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  • 中国体育公共服务研究 [J]

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    第 19 卷第 2 期 2012 年 3 月
    体 育 学 刊 Journal of Physical Education
    Vol.19 No.2 Mar.2012
    (江西财经大学,江西 南昌 330013) 摘 要:在我国经济转轨、社会转型、文化转制、政府公共服务职能强化的背景下,我国体
    育公共服 提供具有重要的紧迫性和现实性。当前,我国体育公共服务存在着总量不足、结构 不平衡、提供方式单一、运行机制不畅等问题,应该坚持“政府主导、市场配置、社团参与、公 众受益”的原则。我国的体育公共服务可以从社会体育、竞技体育、体育文化、体育产业 4 个领 域,结合行政服务、社会性服务、经营类服务来划分,综合运用政府服务、政府间协议、合同承 包、特许经营、补助(贴)等方式来提供。我国体育公共服务将呈现法治化、市场化、民主化、公 开化、多元化等发展趋势,需要我们作出明智的应对:制定全国性的体育基本公共服务均等化战 略规划、改革完善公共服务财政制度、建立政府基本体育公共服 效评价体系、建立基本体育 公共服务的多元参与机制、建立健全基本体育公共服 法律体系。 关 键 词:体育社会学;体育公共服务;体育权利 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2012)02-0001-10 中图分类号:G80-05
    A study of sports public services in China
    YI Jian-dong
    (Jiangxi Univesity of Finance & Economics,Nanchang 330013,China) Abstract: Under the background of economic transition, social transformation, cultural conversion and governmental public service function intensification in China, the provision of sports public services in China is importantly urgent and realistic. Today, sports public services in china have such problems as insufficient total volume, unbalanced structure, undiversified provision mode, unsmooth running mechanism etc., so we should stick to the principle of “guided by the government, configured based on the market, participated in by organizations, benefited by the public”. Sports public services in China can be divided based on such 4 areas as social sports, competitive sports, sports cultures and sports industries, coupled with administrative services, social services and business services, provided by comprehensively applying such modes as governmental services, intergovernmental agreements, contracts, franchised businesses, allowances (subsidies) etc. Sports public services in China will show such development trends as becoming legalized, market orientated, democratized, open and diversified, to which we should make the following wise responses: work out a strategic plan for the equalization of basic sports public services nationwide; reform and perfect the financial system of public services; build a government basic sports public service performance evaluation system; establish a mechanism of multiparty participation in basic sports public services; set up a complete legal system for basic sports public services. Key words: sports sociology;sports public service;sports right


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