吗?免疫系统和人体的其它系统一样,伴随着机体的成长而成长,伴随着机体的衰老而衰老,在人类发育的各个时期均有其相应的特点, 在不同的发育阶段必须制定相应的健康免疫养生策略,才能保护我们的免疫系统,使其充分发挥功能,达到健康养生的目的.同时,免疫系统对外界十 分敏感,社会发展、环境污染和心理压力加大,甚至各种医疗技术的使用(如美容手术)等因素,均可能导致免疫系统的损伤甚至崩溃,引起各种疾病. 在课程的教学中,主要包括人体免疫系统及功能的基本介绍、疾病中免疫问题和免疫与健康养生的关系等内容.通过本门课程的学习,学生可以初步掌 握免疫学及免疫系统功能的主要机制和一般规律,了解免疫与健康养生的基本原理,同时还能了解现代免疫学技术在医学生物学领域中的应用知识. In this curriculum, the students will be encouraged in learning basic knowledges and principles in immunology and its role in health in their lifes. Several immunological problems, such as immunity against bacteria, tumoral cells and virus, and the mechanism for transplantation immunity and autoimmune diseases will be involved in the discussion. 返回目录 ACM/ICPC 竞赛训练 ACM/ICPC Training 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 71 / 113 郭炜 课程编号 30330500 学分 2 授课对象 计算机专业本科生或研究生 先修课程 C++,数据结构;或有中学生信息奥赛经历 课程简介 北京大学的 ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)水平在国内处于领先地位,自2005 年至 2008 年每年均参加总决赛,名次分别为 11(铜牌),13,14,13.北京大学的 Online Judge --- POJ 更是国内最有影响力的 ACM/ICPC 竞赛训练平台,在国际上也有较高知名度和较多用户. 北京大学 ACM/ICPC 竞赛队精英汇集,大多数队员都曾在全国中学生信息学奥赛上取得过优异成绩,或在 ACM/ICPC 亚洲区预选赛中获得过金奖.北 京大学 ACM/ICPC 竞赛队通过多年的积累,已经形成了一套行之有效的系统训练方法. 本课程为准备参加 ACM/ICPC 的同学设置.和北京大学 ACM/ICPC 竞赛队的队员一起学习、交流、训练,一定会对提高参训学校的竞赛成绩大有帮助. 教学大纲: 课程内容涉及 ACM/ICPC 竞赛中用到的大量算法,包括:枚举、递归、搜索、贪心、组合数学、数论、图论、计算几何、高级数据结构等. 授课方式包括:专题讲座、专题练习、赛题讨论和竞赛实战.其中包括邀请参加过总决赛的队员介绍经验,以及解答大家疑问. 其中 8 天的内容为每天一个算法专题,讲座 1 小时,做题 4 小时,讨论 1 小时. 另外 2 天安排 2 场5小时的组队竞赛,赛后讨论. 根据平时训练做题表现和竞赛名次评定成绩. 参考书: 1、刘汝佳等,算法艺术与信息学竞赛,清华大学出版社 2、算法导论,高等教育出版社 3、李文新等,程序设计导引及在线实践,清华大学出版社 4、侯捷,C++标准程序库,电子工业出版社 5、张铭等,数据结构预算法,高等教育出版社 6、周培德,计算几何,清华大学出版社 任课教师教学和科研简历 曾经讲授过操作系统(辅修), Java 程序设计语言(辅修) ,多年来一直讲授《程序设计实习》课程,从2004 年起担任 ACM/ICPC 北大队教练. 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 72 / 113 国际项目/英文授课 Discovering Chinese History in Beijing 在北京发现中国历史 Course Instructor: Dr. Dongmei ZHAO Associate Professor, History Department, Peking University Email: DongmeiZhao@pku.edu.cn Class Times & Venue: July 8-22, Monday, Tuesday, 15:10-18:00 & Thursday, 9:10-12:00 Course Descriptions: History is the cultural gene of a country. This course offers a general introduction to Chinese history from pre-modern to the 1970s. With the instruction and guidance of the instructor, students will learn about the glorious past of the "celestial dynasties", China's loss and Chinese people's painful struggles for modernization since the Opium War, explore the Chinese way of life and thought, get to know who and what shaped Chinese past and will have their influence on the future of China. Active participation is welcome and encouraged in the form of presentation and classroom discussions. Required Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, Cambridge, Mass.: the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Gamer, Robert E. Ed. Understanding Contemporary China, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Assignments and Grades: Reading report: 25 points Class participation and attendance: 25 points Final paper: 50 points *Attendance: 5 points deduction for missing one class with any excuse other than illness. *Exploration and reading report (25): Every student will choose one topic concerning Chinese history either in the syllabus or not, explore 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 73 / 113 and organize the knowledge in literature, museums, historical sites or any other historical remaining, write a short report of 5 pages (1200-1500 words) and share it with the class orally. *A final paper (50):Every student should write a 10-page, double-space final paper based on a chosen topic by the student and with the approval of the course instructor. Lecture Topics: Lecture 1: The Periodizations of the Chinese Past ? The Marxism-Leninism Five-Stage Pattern ? Modern vs. Pre-modern ? "Dynastic Cycles" and the "Conquered Dynasties" Readings: Toops, Stanley W. "China, A Geographic Preface", Understanding Contemporary China, Gamer, Robert E. Ed., Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999, chapter 2. Murphey, Rhoads. "The Historical Context", Understanding Contemporary China, Gamer, Robert E. Ed., Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999, pp.29-62, chapter 3. Lecture 2: Confucianism and Chinese Thoughts ? Confucius, his life story and his thoughts ? Confucianism becoming the ruling ideology ? Challenges and the resurrections of Confucianism Readings: Fung, Yu-lan. A short history of Chinese philosophy, translated by Derk Bodde, New York: Macmillan, 1960. Lecture 3: Administrating the Huge Empire ? Unity and Separation ? Central control, practical and ideal ? Keju, the Chinese meritocracy and its difficulties Readings: Chaffee, John W. The thorny gates of learning in Sung China: a social history of examinations, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. Lecture 4: The Opium War: a Watershed ? Emperor Qianlong's answer 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 74 / 113 ? The War in macro and micro perspectives ? The significance of the War Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, pp.187-205, Chapters 9. "Ch'ien lung's Letter to George III", Imperial China: the decline of the last dynasty and the origins of modern China, the 18th and 19th centuries, edited by F. Schurmann & O. Schell, New York: Vintage Books, 1967, pp. 5-113. Lecture 5: The Sunset of the Empire, 1842-1911 ? Qing Empire survives domestic turmoil by narrow margin ? Response to the West, between "fundamental structure" and "practical use" ? From reforms to revolution Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, pp.206-254, Chapters 10-12. Liu, Kuang Ching. 1999. "Modern Reform and the Self-strengthening Movement", Sources of Chinese Tradition, Vol. II, pp.233-249. Lecture 6: China and Japan, 5000 and 50 years ? Japan, an old student of China ? The 1 st Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895 ? The 2 nd Sino-Japanese War, 1931-1945 ? The bitter gifts Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, pp. 312-330, Chapters 16. Lau Shaw, 1951. "The Little Sheep Fold", The Yellow Storm, Translated by Pruitt, Ida. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, pp. 1-97, Chapters 1-13. Week 7: The Cultural Revolution and its cultural roots ? The Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 ? The historical cultural roots of the Cultural Revolution Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, pp. 383-405, Chapter 20. Meisner, Maurice. 1986. "Social Results of the Cultural Revolution", "The Aftermath of the Cultural Revolution and the Close of the Maoist Era, 1969-1976", Mao's China and After: A History of the People's Republic, New York: The Free Press. pp. 370-432, Chapters 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 75 / 113 20-21. Lecture 8: The live history around us: from the campus to the city ? The campus and the University ? The changing face of the city Readings: Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman. 2002. "China: Designing the Future, Venerating the Past", The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp.537-548. Fairbank, Wilma. Liang and Lin: Partners in Exploring China's Architectural Past, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. Lecture 9: Chinese People's Life ? Her story: more than the bound feet ? Hukou and rural-urban dual structure ? The X generations: the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s Readings: Fairbank, John King & Merle Goldman. Enl. ed. 1999. China: A New History, Chapters 21. Final paper due on July 22, Monday. 返回目录 Chinese Folklore and Culture 中国民俗与文化 Dr. Juan WANG Associate Professor Peking University 30340009 学分 2 Course Description The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the Chinese people and to Chinese society through various distinctive features of traditional Chinese culture, such as Chinese myths, folktales, and legends, Chinese ethnic foods, festivals, and folk-arts, as well as China's long and rich history of art, architecture, and music. In exploring these areas of cultural uniqueness, we will focus on some of the themes that are key to the Chinese collective identity, such as their acknowledgment of a common history, of a shared sense of family, and of a joint respect for the gods, the concept of the sacred, and for the traditional Chinese concept of order. Our main categories will include Chinese Myth and History, the Role of Women in Chinese Folktales, Spring Festival Paintings, Paper-cuts and the Chinese Notion 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 76 / 113 of the Sacred, Traditional Chinese Festivals, Chinese Gods and their Temples, Children's Songs and Ballads, Mianhua (the foods served in traditional Chinese wedding ceremonies), and Siheyuan (an historical type of Chinese residence). Credit Hours 32 credit hours Main Topics: ? 1. Myths and history ? 2. Women in Chinese Folktales ? 3. Spring Festival paintings ? 4. Paper-cuts and the idea of sacredness ? 5. Traditional Chinese festivals ? 6. Temples and gods ? 7. Mianhua: food in traditional Chinese wedding ceremony ? 8. Siheyuan: traditional Chinese housing ? 