• 接触器接线原理图 > JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器
  • JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器

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    断路器类 JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 二、型号、参数及尺寸 TYPE、 PARAMETERS AND DIMENSIONS JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 JZC3-E Range Contactor Way Relay JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器(以下简称继电器)适用于交流50Hz( 或60Hz),电压至380V或直流电压至220V的控制电路中,作控制各种电磁线圈、 放大或传输信号之用.继电器一侧可方便地加装辅助触头组F3-E. JZC3-E range contactor way relay is used in 50Hz(or 60Hz), rated voltage up to 380V or DC voltage up to 220V circuit, for control variety electromagnetic coil, expanding or transmission signal. Can added conveniently auxiliary contact team F3-E. 线圈coil 12 24 48 110 220 380 50Hz J B E F M Q 60Hz J B E F M Q 继电器规格 type 触头数量 contact volume 常开(NO) open 常闭(NC) close JZC3-40E 4 0 JZC3-31E 3 1 JZC3-22E 2 2 辅助触头组 规格 type 触头数量 contact volume 常开(NO) open 常闭(NC) close F3-20E 2 0 F3-11E 1 1 F3-02E 0 2 型号及含义 type and means 规格 character 表(Table )1 表(Table )2 表(Table )3 JZ C 3 E/ C 船用产品代号 线圈规格代号(见表1) 结构型式代号 表示接线方式,H为插接式,螺钉接线不注明 两位数分别表示常开、常闭触头数量(见表2) 设计序号 接触器式 继电器 F 3 C E 船用产品代号 结构型式代号 表示接线方式,H为插拔式 ,螺钉接线不注明 两位数分别表示常开、常闭触头数量(见表3) 设计序号 辅助触头组 Marine product code Specifications, code-named coil (see Table 1) Code structure Said that the connection mode, H for the plug Screw connection does not indicate That were double-digit Always open, close contact number(see table 2) Design serial number Contactor Relay Marine product code Code structure Said that the connection mode, H for the plug Screw connection does not indicate That were double-digit Always open, close contact number(see table 3) Design serial number Auxiliary contact team 一、用途 APPLICATION JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 使用说明 using introduction 更换CJX4E系列交流接触器主触头,可派生为JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器,继电器一侧可方便地加装辅助触头组. Change CJX4-E series AC contactors' main contact, can be derived into JZC3-E series contactor way relay, and can easily install auxiliary contact group in relay side. 可用螺钉安装,也可用35mm国际标准卡轨安装. Mounting way: mounted on screw or with 35mm standard rail. 接线端子连接导线的能力(见下表) Connect lead capacity of wiring terminal (as following table) 螺钉连接screw connect 插头连接 plug connect 无冷压端头 no cold press terminal 2 2 1*0.75mm ~2*2.5mm 有冷压端头 have cold press terminal 2 2 2*1mm ~1*2.5mm 可接TT1-2.5/6.3*0.8型插头 Can connect TT1-2.5/6.3*0.8 plug 基本参数 basic parameters 表(Table )4 表(Table )5 型号type JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 JZC3-E range contactor way relay F3-E系列辅助触头组 F3-E auxiliary contact team 符合标准standard IEC60947-5 GB14048.5 额定绝缘电压(Ui)V Rated insulation voltage 690 额定工作电压 (Ue)V Rated working voltage AC:380 DC:220 额定工作电流 Rated working current(le)A (电感负载inductive load) AC-15(380V) 0.95 DC-13(220V) 0.15 约定发热电流(lth) A Conventional thermal current 6 可接通最小负载 connect minimum load 24V 10mA 机械寿命(次) machine life span of trip 6 3*10 电寿命(次) electric life span of trip 6 0.5*10 额定操作频率(次/小时) rated operate frequency 1200 线圈参数 Coil parameters 吸合电压 pull voltage 0.85Us~1.1Us 释放电压 release voltage 0.2Us~0.75Us 吸合功率 pull power 40VA 保持功率/功耗 contain power/power loose 4VA/1.2W 参数 parameters 外型尺寸、安装尺寸和接线图 Outline、 mounting dimensions and wiring picture 断路器类 JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 外形尺寸图 安装尺寸图 接线图 Wiring picture 继电器 Way Relay 辅助触头组 Auxiliary contact team 三、正常工作条件和安装方式 NORMALLY WORKINGCONDITION AND INSTALLATION WAY 周围空气温度:-5℃~+40℃ ambient temperature: -5℃~+40℃ 海拔不超过2000m elevation≤2000m 最高温度为+40℃时,空气相对湿度不超过50%;在较低温度下可以允许有较高的 相对湿度,例如20℃时达90%,对由于温度变化偶尔产生的凝露应采取特殊的措施; Not exceeding 50% at the maximum ambient temperature +40℃ . With lower temperature, higher humidity would be permitted, such as, humidity up to 90% at the ambient temperature 20℃. Should give consideration to the dews on the goods surface, which would appear due to temperature change; 污染等级为"污染等级3";Pollution protection: Grade 3; 安装类别为"安装类别II";Installing grade: Class II ; ; Outline picture Mounting dimensions picture 四、订货须知 ORDER NOTICE 在订货时指明下列事项:In order need attention following; 继电器的全型号及名称;Entitle type and name of relay; 控制线圈的频率及电压;Frequency and voltage of control; 订货数量;Order volume 例如:JZC3-22E接触器式继电器50Hz 220V 10台Example: JZC3-22E contactor way relay, 50Hz 220V 10sets. F3-11E辅助触头组10台.F3-11E auxiliary contact team 10 sets. 表示接触器式继电器触头形式为二对常开 二对常闭,控制电压的频率为50Hz 电压220V 订货数量为10台,一对常开一对常闭辅助触头组,订货数量为10台. Means: contactor way relay contact type are two pairs normally open, two pairs normally closed, control voltage frequency is 50Hz, voltage 220V, order volume is 10 sets, one pair normally open and one normally closed auxiliary contact team, order volume 10 sets. , , , JZC3-E系列接触器式继电器 安装方式 Installation Way 上图所示情形均可 Circumstances can be shown on
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