9. Children's songs and ballads Reference works: A Talk on Traditional Chinese Culture, He Qiliang & Zhang Ye, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University press, 2006. Chinese Culture: An Introduction, Yang Min, Beijing: Higher Education Pres, 2006. A History of Chinese Culture, Guo Shangxing, Sheng Xingqing, Zhengzhou: Henan University Press, 1993. Assessment details Grading: Attendance and Participation 20% One Oral Presentation 30% Two Essays 50% Pre-requisites /Target audience There is no prerequisite for this course. Teacher 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 77 / 113 Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor in the Chinese Department at Peking University. She received her MA in Folklore from the University of California at Berkeley, and her PhD in Comparative Literature from Peking University. Her research interests include comparative folklore, folklore theories, folk-beliefs, folk festivals, folk art and traditional folk architecture. Professor Wang has taught courses in folklore, folklore and culture, folklore theories, and in selected works of folklore. Educational Background 1995 PH. D. in Comparative Literature, Peking University 1991 Master in Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley 1985 Bachelor in Chinese Language and Literature, Hebei Normal University Academic Appointments ? 2003 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University ? 1991-2003 Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University Research Field ? Folklore Research Interest ? Folklore, Folklore theories, Folk Believes, Folk Festivals, Folk Art and Architecture Courses ? Folklore, Folklore and Culture, Folklore Theories, Selected Works of Folklore 返回目录 Comparative Philosophy: China and the West 比较哲学:中国和西方 Credit and Hours: 2 PKU credits, 32 credit hours Course Description This course will introduce students to the discipline of cross-cultural comparative philosophy. By examining the founding figures of thinking in the respective philosophical traditions East and West, students will become familiar with the basic ontological assumptions 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 78 / 113 that undergird the cultural common sense (aesthetic, epistemic, ethical, and political) of both China and a traditionally Eurocentric West. The first week of the course will focus on Plato and the emergence of metaphysical realism in Greek thinking. We will read two early dialogues (Euthyphro and Apology) as well as selections from the Republic. For the next two weeks we will look at the early Confucian tradition. We will read selections from the Lunyu , Xiaojing, Zhongyong, Mengzi and others to get acquainted with an early Chinese process sensibility and the resultant ethical orientation—so-called "role ethics." In the final week we will consider Confucian sensibilities not just as "Chinese philosophy," but as integral to world philosophy. Teachers Prof. Roger T. Ames, Joseph Harroff Roger T. Ames is the Professor of Department of Philosophy, University of Hawaii. He received his doctorate from the University of London and has spent many years abroad in China and Japan studying Chinese philosophy. He has been Visiting Professor at Peking University, as well as at Chinese University of Hong Kong and Taiwan University, and a fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and has lectured extensively at various universities around the world. Professor Ames has authored, edited, and translated some 30 books, and has written numerous book chapters and articles in professional journals. Currently he continues to work on interpretive studies and explicitly "philosophical" translations of the core classical texts, taking full advantage in his research of the exciting new archaeological finds. Joseph Harroff is a PhD candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His research interests include comparative philosophy, social and political thought, Confucian philosophy, American pragmatism, and somaesthetics. He received his MA in Chinese Philosophy from Shandong University and a BA in Philosophy and East Asian Studies from Valparaiso University. He can be reached at josepheh@hawaii.edu 返回目录 Economics, the Environment, and China 经济、环境与中国 Andrew Yates Credit 2 Course Description This course explains the basic principles of economics and uses them to analyze and evaluate environmental issues and policy. Topics include the economics of pollution, public choice, information and cost-benefit analysis, property rights, incentive based regulation, and the economics of climate change. Students will write a paper on an environmental issue in contemporary China of their choice. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 79 / 113 Delivery method/course structure and contact hours COURSE OUTLINE Microeconomics 1. Field and Field, Chapters 3,4 2. Yates, "The Equal Marginal Value Rule: A Graphical Analysis with Environmental Applications", Journal of Economic Education, Winter 1998, pp. 23-30 Economics of Pollution 1. Field and Field, Chapter 5 Public Choice 1. Anderson and Leal, Free Market Environmentalism, Chapter 5: Bureaucracy versus environment. 2. Cropper et al., "The Determinants of Pesticide Regulation: A Statistical Analysis of EPA Decisionmaking", Journal of Political Economy, 1992, 100(1), pp. 175-197 ( 3. Yates and Stroup, "Media Coverage and EPA Pesticide Decisions" , Public Choice, 2000, Vol 102, pp. 297-312. Cost/Benefit Analysis 1. Field and Field, Chapters 6,7,8 Property Rights Theory 1. Field and Field, Chapter 10 2. Anderson and Leal, Free Market Environmentalism, Chapter 2: Rethinking the way we think, and Chapter 3: From free grass to fences 3. Demsetz, "Toward a Theory of Property Rights", American Economic Review, May 1967, 347-59 Incentive Based Regulation 1. Field and Field, Chapters 11, 12, 13 2. Goodin, "Selling Environmental Indulgences, Kyklos, Vol 47, 1994, 573-596 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 80 / 113 3. Smith and Yates, "Should Consumers be Priced out of Pollution Permit Markets?", Journal of Economic Education, Spring 2003, 181-189. Required Readings: Environmental Economics: An Introduction, Sixth Edition, Barry Field and Martha Field. Assessment details Assignments and Grades: Three In-Class Quizzes: 25 points each Class participation and attendance: 25 points Final paper (10 pages): 100 points Pre-requisites /Target audience There is no prerequisite for this course. Personal CV: Andrew Yates Professor Yates obtained his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He has over 20 years experience teaching environmental economics. He has taught at Wake Forest University, Tulane University, The University of Richmond, Duke University, and The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Professor Yates' research expertise is in the area of environmental economics, with a particular focus on the design of pollution permit markets. He has published articles in a variety of economics journals including the Journal of Economic Theory, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and Economic Theory. He is currently the co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 返回目录 Transition and Public Policy in China 转型时期的中国公共政策 Yongjun Li,Associate Professor, School of Government Peking University Course Credit 2 credits 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 81 / 113 Course Description This is an introductory course about China\'s public policy in the process of economic, administrative and social transition. We will provide major facts and alternative explanations for various policy problems and corresponding public policies during this transition. Major topics covered in the course include: public administration and public policies in the centrally planned economy period, major reforms after 1978 (including rural reforms, urban reforms, state-owned enterprise reforms, financial reforms and administrative reforms), current problems and major public policies, etc. Pre-requisites / Target Audience Students are expected to have fundamental knowledge in economics. 返回目录 Flower in the Mirror: the Chinaman and his Values (镜中观花——中国人的价值观) Teaching Staff Dr. (Hans) Jinpeng, Han Course Credit 2 credits Course Description The present course helps investigate the realm of values in which a Chinese approaches his family, love life, friends, education, career, and serious issues like nature, space, time, and inevitably, life and death. Texts cover a wide range of sources including classical and contemporary literature, social wisdoms and folklores, ancient philosophies and latest twitter discussions. In passing, there will also be substantial discussions on how a Chinese waves his lances of values and gropes for his identity in the postmodern maelstrom of information, globalization and political economy. It thus aims at a comprehensive understanding of Chinese values in the comparative light of tradition and individuality and of the Chinese in the eyes of other peoples and cultures and vice versa. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery Method: PPT introduction plus close readings and reviews on books, essays, movies or other selected entries. Course Structure: lectures and seminars Week One Lecture One: General Introduction to the Course 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 82 / 113 Lecture Two: Core Values around Zhou Period Lecture Three: Confucian Values (I) Week Two Lecture One: Class Presentation (I) Lecture Two: Confucian Values (II) Lecture Three: The Taoist Values Week Three Lecture One: Class Presentation (II) Lecture Two: Mo Tzu's approaches Han Fei and other Legalists Lecture Three: Part I: Buddhist Values in the Chinese Consciousness Part II: Unity of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism (Song-Qing Dynasty) Week Four Lecture One: Part I: Lecture Two: Order Versus Chaos: Traditional Values Vs Colonialism (1840-1911); Lecture Two: Part I: Revolutionary Values (1911-1979); Part II: Portrait of the landscape of loss: Contemporary Chinese Poets (1978-present) Lecture Three: Class Presentation (III) Assessment details 1. Attendance and class discussions (20%) 2. Weekly essays (40%) Two journal entries (500 words or two double-space pages for each entry.) 3. The Final Report (40%) 1000 words or no less than four double-space pages. Pre-requisites /Target audience NO Reference books Cultural flow between China and outside world throughout history. Shen, Fuwei (沈福伟), Foreign Languages Press, 2009. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 83 / 113 China and the search for happiness: recurring themes in four thousand years of Chinese cultural history. Bauer, Wolfgang, Seabury Press, 1976. The Book of Songs:An Unexpurgated Translation. (Tran.) Xu Yuanchong, Chinese Literature Press, 1994 Delivering and Dallying (Zheng Jiu Yu Xiao Yao). Liu Xiaofeng, Shaihai Sanlian Press,2001 300 Tang Poems, Xu Yuanchong, Beijing Higher Education Press, 2000 The Book of Filial Obligations. Confucius. The Analects, Confucius Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Chinese Culture. Arthur Kleiman. Reidel Publishing Company, 1981 Chinese Foundations for Moral Education and Character Development. Tran Van Doan, The Council The Council for Research in Value and Philosophy. 1991 The Search for Modernity: Chinese Intellectuals and Cultural Discourse in the Post-Mao Era. Min Lin, St. Martin's Press, 1999 Gender, Discourse and Self in Literature: Issues in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Kwok-kan Tam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010 Westerners through Chinese Eyes. Jianguang Wang, Foreign Language Press, 1990 返回目录 Population Ageing and Health 人口的老龄与健康 Teaching Staff Prof. Zheng Xiaoying and faculties from Institute of Population Research, PKU Course Credit 2 credits Course Description The demographic transition, which is characterized by declined fertility and mortality, leading to population aging, has changed the age structure of the population all over the world as well as the world itself. It seems that the world is changing and has to be changed correspondingly by the dramatic change of age structure of its population. The course will highlight the main characteristics of population aging as well as methods of research. The topics of lectures and seminars will cover: 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 84 / 113 1. Population Ageing: A interdisciplinary Research 2. Trends of Population Ageing in the world 3. Population Ageing and Health 4. Population Ageing and Disease burdern 5. Life expectancy and health life expectancy 6. Spatial Analysis on Ageing and Disability 7. Population Ageing under urbanizaiton in China 8. Chinese traditional culture and family support to elderly 9. Ageing technology and industrial Delivery method/course structure and contact hours The delivery Method is lectures and seminars. Course structure: The topics of lectures and seminars will cover: 1.Population Ageing: A interdisciplinary Research 2.Trends of Population Ageing in the world 3.Population Ageing and Health 4.Population Ageing and Disease burdern 5.Life expectancy and health life expectancy 6.Spatial Analysis on Ageing and Disability 7.Population Ageing under urbanizaiton in China 8.Chinese traditional culture and family support to elderly 9.Ageing technology and industrial Assessment details There will be final exam and the assessment will be based on ? Final exam (50%) ? Group oral presentation (20%) 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 85 / 113 ? Overall participation (30%) Pre-requisites /Target audience Subject Areas: Population Studies, Sociology, Economics, Health Science, Management, Geography, Anthropology, etc. Target Audience or Pre-requisite Second year undergraduate or above. Required:- Completion of first year units in one or more of the subject areas. 返回目录 Topics on Chinese Economy 中国经济专题 Teaching Staff Xi Ji (1st and 2nd week), Xuezheng Qin (3rd and 4th week ) Course Credit 2 credits Course Description China's fast economic growth has generated great interest among media, scholars and ordinary people around the world. The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of the Chinese economy and the detailed understanding of China's economic transition. The topics covered include an introduction of the Chinese economic history, its market oriented transitional process and its implications on economic growth, the urban-rural divide and the reforms of the two sectors, population policy and the related labor market issues, poverty and inequality, fiscal and financial reforms, international trade and foreign investment, etc. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be familiar with China's economic system, its current economic reforms, and the challenges that the country faces in the twenty-first century. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery method: The course will be delivered by lectures and student presentations. Reading assignment will be given for each lecture, and the students will be requested to write a term paper on a topic related to the Chinese economy. Tentative course structure: 1st week 1. The transition from a central-planning to a market-oriented economy 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 86 / 113 2. The dualistic economy: urbanization and the urban-rural divide 3. Demographic transition and population policy 2nd week 4. Growth and structural change 5. Living standards: incomes, inequality and poverty 6. Midterm exam 3rd week 7. Rural reform and agricultural growth 8. Reform of the industrial sector 9. Fiscal and financial reforms 4th week 10. International trade 11. Foreign direct investment (FDI) 12. Student presentations Assessment details Attendance and class participation 10% Midterm exam 40% Term paper 50% Pre-requisites /Target audience Junior or senior year undergraduate students, Economics or Business major preferred. Required textbook: Naughton, Barry, 2007, The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth, 2nd edition, MIT Press, Cambridge. Supplemental materials (optional): (1) Chow, Gregory C., 2007, China's Economic Transformation, 2nd edition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (2) Lin, Justin Y., 2009, Economic Development and Transition: Thought, Strategy, and Viability, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (3) Brandt, Loren and Rawski, Thomas G., 2008, China's Great Economic Transformation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 87 / 113 返回目录 Communication, Culture, and Society: The Chinese Way 沟通、文化、社会:中国模式 Teaching Staff Wenxiang Gong Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course will focus on the triangular relationship of communication, culture and society in China. It intends to demonstrate, through the Chinese cases, how heavily our communication habits are influenced by the culture that has shaped us as members of the society, and how our communication, both interpersonal and mediated, helps to construct and change the society we live in. Therefore, this is not merely a course on China, and the thinking can hopefully be applied and examined elsewhere. The lectures will use vivid cases such as daily events rather than abstract theoretical deliboration to illustrate arguments and thoughts regarding how people communicate and what they achieve through communication, and above all, the social and cultural consequences of our communicative behaviors. The topic "Food, Communication, and the Chinese Culture", for example, discusses how in ancient China the way people ate was developed into an important part of the system of rituals as recorded in the Book of Rites, and the traditional function of dining as a means to communicate respect, affection and friendship is still common in contemporary Chinese public relations practices. Surely the "by-product" of this course would be to help the students understand more deeply the Chinese culture and history, and the society and people in China today. Major topics: 1. Food, Communication and the Chinese Culture. 2. Slogans in China: Evolution and Functions. 3. Persuasion: A Comparative Cultural Approach. 4. A New Look at the 'Information Sovereignty'. 5. New Media Events and the Image of China. 6. Internet and Its Governance in China. 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 88 / 113 Topics in Chinese History and Culture 中国历史与文化专题 Teaching Staff Dr. Yanli GAO First day of classes July 8, 2012 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Meeting time 10:10am-12-00pm, Tuesday; 9:00am—12:00pm, Wednesday and Friday. Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course is designed to help students understand China's significant historical events, Chinese myths, legends, and influential philosophical thoughts, Ancient Chinese inventions and education system, social rituals and family structure, female role change in modern society, China's political structure and foreign policy, China's interaction with the West, nationalism and the other topics. All analyses and discussions will be put into modern context and students are required to follow closely to what is happening in modern China on a daily basis and put forward your views in relation to what you have learnt in class. This course offers different perspectives on Chinese history and culture. Through lectures, presentations, videos, discussions, and some other activities, students will be able to have a better understanding of China, especially how the Chinese think and behave, how to get along with them, and how to do business with the Chinese. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Week 1 1. Introduction 2. Myths, Legends and Beginnings of Civilization in China 3. Political and Social Systems of the Zhou Dynasty Week 2 4. Confucianism and Daoism 5. Mohism and Legalism 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 89 / 113 6. The Art of War Week 3 7. Ancient Chinese Inventions 8. Schools and the Imperial Civil Service Examination 9. Conflicts Between China and the West (The Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion) Week 4 10. Chinese Nationalism 11. Women and Marriage in China 12. Discussion and Presentation Assessment details Students will be graded on the following work: attendance (10%), participation (20%: class and BBS discussions), class presentation (20%), and a final research paper or a project design (50%). Pre-requisites /Target audience Basic knowledge of Chinese history is preferred. Reference books John K. Fairbank and Merle Goldman, China: A New History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. Kam Louie (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture, Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Bo Mou (ed.), Routledge History of World Philosophies----History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 3, Routledge, 2009. Paul S. Ropp (ed.), Heritage of China: Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization, Berkeley University of California Press, 1990. Conrad Schirokauer, Miranda Brown, A Brief History of Chinese Civilization (2nd Edition), Thomason Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, 2006. YE Lang and ZHU Liangzhi, Insights into Chinese Culture, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008. Some other e-books and e-articles relevant to each topic will be posted on the Blackboard. Biographical Statement Dr. Yanli GAO, is the Associate Professor at Peking University. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Peking University in 1990 and 2000 respectively, and Ph.D. from Peking University in 2010. She has been a visiting scholar at several American universities and institutions, 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 90 / 113 such as Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii-Manoa, and East-West Center. She was a Freeman Fellow at the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005-2006, and in 2002 and 2003 was a fellow in American Studies and Asian Studies at the Salzburg Seminar. Her research interests include Sino-US relations, modern Chinese history and culture, Chinese myths, women and marriage. The courses she has offered are Beijing---Microcosm of Modern China, Survey of Chinese Culture and Modern China, and Chinese History and Culture in English Context. 返回目录 Modern Chinese Culture and Society (1910-present) 现代中国文化与社会 1910-现在 Teaching Staff Hui Jiang First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course will introduce the students to some essential texts of modern Chinese Literature (1910-present) with which we expect, at the end of the semester, to achieve some general yet concrete views of modern Chinese society and its literary imagination. The key texts are drawn from the writings of the most famous Chinese writers including Lu Xun, founder of modern Chinese Literature, Mo Yan, winner of 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, and etc,. Our reading will concern the following questions: in what social and political conditions these texts were produced, to what audience did they target, what would be Chinese ways to deal with the social issues such as women question, class struggle, fantasy of modern city life, political chaos and return to order, the building of civil society as well as other cultural and political issues? Besides these political, social and cultural approaches to literature, we will also study the relationship between literature and politics and how the course of modern Chinese literature continued to be politicized as part of a project of modern nation-state creation? Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Week 1: The Dawn of Modern Chinese Literature 7/9, Introduction 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 91 / 113 7/10, Lu Xun's essay and short stories: "Preface", "Diary of a Madman", "Kong Yiji", "Medicine" 7/12, Yu Dafu, "sinking," Mao Dun, "Spring Silkworm" Week 2: Women Issues in the Periods of Reform and Revolution 7/16, Ling Shuhua, "Intoxicated", Ding Xilin, "Flushed with Wine", Ding Ling, "When I was in Xia Village" 7/17, Zhang Ailing, "The Golden Cangue" 7/19, Movie, Red Detachment of Women (shown in class) Week 3: In the Age of Deng's Reform 7/23, Chen Rong, At Middle Age 7/24, Avant-Gardism: Ge Fei, "Green Yellow", Yu Hua, "This Story is For Willow." 7/26, Wang Xiaobo, "The Golden Age", showing "East Palace, West Palace" Week 4: Mo Yan and his China 7/30, Mo Yan: The Public of Wine 7/31, Mo Yan: Red Sorghum (shown in classs) 8/2, Li Yu, PIngguo (shown in class) Last Paper (4-5 pages doubled spaced) Due: 8/2Submission in the last class Assessment details Requirements: Attendance: more than one attendance without reasonable excuses will cause the deduction All required materials must be read before each class Grading: Participation and Presentation: 30% Three Journals: 40% Final Journals: 30% Pre-requisites /Target audience No Reference books 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 92 / 113 Lu, Xun, Diary of a Madman Meisner, Maurice, Mao's China and After, The Free Press, 1977 Mo, Yan, The Republic of Wine, Arcade Publishing 2000 Chang, Eileen, Love in a Fallen City, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2007 Wang Xiaobo, Wang In Love and Bondage, State University of New York Press, 2007 Wang, Jing, ed., China's Avant-Garde Fiction, Duke University Press 返回目录 Literature, Arts and Society in New China 新中国:文艺与社会 Teaching Staff Dr. Jiang, Hongsheng First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course helps students not only to appreciate literary, visual and cultural expressions and representations of New China beginning from 1949, but also to better understand fundamental changes in the new society that is taking shape. All texts in discussion, including prose essays, fiction, script, poetry, expository and journalistic writings, are translated into English. In addition, there will be some classical movie screenings in and outside class (documentaries, opera and drama films, etc). Course discussion will emphasize on both the content and formal and stylistic aspects of the works. Attendance at all sessions is required. If you must miss a class, please notify the instructor in advance. You are responsible for materials and assignments given during a missed session. Students are required to write critical, expository essays. All students should actively participate in class discussion. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery Method: PPT introduction plus close readings and reviews on books, essays, movies or other selected entries. Course Structure: lectures and seminars Week One 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 93 / 113 Lecture One: Old China: Peasants' Fate--A Slave-mother by Juo Shih. Lecture Two: Old China: Peasants' Fate-- White Haired Girl. Lecture Three: Old China: Rebellion: Red Detachment of Women. Class Discussion Week Two Lecture One: What is New China: Liang Qichao's The Future of the New China and the Imagination of Nation-State Lecture Two: The New Culture and New Man: On New Democracy Lecture Three: Culture Liberated: Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art. Class Discussion Week Three Lecture One: Agricultural Cooperation and People's Commune: Bright Clouds by Hao Jan. Lecture Two: Revolutionizing Literature and Arts Ⅰ: Model opera Lecture Three: Revolutionizing Literature and ArtsⅡ: On Stanislavsky's System Class Discussion Week Four Lecture One: Daily Life During Mao Era: In the Heat of the Sun (Or Gao Village). Lecture Two: Sent-down Cadres and Youths: The Barefoot Doctor (documentary) Lecture Three: Educational Reforms: Movie: Breaking Away Class Discussion Office Hours: by appointment Assessment details 1. Attendance and class discussions (20%) 2. Weekly essays (40%) 3. The Final Report (40%) 1000 words or no less than four double-space pages. Pre-requisites /Target audience 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 94 / 113 NO Reference books History of Modern Chinese Literature, Tang Tao, Beijing: Foreign Languages, 1998. History of Contemporary Chinese Literature, Zicheng Hong, Brill, 2007. Chinese Literature in the Second Half of a Modern Century, edited by Pang-yuan Chi and David Der-wei Wang, Indiana University Press, 2000. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature, Joseph S. M. Lau, Howard Goldblatt, Columbia University Press, 1995 Drama in the People's Republic of China, Constantine Tung, SUNY Press, 1987. We the Chinese: Voices From China, ed. by Deirdre Hunter, Neale Hunter, Praeger, 1971. The Literature of the People's Republic of China, Hsu, K.Y. , Indiana, 1980. Picturing Power in the People's Republic of China, Harriet Evans, Stéphanie Donald, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. Chinese Cinema: Culture and Politics since 1949, Paul Clark, Cambridge University Press, 1988. On Stanislavsky's System. Foreign Languages Press, 1969. Bright Clouds, Hao Jan, Foreign Languages Press, 1974. Maoist Model Theatre: The Semiotics of Gender and Sexuality in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) , Roberts, Rosemary A. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2010.0. Chinese Fiction of the Cultural Revolution, Lan Yang, Hong Kong University Press, 1998. The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, Dongping Han, Monthly Review Press, 2008. The Chinese Cultural Revolution: A History, Paul Clark, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Gao Village: Rural Life in Modern China, Mobo C. F. Gao. Univ of Hawaii Pr., 2007. Selected Works of Mao Tse Tung Volume 1-5, Mao Tse Tung, Foreign Language Press, 1ST edition, 1965-1977. Burden or Legacy: From the Chinese Cultural Revolution to Contemporary Art, Jiang, Jiehong. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press ; London : Eurospan [distributor], 2007. Art in Turmoil: The Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966-76, ed. by Richard King, Hong Kong University Press, 2010. 返回目录 Local Government and Politics in China 中国地方政府与政治 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 95 / 113 Teaching Staff Dr. Changdong Zhang 张长东 First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This is an introductory course of the local government and politics in China, covers the central-local relationships, local people's congress, local government and business, labor and peasants, and how the local state promotes or constraints economic development and social change of China after 1949. Lectures will be supplemented by videos, class discussion. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery Method: Lecture (PPT introduction) plus close readings and reviews on books, journal papers, journalist reports and movies. Students are required to collect relevant journal reports on selected topics and discuss in class. Course Structure: lectures and seminars Week One Lecture One: General Introduction to the Course Lecture Two: Lecture Three: Party-Government Relationship Class Discussion Week Two Lecture One: Central-Local Relationship I Lecture Two: Central-Local Relationship II Class Discussion Lecture Three: Local Government and Economic Development Class Discussion Week Three Lecture One: Local People's Congress 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 96 / 113 Lecture Two: Access to Justice Class Discussion Lecture Three: Local Democracy and Rural Governance Class Discussion Week Four Lecture One: Local Government-Business Relationship Lecture Two: Local Government and Labor Class Discussion Lecture Three: Conclusion Class Discussion Assessment details - Attendance and class discussions (20%) - Journalist report relevant to 3 topics (10%) - Weekly essays (30%) Two journal entries (500 words or two double-space pages for each entry.) - The Final Report (40%) 1000 words or no less than four double-space pages. Pre-requisites /Target audience No Reference books - Kenneth Liberthal, Governing China, selected chapters - Shirk, Susan L. 1993. The political logic of economic reform in China. Berkeley: University of California Press. Chapter 2. - O'Brien and Li, "Selective implementation", Comparative Politics. - O'Brien, Kevin. 2009. "Local People's Congresses and Governing China." The China Journal, no. 61: 131–141. - O'Brien, K. J. (1994). "Agents and Remonstrators: Role Accumulation by Chinese People's Congress Deputies." The China Quarterly (138): 359-380. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 97 / 113 - Xia, M. (2008). The People's Congresses and governance in China toward a network mode of governance. London ; New York, Routledge. - Lee, C. K. (2007). Against the law: labor protests in China's rustbelt and sunbelt. Berkeley, University of California Press. Selected chapter - Qian, Y. and B. R. Weingast (1997). "Federalism as a Commitment to Perserving Market Incentives." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 11(4): 83-92. - Shue, V. (1988). The reach of the state: sketches of the Chinese body politic. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press. 返回目录 Silk Road: A History of Cultural and Material Exchanges 丝绸之路-文化与物质交流史 Teaching Staff Yang Lu First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course introduces the history of the Silk Road — a complex network of trade routes that connected China and Rome over land and sea — and examines the cultural and material exchanges between the peoples and cultures it connected. The course covers the period 500 BCE to 1500 CE, during which forces wielded by many peoples (e.g., Chinese, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Turks, and Mongolians) shaped the geopolitical landscape of Asia. It explores the roles played by the Silk Road in forming and transforming the cultural, ethnic, and religious identities of these peoples and their perceptions of one another. It highlights such themes as conspicuous consumption, cultural diversity, religious pluralism, and nomadic migration, as well as the financial, judicial, religious, and social institutions that were the fruits of these extended exchanges. The course begins and ends with an analysis of conceptualizations of the "Silk Road" against the backdrop of the "Great Game" that played out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among various colonial powers as well as its legacy to this day. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery Method: PPT introduction plus close readings and reviews on books, essays, movies or other selected entries. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 98 / 113 Course Structure: lectures and seminars Week One Lecture One: Introduction: The People, The Geology, and the Great Game Lecture Two: The Emergence of the Silk Road on the Eastern End Lecture Three: The Emergence of the Silk Road on the Western End Class Discussion Week Two Lecture Four: Buddhism and the Silk Road Lecture Five: The Lands and Peoples In-between Lecture Six: Empire, Trade, and Religion Class Discussion Week 3 Lecture Seven: The Sogdians Lecture Eight: The Golden Age of the Silk Road Lecture Nine: The Arab Conquests of the Silk Road Class Discussion Week 4 Lecture Ten: Islam and the Silk Road Lecture Eleven: The Mongols and the Silk Road Lecture Twelve: The Silk Road in Twilight Assessment details Presentation: 30 points Class participation and attendance: 20 points Final paper: 50 points Pre-requisites /Target audience No 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 99 / 113 Reference books Richard C. Foltz. Religions of the Silk Road: Premodern Patterns of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Valerie Hansen. The Silk Road: A New History. Oxford University Press, 2012. Xinru Liu. The Silk Roads: A Brief History with Documents. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. Xinru Liu. The Silk Road in World History, Oxford University Press, 2010. Susan Whitfield. Life Along the Silk Road. John Murry, 1999. 返回目录 Chinese Traditional Identity and its transformation after 1949 (中国传统认同与其现代变迁) Teaching Staff Dr. Sun, Feiyu First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description Who is Chinese? How did Chinese people think about themselves? How did this identity change throughout the Revolution? This course will lead you explore several key phenomenon of the identity transformation in 20th century China. The first target of this introductory course is to help students to understand the basic structure of Chinese traditional identity from a perspective of sociology. Based on this understanding, this course will further the topic into the transformation of Chinese traditional identity after 1949, especially during the Land Revolution and today's Reform and Open policy period. Required readings include both Chinese classical texts and modern sociological/anthropological works. A study tour of The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution and several movies will be arranged for students understanding of this transformation. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Week1. 1. General Introductory; 2. China's traditional society: rural society; 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 100 / 113 3. Fei Xiaotong: Cha-Xu-Ge-Ju 4. Discussions; Week2. 1. New Cultural Movement; 2. Society before the Revolution; 3. China's Revolution as a background of the Land Revolution; 4. Discussions. Week 3. 1. The Land Revolution1: Basic Idea and its complexity; 2. Emotion works: Revolutionary technique ; 3. Study tour: The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution; 4. Discussions. Week 4. Reform and Open period 1. Land Reconsideration:What is the land? 2. Globalization and its migration workers in China; Short video: Apple's lie; 3. The Secret Tradition: traditional power in daily life; 4. Discussions; Assessment details 1. Attendance and class discussions (20%) 2. Weekly essays (40%) Two journal entries (500 words or two double-space pages for each entry.) 3. The Final Report (40%) 1000 words or no less than four double-space pages. Pre-requisites /Target audience None Reference books 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 101 / 113 Confucius, Analects, In Legge, J. (1966). The Chinese classics (Di 2 ban. ed.). Vol. I. Taibei: Wen xing shu dian. Hsiao Ching, Confucius, & Legge, J. (1966). The Sacred books of China: The texts of Confucianism. Delhi,: Motilal Banarsidass. Fei, Xiaotong. (1992). From the Soil, the Foundations of Chinese Society: a Translation of Fei Xiaotong's Xiangtu Zhongguo, With an Introduction and Epilogue. Translated by Gary G. Hamilton and Wang Zheng. Berkeley: University of California Press. _____ (1939). Peasant Life in China: a Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley. London : G. Routledge and sons, ltd Lin ,J.Y,"Collectivization and China's Agricultural Crisis in 1959-1961",Journal of Political Economic ,1990,Vol.98,No.6;. Hinton, William. (1967). Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. New York: Monthly Review Press. Huang, Philip C. C. (1995). Rural Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution: Representational and Objective Realities from the Land Reform to the Cultural Revolution. In Modern China 21, No.1, Symposium: Rethinking the Chinese Revolution. Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, IV, 105-143. Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. ____(1985). The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press. Lu, Xun. (1990). Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. Translated by William A. Lyell. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Mao, Tse-Tung. (1926). Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung Vol. 1 (pp.13-21). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. ____(1927). Report On An Investigation Of The Peasant Movement In Hunan. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung, Vol. 1 (pp.23-59). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. 1937. How to Differentiate the Classes in the Rural Areas. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung. Vol. 1 (pp137-39). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin. The Foxconn production model and the new era of student Workers. in Rudolf Traub-Merz and Kinglun Ngok (eds) Industrial Democracy in China. China Social Sciences Press. Sun, Feiyu, 2012, Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd. Zhou Feizhou and Camille Bourguigonon, "Land Reform throughout the 20th Century China" in Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Camille Bourguignon, and Rogier van den Brink (Eds.) Agricultural Land Redistribution: Toward Greater Consensus.2009, The world Bank, Washington, D.C. —— "Creating Wealth: Land Seizure, Local Government, and Farmers", in D. Davis and F. Wang eds, Creating Wealth and Poverty in Postsocialist China. 2009, Stanford University Press. 返回目录 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 102 / 113 Silk Road: A History of Cultural and Material Exchanges 丝绸之路-文化与物质交流史 Teaching Staff Yang Lu First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description This course introduces the history of the Silk Road — a complex network of trade routes that connected China and Rome over land and sea — and examines the cultural and material exchanges between the peoples and cultures it connected. The course covers the period 500 BCE to 1500 CE, during which forces wielded by many peoples (e.g., Chinese, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Turks, and Mongolians) shaped the geopolitical landscape of Asia. It explores the roles played by the Silk Road in forming and transforming the cultural, ethnic, and religious identities of these peoples and their perceptions of one another. It highlights such themes as conspicuous consumption, cultural diversity, religious pluralism, and nomadic migration, as well as the financial, judicial, religious, and social institutions that were the fruits of these extended exchanges. The course begins and ends with an analysis of conceptualizations of the "Silk Road" against the backdrop of the "Great Game" that played out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among various colonial powers as well as its legacy to this day. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Delivery Method: PPT introduction plus close readings and reviews on books, essays, movies or other selected entries. Course Structure: lectures and seminars Week One Lecture One: Introduction: The People, The Geology, and the Great Game Lecture Two: The Emergence of the Silk Road on the Eastern End Lecture Three: The Emergence of the Silk Road on the Western End Class Discussion 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 103 / 113 Week Two Lecture Four: Buddhism and the Silk Road Lecture Five: The Lands and Peoples In-between Lecture Six: Empire, Trade, and Religion Class Discussion Week 3 Lecture Seven: The Sogdians Lecture Eight: The Golden Age of the Silk Road Lecture Nine: The Arab Conquests of the Silk Road Class Discussion Week 4 Lecture Ten: Islam and the Silk Road Lecture Eleven: The Mongols and the Silk Road Lecture Twelve: The Silk Road in Twilight Assessment details Presentation: 30 points Class participation and attendance: 20 points Final paper: 50 points Pre-requisites /Target audience No Reference books Richard C. Foltz. Religions of the Silk Road: Premodern Patterns of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Valerie Hansen. The Silk Road: A New History. Oxford University Press, 2012. Xinru Liu. The Silk Roads: A Brief History with Documents. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. Xinru Liu. The Silk Road in World History, Oxford University Press, 2010. Susan Whitfield. Life Along the Silk Road. John Murry, 1999. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 104 / 113 返回目录 Course Title: Chinese Rhetorical Theories and Practices (中国说辩理论与实践) Instructor: Xing Lu (吕行), Professor Contact information: Email: llu@depaul.edu Course Description: Rhetoric is defined as "the faculty of discovering all the available means of persuasion in a given situation" by Aristotle. This course offers an overview of classical Chinese art of rhetoric and rhetorical practices. It traces the conceptualization of Chinese rhetoric embedded in selected philosophical works of Confucianism, Daosim, and Han Feizi during the Spring-Autumn and Warring States period (722-221 B.C.) in ancient China. Examples of using rhetorical strategies and persuasive tactics such as moral, psychological, and logical appeals in classical Chinese texts will be provided and analyzed. The course will examine contemporary examples of Chinese rhetorical practices that are influenced by or deviated from classical Chinese rhetoric. Similarities and differences between China and the West in conceptualization of rhetoric and rhetorical practices will be identified and compared. The goal of the course is to cultivate an appreciation for multicultural rhetoric and to help students understand the relationship between language and communication, the impact of rhetoric on thought and action in Chinese social and political contexts. Topics: Rhetoric of Confucius and Mencius Rhetoric of Laozi and Zhuangzi Rhetoric of Han Feizi Argumentation practices in China Public speaking in China Rhetorical strategies in Chinese social relations Rhetorical practices in Chinese political persuasion Similarities and differences between Chinese and Western rhetoric Delivery Method/Course Structure: 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 105 / 113 The course will be in the format of lectures and class discussions. Each class session will begin with a 30-40-minute lecture, followed by a class discussion. Students are expected to do the readings prior to attending the class and be prepared to participate in discussions of the readings, and share their own thoughts and observations. Assignments: Class participation: 20% Two Reading reports: 30% Analysis paper: 50% Description of Assignments: 1. Class Participation: You earn your participation points by fulfilling the following requirements: (1) Showing the evidence of having done the readings; e.g. asking and answering questions, commenting and critiquing viewpoints from the class readings. (2) Contributing to intellectual engagement in class; e.g. referencing outside class readings, sharing your own observations and experiences, bringing to class relevant quotes, articles, or issues to share. (3) Helping cultivate a healthy learning environment; e.g. attending to all classes, listening to others' viewpoints, respecting others' perspectives; refraining from side conversations, texting, using your computer for other purposes, coming to class late or leaving early without notifying the teacher. 20 points are given to the participation grade which will be based on the quantity and quality of the categories listed above. 2. Reading Reports: You will do two reading reports for this class. Select two articles from the reading list and write a report for each article. Your report should include the following components: (1) A summary of the article by synthesizing main points or arguments, and findings. (2) Your interpretations and evaluations (strength and weakness) of the article. (3) A set of 2-3 thought-provoking questions generated from the article. (4) An oral presentation of your report to the class (5 minutes) The length of each report is 3 pages and each report is worth 15 points, 30 points total. The first report is due by the end of Week Two. The second report is due by the end of Week Three. 3. Analysis Paper: Choose an area of Chinese rhetorical practice and write an analysis paper on the topic. Your paper should have the 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 106 / 113 following components: (1) A review of relevant Chinese rhetorical concepts and theories (2) A description of the topic/case (could be a speech, a protest, a debate, an image, a text, or a ritualistic performance) (3) An identification of rhetorical characteristics of the chosen topic (4) An analysis of the rhetorical effects (on thought, perception, or action) (5) A comparison between Chinese rhetoric and rhetoric of other cultures as exemplified in the topic/case A good organization of the paper is expected with an introduction, development of ideas, good use of transitions, and a conclusion. The length of the paper is 12-15 pages including bibliography. The paper is worth 50 points and is due on the last day of class. Pre-requisite/Target Audience No pre-requisite is required, but some basic knowledge of Chinese culture and communication will help. Readings and References: (Only articles marked with stars are required for class readings) *Chang, Hui-Ching. (2008). Language and words: Communication in the Analects of Confucius. In Asante, Molefi Kete, Miike, Yoshitake & Yin Jing (Eds.). The global intercultural communication reader: (pp. 95-112). Routledge. *Chen, Ling (1990). Chinese and north Americans: An epistemological exploration of intercultural communication. In Martin, Judith, Nakayama, Thomas & Flores, Lisa (Eds). Readings in cultural contexts (pp. 357-369). Mayfield. *Chung, Rueling. (2002). An examination of Taoist and Buddhist perspectives on interpersonal conflicts, emotions, and adversities. In Fred, Jandt (Eds). Intercultural communication: A global reader. (pp. 38-50) Sage. Confucius, (1997).The analects of Confucius Trans. Simon Leys. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997. Crump. James I. Jr. & Dreher, John. (1951). Peripatetic rhetors of the Warring Kingdoms. Central States Speech Journal, 2: 15-17. *Garrett, Mary. (1993). Classical Chinese conceptions of argumentation and persuasion. Argumentation and Advocacy, 29: 105-115. *Jensen, Vernon. (1987). Rhetorical emphasis of Taoism. Rhetorica, 5: 219-232. *Jensen, Vernon. (1992). Values and practices in Asian argumentation. Argumentation and Advocacy. 28: 155-166. *Kincaid, Lawrence. (1987). Communication east and west: Points of departure. In Kincaid, D. Lawrence (Ed.). Communication theory: Eastern and western perspectives (pp. 331-340). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Lu, Xing. (1998). Rhetoric in ancient China, Fifth to third century B.C.E. The University of South Carolina Press. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 107 / 113 *Lu, Xing. (2006). Studies and development of comparative rhetoric in the U.S.A.: Chinese and Western Rhetoric in Focus. China Media Research, Vol. 2 (2), 112-116, Lu, Xing. (2001). Chinese political communication: Roots in tradition and impacts on contemporary Chinese thought and culture. Intercultural Communication Studies, Special issue, Winter. *Lu, Xing. (2009). A historical overview of public speaking: Traditions and practices in China and the West. In .English Public Speaking in Global Context: Challenges and Innovations— Proceedings of the First National Symposium on English Public Speaking. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, China, pp. 32-46. Oliver, Robert. (1971). Communication and culture in ancient India and China. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press. Raphals, Lisa. (1992). Knowing words: Wisdom and cunning in the classical traditions of China and Greece. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. *Suedo, Kiyoko. (2002). Differences in the perception of face: Chinese mien-tzu and Japanese metsu. In Fred, Jandt (Eds). Intercultural communication: A global reader. (pp. 292- 305). Sage. *Yeh, Jung-Huel Becky & Chen, Ling (2002). Cultural values and argumentative orientations for Chinese people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. In Fred, Jandt (Eds). Intercultural communication: A global reader. (pp. 51-64). Sage. *Yum, June Ock (1997). The impact of Confucianism on interpersonal relationships and communication patterns of East Asia. In L.A. Samovar and R. Porter (Eds.) Intercultural communication: a reader. 8 th ed. (pp. 75-86). Wadsworth. Dr. Xing Lu received her doctorial degree in Rhetoric and Communication from the University of Oregon, U.S.A. in 1991, her M.A. in TESOL from Canberra University in Australia in 1984, and her B.A. in English from Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute in 1982. She has been teaching at DePaul University (located in Chicago) since 1992. Her areas of research and teaching include Chinese classical rhetoric, Chinese political rhetoric, comparative rhetoric, intercultural/multicultural communication, and Asian American studies. 返回目录 Chinese Traditional Identity and its transformation after 1949 (中国传统认同与其现代变迁) Teaching Staff Dr. Sun, Feiyu 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 108 / 113 First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description Who is Chinese? How did Chinese people think about themselves? How did this identity change throughout the Revolution? This course will lead you explore several key phenomenon of the identity transformation in 20th century China. The first target of this introductory course is to help students to understand the basic structure of Chinese traditional identity from a perspective of sociology. Based on this understanding, this course will further the topic into the transformation of Chinese traditional identity after 1949, especially during the Land Revolution and today's Reform and Open policy period. Required readings include both Chinese classical texts and modern sociological/anthropological works. A study tour of The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution and several movies will be arranged for students understanding of this transformation. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours Week1. 1. General Introductory; 2. China's traditional society: rural society; 3. Fei Xiaotong: Cha-Xu-Ge-Ju 4. Discussions; Week2. 1. New Cultural Movement; 2. Society before the Revolution; 3. China's Revolution as a background of the Land Revolution; 4. Discussions. Week 3. 1. The Land Revolution1: Basic Idea and its complexity; 2. Emotion works: Revolutionary technique ; 3. Study tour: The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution; 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 109 / 113 4. Discussions. Week 4. Reform and Open period 1. Land Reconsideration:What is the land? 2. Globalization and its migration workers in China; Short video: Apple's lie; 3. The Secret Tradition: traditional power in daily life; 4. Discussions; Assessment details 1. Attendance and class discussions (20%) 2. Weekly essays (40%) Two journal entries (500 words or two double-space pages for each entry.) 3. The Final Report (40%) 1000 words or no less than four double-space pages. Pre-requisites /Target audience None Reference books Confucius, Analects, In Legge, J. (1966). The Chinese classics (Di 2 ban. ed.). Vol. I. Taibei: Wen xing shu dian. Hsiao Ching, Confucius, & Legge, J. (1966). The Sacred books of China: The texts of Confucianism. Delhi,: Motilal Banarsidass. Fei, Xiaotong. (1992). From the Soil, the Foundations of Chinese Society: a Translation of Fei Xiaotong's Xiangtu Zhongguo, With an Introduction and Epilogue. Translated by Gary G. Hamilton and Wang Zheng. Berkeley: University of California Press. _____ (1939). Peasant Life in China: a Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley. London : G. Routledge and sons, ltd Lin ,J.Y,"Collectivization and China's Agricultural Crisis in 1959-1961",Journal of Political Economic ,1990,Vol.98,No.6;. Hinton, William. (1967). Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. New York: Monthly Review Press. Huang, Philip C. C. (1995). Rural Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution: Representational and Objective Realities from the Land Reform to the Cultural Revolution. In Modern China 21, No.1, Symposium: Rethinking the Chinese Revolution. Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, IV, 105-143. Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. ____(1985). The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press. 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 110 / 113 Lu, Xun. (1990). Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. Translated by William A. Lyell. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Mao, Tse-Tung. (1926). Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung Vol. 1 (pp.13-21). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. ____(1927). Report On An Investigation Of The Peasant Movement In Hunan. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung, Vol. 1 (pp.23-59). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. 1937. How to Differentiate the Classes in the Rural Areas. In Mao, Tse-Tun, Selected Works of Mao, Tse-Tung. Vol. 1 (pp137-39). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press 1965. Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin. The Foxconn production model and the new era of student Workers. in Rudolf Traub-Merz and Kinglun Ngok (eds) Industrial Democracy in China. China Social Sciences Press. Sun, Feiyu, 2012, Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd. Zhou Feizhou and Camille Bourguigonon, "Land Reform throughout the 20th Century China" in Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Camille Bourguignon, and Rogier van den Brink (Eds.) Agricultural Land Redistribution: Toward Greater Consensus.2009, The world Bank, Washington, D.C. —— "Creating Wealth: Land Seizure, Local Government, and Farmers", in D. Davis and F. Wang eds, Creating Wealth and Poverty in Postsocialist China. 2009, Stanford University Press. 返回目录 MAJOR ISSUES CONCERNING THE RISE OF CHINA "中国崛起"专题研讨课 The rise of China is one of the most important and defining themes in contemporary international relations. This seminar course is intended for advanced undergraduate students to examine major issues and topics concerning the rise of China from a broad theoretical perspective, and to engage in the academic discourse and policy debate about implications of China's rise for world politics. The seminar is organized around the central question – will China's rise bring about a fundamental change to the international system? – and roughly divided into three sections: (1) China's rise and the "paradigm change" in world politics; (2) China's quest for identity and order; and (3) implications of China rising for Asia and the world. Under each of these sections, a few specific topics are identified for class discussion. Students wishing to enroll in this course are expected to have basic knowledge of international relations and China's foreign policy. Proceeding of the Course 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 111 / 113 Participation and discussion constitute a central part in this course. Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to complete all required readings prior to class meetings and to actively participate in class discussion. Absence without legitimate reasons will lead to deduction in scores for participation and discussion, and in extreme cases, may lead to a student's failure in the course. The proceeding of the course will be based on students' presentation of the required texts related to the general themes and specific topics. Throughout the course, each student is expected to write a short memo (1-2 pages) 1-3 times (depending on the number of student enrollment) which briefly summarizes and critiques required texts for a particular session. Memos and presentations will count toward scores in participation. The students who prepare memos should circulate the memos to other students and the instructor before class, and each make a 5-7 minute presentation in class, which is followed by class discussion. Paper Assignments There are two options about writing assignments for this course. The first option is to write two short response papers (3-4 pages each, double-spaced and typed with 12-point font) on the required readings for two particular class periods. The second option is to write one longer analytical paper (12 pages, double-spaced and typed with 12-point font) on a topic that is relevant for the central theme of this course, and that should focus on one or more specific issues or topics of this course. Papers do require research on primary sources, but they should be associated with the assigned texts and other relevant literature. The two short papers are each due by Wednesday, July 17, and Wednesday, July 31. Students who choose to write a longer paper/project should determine their topics in consultation with the instructor by the end of the first week and should submit the papers by Friday, August 2. No late submission will be accepted unless a legitimate reason is presented to the instructor at least three days in advance. If you have any question concerning how to pick up a topic and/or how to write paper(s), please consult with the instructor. Evaluation Three parts of the evaluation will be calculated as follows: Participation and discussion Presentation and critique Paper(s) 40% 15% 45% Texts There are both required and recommended readings for each class. No book purchase needed. All the required texts (those highlighted in bold) will be available through PKU Summer School arrangements. Academic Integrity 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 112 / 113 Participation in this class commits the students and instructor to abide by a general norm of equal opportunity and academic integrity. It implies permission from students to submit their written work to services that check for plagiarism (such as Turnitin.com). It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the definition of plagiarism. Violations of the norm of academic integrity will be firmly dealt with in this class. 返回目录 Introduction of Organizational Behavior 组织行为学导论 Teaching Staff Dr. Y. Connie Yuan First day of classes July 8, 2013 Last day of classes August 2, 2013 Course Credit 2 credits Course Description A good understanding of key organizational concepts and issues is a prerequisite for becoming an effective member in organizations. Through formal lectures, as well as simulation games and case analysis, the course introduces students to contemporary concepts and theories in the field of organization behavior. Specific topics include the meaning and functions of organizational structure, social networks and networking in organizations, leadership, teamwork, and intercultural collaboration. Delivery method/course structure and contact hours The course contains formal lectures, simulation games, case analysis and possible field trips (if needed arrangements can be made in time). Assessment details Students' performance will be evaluated by their performance on in-class quizzes and two exams, as well as participation in in-class discussions. Pre-requisites /Target audience No prerequisites 返回目录 学工部 2012-2013 学年暑期学校课程介绍 2013 年4月14 日更新 113 / 113 Peer Counseling 朋辈心理辅导 刘海骅 课程编号:61030030 学分:2 课程简介 生活中,人们通常会告诉他们的朋友,同辈或家里人他们的烦恼,先于寻求职业心理辅导人士的帮助.朋辈辅导就是这样一种特殊的心理咨询形式,它 是由受训或督导过的非专业人员提供具有心理辅导功能的帮助的过程.在这个过程中,朋辈辅导助理通过运用积极倾听、问题解决等技巧,同时结合关 于人的发展和精神健康的知识来辅导他人,为同辈提供心理和情绪的支持. 本课程将介绍朋辈心理辅导的基本概念、技巧、伦理以及辅导中面临的一些具体问题,如文化种族、性倾向的影响、恋爱问题处理等. In our daily life, people often tell friends, peers, family of their distress before they tell professional counselors. Peer counseling is such a special kind of psychological counseling, conducted by trained or supervised unprofessional people, providing helps having some counseling effects. In this process, through the use of active listening and problem solving skills combining knowledge about human development and mental health, peer counselors instruct their companions and provide them with psychological and emotional support In this course, the basic concept, skills and ethic of peer counseling will be introduced, as well as some practical problems such as culture, race, sexual orientation and romantic relationship. As a general course, these goals are to reach: Students can have basic knowledge of peer counseling; Some basic peer counseling skills can be mastered and used in practical situations; This course also helps student in viewing their own mental health and improving it with related knowledge. 返回目录
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